158 research outputs found

    Low cost options of carbon sources, gelling agents and supporting materials used for micropropagation of shoot tips of banana cultivar Grand Nain

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    The high cost of materials used for media preparation is chiefly constituted by gelling agents and sucrose. The objective of this study was to develop efficient micropropagation techniques for the newly released banana cultivar Grand Nain at a low cost by testing different alternatives of carbon sources (sucrose),gelling agents and supporting materials. Three experiments were conducted to test different carbon sources, gelling agents and support matrices.  In the first experiment, different carbon sources were tested. These included the refined imported sugar special for tissue culture from Sigma Company, Kenana (refined local sugar), Alguneid (brown local sugar) and beet crystal imported sugar from the local market. Results showed that all sources of sucrose resulted in the highest number of explants with shoots, however, Alguneid sugar induced significantly higher number of shoots per explants. There was 99.4% reduction in the medium cost compared to the standard medium of Sigma sugar. The second experiment was conducted to test different gelling agents such as corn starch at 50.0g/l plus agar at 3.0 and 4.0 g/l, corn starch at 50.0g/l plus phytagel at 1.25 and 1.5 g/l, respectively. Phytagel at 2.5 g/l and agar at 9 g/l were used as control. Gelling agents did not differ in the percentage of explants with shoots. However, corn starch at 50.0g/l and phytagel at 1.5 g/l resulted in the highest number of shoots which reduced the medium cost by 30.7%. In the third experiment, different supporting materials were used as low cost options including stone matrices, glass beads, cotton fiber and filter paper. Rock stones were the best supporting material in liquid medium for propagation of banana cv. Grand Nain. It resulted in significantly higher percentage of explants with shoots, number of shoots per explant and plant height.   ارتفاع كلفة الزراعة النسيجية النباتية هو السبب في عدم تطبيقها علي نطاق واسع. إن تكلفة المواد الجيلاتينية (الآجار والفايتاجل) والسكر تمثل أكبر تكلفة بين العناصر المكونة للوسط الغذائي. الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو تطوير خيارات اقتصادية لتقنية زراعة الأنسجة للإكثار الدقيق للموز الصنف قراند نين المجاز حديثاً وذلك باختبار بدائل للسكر والمواد الجلاتينية وايجاد مواد داعمة للزراعات النسيجية في الأوساط الغذائية السائلة. أجريت الاختبارات في هذه الدراسة بإستخدام النظام العشوائي الكامل في خمس مكررات وأربع قمم نامية في كل مكرر. تم تنفيذ ثلاث تجارب بهدف خفض تكلفة الاكثار الدقيق للموز الصنف قراندنين. فى التجربة الأولى تم اختبار أربعة مصادر الكربون وهى: سيقما (سكر نقى مستورد خاص بزراعة الأنسجة من شركة سيقما), كنانة (سكر نقى منتج محلياً من شركة سكر كنانة), الجنيد   ( سكر بنى منتج محلياً من مصنع الجنيد) والبنجر( سكر بلورى مستورد). لا توجد فروقات معنوية بين أنواع السكر التي تم اختبارها في النسبة المئوية للقمم النامية للموز التي تم تحفيز نموات جديدة منها وعدد النموات الجديدة (السيقان)، لكن عدد السيقان النامية من كل قمة نامية علي سكر الجنيد أعلي معنويا من أنواع السكر الأخرى. باستخدام هذه البدائل تم تخفيض 99.4% من تكلفة السكر في الوسط الغذائي. أجريت التجربة الثانية لاختبار مواد جلاتينية مختلفة وهى: 50.0 جرام/لتر من نشا الذرة الشامية مع3.0  جرام/لتر و4.0 جرام/لتر اجار,50.0 جرام/لتر من النشأ مع1.25  جرام/لتر و1.5 جرام/لتر فايتاجل, 2.5 جرام/لتر فايتاجل و9 جرام/لتر اجار كشواهد. أوضحت النتائج أن الاحلال الجزئي للمواد الجلاتينية (الفايتاجل والاجار) بمقدار 50.0 جرام/لتر من نشا الذرة الشامية يمكن استخدامه للإكثار الدقيق للموز صنف قراندنين، حيث لا توجد فروقات معنوية بين كل المعاملات في النسبة المئوية لأجزاء الموز التي تم تحفيز نموات جديدة منها وعدد السيقان مع تخفيض 40.7-30.7 %و65.8-54.7 % في كلفة الآجار والفايتاجل علي التوالي. فى التجربة الثالثة تمت زراعة القمم النامية فى وسط غذائي سائل باستخدام دعامات مختلفة وهى: مصفوفات من الحصى, البلى, ألياف قطنية و أوراق الترشيح. أثبتت النتائج أن مصفوفات الحصى هى أفضل الدعامات المختبرة فى الوسط الغذائي السائل.   &nbsp

    Моделювання динамічних силових характеристик плунжерних токарних патронів з компенсаторами відцентрових сил

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    Efficient energy transfer was demonstrated in the SrF2:Eu2+, Pr3+ phosphor synthesized by the co-precipitation method. Results obtained with X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), x-ray spectroscopy (XPS), photoluminescence (PL) and decay curves proposed the UV-Vis energy transfer process. The energy transfer process between the Eu2+ and Pr3+ ions in SrF2 was investigated to evaluate the potential of the Eu2+ ion as a sensitizer for the Pr3+ ion. The results proposed that Eu2+ could be a good sensitizer for absorbing the UV photons and efficiently enhancing the Pr3+ emission intensity. The energy transfer process was effective until concentration quenching for the Pr3+ ions occurred. The concentration quenching was attributed to cross-relaxation between the Pr3+ ions. (C) 2016 Author(s).Funding Agencies|South African Research Chairs Initiative of the Department of Science and Technology; National Research Foundation of South Africa; National Research Foundation (NRF); Cluster program of the University of the Free State</p

    Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Moringa Oleifera Leaf Extracts Against Pathogenic Bacteria Isolated From Urinary Tract Infected Patients

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    Antibiotic resistance has increased substantially in recent years and is posing an ever-increasing therapeutic problem. One of the methods to reduce the resistance to antibiotics is by using antibiotic resistance inhibitors from plants. The aim of this study is to evaluate the antibacterial properties of aqueous, petroleum ether and methanolic leaf extracts of Moringa oleifera plant against pathogenic bacteria isolated from urinary tract infected patients and five standard strains of American type culture collection. The antibacterial activity of Moringa oleifera leaf extracts was determined in vitro, using Cup plate method, and compared with sensitivity testing of some antibiotic agents using disc diffusion method. The results obtained showed that all concentration of methanolic extracts of Moringa oleifera had high inhibitory effects on S. aureus ATCC25923, K. pneumoniae ATCC35637 standard strains and the S. aureus, S. saprophyticus and E.coli isolated from UTI. The three concentration of water extract had inhibitory effects only on Proteus vulgaris NCTC8196 strain. The petroleum ether extracts showed no inhibitory activity on any organism. These results were compared with standard antibiotics Amikacin, Ciprofloxacin, and Norfloxacin which showed moderate sensitivity against S. aureus and Amikacin was completely resistant to K. pneumoniae isolated from UTI. These results provide valuable information that Moringa oleifera hold great promise as highly effective antibacterial agents

    The level of Ischemic Modified Albumin (IMA) as risk marker for Cardio Vascular Disease (CVD) among some diabetic patients (type II) in Khartoum State-Sudan

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    Background: Recent literature reports show large interest in ischemic modified albumin (IMA) biochemical marker for detection of myocardial injury. Special attention is focused in estimation of IMA test for the diagnosis and evaluation of myocardial ischemia as well as others acute coronary syndrome in emergencypatients.Objective: evaluation of ischemia-modified albumin (IMA) in well controlled and uncontrolled patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and estimation of its connection with cardiovascular disease.Measurement the levelof IMA as risk marker for cardio vascular disease (CVD) in diabetic patients that arrived to emergency department with signs and symptoms of CVD.Methodology: 140 subjects enrolled in this study ,70 diabetes mellitus patients with signs and symptoms of CVD, and other 70 apparently non diabetic healthy subjects’ as controls, , the levels of biomarker IMA was measured as the risk marker of CVDin controlled and uncontrolled diabeticpatients with type2,the Diagnostic potential was evaluated by receiver operating characteristic analysis and their relationships were analyzed. This study was done in Shab Hospital, Khartoum. Period from 1st of February 2015 to October 2015.Results: The results showed that CVD were predominant among diabetic female 57 % and peaked at age 75.5 years among 40-75 year old. The IMA was significantly increase in diabetic patients when compare with normal healthy group with cut off value ( 0.97 IU/L ), and there is also significantly increase in IMA level in uncontrolled diabetic patients (Mean ± SD; 14.70 + 10.66) that presented with acute chest pain and havea signs and symptoms of cardiac ischemia when compared with the wellcontrolled diabetic patients (Mean ± SD; 3.74 ± 3.68). controlled and uncontrolled diabetic patients were determined by the level of their HBA1c and comparison with the means of IMA level in their serum.Conclusions: increase IMA level in poor control and long stand diabetic patients could help to identify the higher risk for develop to CVD, and The most common complication such as suffering from local or systemic hypoxic conditions, as acute ischemic stroke, peripheral vascular disease.Keywords: Ischemia, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, Ischemic Modified Albumi

    The Level of Ischemic Modified Albumin (IMA) as Risk Marker for Cardio Vascular D isease (CVD) among some diabetic patients (type II) in Khartoum state -Sudan

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    Background. Recent literature reports show large interest in ischemic modified albumin (IMA) biochemical marker for detection of myocardial injury. Special attention is focused in estimation of IMA test for the diagnosis and evaluation of myocardial ischemia as well as others acute coronary syndrome in emergency patients.Objective : evaluation of ischemia-modified albumin (IMA) in well controlled and uncontrolled patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and estimation of its connection with cardiovascular disease.Measurement thelevelof IMA asrisk marker forcardio vascular disease (CVD) in diabetic patients that arrivedtoemergency department with signs and symptoms of CVD.Methodology. 140 subjects enrolled in thisstudy ,70 diabetes mellitus patients with signs and symptoms of CVD, and other 70 apparently non diabetic healthy subjects' as controls, , the levels of biomarker IMA was measured as the risk marker ofCVDin controlled and uncontrolleddiabeticpatients with type2,the Diagnostic potential was evaluated by receiver operating characteristic analysis and their relationships were analyzed. This study was donein Shab Hospital, Khartoum.Period from 1st of February 2015 to October 2015.Results: The results showed that CVD were predominant among diabetic female 57 % and peaked at age 75.5 years among 40-75 year old. The IMA was significantly increase in diabetic patients when compare with normal healthy group with cut off value ( 0.97 IU/L ), and there is also significantly increase in IMA level in uncontrolled diabetic patients (Mean ± SD; 14.70 + 10.66) that presented with acute chest pain and havea signs and symptoms of cardiac ischemia when compared with the well-controlled diabetic patients(Mean ± SD; 3.74 + 3.68). controlled and uncontrolled diabetic patients were determined by the level of their HBA1c and comparison with the means of IMA level in their serum.Conclusions: increase IMA level in poor control and long stand diabetic patients could help to identify the higher risk for develop to CVD, and The most common complication such as suffering from local or systemic hypoxic conditions, as acute ischemic stroke, peripheral vascular disease.Keywords: Ischemia, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, Ischemic Modified Albumi


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    The impact of fertilizer on chemical analysis, amino acid and fatty acid composition of soybean (Glycine max L merril) Sudanese local genotype was studied. A field experiment was conducted for two consecutive seasons (2009-2010 and 2010-2011) on the demonstration farm of the College of Agricultural studies, Sudan University of Science and Technology at Shambat. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with four replicates. The fertilizer treatments consisted of three types: Urea (180 kg/ha), NP (361kg/ha), compost (1904.76 kg/ha) and then control. The results showed that fertilizer treatments had no significant difference in proximate analysis of soybean seeds except in fibber. In fatty acid, control and nitrogen treatments gave the highest percentage of palmitic acid. NP and compost gave highest effect in linoleic acid and compost gave highest effect in polyunsaturated fatty acids. As general compost treatment gave the lowest effect in all amino acids and the highest effect in minerals. Control gave the highest effect in all amino acids. The application of nitrogen, NP and compost fertilizers for soybean significantly increased number of seeds/plant, weight of seedsplant and seeds yield. The results also showed that urea fertilizer increased protein and ash content, while NP increased oil and carbohydrate contents. Compost increased all the minerals, but there was no effect on fatty and amino acid composition.Istraživano je djelovanje umjetnog gnojiva na kemijsku analizu, sastav amino kiselina i masnih kiselina soje (Glycine max L.merril) lokalnog sudanskog genotipa. Proveden je terenski pokus tijekom dvije uzastopne sezone (2009. – 2010. i 2010. -2011.) na oglednoj farmi Visoke poljoprivredne škole Sudanskog Sveučilišta znanosti i tehnologije u Shambatu. Pokus je postavljen u slučajnom potpunom bloku u četiri ponavljanja. Tretmani s umjetnim gnojivom sastojali su se od tri tipa: Urea (180 kg/ha), NP (361 kg/ha) i kompost (1904,76 kg/ha) te kontrola. Rezultati su pokazali da se tretiranje umjetnim gnojivom nije značajno razlikovalo u neposrednoj analizi sjemena soje osim u vlaknu. U masnoj kiselini, kontroli i tretmanu s dušikom dobiven je najviši postotak palminske kiseline. NP i kompost imali su najveći učinak u polunezasićenim masnim kiselinama. Općenito, tretman s kompostom imao je najslabiji učinak u svim aminokiselinama, a najviši učinak u mineralima. Kontrola je pokazala najviši učinak u svim aminokiselinama. Primjena dušika, NP i komposta značajno je povećala broj sjemenki po biljci, težinu sjemenki po biljci i prinos sjemena. Rezultati su također pokazali da je urea kao gnojivo povećala sadržaj dušika i pepela dok je NP povećao sadržaj ulja i ugljikohidrata. Kompost je povećao sve minerale ali nije djelovao na sastav amino i masnih kiselina

    Thyroid disorders, epidemiology and outcome among patients in South Western region: Southern Saudi Arabia

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    Background: Thyroid gland may have a group of a medical condition that affects its main function. The thyroid gland is located at the front of the neck and produces thyroid hormones. The released hormones go through the blood to many body organs for regulating their function, meaning that it is an endocrine organ. These hormones normally act in the body to regulate energy use, infant development, and childhood development. The study aimed to assess the epidemiology of thyroid disorders among cases in the south-western region, Saudi Arabia, and to assess the reporting quality for these cases data.Methods: A retrospective record based descriptive approach was used through reviewing medical records of all cases that were admitted and diagnosed as thyroid related disorders for different indications in the main hospital (king Khalid Hospital) during the period from January 2018 to January 2020. Data extracted throng pre-structured questionnaire including patient's bio-clinical data, preoperative radiological and laboratory investigations. Also, laryngoscope pre and post operatively was reviewed to record findings.Results: The study included 405 cases with thyroid disorders whose ages ranged from 15 to 71 years old with a mean age of 30.5±10.6 years. Females were 82.7% of the included cases, and 83.8% were Saudi. Thyroid related symptoms were recorded for 1-2 years among 58.1% of the cases and for more than 5 years among 15.8%. Thyroid enlargement was recorded for 73.1% of the cases. The multinodular enlargement was recorded for 53.5% of the cases followed with diffuse thyroid enlargement (27.3%). Regarding the type of surgery undergone, total thyroidectomy was the most recorded followed with lobectomy.Conclusions: The study revealed that the majority of the cases were females at middle age presented with benign lesions with Euthyroid status. The most important conclusion was the significant remarkable underreporting of the different clinical data for the cases with many missing items

    Effect of Simulated Drought and Rainfall Fluctuation on Seedling Growth of Two Savannah Trees Species in Sudan: An Experimental Exploration = Szimulált aszály és csapadék ingadozás hatása két szavannai fafaj csemetéinek növekedésére Szudánban: egy kísérleti felfedezés

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    Climate change scenarios project that several regions, especially in dryland areas of sub-Saharan Africa, will undergo increasing aridity and, subsequently, expanding land degradation. The study aims to investigate the effect of two drying treatments on establishing and growing Hashab (Acacia senegal) and Boabab (Adansonia digitata) in nursery conditions. Through a 2×2 factorial experiment, seedlings grown in a mixture of silt and sand soil (2:3) were treated by irrigation intervals of one or two liters every three days for 14 weeks to simulate rainfall fluctuation patterns. Seedling germination rate, leaf number, stem height, and diameter were measured weekly; taproot length, shoot, and root dry weights were also assessed. The results showed that neither drying treatment significantly affected A. senegal and A. digitata seedling growth parameters. However, an interaction effect was found in the height and diameter for A. senegal and shoot dry weight for A. digitata. The study concluded that A. senegal and A. digitata seem tolerant to drying treatment. Therefore, the two species are recommended for afforestation programs in areas with relatively harsher conditions. Also, exposing the seedlings of these studied species to similar, extended periods of simulated drought (e.g., 6 – 12 months) is recommended for future studies. Az éghajlatváltozási forgatókönyvek szerint több régió, különösen a száraz területek a szubszaharai Afrikában, egyre szárazabbá válnak és ennek következtében a talajdegradáció is terjedni fog. A tanulmány célja a Hashab (Acacia senegal) és a Boabab (Adansonia digitata) két szárítási kezelésnek a csemetekerti körülmények közötti kialakulására és növekedésére gyakorolt hatásának vizsgálata. Egy 2×2 faktoriális kísérleten keresztül, amelyben magoncokat neveltünk homokos és iszapos talajkeverékben (2:3) öntözési intervallumokkal, amelyek 1 vagy 2 literes vízmennyiségeket kaptak minden 3. napon 14 hétig, hogy szimuláljuk a csapadékingadozásokat. A magoncok csírázási aránya, a levél- és a szár magassága, valamint átmérőjük hetente mérve lett, majd a hosszú gyökér, a hajtás és a gyökér száraz tömegeit értékeltük ki. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy egyik szárítási kezelés sem volt hatással az A. senegal és az A. digitata magoncok növekedési paramétereire. Azonban interakciós hatást találtunk az A. senegal magasságára és átmérőjére, valamint az A. digitata hajtás száraz tömegére. A tanulmány arra a következtetésre jutott, hogy mind az A. senegal, mind az A. digitata toleránsnak tűnik a szárítási kezeléssel szemben, ezért mindkét faj ajánlható az erdősítési programokhoz olyan területeken, ahol viszonylag szélsőségesebbek a körülmények. A jövőbeni vizsgálatok során érdemes volna a vizsgált fajok csemetéit hosszabb ideig (pl. 6-12 hónap) szimulált aszálynak kitenni

    Evaluation of diffusion parameters and phase formation between tungsten films and glassy carbon

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    Thin films of tungsten (W) were deposited on glassy carbon (C) substrates using a magnetron sputtering system. The as-deposited samples were annealed isothermally under vacuum at temperatures ranging from 673 to 1273 K. The structural changes due to thermal annealing were monitored by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) and grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD). RUMP software was used to simulate the RBS spectra. The thickness of W thin films deposited, atomic composition of deposited layer and the intermixed layer growth were deduced from the RUMP simulation results. The GIXRD analysis showed that carbide formation was first observed at annealing temperature of 1173 K. The kinetics of the solid-state interaction was found to be diffusion controlled at the interface between W and C. The activation energy for the diffusion of C in W was estimated as 2.23 eV. The XRD results showed that the average crystallite size of the as-deposited W film was 9.77 nm. It increased with annealing temperature up to 18.05 nm at 1173 K. The first carbide phase observed was W2C in the sample annealed at 1173 K, while WC was the dominant carbide phase at 1273 K. The stability of W/C system under heat treatments below 1073 K suggests that this system has a promising application for long-term structural integrity of dry cask storage devices.http://www.journals.elsevier.com/vacuumhj2021Physic