782 research outputs found

    Twitter, partisan use and institutional use: Comparative analysis between the profiles of Moncloa, Madrid City Council and their ruling parties

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    This paper seeks to compare and analyse the differences in the use of Twitter that, Partido Popular, as a traditional political party, and Ahora Madrid, as a new political party, make of the institutional channels for the public institutions that they administer. In addition, the present study analyses three different periods in the electoral process: the pre-campaign, campaign and post-campaign during the Spanish general elections of December 20th, 2015 in order to see if the election periods caused changes in their communications on Twitter. The sample consists of four cases divided into two groups for content analysis. On one hand, the Government’s Twitter profile (@desdelamoncloa) and of its ruling party, Partido Popular (@ppopular), comprise the old political group, while the Madrid City Council (@Madrid) and its ruling party, Ahora Madrid (@AhoraMadrid), are integrated into the new political group. Additionally, word clouds provide a visual representation of the main terms used by each group. The study results show which group uses and better leverages Twitter’s potential, in that Partido Popular and Moncloa have clearer differences between party and institutional channels, while Ahora Madrid and the Madrid City Council do not seem to be as clear about the difference between the two concepts and use the party channel as the city council channel. However, the results demonstrate that the new political profile leverages Twitter’s potential more.El presente trabajo analiza las diferencias de uso de Twitter por parte de dos partidos políticos españoles, Partido Popular, como partido tradicional, y Ahora Madrid, como nuevo partido, así como la utilización de los canales institucionales de los entes públicos que estos partidos presiden a nivel nacional y local, respectivamente. Los resultados muestran usos y aprovechamientos diferentes de las potencialidades de Twitter. El estudio se realizó en tres periodos electorales diferenciados: precampaña, campaña y post-campaña de las elecciones generales del 20 de diciembre de 2015, para examinar también cambios de comportamiento en la comunicación en Twitter en el periodo electoral. La muestra consta de cuatro casos divididos en dos grupos para el análisis de contenido. Por un lado, el perfil en Twitter del Gobierno (@desdelamoncloa) y el del partido gobernante, el Partido Popular (@ppopular) constituyen el grupo de la vieja política. Por otro lado, el Ayuntamiento de Madrid (@madrid) y su partido gobernante, Ahora Madrid (@AhoraMadrid), se integran dentro del grupo de nueva política. Además, unas nubes de palabras presentarán visualmente las principales ideas enviadas por los perfiles. Los resultados indican que Partido Popular y Moncloa mantuvieron un uso diferenciado entre los canales de partido y los institucionales, mientras que en el caso de Ahora Madrid y el Ayuntamiento de Madrid se constataron usos concluyentes y no diferenciados entre el canal del partido y el institucional. Además, se observa que los perfiles de la nueva política aprovechan más las potencialidades de Twitter

    Influence of two dietary fibers in the oral bioavailability and other pharmacokinetic parameters of ethinyloestradiol

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    P. 253-257Dietary fibers are widely used in hypoglycaemic, hypolipidemic, slimming diets. It is probable that their ingestion coincides with the oral administration of drugs and a modification of their pharmacokinetics can appear. In the present study, the influence of two soluble fibers (guar gum and psyllium) was evaluated on the pharmacokinetics of ethinyloestradiol (EE) when they were administered together to female rabbits via the oral route. Three groups of rabbits were used. All animals received 1 mg/kg of EE; this compound was administered alone in the control group and with 3.5 g of guar gum or psyllium in the other two groups. When guar gum was administered, there was a decrease in the extent of EE absorbed, but no change was observed in the rate of absorption. When psyllium was administered, the extent of EE absorbed increased slightly and the rate of absorption was slower.S

    Stress compensation by gap monolayers for stacked InAs/GaAs quantum dots solar cells

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    In this work we report the stacking of 10 and 50 InAs quantum dots layers using 2 monolayers of GaP for stress compensation and a stack period of 18 nm on GaAs (001) substrates. Very good structural and optical quality is found in both samples. Vertical alignment of the dots is observed by transmission electron microscopy suggesting the existence of residual stress around them. Photocurrent measurements show light absorption up to 1.2 μm in the nanostructures together with a reduction in the blue response of the device. As a result of the phosphorus incorporation in the barriers, a very high thermal activation energy (431 meV) has also been obtained for the quantum dot emission

    Exploring the Different Degrees of Magnetic Disorder in TbxR1−xCu2 Nanoparticle Alloys

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    Recently, potential technological interest has been revealed for the production of magnetocaloric alloys using Rare-Earth intermetallics. In this work, three series of TbxR1−xCu2 (R ≡ Gd, La, Y) alloys have been produced in bulk and nanoparticle sizes via arc melting and high energy ball milling. Rietveld refinements of the X-ray and Neutron diffraction patterns indicate that the crystalline structure in all alloys is consistent with TbCu2 orthorhombic Imma bulk crystalline structure. The analyses of the DC-magnetisation (MDC) and AC-susceptibility (χAC) show that three distinct degrees of disorder have been achieved by the combination of both the Tb3+ replacement (dilution) and the nanoscaling. These disordered states are characterised by transitions which are evident to MDC, χAC and specific heat. There exists an evolution from the most ordered Superantiferromagnetic arrangement of the Tb0.5La0.5Cu2 NPs with Néel temperature, TN∼ 27 K, and freezing temperature, Tf∼ 7 K, to the less ordered weakly interacting Superparamagnetism of the Tb0.1Y0.9Cu2 nanoparticles (TN absent, and TB∼ 3 K). The Super Spin Glass Tb0.5Gd0.5Cu2 nanoparticles (TN absent, and Tf∼ 20 K) are considered an intermediate disposition in between those two extremes, according to their enhanced random-bond contribution to frustration.This work has been supported by the Spanish MAT2017-83631-C3-R grant. E.M.J.’s work was supported by “Beca de Colaboración”, BDNS: 311327 granted by Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte and “Beca Concepción Arenal” BDNS: 406333 granted by the Gobierno de Cantabria and the Universidad de Cantabria. MRF work was supported by FPI (BES-2012-058722)

    Modifying the magnetic response of magnetotactic bacteria: incorporation of Gd and Tb ions into the magnetosome structure

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    Magnetotactic bacteria Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense MSR-1 biosynthesise chains of cube-octahedral magnetosomes, which are 40 nm magnetite high quality (Fe3O4) nanoparticles. The magnetic properties of these crystalline magnetite nanoparticles, which can be modified by the addition of other elements into the magnetosome structure (doping), are of prime interest in a plethora of applications, those related to cancer therapy being some of the most promising ones. Although previous studies have focused on transition metal elements, rare earth (RE) elements are very interesting as doping agents, both from a fundamental point of view (e.g. significant differences in ionic sizes) and for the potential applications, especially in biomedicine (e.g. magnetic resonance imaging and luminescence). In this work, we have investigated the impact of Gd and Tb on the magnetic properties of magnetosomes by using different complementary techniques. X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy analyses have revealed that a small amount of RE ions, similar to 3-4%, incorporate into the Fe3O4 structure as Gd3+ and Tb3+ ions. The experimental magnetic characterisation has shown a clear Verwey transition for the RE-doped bacteria, located at T similar to 100 K, which is slightly below the one corresponding to the undoped ones (106 K). However, we report a decrease in the coercivity and remanence of the RE-doped bacteria. Simulations based on the Stoner-Wohlfarth model have allowed us to associate these changes in the magnetic response with a reduction of the magnetocrystalline (K-C) and, especially, the uniaxial (K-uni) anisotropies below the Verwey transition. In this way, K-uni reaches a value of 23 and 26 kJ m(-3) for the Gd- and Tb-doped bacteria, respectively, whilst a value of 37 kJ m(-3) is obtained for the undoped bacteria.This work was supported in part by the Spanish MCIN/AEI under Projects MAT2017-83631-C3-R and PID2020-115704RB-C33. The work of Elizabeth M. Jefremovas was supported by the "Concepci ' on Arenal Grant" awarded by Gobierno de Cantabria and Universidad de Cantabria. The work of Lourdes Marcano was supported by the Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Basque Government under Grant POS-2019-2-0017. The authors would like to thank "Nanotechnology in translational hyperthermia" (HIPERNANO)-RED2018-102626-T. We thank the ALBA (CLAESS beamline) synchrotron radiation facilities and staff for the allocation of beamtime and assistance during the experiments

    Análisis de la imagen urbana de la ciudad de Granada. Hitos y nodos a través de su historia

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    [ES] Sin resumenDelgado Olmos, ÁH.; Fernández Torres, FJ.; Márquez García, ML.; Ramírez Márquez, V. (2007). Análisis de la imagen urbana de la ciudad de Granada. Hitos y nodos a través de su historia. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. (12):152-159. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2007.10309SWORD15215912ALÖIS RIEGL, "El culto moderno a los monumentos". Ed. Visor, 1987.ARGAN, GIULIO CARLO ET AL, "El pasado en el presente". Ed. Gustavo Gili S.A, Barcelona, 1977."Arquitectura Viva"(Revistas); ISSN 0214-1256BARRIOS ROZÚA, J.M. "Reforma Urbana y Destrucción del Patrimonio Histórico en Granada". Ed. Universidad de Granada. 1998.BAZARAA, Mokhtar et alter, "Programación Lineal y Flujo de Redes". Ed. Limusa SA México D.F. 1998.BENÉVOLO, LEONARDO," Historia de la Arquitectura Moderna." Ed. Gustavo Gili S. A, Barcelona, 1974.Callejero de Granada.CASTILLO BRAZALES, J. & ORIHUELA UZAL, A. En busca de la Granada Andalusí". Ed. Comares, 2002.CASTILLO, Miguel Ángel; Renacimiento y Manierismo en España". Tomo 28 de Historia del Arte. Madrid (España): Editorial Grupo 16, 1989.M.32.415-1989.CORSBUSIER, LE, "Precisiones respecto a un estado actual de la Arquitectura y del Urbanismo". Ed. Poseidón S.L., Barcelona, 1978.CHARTRAND, G. & OELLERMANN, O.R.,"Applied and Algorithmic Graph Theory" McGraw-Hill, 1993.CHARTRAND. G. &ZHANG, P." lntroduction to Graph Theory". McGraw-Hill, 2005.EGA, "Revista de expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica" nº 5. ISSN 1133-6137, D L.NA1524/99 Pamplona 1999.GROSS, J.& YELLEN, J, "Graph Theory and its Applications". CRC Press, 1999HERNÁNDEZ, G. "Grafos: Teoría y Algoritmos". Servicio de Publicaciones, Facultad de Informática, UPM, 2003KEVIN LYNCH, "la Imagen de la Ciudad". Ed. Gustavo Gili 2001.MADERUELO, JAVIER,"El espacio raptado" Mondadori España S. A. Madrid, 1990.ROMERO LÓPEZ, C., "Técnicas de Programación y Control de Proyectos" Ed. Pirámide, Madrid 2002.TRACHTENBERG, Marvin; Hyman, lsabelle; "Arquitectura. de la Prehistoria a la Posmodernidad". Madrid (España) Editorial Akal, 1990. ISBN: 84-7600-628

    Targeting inflammasome by the inhibition of caspase-1 activity using capped mesoporous silica nanoparticles

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    [EN] Acute inflammation is a protective response of the body to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens or damaged cells. However, dysregulated inflammation can cause secondary damage and could thus contribute to the pathophysiology of many diseases. Inflammasomes, the macromolecular complexes responsible for caspase-1 activation, have emerged as key regulators of immune and inflammatory responses. Therefore, modulation of inflammasome activity has become an important therapeutic approach. Here we describe the design of a smart nanodevice that takes advantage of the passive targeting of nanoparticles to macrophages and enhances the therapeutic effect of caspase-1 inhibitor VX-765 in vivo. The functional hybrid systems consisted of MCM-41-based nanoparticles loaded with anti-inflammatory drug VX-765 (S2-P) and capped with poly-L-lysine, which acts as a molecular gate. S2-P activity has been evaluated in cellular and in vivo models of inflammation. The results indicated the potential advantage of using nanodevices to treat inflammatory diseases. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.The authors wish to express their gratitude to the Spanish government (Projects MAT2015-64139-C4-1-R and SAF2014-52614-R (MINECO/FEDER)) and the Generalitat Valencia (Projects PROMETEOII/2014/061 and PROMETEOII/2014/047) for support. A.G-F. is grateful to the Spanish government for an FPU grant.García-Fernández, A.; García-Laínez, G.; Ferrandiz Manglano, ML.; Aznar, E.; Sancenón Galarza, F.; Alcaraz, MJ.; Murguía, JR.... (2017). Targeting inflammasome by the inhibition of caspase-1 activity using capped mesoporous silica nanoparticles. Journal of Controlled Release. 248:60-70. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jconrel.2017.01.002S607024

    Dendronized Anionic Gold Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Characterization and Antiviral Activity

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    Anionic carbosilane dendrons decorated with sulfonate functions and with a thiol moiety at the focal point have been used to synthesize water soluble gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) by direct reaction of dendrons, gold precursor and reducing agent in water and also by place-exchange reaction. These nanoparticles have been characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), UV, elemental analysis, and Z potential. Also, the interacting ability of the anionic sulfonate functions was investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) using copper(II) as a probe. It was found that the different structures and conformations of the AuNPs modulate the availability of sulfonate and thiol groups to be complexed by copper(II). Toxicity assays of AuNPs showed that those produced by direct reaction were less toxic than those obtained by ligand exchange. Inhibition of HIV-1 infection was higher for dendronized AuNPs than for dendrons.Ministerio de Economía y EmpresaComunidad de MadridUniversidad de Alcal

    Epigallocatechin-3-gallate PEGylated poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid nanoparticles mitigate striatal pathology and motor deficits in 3-nitropropionic acid intoxicated mice

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    Huntington's disease (HD) is a debilitating neurodegenerative disease that affects around 5-10/100,000 individuals in developed countries. It is caused by genetic alterations in the huntingtin (htt) gene. Efforts are being made to find treatments which will correct the genetic alterations or their pathophysiological consequences associated with HD,3 however none of these options are yet available to patients. Thus, therapies that address and ameliorate the symptomatology of HD, which include motor dysfunction and a wide range of behavioural disturbances, are also needed. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is a powerful compound extracted from the green tea plant that may possess beneficial effects for HD patients, but whose therapeutic success is limited because of its chemical instability. Here, we show that protective encapsulation of EGCG rendered it much more efficient in attenuating motor deficits and depression-like behaviour in a mice model of HD-like neurodegeneration. Importantly, behavioural improvement was also associated with a reduction of neuronal damage. These results, together with our previous findings using nanoparticle-encapsulated EGCG in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease and epilepsy, highlight their potential effectiveness for symptomatic treatment of neurodegenerative diseases