30 research outputs found

    Rigidity of broken geodesic flow and inverse problems

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    Consider broken geodesics alpha([0, 1]) on a compact Riemannian manifold (M, g) with boundary of dimension n >= 3. The broken geodesics are unions of two geodesics with the property that they have a common end point. Assume that for every broken geodesic alpha([0, 1]) starting at and ending to the boundary partial derivative M we know the starting point and direction (alpha(0), alpha'(0)), the end point and direction (alpha(1), alpha'(1)), and the length 1. We show that this data determines uniquely, up to an isometry, the manifold (M, g). This result has applications in inverse problems on very heterogeneous media for situations where there are many scattering points in the medium, and arises in several applications including geophysics and medical imaging. As an example we consider the inverse problem for the radiative transfer equation (or the linear transport equation) with a nonconstant wave speed. Assuming that the scattering kernel is everywhere positive, we show that the boundary measurements determine the wave speed inside the domain up to an isometry

    Inverse problem for wave equation with sources and observations on disjoint sets

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    We consider an inverse problem for a hyperbolic partial differential equation on a compact Riemannian manifold. Assuming that Γ1\Gamma_1 and Γ2\Gamma_2 are two disjoint open subsets of the boundary of the manifold we define the restricted Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator ΛΓ1,Γ2\Lambda_{\Gamma_1,\Gamma_2}. This operator corresponds the boundary measurements when we have smooth sources supported on Γ1\Gamma_1 and the fields produced by these sources are observed on Γ2\Gamma_2. We show that when Γ1\Gamma_1 and Γ2\Gamma_2 are disjoint but their closures intersect at least at one point, then the restricted Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator ΛΓ1,Γ2\Lambda_{\Gamma_1,\Gamma_2} determines the Riemannian manifold and the metric on it up to an isometry. In the Euclidian space, the result yields that an anisotropic wave speed inside a compact body is determined, up to a natural coordinate transformations, by measurements on the boundary of the body even when wave sources are kept away from receivers. Moreover, we show that if we have three arbitrary non-empty open subsets Γ1,Γ2\Gamma_1,\Gamma_2, and Γ3\Gamma_3 of the boundary, then the restricted Dirichlet-to-Neumann operators ΛΓj,Γk\Lambda_{\Gamma_j,\Gamma_k} for 1≀j<k≀31\leq j<k\leq 3 determine the Riemannian manifold to an isometry. Similar result is proven also for the finite-time boundary measurements when the hyperbolic equation satisfies an exact controllability condition

    Approximate quantum cloaking and almost trapped states

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    We describe families of potentials which act as approximate cloaks for matter waves, i.e., for solutions of the time-independent Schr\"odinger equation at energy EE, with applications to the design of ion traps. These are derived from perfect cloaks for the conductivity and Helmholtz equations, by a procedure we refer to as isotropic transformation optics. If WW is a potential which is surrounded by a sequence {VnE}n=1∞\{V_n^E\}_{n=1}^\infty of approximate cloaks, then for generic EE, asymptotically in nn (i) WW is both undetectable and unaltered by matter waves originating externally to the cloak; and (ii) the combined potential W+VnEW+V_n^E does not perturb waves outside the cloak. On the other hand, for EE near a discrete set of energies, cloaking {\it per se} fails and the approximate cloaks support wave functions concentrated, or {\it almost trapped}, inside the cloaked region and negligible outside. Applications include ion traps, almost invisible to matter waves or customizable to support almost trapped states of arbitrary multiplicity. Possible uses include simulation of abstract quantum systems, magnetically tunable quantum beam switches, and illusions of singular magnetic fields.Comment: Revised, with new figures. Single column forma

    Electromagnetic wormholes via handlebody constructions

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    Cloaking devices are prescriptions of electrostatic, optical or electromagnetic parameter fields (conductivity σ(x)\sigma(x), index of refraction n(x)n(x), or electric permittivity Ï”(x)\epsilon(x) and magnetic permeability ÎŒ(x)\mu(x)) which are piecewise smooth on R3\mathbb R^3 and singular on a hypersurface ÎŁ\Sigma, and such that objects in the region enclosed by ÎŁ\Sigma are not detectable to external observation by waves. Here, we give related constructions of invisible tunnels, which allow electromagnetic waves to pass between possibly distant points, but with only the ends of the tunnels visible to electromagnetic imaging. Effectively, these change the topology of space with respect to solutions of Maxwell's equations, corresponding to attaching a handlebody to R3\mathbb R^3. The resulting devices thus function as electromagnetic wormholes.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures (some color

    Full-wave invisibility of active devices at all frequencies

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    There has recently been considerable interest in the possibility, both theoretical and practical, of invisibility (or "cloaking") from observation by electromagnetic (EM) waves. Here, we prove invisibility, with respect to solutions of the Helmholtz and Maxwell's equations, for several constructions of cloaking devices. Previous results have either been on the level of ray tracing [Le,PSS] or at zero frequency [GLU2,GLU3], but recent numerical [CPSSP] and experimental [SMJCPSS] work has provided evidence for invisibility at frequency k≠0k\ne 0. We give two basic constructions for cloaking a region DD contained in a domain Ω\Omega from measurements of Cauchy data of waves at \p \Omega; we pay particular attention to cloaking not just a passive object, but an active device within DD, interpreted as a collection of sources and sinks or an internal current.Comment: Final revision; to appear in Commun. in Math. Physic

    Uniform stability estimates for the discrete Calderon problems

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    In this article, we focus on the analysis of discrete versions of the Calderon problem in dimension d \geq 3. In particular, our goal is to obtain stability estimates for the discrete Calderon problems that hold uniformly with respect to the discretization parameter. Our approach mimics the one in the continuous setting. Namely, we shall prove discrete Carleman estimates for the discrete Laplace operator. A main difference with the continuous ones is that there, the Carleman parameters cannot be taken arbitrarily large, but should be smaller than some frequency scale depending on the mesh size. Following the by-now classical Complex Geometric Optics (CGO) approach, we can thus derive discrete CGO solutions, but with limited range of parameters. As in the continuous case, we then use these solutions to obtain uniform stability estimates for the discrete Calderon problems.Comment: 38 pages, 2 figure

    Schrodinger's Hat: Electromagnetic, acoustic and quantum amplifiers via transformation optics

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    The advent of transformation optics and metamaterials has made possible devices producing extreme effects on wave propagation. Here we give theoretical designs for devices, Schr\"odinger hats, acting as invisible concentrators of waves. These exist for any wave phenomenon modeled by either the Helmholtz or Schr\"odinger equations, e.g., polarized waves in EM, pressure waves in acoustics and matter waves in QM, and occupy one part of a parameter space continuum of wave-manipulating structures which also contains standard transformation optics based cloaks, resonant cloaks and cloaked sensors. For EM and acoustic Schr\"odinger hats, the resulting centralized wave is a localized excitation. In QM, the result is a new charged quasiparticle, a \emph{quasmon}, which causes conditional probabilistic illusions. We discuss possible solid state implementations.Comment: 36 pages, 3 figure

    Inverse problems with partial data for a magnetic Schr\"odinger operator in an infinite slab and on a bounded domain

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    In this paper we study inverse boundary value problems with partial data for the magnetic Schr\"odinger operator. In the case of an infinite slab in RnR^n, n≄3n\ge 3, we establish that the magnetic field and the electric potential can be determined uniquely, when the Dirichlet and Neumann data are given either on the different boundary hyperplanes of the slab or on the same hyperplane. This is a generalization of the results of [41], obtained for the Schr\"odinger operator without magnetic potentials. In the case of a bounded domain in RnR^n, n≄3n\ge 3, extending the results of [2], we show the unique determination of the magnetic field and electric potential from the Dirichlet and Neumann data, given on two arbitrary open subsets of the boundary, provided that the magnetic and electric potentials are known in a neighborhood of the boundary. Generalizing the results of [31], we also obtain uniqueness results for the magnetic Schr\"odinger operator, when the Dirichlet and Neumann data are known on the same part of the boundary, assuming that the inaccessible part of the boundary is a part of a hyperplane

    Limiting Carleman weights and anisotropic inverse problems

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    In this article we consider the anisotropic Calderon problem and related inverse problems. The approach is based on limiting Carleman weights, introduced in Kenig-Sjoestrand-Uhlmann (Ann. of Math. 2007) in the Euclidean case. We characterize those Riemannian manifolds which admit limiting Carleman weights, and give a complex geometrical optics construction for a class of such manifolds. This is used to prove uniqueness results for anisotropic inverse problems, via the attenuated geodesic X-ray transform. Earlier results in dimension n≄3n \geq 3 were restricted to real-analytic metrics.Comment: 58 page