313 research outputs found

    Etude d'un système de trajectographie Micromegas pour le spectromètre dimuon d'ALICE

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    ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) will be the only LHC (Large Hadron Collider) experiment dedicated to the study of ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions at CERN. Related to the design of this detector at Subatech, an R and D program has been carried out on the ALICE dimuon spectrometer tracking chambers using Micromegas detectors. The first aim of this work was to study the performances of this kind of strip detector and to validate their integration feasibility in the spectrometer tracking system. Simulations of the tracking system have exhibit the necessity of an intrinsic two dimensional localization capability, leading to the development of resistive strips for these detectors. With an Ar/CO2 gas mixture and a gain of 104, laboratory and in-beam tests at PS (CERN) have given an efficiency better than 95 pc and an energy resolution of 20 pc. Perpendicular to the strips, a spatial resolution of 43 μm has been obtained using the charge barycentre reconstruction. Along the strip, the charge division of the avalanche signal at both ends of the resistive strips leads to a linear reconstruction of the impact position. Depending on the signal to noise ratio, 1.1 mm to 500 μm spatial resolutions have been obtained. (author

    Benchmarking GEANT4 nuclear models for hadron therapy with 95 MeV/nucleon carbon ions

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    In carbon-therapy, the interaction of the incoming beam with human tissues may lead to the production of a large amount of nuclear fragments and secondary light particles. An accurate estimation of the biological dose deposited into the tumor and the surrounding healthy tissues thus requires sophisticated simulation tools based on nuclear reaction models. The validity of such models requires intensive comparisons with as many sets of experimental data as possible. Up to now, a rather limited set of double di erential carbon fragmentation cross sections have been measured in the energy range used in hadrontherapy (up to 400 MeV/A). However, new data have been recently obtained at intermediate energy (95 MeV/A). The aim of this work is to compare the reaction models embedded in the GEANT4 Monte Carlo toolkit with these new data. The strengths and weaknesses of each tested model, i.e. G4BinaryLightIonReaction, G4QMDReaction and INCL++, coupled to two di fferent de-excitation models, i.e. the generalized evaporation model and the Fermi break-up are discussed

    Simulation study on light ions identification methods for carbon beams from 95 to 400 MeV/A

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    Monte Carlo simulations have been performed in order to evaluate the efficiencies of several light ions identification techniques. The detection system was composed with layers of scintillating material to measure either the deposited energy or the time-of-flight of ions produced by nuclear reactions between 12C projectiles and a PMMA target. Well known techniques such as (DELTA) E--Range, (DELTA) E--E--ToF and (DELTA)E--E are presented and their particle identification efficiencies are compared one to another regarding the generated charge and mass of the particle to be identified. The simulations allowed to change the beam energy matching the ones proposed in an hadron therapy facility, namely from 95 to 400 MeV/A

    Double di ffential fragmentation cross sections measurements of 95 MeV/u 12C on thin targets for hadrontherapy

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    During therapeutic treatment with heavy ions like carbon, the beam undergoes nuclear fragmentation and secondary light charged particles, in particular protons and alpha particles, are produced. To estimate the dose deposited into the tumors and the surrounding healthy tissues, an accurate prediction on the fluences of these secondary fragments is necessary. Nowadays, a very limited set of double di ffential carbon fragmentation cross sections are being measured in the energy range used in hadrontherapy (40 to 400 MeV/u). Therefore, new measurements are performed to determine the double di ffential cross section of carbon on di erent thin targets. This work describes the experimental results of an experiment performed on May 2011 at GANIL. The double di ffential cross sections and the angular distributions of secondary fragments produced in the 12C fragmentation at 95 MeV/u on thin targets (C, CH2, Al, Al2O3, Ti and PMMA) have been measured. The experimental setup will be precisely described, the systematic error study will be explained and all the experimental data will be presented.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Zero degree measurements of 12C fragmentation at 95 MeV/nucleon on thin targets

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    During therapeutic treatments using ions such as carbon, nuclear interactions between the incident ions and nuclei present in organic tissues may occur, leading to the attenuation of the incident beam intensity and to the production of secondary light charged particles. As the biological dose deposited in the tumor and the surrounding healthy tissues depends on the beam composition, an accurate knowledge of the fragmentation processes is thus essential. In particular, the nuclear interaction models have to be validated using experimental double differential cross sections which are still very scarce. An experiment was realized in 2011 at GANIL to obtain these cross sections for a 95 MeV/nucleon carbon beam on different thin targets for angles raging from 4 to 43{\deg} . In order to complete these data, a new experiment was performed on September 2013 at GANIL to measure the fragmentation cross section at zero degree for a 95 MeV/nucleon carbon beam on thin targets. In this work, the experimental setup will be described, the analysis method detailed and the results presented

    A new scintillating fiber dosimeter using a single optical fiber and a CCD camera

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    Radiotherapy treatments become more and more accurate, using very small irradiation fields and complex dose depositions. So small dosimeters for real time and in vivo dosimetry, suitable for photons as well as for electrons beams are highly desired. In this context, a scintillating fiber dosimeter (SFD) has been developed by the Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire de Caen (LPC Caen), France, in collaboration with one of the French regional center for cancer treatment Centre Regional de lutte contre le cancer F. Baclesse (CRLCC F. Baclesse), Caen, France, and the ELDIM Company, Herouville, France. This plastic dosimeter is water equivalent, and it is suitable for photons as well as for electrons beams without correction. It is a real time dosimeter, with an excellent signal to noise ratio, and a spatial resolution of about a few millimeters. The aim of this study was to reduce the size of the scintillator in order to improve the spatial resolution of this dosimeter. So, a new light collection device has been developed to reduce the length of the scintillator from 1 cm to 1 mm without loss in the signal to noise ratio. The accuracy of this improved prototype has been tested by comparison with standard ionization chambers and the difference between the two devices never exceeded one percent for photon and for electron irradiation beams. A first set of commercial SFD is under completion at ELDIM and it will be soon clinically tested in several French centers for cancer treatment

    Transport and cooling of singly-charged noble gas ion beams

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    The transport and cooling of noble gas singly-charged ion beams by means of a Radio Frequency Quadrupole Cooler Buncher (RFQCB) have been studied at the LIMBE low energy beam line of the GANIL facility. Ions as light as 4He+^{4}He^+ have been cooled and stored before their extraction in bunches using H2H_2 as buffer gas. Bunches characteristics have been studied as a function of the parameters of the device. Sizeable transmissions of up to 10 % have been obtained. A detailed study of the lifetime of ions inside the buncher has been performed giving an estimate of the charge exchange cross-section. Results of a microscopic Monte-Carlo transport code show reasonable agreement with experimental data.Comment: 13 figure

    Paul trapping of radioactive 6He+ions and direct observation of their beta-decay

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    We demonstrate that abundant quantities of short-lived beta unstable ions can be trapped in a novel transparent Paul trap and that their decay products can directly be detected in coincidence. Low energy 6He+ (807 ms half-life) ions were extracted from the SPIRAL source at GANIL, then decelerated, cooled and bunched by means of the buffer gas cooling technique. More than 10^8 ions have been stored over a measuring period of six days and about 10^5 decay coincidences between the beta particles and the 6Li^{++} recoiling ions have been recorded. The technique can be extended to other short-lived species, opening new possibilities for trap assisted decay experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.Let

    Comparison of two analysis methods for nuclear reaction measurements of 12C +12C interactions at 95 MeV/u for hadrontherapy

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    During therapeutic treatment with heavier ions like carbon, the beam undergoes nuclear fragmentation and secondary light charged particles, in particular protons and alpha particles, are produced. To estimate the dose deposited into the tumors and the surrounding healthy tissues, the accuracy must be higher than (±\pm3% and±\pm1 mm). Therefore, measurements are performed to determine the double differential cross section for different reactions. In this paper, the analysis of data from 12C +12C reactions at 95 MeV/u are presented. The emitted particles are detected with \DeltaEthin-\DeltaEthick-E telescopes made of a stack of two silicon detectors and a CsI crystal. Two different methods are used to identify the particles. One is based on graphical cuts onto the \DeltaE-E maps, the second is based on the so-called KaliVeda method using a functional description of \DeltaE versus E. The results of the two methods will be presented in this paper as well as the comparison between both

    Bi-allelic GAD1 variants cause a neonatal onset syndromic developmental and epileptic encephalopathy.

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    Developmental and epileptic encephalopathies are a heterogeneous group of early-onset epilepsy syndromes dramatically impairing neurodevelopment. Modern genomic technologies have revealed a number of monogenic origins and opened the door to therapeutic hopes. Here we describe a new syndromic developmental and epileptic encephalopathy caused by bi-allelic loss-of-function variants in GAD1, as presented by 11 patients from six independent consanguineous families. Seizure onset occurred in the first 2 months of life in all patients. All 10 patients, from whom early disease history was available, presented with seizure onset in the first month of life, mainly consisting of epileptic spasms or myoclonic seizures. Early EEG showed suppression-burst or pattern of burst attenuation or hypsarrhythmia if only recorded in the post-neonatal period. Eight patients had joint contractures and/or pes equinovarus. Seven patients presented a cleft palate and two also had an omphalocele, reproducing the phenotype of the knockout Gad1-/- mouse model. Four patients died before 4 years of age. GAD1 encodes the glutamate decarboxylase enzyme GAD67, a critical actor of the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) metabolism as it catalyses the decarboxylation of glutamic acid to form GABA. Our findings evoke a novel syndrome related to GAD67 deficiency, characterized by the unique association of developmental and epileptic encephalopathies, cleft palate, joint contractures and/or omphalocele