519 research outputs found

    Some notes to extend the study on random non-autonomous second order linear differential equations appearing in Mathematical Modeling

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    The objective of this paper is to complete certain issues from our recent contribution [J. Calatayud, J.-C. Cort\'es, M. Jornet, L. Villafuerte, Random non-autonomous second order linear differential equations: mean square analytic solutions and their statistical properties, Advances in Difference Equations, 2018:392, 1--29 (2018)]. We restate the main theorem therein that deals with the homogeneous case, so that the hypotheses are clearer and also easier to check in applications. Another novelty is that we tackle the non-homogeneous equation with a theorem of existence of mean square analytic solution and a numerical example. We also prove the uniqueness of mean square solution via an habitual Lipschitz condition that extends the classical Picard Theorem to mean square calculus. In this manner, the study on general random non-autonomous second order linear differential equations with analytic data processes is completely resolved. Finally, we relate our exposition based on random power series with polynomial chaos expansions and the random differential transform method, being the latter a reformulation of our random Fr\"obenius method.Comment: 15 pages, 0 figures, 2 table

    Design of Scales to Assess the subjective social value of education for students in primary and secondary school.

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    The devaluation of education, related with multiple socio-economic and psycho-school factors may be influencing decisively on academic results. A target level is observed that the socio-economic and cultural level of families can decide the student performance, however, this international trend shows inconsistent results. In addition, in different studies, we can observe that students from disadvantaged backgrounds statistics exceed expectations in performance, surpassing the expected results depending on their socioeconomic and cultural level; and students should achieve optimal results for their family situation do not get the expected performance. An interpretative hypothesis may be that subjective social value given to education is a factor which explains these results. Such situations could be analyzed at the macro level assessment indicators that identify patterns of social and school projection given to education. Thus, from a framework of systemic research based on an evaluation model aimed at identifying the contributions of education as a means for the development of social cohesion, has worked through expert committees and work groups with 60 teachers (school, high school and college) to assess the adequacy, clarity and absence of bias on a proposed scale on the Subjective Social Value of Education. To analyze factors among students in primary and secondary education to help overcome these situations of inequality and help improve the situation for all students. Suitable results are detected and two scales of 20 items each: primary and secondary are presented. As prospectively the intention is to validate and debug to metric level (Classical Theory of Tests and Item Response Theory) to ensure her quality and application in future researches

    Teachers dimensions and social cohesion: reflections from the evaluation

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    Estamos probablemente en un momento en el que se advierte necesidad y ganas de comprometerse con un cambio sustancial en las formas de estar en el mundo. En el que las voces de la población se comienzan a escuchar reclamando aspectos tales como equidad, derechos para todos, eliminación de la pobreza, eliminación de barreras de inclusión personal y social y, por tanto, exclusión de la exclusión. En este marco, es muy positivo lo que comenzó a generarse en el año 2000, en la cumbre de Lisboa. Se planteó, para la Unión Europea (UE), un objetivo: promover la cohesión social (CS). Y que dicho objetivo fuera el elemento guía de las políticas sociales que deberían ayudar a desarrollar una UE, más armónica y homogénea, en derechos y oportunidades y grados de bienestar, atendiendo que toda la población tuviera acceso equitativo a recursos y derechos y que ello se pudiera mantener a lo largo de todo su desarrollo vital.Nós são, provavelmente, num momento em que adverte a necessidade e o desejo de comprometer-se a uma mudança substancial nas formas de estar no mundo. No qual as vozes das pessoas começam a ouvir alegando aspectos tais como a igualdade e direitos para todos, eliminação da pobreza, eliminação de obstáculos ao pessoal e a inclusão social e a exclusão da exclusão. Neste contexto, é muito positivo que começaram a surgir no ano de 2000, na Cimeira de Lisboa. Ele foi criado, para a União Europeia (UE), um objectivo: promover a coesão social (CS). E que esse objectivo seria elemento guia políticas sociais que devem ajudar a desenvolver um harmonioso e homogéneo, em direitos e oportunidades e graus de bem-estar, resposta da UE que toda a população teria acesso eqüitativo aos recursos, direitos e que isso poderia manter ao longo de todo o seu desenvolvimento vital.We are probably at a time in which warns need and desire to commit to a substantial change in the forms of being in the world. In which the voices of the people begin to hear claiming aspects such as equality and rights for all, elimination of poverty, elimination of barriers to personal and social inclusion and exclusion of exclusion. In this context, is very positive that began to arise in the year 2000, at the Lisbon Summit. It was suggested, for the European Union (EU), an objective: to promote social cohesion (CS). And that this objective would be the element to guide social policies to help develop a harmonious and homogeneous EU, in rights and opportunities and degrees of well-being, equitable access to resources and rights and that could maintain throughout all its vital development.Este estudio se enmarca en el Proyecto MAVACO (EDU 2009-13485, financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-MICINN, España

    Standardized assessment

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    La Red Iberoamericana de Investigadores en la Evaluación de la Docencia (RIIED: http://iide.ens.uabc.mx/ried/ibero/) es un colectivo que reúne a investigadoras e investigadores de diversos países latinoamericanos, Portugal y España. Su propósito es coadyuvar a la mejora de la educación a partir de las aportaciones de la evaluación


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