1,145 research outputs found

    The single-particle density matrix and the momentum distribution of dark "solitons" in a Tonks-Girardeau gas

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    We study the reduced single-particle density matrix (RSPDM), the momentum distribution, natural orbitals and their occupancies, of dark "soliton" (DS) states in a Tonks-Girardeau gas. DS states are specially tailored excited many-body eigenstates, which have a dark solitonic notch in their single-particle density. The momentum distribution of DS states has a characteristic shape with two sharp spikes. We find that the two spikes arise due to the high degree of correlation observed within the RSPDM between the mirror points (xx and x-x) with respect to the dark notch at x=0x=0; the correlations oscillate rather than decay as the points xx and x-x are being separated.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    An architecture for presenting auditory awareness information in pervasive computing environments

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    Presented at the 12th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD), London, UK, June 20-23, 2006.In this paper we present how awareness can be supported in pervasive computing environments through auditory information. We introduce an application which uses soundscapes to support people's awareness of each other's presence in an office environment. We describe several techniques for construction and control of such soundscapes. Finally, we present an architecture for designing and controlling soundscapes. The architecture is based on managers, agents, evaluators, a blackboard information storage, and a control language, it emphasizes reusability and extensibility, and it is built upon a common system framework

    A relativistic study of Bessel beams

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    We present a fully relativistic analysis of Bessel beams revealing some noteworthy features that are not explicit in the standard description. It is shown that there is a reference frame in which the field takes a particularly simple form, the wave appearing to rotate in circles. The concepts of polarization and angular momentum for Bessel beams is also reanalyzed.Comment: 11 pages, 2 fig

    Impacts of winter feeding of reindeer on vegetation and soil in the sub-Arctic: insights from a feeding experiment

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    The overall impacts of winter feeding, including the effects of both forage and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), were studied in an experiment in the Hammastunturi herding cooperative (68°N), Finland, with 300 reindeer in a sub-xeric heath forest (35 ha) during March/April 2009 and 2010. The feeding practices on the 50 plots were: (1) feeding with grass silage+hay with leftovers cleared in the spring; (2) feeding with grass silage+hay with leftovers not cleared; and (3) feeding with pellets. In addition, (4) unfenced and (5) fenced control plots were included, on which the reindeer were not fed. No invasive plant species introduced through grass silage+hay were observed on the plots. The coverage of Deschampsia flexuosa increased on grass silage+hay plots after the first winter, and both coverage and height of the grass increased after the second winter. The coverage of Dicranum sp. and Pleurozium schreberi was lower on plots where reindeer were fed with grass silage (leftover silage not cleared) vs. controls. Some dwarf shrubs, e.g., Calluna vulgaris, showed a similar response after the second winter. The N content of Empetrum nigrum was higher on grass silage plots (leftover silage not cleared) after the first winter vs. controls. After two winters, the N content of both E. nigrum and Vaccinium myrtillus was increased. Of the soil variables studied, C/N decreased on grass silage+hay plots vs. fenced controls. We conclude that even a moderate level of feeding may cause changes that can lead to a gradual shift from nutrient-poor heath forest towards a more nutrient-rich type

    EU Peatlands: Current Carbon Stocks and Trace Gas Fluxes

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    Peatlands in Europe has formed a significant sink for atmospheric CO2 since the last glacial maximum. Currently they are estimated to hold ca. 42 Gt carbon in the form of peat and are therefore a considerable component in the European carbon budget. Due to the generally wet soil conditions in peatlands they are also significant emitters of the strong greenhouse gas (GHG) methane (CH4) and in some cases also of nitrous oxide (N2O). The EU funded CarboEurope-GHG Concerted Action attempts to develop a reliable and complete greenhouse gas budget for Europe and this report aims to provide a review and synthesis of the available information about GHG exchanges in European peatlands and their underlying processes. A best estimate for all the European countries shows that some are currently sinks for atmospheric CO2 while others are sources. In contrast, for CH4 and N2O, only the sources are relevant. Whilst some countries are CO2 sinks, all countries are net GHG emitters from peatlands. The results presented, however, carry large uncertainties, which cannot be adequately quantified yet. One outstanding uncertainty is the distribution of land use types, particular in Russia, the largest European peat nation. The synthesis of GHG exchange, nevertheless, indicates some interesting features. Russia hosts an estimated 41% of European peatlands and contributes most to all GHG exchanges (CO2: 25%, CH4: 52%, N2O: 26%, Total: 37%). Germany is the second-largest emitter (12% of European total) although it contains only 3.2% of European peatlands. The reason is the use of most of the peatland area for intensive cropland and grassland. The largest CO2 emitters are countries with large agricultural peatland areas (Russia, Germany, Belarus, Poland), the largest N2O emitters are those with large agricultural fen areas (Russia, Germany, Finland). In contrast, the largest CH4 emitters are concentrated in regions with large areas of intact mires, namely Russia and Scandinavia. High average emission densities above 3.5 t C-equiv. ha-1 are found in the Southeast Mediterranean, Germany and the Netherlands where agricultural use of peatlands is intense. Low average emission densities below 0.3 t C-equiv. ha-1 occur where mires and peatland forests dominate, e.g. Finland and the UK. This report concludes by pointing at key gaps in our knowledge about peatland carbon stocks and GHG exchanges which include insufficient basic information on areal distribution of peatlands, measurements of peat depth and also a lack of flux datasets providing full annual budgets of GHG exchanges

    Extracellular vesicles provide a capsid-free vector for oncolytic adenoviral DNA delivery

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have been showcased as auspicious candidates for delivering therapeutic cargo, including oncolytic viruses for cancer treatment. Delivery of oncolytic viruses in EVs could provide considerable advantages, hiding the viruses from the immune system and providing alternative entry pathways into cancer cells. Here we describe the formation and viral cargo of EVs secreted by cancer cells infected with an oncolytic adenovirus (IEVs, infected cell-derived EVs) as a function of time after infection. IEVs were secreted already before the lytic release of virions and their structure resembled normally secreted EVs, suggesting that they were not just apoptotic fragments of infected cells. IEVs were able to carry the viral genome and induce infection in other cancer cells. As such, the role of EVs in the life cycle of adenoviruses may be an important part of a successful infection and may also be harnessed for cancer- and gene therapy.Peer reviewe