51 research outputs found

    Review on Prostaglandin and Oxytocin Activity in Preterm Labor

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    The principal difference between term and preterm labor is how they are activated. It has been proposed that term labor results from physiological activation of the common terminal pathway, whereas preterm labor is a pathological condition caused by multiple etiologies that activate one or more of the components of this pathway. Increased uterine contractility at preterm labor results from activation and stimulation of the myometrium. Myometrium is stimulated by increased concentrations of prostaglandins and oxytocin. Increased production of stimulatory prostaglandins by intrauterine tissues is generally considered a central component of the cascade of events leading to preterm parturition. Prostaglandins act to mediate cervical ripening and to stimulate uterine contractions and indirectly to increase fundally dominant myometrial contractility by up regulation of gap junctions, oxytocin and arginine vasopressin receptors and synchronizations of contractions. The authors tried to explain the role and influence of oxytocin in human parturition, as well as the novel therapy in inhibiting the contractions in preterm labor. The selective oxytocin inhibitor was tested in vitro on human myometrium and decidua by the author of this article among the first in the world

    Review on Prostaglandin and Oxytocin Activity in Preterm Labor

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    The principal difference between term and preterm labor is how they are activated. It has been proposed that term labor results from physiological activation of the common terminal pathway, whereas preterm labor is a pathological condition caused by multiple etiologies that activate one or more of the components of this pathway. Increased uterine contractility at preterm labor results from activation and stimulation of the myometrium. Myometrium is stimulated by increased concentrations of prostaglandins and oxytocin. Increased production of stimulatory prostaglandins by intrauterine tissues is generally considered a central component of the cascade of events leading to preterm parturition. Prostaglandins act to mediate cervical ripening and to stimulate uterine contractions and indirectly to increase fundally dominant myometrial contractility by up regulation of gap junctions, oxytocin and arginine vasopressin receptors and synchronizations of contractions. The authors tried to explain the role and influence of oxytocin in human parturition, as well as the novel therapy in inhibiting the contractions in preterm labor. The selective oxytocin inhibitor was tested in vitro on human myometrium and decidua by the author of this article among the first in the world

    The examination of inflammatory, oxidative stress and lipid status parameters in sarcoidosis patients

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    Sarkoidoza je inflamatorno oboljenje ismatra se da genetska predispozicija organizma i specifiĉni agensi iz spoljašnje sredine igraju znaĉajnu ulogu u prekomernoj aktivaciji imunskog sistema koji se nalazi u osnovi oboljenja. MeĊu agensima iz spoljašnje sredine, mikobakterijski antigeni imaju najveći znaĉaj. Novije publikacije govore o postojanju mikobakterijskog antigena - katalaza-peroksidaza (mKatG) u sarkoidnim granulomima. Smatra se da ovaj antigen dovodi do stimulacije imunskog odgovora i tako doprinosi inicijaciji oboljenja. Imunološki odgovor zapoĉinje akumulacijom aktiviranih T pomoćniĉkih (“helper”) limfocitai makrofaga na mestima inflamacije. Usled kompleksnih interakcija T limfocita i makrofaga, formira se sarkoidni granulom. Granulomi su sastavljeni od visoko-diferentovanih mononuklearnih fagocita i limfocita. Aktivirane ćelije imunskog sistema produkuju razliĉite proinflamatorne medijatore meĊu kojima su znaĉajni interleukin (IL) -2, IL-12, IL-15, faktor nekroze tumora α (TNF α), angiotenzin konvertujući enzim (ACE). C-reaktivni protein (CRP) kao inflamatorni marker se takoĊe povećano sintetiše u jetri kao odgovor na povećanu produkciju proinflamatornih citokina, ali nije dokazano da on moţe da posluţi kao koristan marker za procenu aktivnosti bolesti. U kliniĉkoj dijagnozi granulomatoznih oboljenja izdvojio se ACE, ali su utvrĊeni nedostaci i ovog parametra. Noviji radovi naglašavaju znaĉaj serumskog amiloida A (SAA) kao vaţnog markera granulomatozne inflamacije jer, osim što predstavlja deo granuloma, on reguliše njegovo formiranje, ali utiĉe i na produkciju citokina. Sinteza SAA se povećava u jetri i oslobaĊa se zajedno sa CRP-om pod uticajem IL-1 i IL-6. Sarkoidoza se prema toku moţe podeliti na akutnu ili hroniĉnu, a manifestacije mogu da budu plućne i/ili vanplućne. Akutna bolest je ograniĉenog toka, sa ĉestim spontanim remisijama dok hroniĉna perzistira i praćena je progresijom oboljenja. Pored pluća, mogu biti zahvaćeni srce, oĉi, nervni system, mišići, kostii drugi organi. Vanplućna manifestacija koja uglavnom ukljuĉuje i plućno tkivo predstavlja teţi oblik od iskljuĉivo plućne manifestacije. Poznato je da se u inflamatornim stanjima povećava nivo oksidativnog stresa i smanjuje nivo antioksidativne zaštite. Inflamatorne ćelije pojaĉano stvaraju superoksid anjon radikal (O2.-) koji se konvertuje do vodonik-peroksida (H2O2). Dejstvom oksidanasa na lipidne molekule najpre se generišu lipidni hidroperoksidi, dok u krajnjem stadijumu lipidne peroksidacije nastaje malondialdehid (MDA)...Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease and it has been considered that genetic predisposition and specific environmental agents play significant role in the excessive activation of the immune system that is major characteristic of the disease. Among environmental agents, mycobacterial antigens are thought to be most important. Recent publications reported the presence of mycobacterial antigen catalase-peroxidase (mKatG) in sarcoid granulomas. This antigen leads to immune response stimulation contributing to disease onset. Immune response begins with accumulation of T helper lymphocytes and macrophages at the sites of inflammation. Complex interactions between lymphocytes and macrophages contribute to granuloma formation. Granulomas consist of highly-differentiated mononuclear phagocytes and lymphocytes. Activated cells of immune system produce different proinflammatory mediators such as interleukin (IL) -2, IL-12, IL-15, tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα), angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE). C-reactive protein (CRP) is synthesized in the liver and its production is increased as a response to proinflammatory cytokines, but the significance of CRP as a useful marker of disease activity has not been proved. ACE became important in clinical diagnosis of granulomatous diseases, but this marker also has its disadvantages. Recent reports pointed out the significance of serum amyloid A (SAA), suggesting it as an important marker of granulomatous inflammation, because it regulates granuloma formation and influences the cytokines production. IL-1 and IL-6 stimulate the increased production of SAA in the liver and its release into the bloodstream together with CRP. According to disease course, sarcoidosis can be acute or chronic, with disease manifestations on lungs and/or other tissues. Acute disease has limited course and spontaneous remissions often occur, while chronic disease persists and isusually progressive. Besides lungs, other tissues/organs that can be affected are: heart, eyes, nervous system, muscles, bones and others. Combined pulmonary and extrapulmonary manifestations are more severe forms than isolated pulmonary form. It is well established that, in inflammatory conditions, the levels of oxidative stress increase and the levels antioxidative defence decrease. Inflammatory cells produce superoxide anion radical (O2.-) that is dismutated into hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Oxidants lead to damage of lipids generating lipid hydroperoxides and further oxidative modification leads to malondialdehyde (MDA) formation..

    Element Mapping and Biomarker Analyses in an Early Byzantine City (Caričin Grad, Serbia)

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    Soil analyses have a high potential to contribute to the investigation of daily life in ancient settlements. They can help to locate areas of food production, areas of waste disposal, latrines, stables and further functional areas. However, the applicability of these analyses is still restricted by a limited number of studies and a limited knowledge of their validity. In a multi-disciplinary project investigating the daily life in an early byzantine city (Caričin Grad), a multi-element-mapping and biomarker analyses were performed. The study focused on a comparison of the soil data with the data from other disciplines. The Caričin Grad Caričin Grad site in southern Serbia offered excellent conditions for this methodological study. It is supposed to be identical to Iustiniana Prima, an administrative center founded by the emperor Justinian. The period of occupation covered less than 90 years from circa 530 to 615 AD. The site remained undisturbed from later settlement encroachments. Therefore, it allows a rare archaeological ’snapshot’ of a short period of very intensive use. By analyses of the amounts of total organic carbon, total phosphorus and further elements (aqua-regia extraction), it was possible to divide different functional areas within the city. Element ratios and biomarkers including faecal steroids were used to get information on the specific use of the functional areas as well as on animal husbandry within the settlement. Data of soil analyses were compared and correlated with data that were obtained by consequent single point measurement and examination of the archaeological remains, 3D photography of the structures as well as archaeobotanical and archaeozoological analyses

    The Incidence and Seasonal Variations of Acute Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma

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    The incidence and seasonal variations of acute primary angle-closure glaucoma (APACG) was studied. It was based on a retrospective chart review of 121 hospital patients in Split, Croatia for the fifteen-year period from 1985 through 1999. The average incidence was 4.1 cases per 100,000 per year in the total population and 7.1 per 100,000 in those aged 30 years and older. APACG affects women almost twice more often than men. The incidence rate increased with age. No seasonal variations in the occurrence of APACG and no correlation with the mean duration of light exposure per season were found

    Genetic diversity of a Serbian grapevine germplasm collection based on morphoagronomic characteristics

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate diversity and relationships among grapevine cultivars from the Serbian gene bank in Sremski Karlovci, and to identify the most useful variables for discrimination. A total of 54 grapevine cultivars have been studied. During the period 2000-2005, twelve quantitative and qualitative characteristics were evaluated using OIV categories to each trait. Characterization was done using multivariate statistical analyses: cluster and principal component analysis (PCA), Based on cluster analysis cultivars divided into three major groups and the clustering pattern was related to the classical eco-geographical grouping: occidentalis, pontica and orientalis. Beside geographic origin clustering position of cultivars throughout the dendrogram was related to main uses. The major part (70.1%) of the total variation presented was explained by four principal components. PC1 is highly correlated with the bunch and berry size and PC2 with the density of prostrate hairs of young shoot tip and the density of prostrate hairs between veins on the lower side of mature leaf. The overall arrangement of cultivars suggests considerable phenotypical (and presumably genetic) variability in studied germplasm collection. Furthermore, obtained results may be useful for further utilization of available genetic resources in gene bank managers, growing and breeding

    Dietary medicinal plants enhance the chemical composition and quality of broiler chicken meat

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    ΔΕΝ ΔΙΑΤΙΘΕΤΑΙ ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗThe use of nutritional strategies to improve the quality of meat is a relatively new approach that has emerged at the interface of animal science and food science. The effects of dietary medicinal plants (Allium sativum L., Piper nigrum L., and Capsicum annuum L.) addition to chicken nutrition on quality characteristics of breast and thigh with drumstick meat, as well as caloric value of chicken meat were investigated. Quality measurements included meat sensory (colour, smell, taste, softness, chewiness, juiciness and overall impression), physical (pH, colour-CIE L*a*b* and drip-loss) and chemical (moisture, protein, fat and ash content) characteristics. Herbs showed significant (P < 0.05) influence in altering most examined quality parameters of chicken meat, especially when adding red hot pepper. Caloric value of chicken meat was improved which makes garlic, black pepper and hot red pepper valuable natural feed additives in improvement of meat quality as well as a natural growth promoter. In conclusion, herbs had positive influence on chicken meat quality, however the knowledge of their mode of action is still limited and thus requires further investigation

    Histoenzymatic and Immunocytochemical Characteristics of Extravillous Trophoblast Cells of Placental Basal Plate as Parameter of Their Function in Hypertensive Pregnancy

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    An intense activity of enzymes which actively participate in the renin-angiotensinaldosterone system was shown in extravillous trophoblast cells which are involved in the performing of spiral arteries into uteroplacental vessels. The hydrolase activity in villous trophoblast underwent important variations, but it was constant in cells of the extravillous trophoblast. Activity of lysosomal hydrolases, of leucine aminopeptidase and N-acetyl glucosaminidase type, was markedly positive in X-cells, while negative in the villous trophoblast. Beta glucuronidase activity has shown moderate activity in cells of extravillous trophoblast, while in villous trophoblast it was weakly emphasized or negative. Intense activity of prostaglandin E2 dehydrogenase in the way of strongly emphasized microsomal reaction was noted exclusively in extravillous cells of basal plate, especially in perivascular cell groupings. Within all examined enzymes activities, only the membranous activity of alkaline phosphatase was of the same intensity in cells of extravillous trophoblast. Lacking of penetration of these cells into the spiral arteries wall in EPH-gestosis, which also means loss of their close contact with the blood of a pregnant, implicates the practical meaning of these observations

    Genetic diversity in 200 years old Serbian grapevine herbarium specimens

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    Trabajo presentado en el XIII International Symposium on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics, celebrado en Landau in der Pfalz (Alemania), del 10 al 17 de julio de 2022A grapevine herbarium dated from 1812-1824, prepared by botanist Andreas Wolny Slovak, has recently been found in Sremski Karlovci (wine region of Vojvodina, Serbia). This collection should represent local cultivated grapevine diversity before Phylloxera was introduced to these areas. The herbarium collection comprises more than 100 samples, organized in two subcollections: red-berried varieties and white-berried varieties, totalling 47 different grape varieties. The goal here was to study the history of cultivated grapevines in the Balkans and Pannonia wine-growing areas with a long viticulture tradition. The obtention of DNA from plant remains older than 100 years requires the use of procedures of ancient DNA (aDNA) extractions in specific clean rooms, with positive pressure to avoid external contamination with modern DNA. Though, internal contamination from other organism is expected, such as bacteria and fungi associated to the living plant or herbarized samples. To avoid any cross-contamination with exogenous grapevine DNA, this work was performed following a protocol for recovering ultra-short DNA molecules from 10 mg of herbarized leaves in specific facilities for aDNA extraction at the University of Tu¿bingen. In 80 samples, DNA could be quantified. In part of the samples, Vitis psaA chloroplast gene amplification was checked and confirmed the presence of grapevine DNA in these extractions. Furthermore, genotyping using standard DNA markers was performed in a specific laboratory at the ICVV where grapevine DNA had never been amplified. Different degrees of success were achieved in the genotyping analyses, from samples that did not produce any positive result to other that worked fine, like modern DNA samples. The genetic profiles obtained from the herbarized samples were compared to those stored in international databases (ICVV and VIVC). This task allowed us to successfully identify some of the herbarized samples as known varieties from the Western Balkans and neighbouring regions, such as Kadarka Kek, indicating their uninterrupted cultivation for more than 200 years. The joint analysis of ancient and modern samples allows establishing possible relationships among them, elucidating the historic evolution of the crop in Serbia