559 research outputs found

    Real-Time Maps of Fluid Flow Fields in Porous Biomaterials

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    Mechanical forces such as fluid shear have been shown to enhance cell growth and differentiation, but knowledge of their mechanistic effect on cells is limited because the local flow patterns and associated metrics are not precisely known. Here we present real-time, noninvasive measures of local hydrodynamics in 3D biomaterials based on nuclear magnetic resonance. Microflow maps were further used to derive pressure, shear and fluid permeability fields. Finally, remodeling of collagen gels in response to precise fluid flow parameters was correlated with structural changes. It is anticipated that accurate flow maps within 3D matrices will be a critical step towards understanding cell behavior in response to controlled flow dynamics.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure

    Increased levels of type VIII collagen in human brain tumours compared to normal brain tissue and non-neoplastic cerebral disorders.

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    The expression of type VIII collagen was examined in the normal and diseased human brain. Focal immunoreactivity was seen in histologically abnormal vessels of all four angiomas and 40 of 52 brain tumours (gliomas, meningiomas and schwannomas). An extended staining pattern, as well as a punctate distribution, was frequently observed in affected vessels. Staining was not apparent in nine normal brains and in 15 pathologic brains showing various cerebrovascular abnormalities, including Alzheimer's, Leigh's and Wernicke's diseases. Immunoblotting of glioblastomas revealed two bands at 56 kD and 67 kD which were also present at low levels in normal frontal cortex. The extracellular distribution of type VIII collagen was different from that of the other collagen types which have been described in brain and resembles patterns of expression described for certain tissues during mammalian embryogenesis (Kapoor et al., 1988). Our results provide additional evidence for the participation of type VIII collagen in some types of angiogenesis

    The chicken chorioallantoic membrane model in biology, medicine and bioengineering

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    The chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) is a simple, highly vascularized extraembryonic membrane, which performs multiple functions during embryonic development, including but not restricted to gas exchange. Over the last two decades, interest in the CAM as a robust experimental platform to study blood vessels has been shared by specialists working in bioengineering, development, morphology, biochemistry, transplant biology, cancer research and drug development. The tissue composition and accessibility of the CAM for experimental manipulation, makes it an attractive preclinical in vivo model for drug screening and/or for studies of vascular growth. In this article we provide a detailed review of the use of the CAM to study vascular biology and response of blood vessels to a variety of agonists. We also present distinct cultivation protocols discussing their advantages and limitations and provide a summarized update on the use of the CAM in vascular imaging, drug delivery, pharmacokinetics and toxicology


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    One of the main functions of the surgical nurse is to guarantee security and comfort for the patient who undergoes an intervention. In addition to this, the surgical nurse should make sure that no nervous or vascular commitments by compression of structures exist during the positioning of the patient in the surgical table. A correct respiratory and circulatory operation must also be assured, as well as the skin integrity avoiding possible positions and fixing suitable catheters soundings and routes. Sometimes, the boarding of the later grave for the tumor resection or later cervical approaches in pathology of rachis requires a sitting surgical position of the patient. The sitting position, nowadays, means a challenge for nursing professionals and the rest of the surgical team. It is true, that this position is in disuse and that has great detractors that choose other positions for concordant the infratentorial approach or rachis cervical later, they may be prone position or lateral position. We will deal in this work with the cares that should receive these patients during the surgery, at the same time that we will value the advantages and disadvantages, as well as its possible alternatives. Although this route of boarding can be used in occipitocervicals interventions or rachis cervical later, the patients type are usually those that present a LOE that requires an approach of later fossa. This is indicated in tumors of the pontocerebellum angle, neurinomas of the hearing aid, tumors of trocoencephalon, and cerebellum.Una de las principales funciones de la enfermera quirúrgica es velar por la seguridad y el confort del enfermo que es sometido a una intervención. Debe asegurarse de que no exista ningún compromiso nervioso o vascular por compresión de estructuras durante el posicionamiento del enfermo en la mesa quirúrgica. Debe también garantizar un correcto funcionamiento respiratorio y circulatorio, así como garantizar la integridad de la piel evitando posibles decúbitos y fijando adecuadamente catéteres sondas y vías. En ocasiones el abordaje de la fosa posterior para la resección de tumores o abordajes cervicales posteriores en patología de raquis requieren una posición quirúrgica sedeste del enfermo. La sedestación supone actualmente un reto para el profesional de enfermería y el resto del equipo quirúrgico. Cierto es que esta posición está en desuso y que tiene grandes detractores que optan por otras posiciones para el abordaje infratentorial o de raquis cervical posterior como son la posición prona o concorde o el decúbito lateral. Trataremos en este trabajo sobre los cuidados que deben recibir estos enfermos durante la cirugía, a la vez que valoraremos sus ventajas e inconvenientes, así como sus posibles alternativas. Aunque esta vía de abordaje se puede utilizar en intervenciones occipitocervicales o del raquis cervical posterior, los pacientes tipo suelen ser aquellos que presentan una LOE que requiere un abordaje de la fosa posterior. Esta indicada en tumores del ángulo pontocerebeloso, neurinomas del acústico, tumores del trocoencéfalo, y del cerebelo

    An essential requirement for β1 integrin in the assembly of extracellular matrix proteins within the vascular wall

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    Abstractβ1 integrin has been shown to contribute to vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation, adhesion and mechanosensation in vitro. Here we showed that deletion of β1 integrin at the onset of smooth muscle differentiation resulted in interrupted aortic arch, aneurysms and failure to assemble extracellular matrix proteins. These defects result in lethality prior to birth. Our data indicates that β1 integrin is not required for the acquisition, but it is essential for the maintenance of the smooth muscle cell phenotype, as levels of critical smooth muscle proteins are gradually reduced in mutant mice. Furthermore, while deposition of extracellular matrix was not affected, its structure was disrupted. Interestingly, defects in extracellular matrix and vascular wall assembly, were restricted to the aortic arch and its branches, compromising the brachiocephalic and carotid arteries and to the exclusion of the descending aorta. Additional analysis of β1 integrin in the pharyngeal arch smooth muscle progenitors was performed using wnt1Cre. Neural crest cells deleted for β1 integrin were able to migrate to the pharyngeal arches and associate with endothelial lined arteries; but exhibited vascular remodeling defects and early lethality. This work demonstrates that β1 integrin is dispensable for migration and initiation of the smooth muscle differentiation program, however, it is essential for remodeling of the pharyngeal arch arteries and for the assembly of the vessel wall of their derivatives. It further establishes a critical role of β1 integrin in the protection against aneurysms that is particularly confined to the ascending aorta and its branches

    Leishmania infantum UBC1 in Metacyclic Promastigotes from Phlebotomus perniciosus, a Vaccine Candidate for Zoonotic Visceral Leishmaniasis

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    Leishmania parasites cause outstanding levels of morbidity and mortality in many developing countries in tropical and subtropical regions. Numerous gene expression profiling studies have been performed comparing different Leishmania species' life-cycles and stage forms in regard to their distinct infective ability. Based on expression patterns, homology to human orthologues, in silico HLA-binding predictions, and annotated functions, we were able to select several vaccine candidates which are currently under study. One of these candidates is the Leishmania infantum ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 (LiUBC1), whose relative levels, subcellular location, in vitro infectivity in the U937 myeloid human cell model, and protection levels in Syrian hamsters against L. infantum infection were studied herein. LiUBC1 displays a low level of similarity with the mammalian orthologs and relevant structure differences, such as the C-terminal domain, which is absent in the human ortholog. LiUBC1 is present in highly infective promastigotes. Knock-in parasites overexpressing the enzyme increased their infectivity, according to in vitro experiments. Syrian hamsters immunized with the recombinant LiUBC1 protein did not show any parasite burden in the spleen, unlike the infection control group. The IFN-γ transcript levels in splenocytes were significantly higher in the LiUBC1 immunized group. Therefore, LiUBC1 induced partial protection against L. infantum in the Syrian hamster model.This work was financed by a contract with CZ Vaccines, Porriño, Spain, and partially defrayed by a grant from the Fundación Ramón Areces. JL thanks CZ Vaccines for the fellowship.S

    Vav3-induced cytoskeletal dynamics contribute to heterotypic properties of endothelial barriers

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    [EN]Through multiple cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, epithelial and endothelial sheets form tight barriers. Modulators of the cytoskeleton contribute to barrier stability and act as rheostats of vascular permeability. In this study, we sought to identify cytoskeletal regulators that underlie barrier diversity across vessels. To achieve this, we correlated functional and structural barrier features to gene expression of endothelial cells (ECs) derived from different vascular beds. Within a subset of identified candidates, we found that the guanosine nucleotide exchange factor Vav3 was exclusively expressed by microvascular ECs and was closely associated with a high-resistance barrier phenotype. Ectopic expression of Vav3 in large artery and brain ECs significantly enhanced barrier resistance and cortical rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton. Mechanistically, we found that the barrier effect of Vav3 is dependent on its Dbl homology domain and downstream activation of Rap1. Importantly, inactivation of Vav3 in vivo resulted in increased vascular leakage, highlighting its function as a key regulator of barrier stability. © 2018 Hilfenhaus et al
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