44 research outputs found

    Gold nanoparticles induce cytotoxicity in the alveolar type-II cell lines A549 and NCIH441.

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    International audienceBackground: During the last years engineered nanoparticles (NPs) have been extensively used in different technologies and consequently many questions have arisen about the risk and the impact on human health following exposure to nanoparticles. Nevertheless, at present knowledge about the cytotoxicity induced by NPs is still largely incomplete. In this context, we have investigated the cytotoxicity induced by gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), which differed in size and purification grade (presence or absence of sodium citrate residues on the particle surface) in vitro, in the human alveolar type-II (ATII)-like cell lines A549 and NCIH441

    Acute Morphological and Toxicological Effects in a Human Bronchial Coculture Model after Sulfur Mustard Exposure.

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    International audienceSulfur mustard (SM) is a strong alkylating agent. Inhalation of SM causes acute lung injury accompanied by severe disruption of the airway barrier. In our study, we tested the acute effects after mustard exposure in an in vitro coculture bronchial model of the proximal barrier. To achieve this, we seeded normal human bronchial epithelial explant-outgrowth cells (HBEC) together with lung fibroblasts as a bilayer on filter plates and exposed the bronchial model after 31 days of differentiation to various concentrations of SM (30, 100, 300, and 500mM). The HBEC formed confluent layers, expressing functional tight junctions as measured by transepithelial electrical resistance (TER). Mucus production and cilia formation reappeared in the coculture model. TER was measured after 2 and 24 h following treatment. Depending on the different concentrations , TER decreased in the first 2 h up to 55% of the control at the highest concentration. After 24 h, TER seemed to recover because at concentrations up to 300mM values were equal to the control. SM induced a widening of intercellular spaces and a loss in cell-matrix adhesion. Mucus production increased with the result that cilia ceased to beat. Changes in the proinflammatory cytokines in-terleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 were also observed. Apoptotic markers such as cytochrome c, p53, Fas-associated protein with death domain, and procaspase-3 were significantly induced at concentrations of less than 100mM. In summary, SM induces morphological and biochemical changes that reflect pathological effects of SM injury in vivo. It is hoped to use this coculture model to understand further the pathogenesis of SM-induced barrier injury and to search for novel approaches in SM therapy

    The PD-L1- and IL6-mediated dampening of the IL27/STAT1 anticancer responses are prevented by a-PD-L1 or a-IL6 antibodies

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    Interleukin-27 (IL27) is a type-I cytokine of the IL6/IL12 family and is predominantly secreted by activated macrophages and dendritic cells.We show that IL27 induces STAT factor phosphorylation in cancerous cell lines of different tissue origin. IL27 leads to STAT1 phosphorylation and recapitulates an IFN- -like response in the microarray analyses, with up-regulation of genes involved in antiviral defense, antigen presentation, and immune suppression. Like IFN- , IL27 leads to an up-regulation of TAP2 and MHC-I proteins, which mediate increased tumor immune clearance. However, both cytokines also upregulate proteins such as PD-L1 (CD274) and IDO-1, which are associatedwith immune escape of cancer. Interestingly, differential expression of these geneswas observed within the different cell lines and when comparing IL27 to IFN- . In coculture experiments of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells with peripheral blood mononuclear cells, pre-treatment of the HCC cells with IL27 resulted in lowered IL2 production by anti-CD3/-CD28 activated T-lymphocytes. Addition of anti-PD-L1 antibody, however, restored IL2 secretion. The levels of other TH1 cytokines were also enhanced or restored upon administration of anti-PD-L1. In addition, we show that the suppression of IL27 signaling by IL6-type cytokine prestimulation— mimicking a situation occurring, for example, in IL6-secreting tumors or in tumor inflammation–induced cachexia—can be antagonized by antibodies against IL6-type cytokines or their receptors. Therapeutically, the antitumor effects of IL27 (mediated, e.g., by increased antigen presentation) might thus be increased by combining IL27with blocking antibodies against PD-L1 or/and IL6-type cytokines

    Совершенствование системы вознаграждения персонала бюджетного учреждения на основе комплексной оценки его деятельности

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    Объектом исследования является МБОУ 슫СОШ № 18슻 Цель работы - является оценка системы вознаграждения труда персонала бюджетного учреждения, ее оптимизации на основе комплексной оценке его деятельности В процессе исследования проводились способы группировки и сравнения, графические и аналитические методы. В результате исследования были выявлены недостатки и предложен комплекс мер по их устранению. Степень внедрения: сделать систему оплаты труда взаимосвязанной с конкретным результатом каждого работника и учреждения в целом. Область применения: бюджетные учреждения. Экономическая эффективность работы заключается в объективной оценке оплаты труда в бюджетном учреждении и в разработке практических рекомендаций по совершенствованию системы оплаты труда в анализируемом учреждении.The object of study is MBOU "SOSH № 18" Purpose - is to assess the remuneration system of the personnel budget of the institution, its optimization on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of its activities In the process of investigation the methods of grouping and comparison of graphical and analytical methods. The study revealed shortcomings and proposed the complex of measures on their elimination. Level of implementation: to make the wage system is interconnected with the concrete result of each employee and the institution as a whole. Scope: budget companies. Economic efficiency is an objective assessment of remuneration in budgetary institutions and in the development of practical recommendations for improving the system of remuneration in the analyzed institution

    Crosstalk between different family members: IL27 recapitulates IFNγ responses in HCC cells, but is inhibited by IL6-type cytokines

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    Interleukin-27 (IL27) is a type-I-cytokine of the IL6/IL12 family predominantly secreted by activated macrophages and dendritic cells. In the liver, IL27 expression was observed to be upregulated in patients with hepatitis B, and sera of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients contain significantly elevated levels of IL27 compared to healthy controls or patients with hepatitis and/or liver cirrhosis. In this study, we show that IL27 induces STAT1 and STAT3 phosphorylation in 5 HCC lines and 3 different types of non-transformed liver cells. We were especially interested in the relevance of the IL27-induced STAT3 activation in liver cells. Thus, we compared the IL27 responses with those induced by IFNγ (STAT1-dominated response) or IL6-type cytokines (IL6, hyper-IL6 (hy-IL6) or OSM) (STAT3-dominated response) by microarray analysis and find that in HCC cells, IL27 induces an IFNγ-like, STAT1-dependent transcriptional response, but we do not find an effective STAT3-dependent response. Validation experiments corroborate the finding from the microarray evaluation. Interestingly, the availability of STAT1 seems critical in the shaping of the IL27 response, as the siRNA knock-down of STAT1 revealed the ability of IL27 to induce the acute-phase protein γ-fibrinogen, a typical IL6 family characteristic. Moreover, we describe a crosstalk between the signaling of IL6-type cytokines and IL27: responses to the gp130-engaging cytokine IL27 (but not those to IFNs) can be inhibited by IL6-type cytokine pre-stimulation, likely by a SOCS3-mediated mechanism. Thus, IL27 recapitulates IFNγ responses in liver cells, but differs from IFNγ by its sensitivity to SOCS3 inhibition

    Non-redundant signal transduction of interleukin-6-type cytokines. The adapter protein Shc is specifically recruited to rhe oncostatin M receptor

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    The common use of the cytokine receptor gp130 has served as an explanation for the extremely redundant biological activities exerted by interleukin (IL)-6-type cytokines. Indeed, hardly any differences in signal transduction initiated by these cytokines are known. In the present study, we demonstrate that oncostatin M (OSM), but not IL-6 or leukemia inhibitory factor, induces tyrosine phosphorylation of the Shc isoforms p52 and p66 and their association with Grb2. Concomitantly, OSM turns out to be a stronger activator of ERK1/2 MAPKs. Shc is recruited to the OSM receptor (OSMR), but not to gp130. Binding involves Tyr(861) of the OSMR, located within a consensus binding sequence for the Shc PTB domain. Moreover, Tyr(861) is essential for activation of ERK1/2 and for full activation of the alpha(2)-macroglobulin promoter, but not for an exclusively STAT-responsive promoter. This study therefore provides evidence for qualitative differential signaling mechanisms exerted by IL-6-type cytokines

    Principles of interleukin (IL)-6-type cytokine signalling and its regulation.

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    The IL (interleukin)-6-type cytokines IL-6, IL-11, LIF (leukaemia inhibitory factor), OSM (oncostatin M), ciliary neurotrophic factor, cardiotrophin-1 and cardiotrophin-like cytokine are an important family of mediators involved in the regulation of the acute-phase response to injury and infection. Besides their functions in inflammation and the immune response, these cytokines play also a crucial role in haematopoiesis, liver and neuronal regeneration, embryonal development and fertility. Dysregulation of IL-6-type cytokine signalling contributes to the onset and maintenance of several diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis and various types of cancer (e.g. multiple myeloma and prostate cancer). IL-6-type cytokines exert their action via the signal transducers gp (glycoprotein) 130, LIF receptor and OSM receptor leading to the activation of the JAK/STAT (Janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription) and MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) cascades. This review focuses on recent progress in the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of IL-6-type cytokine signal transduction. Emphasis is put on the termination and modulation of the JAK/STAT signalling pathway mediated by tyrosine phosphatases, the SOCS (suppressor of cytokine signalling) feedback inhibitors and PIAS (protein inhibitor of activated STAT) proteins. Also the cross-talk between the JAK/STAT pathway with other signalling cascades is discussed