3,754 research outputs found

    Noves dades sobre els gasteromicets de Catalunya

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    Revisió del material de gasteromicets contingut a l'h erbari dels autors, que compren especialment les recol·leccions procedents del projecte "Bi odiversitat Micológica de Catalunya" (1994-2005). Una part important del material procedeix de comunitats mediterr ánies arbustives, especialment d'estepars (Cistion). D'un total de 47 espec ies identificades, al costat de táxons abundants i de descornposici ó lenta, de gran persistencia i abundancia, com Astraeus hygro111etricus, Bovista aestivalis, Calvatia excipuliformis, Scleroderma po /yrhizum, etc., hi ha diverses espec ies poc citades a Catalunya: Battarrea steve nii, Bovista ochrotricha, Disciseda bovista, Gastrop ila fragilis, Geastrum campestre, G. quadrifidum, Gyrophragmium dunalii, Hydnangium carneum, Hystera ngium c/athroides var. cistophilum, Lycoperdon ericaeum i Setchelliogaster tenuipes.The Gasteromycctcs preserved in the author' s herbarium, which is especially rich in collection s made during the "Biodiversitat Micol ógica de Catalunya" proje ct (1994-2005), are revised. An import ant part of the material comes from the study of Mediterranean bush comrnunities, especially rockro se bushes (Cistion). The total number of species identified is 47, and includ e, along with taxa of high presence and slow breakdown rate, such as Astraeus hygrometricus, Bovista aestivalis, Calvatia excipu/iformis, Scleroderma polyrhizum, etc., a numb er of taxa rarely quoted in the area or others which are chorologically relevant, such as Battarrea stevenii, Bovista ochrotricha, Disciseda bovista, Gastrop i/a fragilis, Geastrum campestre, G. quadrifidum , Gyrophragmium dunalii, Hydnangium carneum, Hystera ngium clathroides var. cistophilum, Lycoperdon ericaeum and Setchelliogaster tenuipes

    Penicillium aureocephalum Munt.-Cvetk., Hoyo et Gómez-Bolea, un interessant ascomicet anamòrfic amb aspecte de mixomicet : distribució, ecologia i fenologia

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    Cinc anys després de la descripció de Penicillium aureocephalum per Muntañola-Cvetkovic, Hoyo i GórnezBolea, els autors del present treball han anat afegint Inés dades de camp a les ja existents, que comencen a subministrar una imatge més viva d'aquest curiós anamorf saprotrófic dins de les comunitats naturals on esporula. El present treball és un resum d'aquestes dades corológiques, ecológiques i fenológiques, acompanyat de comentaris. La principal conclu sió és que I'espécie se' ns presenta com un fong termófil que colonit za preferentm ent fulles caigudes de surera (Quercus suber), que han mort a l' arbre per la calor produída per incendis, pero que també pot créixer, menys sovint, sobre altres substrats, com ara fulles o fruits de Cistus salviifolius, C. ladanifer, Quercus coccifera, etc. que han estat descarre gats per les plantes com a resposta a un fort estrés hídric. El treball inclou un mapa de la distribuci ó de I'espécie en el Pare Natural del Cap de Creus, fins ara I' área óptima de creixement, i un altre mapa amb la distribució coneguda actualment en els Paisos Catalans, on apareix provisionahnent endémica. S'ofereix un estudi macrofotográfic de l'especie, útil per ajudar els mic ólegs a trobar noves localitat s d'aquest curiosa especie d'anamorf, tan diferent de les més conegudes de Penicillium , ja que té aspect e de mixomic et, que es comporta COIll a term ófila i saprotrófica sobre fulles riques en nutrients.Five years after the description of Penicillium aureocephalum by Muntañola-C vetkovic, Hoyo and G ómez-Bolea, an increasing wealth of field data has been gathered by the authors, which provide a vivid image of the anamorph of this curious saprotrophic species. Chorological, ecological and phenological data are here summarized and discussed. The species appears to be thermophilou s, preferentially colonizing fallen leaves of cork trees (Quercus suber) killed by wildfires, but also growing sometimes on other substrata, such as dead leaves of Cistus salviifolius,C. ladanifer, Quercus coccifera, etc. which may have dropped as a response to severe water stress. A distribution map of the species in the Natural Park of Cap de Creus, which apparently is its natural habitat and another nowith showing the currently known distribution in the Catalan Countries, are given. A macrophotographic survey ofthe species is also included in order to aid in the recognition of this curious myxomycete-looking thermophilou s, anamorphic species, saprotrophic on nutrient-rich substrata, and so different from the usual Penicillium taxa

    Evaluation of Cardiac Autonomic Modulation Using Symbolic Dynamics after Cardiac Transplantation

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    Objective: To characterize the behavior of cardiac autonomic modulation in individuals with different times after orthotopic heart transplantation (HTx) using symbolic dynamics analysis. Methods: Sixty patients were evaluated after HTx. We recorded their instantaneous R-R intervals (RRi) by cardiac monitor Polar (R) RS800CX (TM) (Polar Electro Oy, Kempele, Finland) for 10 minutes. The same sequence of RRi with 256 consecutive beats was used to perform spectral analysis and symbolic dynamics analysis. We used hierarchical clustering to form groups. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) (with Holm-Sidak method) or one-way Kruskal-Wallis test (with Dunn's post-hoc test) was used to analyze the difference between groups. Linear correlation analysis between variables was performed using Pearson's or Spearman's tests. P-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The 0V% index increased, the 2UV% index and the normalized complexity index decreased with an increase of HTx postoperative time. There were a negative correlation between complexity indexes and 0V% and a positive correlation between complexity indexes and 2UV%. Conclusion: Symbolic dynamics indexes were able to show a specific cardiac autonomic modulation pattern for HTx recipients with different postoperative times

    Total Absorption Spectroscopy Study of 92^{92}Rb Decay: A Major Contributor to Reactor Antineutrino Spectrum Shape

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    The antineutrino spectra measured in recent experiments at reactors are inconsistent with calculations based on the conversion of integral beta spectra recorded at the ILL reactor. 92^{92}Rb makes the dominant contribution to the reactor spectrum in the 5-8 MeV range but its decay properties are in question. We have studied 92^{92}Rb decay with total absorption spectroscopy. Previously unobserved beta feeding was seen in the 4.5-5.5 region and the GS to GS feeding was found to be 87.5(25)%. The impact on the reactor antineutrino spectra calculated with the summation method is shown and discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Patient reported outcomes (PROS) in psoriasis patients

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    P20 Introduction: Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease with negative physical, mental and social manifestations. Method: We carried out a longitudinal and prospective study under routine clinical practice conditions. The objective of the study was to measure quality of life with the Short Form-36 Survey (SF-36) and correlate the results with clinical variables using the PASI and BSA in a group of 17 patients with moderate to severe psoriasis treated with Ustekinumab. Results: In the baseline evaluation we observed the following results: 35.3% reported physical malfunction, 64.7% debilitating pain, 82.3% poor health in general, 76.4% bad vitality, 88.2% social malfunction, 100% emotional malfunction and 82.3% poor mental health. At week 78 we observed the following results: 41.15% reported very good physical functioning, 76.1% no pain, 58.8% good general health, 58.8% very good vitality, 70%, 5% good social functioning, 70.5% good emotional functioning and 52.9% good mental health. Conclusion: We observed that the perception of patients with moderate-severe psoriasis regarding their health at the beginning of treatment with Ustekinumab was poor and that they experienced a significant improvement throughout the successive weeks of treatment

    Psychosocial burden in adult patients with atopic dermatitis

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    P16 Objective: Atopic dermatitis affects patients’ quality of life (QoL) in many ways. It is important to analyze the impact that the disease produces in order to better define the healthcare needs of adult patients with atopic dermatitis. Patients and Methods: 14 adult patients with atopic dermatitis were interviewed. The qualitative interviews were semi-structured and supported by a simple script, which allowed a complete and flexible interview. Results: Six affected areas of the patient’s life with atopic dermatitis were identified: economic, work-related, personal, psychosocial, clinical and relational. It is emphasized that atopic dermatitis has a great psychosocial impact on the adult patient, since it alters interpersonal relationships, generates rejection, stigmatization and social isolation, limits the patient in various areas and activities of their daily life or alters sleep, among others. The visible aspect, the itching-scratching cycle, the lack of awareness and ignorance of the disease, the lack of a definitive solution among the treatments and the side effects of some of them are of great concern. Conclusions: The QoL of the patients with atopic dermatitis is negatively affected and a holistic multidisciplinary intervention is necessary in order to mitigate the negative impact of the disease

    Androgenic activation, impairment of the monoaminergic system and altered behavior in zebra!sh larvae exposed to environmental concentrations of fenitrothion

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    Artículo indizadoFenitrothion is an organophosphorus insecticide usually found in aquatic ecosystems at concentrations in the range of low ng/L. In this manuscript we show that 24 h exposure to environmental concentrations of fenitro- thion, from ng/L to low !g/L, altered basal locomotor activity, visual-motor response and acoustic/vibrational es- cape response of zebra!sh larvae. Furthermore, fenitrothion and expression of gap43a, gfap, atp2b1a, and mbp exhibited a signi!cant non-monotonic concentration-response relationship. Once determined that environmen- tal concentrations of fenitrothion were neurotoxic for zebra!sh larvae, a computational analysis identi!ed poten- tial protein targets of this compound. Some of the predictions, including interactions with acetylcholinesterase, monoamine-oxidases and androgen receptor (AR), were experimentally validated. Binding to AR was the most suitable candidate for molecular initiating event, as indicated by both the up-regulation of cyp19a1b and sult2st3 and the non-monotonic relationship found between fenitrothion and the observed responses. Finally, when the integrity of the monoaminergic system was evaluated, altered levels of L-DOPA, DOPAC, HVA and 5-HIAA were found, as well as a signi!cant up-regulation of slc18a2 expression at the lowest concentrations of fenitrothion. These data strongly suggest that concentrations of fenitrothion commonly found in aquatic ecosystems present a signi!cant environmental risk for !sh communities.This work was supported by the Spanish Government with FEDER Funds (CTM2017-83242-R; D.R.) and the net- work of recognized research groups by the Catalan Government (2017 SGR_902)

    Social movements, the European crisis, and EU political opportunities

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    Social movements in the wake of the financial crisis have shifted from the counter-summits and world social forums of the global justice movement to the camps of the anti-austerity mobilizations, and from a clear focus on building ‘another Europe’ to more domestically embedded issues. Among other reasons, this turn away from the EU can be linked to contracting political opportunities for social justice movements at the European level. This article addresses the closure of opportunities at the EU level for the work of social movement groups campaigning on specific EU policies. We reflect on the complexity of the EU’s political opportunity structure prior to the financial crisis, before examining changes to the EU’s architecture effected through responses to the crises and outlining arguments on how EU level opportunities around socio-economic issues in particular have shrunk as a result. We then show how the perception of other political opportunities at the EU level is affected by the austerity response by drawing on campaigns that sought to exploit new opportunities included in the Lisbon Treaty and designed to increase citizens’ input. Opportunities introduced by changes made in the Lisbon Treaty are perceived through the prism of contracted opportunities flowing from power shifts caused by the response to the financial crisis

    The EUropean-VGOS Project

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    In Spring 2018 the Bonn correlation centre\ua0started a collaboration with the three European stations\ua0of Wettzell, Onsala and Yebes, equipped with\ua0both S/X- and broadband systems, to perform VGOS-like test sessions. The aim is to verify and develop further\ua0the processing chain for VGOS experiments end-to-end, from the scheduling to the analysis of the derived\ua0observables. We will present the current status of\ua0the project

    Oncologist’s knowledge and implementation of guidelines for breakthrough cancer pain in Spain: CONOCE study

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    [Purpose]: Breakthrough cancer pain (BTcP) has been shown to be a prevalent and poor prognostic factor for oncologic patients, which remain under diagnosed and undertreated. In 2012, the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) published a clinical practice guideline (CPG) for the treatment of cancer pain which specifically addressed the management of BTcP.[Methods]: Fundación ECO designed a qualitative study using an Internet-based survey to investigate the attitudes toward, compliance with, and use of SEOM Guideline.[Results]: A total of 83 oncologists with a mean experience of 13 years responded. Overall, 82% were aware of different guidelines to manage BTcP. Notably, attitudes toward guidelines were highly positive and there was nearly unanimous agreement that CPG provided the best scientific evidence available (99%), on the minimum information to be gathered for the medical history (100%), on the need for a specific treatment for BTcP (100%), and fentanyl as the first-choice drug (99%). Interestingly, there were discrepancies between what oncologists agreed with and what they do in clinical practice. In fact, 87.6% declare full compliance with SEOM guideline, although adherence to registration of BTcP data in medical records ranged from 30.1 to 91.6% (mean 64.5%); therapeutic management compliance was higher ranging from 75.9 to 91.6%. Main barriers identified were time pressure together with vague statements and limited dissemination of the guidelines.[Conclusion]: Despite oncologist’s clinical practice is increasingly guided by GPC, it suffers from limited compliance, at least in part due to suboptimal statements. Improved dissemination and education are needed to enhance guideline implementation.This study was funded by Kyowa Kirin Farmacéutica S. L.U. through Fundación ECO