228 research outputs found

    Extracción electroquímica de cloruros del hormigón armado: estudio de diferentes variables que influyen en la eficiencia del tratamiento

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    This paper reports the results of applying electrochemical chloride extraction (ECE) to a series of chloride-contaminated concrete specimens. Experimental conditions were varied to study the efficiency of this technique under different circumstances. The survey covered the possible relationship between efficiency and the location of the sampling point, current density, type of concrete and treatment intermittence. Experiments were also conducted with different reinforcement configurations used in standard structural members such as columns and beams to ascertain the impact of rebar geometry.Este documento aporta los resultados de investigaciones realizadas en diferentes estudios en los que se aplicó la técnica de Extracción Electroquímica de Cloruros (EEC) a diferentes estructuras de hormigón contaminado con cloruros. Se cambiaron las condiciones experimentales con el fin de estudiar la eficiencia de la misma en cada una de ellas. Se estudió la dependencia con la posición del punto de toma de las muestras, con la densidad de corriente aplicada, con el tipo de hormigón utilizado y con las paradas realizadas en etapas intermedias del tratamiento. Para ver la influencia de la disposición geométrica de las armaduras,se realizó una experiencia con tipos diferentes de disposiciones de las armaduras, correspondiente a componentes estructurales típicos como los pilares y las vigas

    Clinical and economic burden of respiratory syncytial virus in Spanish children: the BARI study

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    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection is a major cause of morbidity in children. However, its disease burden remains poorly understood, particularly outside of the hospital setting. Our study aimed to estimate the burden of medically attended acute lower respiratory infection (ALRI) cases potentially related to RSV in Spanish children. Longitudinal data from September 2017 to June 2018 of 51,292 children aged < 5 years old from the National Health‑ care System (NHS) of two Spanish regions were used. Three case definitions were considered: (a) RSV‑specific; (b) RSV‑specific and unspecified acute bronchiolitis (RSV‑specific and Bronchiolitis), and; (c) RSV‑specific and unspecified ALRI (RSV‑specific and ALRI). A total of 3460 medically attended ALRI cases potentially due to RSV were identified, of which 257 (7.4%), 164 (4.7%), and 3039 (87.8%) coded with RSV‑specific, unspecific bronchiolitis, and unspecific ALRI codes, respectively. Medically attended RSV‑specific and ALRI cases per 1000 children was 134.4 in the first year of life, 119.4 in the second, and 35.3 between 2 and 5 years old. Most cases were observed in otherwise healthy children (93.1%). Mean direct healthcare cost per medically attended RSV‑specific and ALRI case was €1753 in the first year of life, €896 in the second, and €683 between 2 and 5 years old. Hospitalization was the main driver of these costs, accounting for 55.6%, 38.0% and 33.4%, in each respective age group. In RSV‑specific cases, mean direct healthcare cost per medically attended case was higher, mostly due to hospitalization: €3362 in the first year of life (72.9% from hospitalizations), €3252 in the second (72.1%), and €3514 between 2 and 5 years old (74.2%). These findings suggest that hospitalization data alone will underestimate the RSV infections requiring medical care, as will relying only on RSV‑specific codes. RSV testing and codification must be improved and preventive solutions adopted, to protect all infants, particularly during the first year of life.The BARI study was funded by Sanofi.Medicin

    Micromammalian faunas from the middle miocene (middle Aragonian) of the Tudela formation (Ebro Basin, Spain)

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    Two new fossil micromammal localities of Middle Miocene age (Pico del Fraile 2, PF2 and Sancho Abarca 5, SA5) from the Tudela Formation (northeastern Ebro Basin) are described. PF2 contains rodents and insectivores of Aragonian age (local zone Dc). The rodent assemblage from the locality SA5 is very scarce and probably of Middle Aragonian age, like PF2. The micromammal fauna from the locality PF2 is very similar to that from Valdemoros 3B (VA3B) (Calatayud-Daroca Basin), including Microdyromys cf. remmerti, a species until now only described from the Miocene of the Daroca-Villafeliche area. Among the fauna recorded in PF2, a form of Democricetodon is described. The sedimentary record of the Pico del Fraile and Sancho Abarca sections and the mammalian findings extend the stratigraphic and paleontological knowledge of this part of the Ebro Basin, and allow its study in a continuous stratigraphic context

    Revisão sistemática sobre a resiliência como fator influente durante o estágio adolescente

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    Introducción: La resiliencia se identifica como el proceso por el cual se produce una mejora y crecimiento personal debido a la superación de situaciones y dificultades estresantes. Se desarrolla y se adquiere en base al desarrollo personal, fruto de procesos sociales, psicológicos, externos e internos. Objetivos: El presente estudio se plantea como objetivo realizar una revisión sistemática sobre la resiliencia, su conceptualización, tratamiento y su alcance en la etapa adolescente. Material y métodos: Se utilizaron las bases de datos Web of Science y Scopus. Como descriptores de búsqueda de incluyeron tanto en castellano como en inglés siendo“resiliencia”, “adolescentes” y “educación”, y estableciéndose un rango desde 2007 hasta 2017. Resultados y discusión: Se encontraron un total de 347 documentos, repartidos en 231 en Web of Science y 116 en Scopus, resultando la muestra de esta revisión 20 artículos científicos como aquellos afines a la finalidad planteada. Tras la revisión analizada se plantea la necesidad de llevar el trabajo y concienciación de la importancia de la resiliencia para el correcto desarrollo y resolución de problemas y situaciones planteadas en la vida diaria, de forma que las familias y la escuela presentan un papel fundamental para este objetivo. Conclusiones: Es esencial el conocimiento de los factores señalados con anterioridad para promover la resiliencia entre los más jóvenes.Introduction: Resilience is identified as the process by which personal improvement and growth occurs due to the overcoming of stressful situations and difficulties. It is developed and acquired based on personal development, the result of social, psychological, external and internal processes. Objectives: This study aims to conduct a systematic review of resilience, its conceptualization, treatment and its scope in the adolescent stage. Material and methods: The bibliographic search was carried out through the Web of Science and Scopus. As search descriptors, they included both Spanish and English being "resilience", "adolescents" and "education", and establishing a range from 2007 to 2017. Results: A total of 347 documents were found, distributed in 231 in Web of Science and 116 in Scopus, resulting in the sample of this review 20 scientific articles as those related to the proposed purpose. Discussion and conclusions: After the review analyzed, the need to carry out the work and awareness of the importance of resilience for the correct development and resolution of problems and situations raised in daily life, so that families and the school present a fundamental role for this objective, being essential the knowledge of the factors indicated previously to promote resilience among the youngest.Introdução: Introdução: a resiliência é identificada como o processo pelo qual a melhoria e o crescimento pessoal ocorrem devido à superação de situações e dificuldades estressantes. É desenvolvido e adquirido com base no desenvolvimento pessoal, resultado de processos sociais, psicológicos, externos e internos. Objetivos: Este estudo tem como objetivo realizar uma revisão sistemática da resiliência, sua conceituação, tratamento e seu escopo na fase adolescente. Material e métodos: a busca bibliográfica foi realizada através dos portais Web of Science e Scopus. Como descritores de pesquisa, eles incluíam espanhol e inglês como "resiliência", "adolescentes" e "educação", e estabelecendo um intervalo de 2007 a 2017. Resultados: Foram encontrados 347 documentos, distribuídos em 231 na Web de Ciência e 116 em Scopus, resultando na amostra desta revisão 20 artigos científicos como aqueles relacionados ao propósito proposto. Discussão e conclusões: após a análise analisada, a necessidade de realizar o trabalho e a conscientização sobre a importância da resiliência para o desenvolvimento correto e resolução de problemas e situações levantadas no cotidiano, para que as famílias e a escola apresentem um papel fundamental para este objetivo, sendo essencial o conhecimento dos fatores indicados anteriormente para promover a resiliência entre os mais jovens

    Short time guided bone regeneration using beta-tricalcium phosphate with and without fibronectin. An experimental study in rats

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     The aim of this histomorphometric study was to assess the bone regeneration potential of beta-tricalcium phosphate with fibronectin (β-TCP-Fn) in critical-sized defects (CSDs) in rats calvarial, to know whether Fn improves the new bone formation in a short time scope.  CSDs were created in 30 Sprague Dawley rats, and divided into four groups (2 or 6 weeks of healing) and type of filling β-TCP-Fn, β-TCP, empty control). Variables studied were augmented area (AA), gained tissue (GT), mineralized/non mineralized bone matrix (MBM/NMT) and bone substitute (BS). 60 samples at 2 and six weeks were evaluated. AA was higher for treatment groups comparing to controls (p < 0.001) and significant decrease in BS area in the β-TCP-Fn group from 2 to 6 weeks (p = 0.031). GT was higher in the β-TCP-Fn group than in the controls expressed in % (p = 0.028) and in mm2 (p = 0.011), specially at two weeks (p=0.056).  Both β-TCP biomaterials are effective as compared with bone defects left empty in maintaining the volume. GT in defects regeneration filed with β-TCP-Fn are significantly better in short healing time when comparing with controls but not for β-TCP used alone in rats calvarial CSDs

    A multiple dating-method approach applied to the Sanabria Lake moraine complex (NW Iberian Peninsula, SW Europe)

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    New evidence in the NW region of the Iberian Peninsula (c. 42º N 6 ºW) of a glacial advance coeval with the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) of the Marine Isotope Stage 2 has been identified through a dataset of exposure ages based on 23 10Be concentration measurements carried out on boulder samples taken from a set of latero-frontal moraines. Results span the interval 19.2e15.4 10Be ka, matching the last deglaciation period when Iberia experienced the coldest and driest conditions of the last 25 ka, and are consistent with Lateglacial chronologies established in other mountain regions from SW Europe. The extent of the LGM stade identified in this work is similar to the local maximum ice extent stade recorded and dated as prior to 33 ka using radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence. This work showcases how multiple-dating approaches and detailed geomorphological mapping are required to reconstruct realistic palaeoglacier evolution models

    Tracking soluble and nanoparticulated titanium released in vivo from metal dental implant debris using (single-particle)-ICP-MS

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    Background: This work studies the presence of the Ti, Al and V metal ions and Ti nanoparticles released from the debris produced by the implantoplasty, a surgical procedure used in the clinic, in rat organs. Methods: The sample preparation for total Ti determination was carefully optimized using microsampling inserts to minimize the dilution during the acid attack of the lyophilized tissues by a microwave-assisted acid digestion method. An enzymatic digestion method was optimized and applied to the different tissue samples in order to extract the titanium nanoparticles for the single-particle ICP-MS analysis.Results: A statistically significant increase was found for Ti concentrations from control to experimental groups for several of the studied tissues, being and particularly significant in the case of brain and spleen. Al and V concentrations were detected in all tissues but they were not different when comparing control and experimental animals, except for V in brain. The possible presence of Ti-containing nanoparticles mobilized from the implantoplasty debris was tested using enzymatic digestions and SP-ICP-MS. The presence of Ti-containing nanoparticles was observed in all the analyzed tissues, however, differences on the Ti mass per particle were found between the blanks and the digested tissue and between control and experimental animals in some organs.Conclusion: The developed methodologies, both for ionic and nanoparticulated metal contents in rat organs, have shown the possible increase in the levels of Ti both as ions and nanoparticles in rats subjected to implantoplasty

    Evaluation of the inflammatory and osteogenic response induced by titanium particles released during implantoplasty of dental implants

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    Implantoplasty is a mechanical decontamination technique that consists of removing the threads and polishing and smoothing the dental implant surface. During implantoplasty there is a large release of titanium metal particles that might provoke a proinflammatory response and reduce the viability of osteogenic cells. We analyze the inflammatory and osteogenic response induced by Ti6Al4V particles released during implantoplasty and by as-received commercially pure Ti particles. Macrophages stimulated with metal particles obtained by implantoplasty and with as-received Ti particles showed an increased proinflammatory expression of TNF-alpha and a decreased expression of TGF-beta and CD206. Regarding cytokine release, there was an increase in IL-1 beta, while IL-10 decreased. The osteogenic response of Ti6Al4V extracts showed a significant decrease in Runx2 and OC expression compared to the controls and commercially pure Ti extracts. There were no relevant changes in ALP activity. Thus, implantoplasty releases metal particles that seems to induce a pro-inflammatory response and reduce the expression of osteogenic markers

    Matemática Financiera

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    El propósito de este libro es el de tratar breve pero rigurosamente la Matemática Empresarial, no exigiendo del lector ningún conocimiento previo del tema. Con su publicación hemos deseado poner a disposición del lector un instrumental concreto y preciso que le pueda resultar útil como introducción en la materia hoy y como libro de consulta en el futuro. Esperamos que el éxito que pueda derivarse de su uso justifique la utilidad de su publicación. Es lo que deseamos y nos ha motivado

    Age, Origin and Functional Study of the Prevalent LDLR Mutation Causing Familial Hypercholesterolaemia in Gran Canaria

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    The p.(Tyr400_Phe402del) mutation in the LDL receptor (LDLR) gene is the most frequent cause of familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) in Gran Canaria. The aim of this study was to determine the age and origin of this prevalent founder mutation and to explore its functional consequences. For this purpose, we obtained the haplotypic information of 14 microsatellite loci surrounding the mutation in one homozygous individual and 11 unrelated heterozygous family trios. Eight different mutation carrier haplotypes were identified, which were estimated to originate from a common ancestral haplotype 387 (110–1572) years ago. This estimation suggests that this mutation happened after the Spanish colonisation of the Canary Islands, which took place during the fifteenth century. Comprehensive functional studies of this mutation showed that the expressed LDL receptor was retained in the endoplasmic reticulum, preventing its migration to the cell surface, thus allowing us to classify this LDLR mutation as a class 2a, defective, pathogenic variant.This work was supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII): PI20/00846, INT21/00032 (RMS), CM19/00116 (AMGL) with the participation of the European Union through European Regional Development Funds (“A way to make Europe”), the Fundación Canaria del Instituto de Investigaciones Sanitarias de Canarias (FCIISC): PIFIISC20/16 and the Fundación Mapfre Guanarteme (Beca Investigación 2020). NMS was supported by a María Zambrano Fellowship funded by the Spanish Ministry of Universities within the “Next Generation EU” scheme