427 research outputs found

    California v. LaRue: The Demise of the “Bottomless” Bar

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    The O-antigen flippase Wzk can substitute for MurJ in peptidoglycan synthesis in Helicobacter pylori and Escherichia coli

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    The peptidoglycan (PG) cell wall is an essential component of the cell envelope of most bacteria. Biogenesis of PG involves a lipid-linked disaccharide-pentapeptide intermediate called lipid II, which must be translocated across the cytoplasmic membrane after it is synthesized in the inner leaflet of this bilayer. Accordingly, it has been demonstrated that MurJ, the proposed lipid II flippase in Escherichia coli, is required for PG biogenesis, and thereby viability. In contrast, MurJ is not essential in Bacillus subtilis because this bacterium produces AmJ, an unrelated protein that is functionally redundant with MurJ. In this study, we investigated why MurJ is not essential in the prominent gastric pathogen, Helicobacter pylori. We found that in this bacterium, Wzk, the ABC (ATP-binding cassette) transporter that flips the lipid-linked O- or Lewis- antigen precursors across the inner membrane, is redundant with MurJ for cell viability. Heterologous expression of wzk in E. coli also suppresses the lethality caused by the loss of murJ. Furthermore, we show that this cross-species complementation is abolished when Wzk is inactivated by mutations that target a domain predicted to be required for ATPase activity. Our results suggest that Wzk can flip lipid II, implying that Wzk is the flippase with the most relaxed specificity for lipid-linked saccharides ever identified

    Embodied Discourses of Literacy in the Lives of Two Preservice Teachers

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    This study examines the emerging teacher literacy identities of Ian and A.J., two preservice teachers in a graduate teacher education program in the United States. Using a poststructural feminisms theoretical framework, the study illustrates the embodiment of literacy pedagogy discourses in relation to the literacy courses’ discourse of comprehensive literacy and the literacy biographical discourses of Ian and A.J. The results of this study indicate the need to deconstruct how the discourse of comprehensive literacy limits how we, as literacy teacher educators, position, hear and respond to our preservice teachers and suggests the need for differentiation in our teacher education literacy courses

    Septic thrombophlebitis with acute osteomyelitis in adolescent children: a report of two cases and review of the literature

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    The triad of acute osteomyelitis, deep venous thrombophlebitis, and septic pulmonary embolism is a rare, but life-threatening syndrome in children that requires prompt recognition and treatment. We report two cases of acute osteomyelitis complicated by septic thrombophlebitis and pulmonary emboli. Both patients required operative drainage to remove the septic focus. Recognition of any one component of the triad should prompt a search for the other associated disorders. Aggressive management with early antibiotic administration, anticoagulation, and surgical debridement can be life saving

    From Surveillance to Witnessing: Revanche, Red Road, and the Anti-Revenge Film

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    This essay examines recent European art films that reinterpret the revenge plot and radically challenge the possibility of legitimized violence. I argue that what I term “anti-revenge” films, in particular Andrea Arnold’s Red Road (2006), and Götz Spielmann’s Revanche (2008), frustrate the desire for vengeance (both the protagonist’s and the spectator’s), replacing violent spectacle with uneasy engagement that inhibits revenge, gesturing instead toward the possibility, however remote, of forgiveness. In both films prolonged surveillance, surveillance ostensibly in the service of retribution, inadvertently becomes a means for ethical engagement that actually prohibits violence. In their failure to conform to generic conventions and their depiction of the collapse of the retributive drive, these films challenge the moral legitimacy of revenge, substituting uneasy, often inconclusive moments of potential forgiveness for violent spectacle

    A novel accessory muscle in the flexor compartment of anterior forearm inserting into the tenosynovium of the flexor pollicis longus

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    A common variant of accessory muscles in the anterior forearm is the Gantzer’s muscle (GM). GM arises as a muscle belly from flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) or ulnar coronoid process to merge distally with the flexor pollicis longus (FPL) muscle. In the present case report, we describe a novel accessory muscle in the flexor compartment of the forearm. The proximal attachment was tendinous and came from three sources: FDS muscle, ulnar coronoid process, and the medial aspect of the proximal radius. The distal tendon of the novel accessory muscle ran parallel to FPL, passed through the carpal tunnel, and entered the palmar aspect of the hand. In the hand, the tendon thinned out and blended with the tenosynovium of the FPL, contributing to the sheath around the FPL tendon. This accessory muscle of the FPL is comparable to the frequently documented Gantzer muscle (GM); however, the present case exhibited fundamental nuances that distinguish it from the previously described iterations of the GM in the following ways: 1) The novel accessory muscle is tendinous from its proximal origin and throughout the upper one-third of the forearm, and one component of its origin arose from the medial aspect of the radius. Gantzer muscles with an origin on the radius have not been previously reported. 2) In the middle one-third, the tendinous proximal attachment transitioned to a muscle belly that passed through the carpal tunnel and entered the hand. 3) In the hand, the novel tendon widened, thinned, and merged with the tenosynovium of the FPL. Accessory muscles are a common finding in the anterior forearm during cadaveric dissection. In patients, they can be the cause of neuropathies due to compression of the anterior interosseous nerve. Awareness of variations is also important for clinicians who examine the forearm and hand, as well as hand and surgeons

    Lament as Transitional Justice

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    Works of human rights literature help to ground the formal rights system in an informal rights ethos. Writers have developed four major modes of human rights literature: protest, testimony, lament, and laughter. Through interpretations of poetry in Carolyn Forché’s anthology, Against Forgetting, and novels from Rwanda, the United States, and Bosnia, I focus on the mode of lament, the literature of mourning. Lament is a social and ritualized form, the purposes of which are congruent with the aims of transitional justice institutions. Both laments and truth commissions employ grieving narratives to help survivors of human rights trauma bequeath to the ghosts of the past the justice of a monument while renewing the survivors’ capacity for rebuilding civil society in the future. Human rights scholars need a broader, extra-juridical meaning for “transitional justice” if we hope to capture its power

    Researching Memory in Early Modern Studies

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    This essay pursues the study of early modern memory across a chronologically, conceptually and thematically broad canvas in order to address key questions about the historicity of memory and the methodologies of memory studies. First, what is the value for our understanding of early modern memory practices of transporting the methodologies of contemporary memory studies backwards, using them to study the memorial culture of a time before living memory? Second, what happens to the cross-disciplinary project of memory studies when it is taken to a distant period, one that had its own highly self-conscious and much debated cultures of remembering? Drawing on evidence and debates from a range of disciplinary locations, but primarily focusing on literary and historical studies, the essay interrogates crucial differences and commonalities between memory studies and early modern studies

    Education then and now: making the case for ecol-agogy

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    The processes, settings and outcomes of human education have distinctive impact on the human and non-human world: this paper sets out to discuss what may have motivated the initiation of human education, how it has been maintained why the outcome has wide-ranging, and often negative, planetary impact. The analysis offers a multi-disciplinary account of education, from pre-history to the present, noting that humans, past and present are born into an ‘open world’ that requires world building or, niche construction. As a result, cultural and genetic evolution are out of synchronisation instigating an existential threat and the anxious experience of ‘adaptive-lag’ leading to the motive for continued niche construction. Education is presented as a particular type of niche construction requiring teachers and the use of symbolic verbal language to help learners move from simplistic ‘split’ thinking to the more mature position where the needs of self and others can be met
