201 research outputs found

    Analisis Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Rec (Studi Pada PT. Bank Mandiri Persero, Tbk Periode 2011-2013)

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    The purpose of this research is to know the application of REC analysis at Bank Mandiri and to know health rate of Bank Mandiri by using REC approach during 2011-2013. This research is a descriptive research with a quantitative approach. Research is done at Bank Mandiri, Tbk. The result of REC analysis at Bank Mandiri, Tbk shows that based on the analysis of (NPL) year 2012, credit risk was the lowest than year 2011 and 2013. Market Risk of Bank Mandiri, Tbk measured by (IRR) formula were increased every year, it means the income of the bank was always highest. Based on the calculation of Liquidity Risk using (LDR), (LAR), and (CR), known that LDR of the bank categorized is good enough, the result of LAR are larger than CR, besides the score earned by CR is small, so that the liquidity level of Bank Mandiri was low. Profitability factors measured by (ROA) and (NIM) during 2011-2013 shows an upward trend, it means that profit rise is signify followed by increased asset of Bank Mandiri. Capital factors that measured by (CAR) during 2011-2013 are classified in rank one, because it has top value at the provisions of Bank Indonesia (above 8 %)

    The Use of Information Gap Activity to Improve Speaking Ability of the Second Year of SMPN 34 Pekanbaru in Making Information Questions

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    The research is a classroom research that was conducted based on the problem occurred at the eighth grade students of SMP 34 Pekanbaru at studying the improvement on the ability of the eighth grade students of SMP 34 Pekanbaru in speaking in making information questions. Besides, knowledge in making information questions is mostly improved after being taught by information gap activity method. The participants were 34 students from VIII 2 of SMP 34 Pekanbaru. This research was conducted in two cycles. The data collection technique was obtained through (1) observation sheet which was applied to know the students and teacher performance during the teaching and learning process, (2) test was done to measure students' achievement, and (3) field note was obtain information about teacher, the students activities and performance in the teaching and learning process during the implementation of picture series. The research finding can briefly explain as follow: first the student's students speaking ability could be improved by using information gap activity method. Before the research was done, the average score of students was only 35.92 in pretest. After the research was done for cycle 1, it improved to77.19. Then, In cycle 2 increased up to 85.5. The observation sheet and field note result showed that the used of information gap activity make the teaching process more effective and it also helped students' improve their speaking ability and more active in learning process. This improvement happened because this information gap activity method is appropriate to be applied to the class

    Deterministic and Recursive Approach in Attitude Determination for InnoSAT

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    Attitude determination system (ADS) was indispensable in attitude control of satellite. Especially for InnoSAT due to the limitation of budget, weight, and power, the attitude was determined using onboard position sensors. Previous research has successfully implemented the attitude determination using only Earth's magnetic field sensors for small attitude angle, but the approach produced quite big error for large attitude angle. This paper presents attitude determination for InnoSAT using combination of sun sensors and earth's magnetic field for large attitude angle. The attitude was determined using a deterministic (QUEST) and recursive (EKF) approach. A problem arises when using the sun sensors while the satellite experiencing eclipse. Consequently, the accuracy of both approaches was analyzed at eclipse and no eclipse conditions. The result shows that deterministic approach produced better accuracy at no eclipse but recursive approach produced better accuracy at eclipse. The strategy to apply the both approaches and eclipse conditions also discussed in this paper


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    ABSTARCT The purpose of this research was to know whether there was a significant influence of debate towards students’ English Fluency at eleventh grade of SMA N 1 KOTABUMI in the academic year 2020/2021.This research applied Debate to solve the problem, one way that could help the students improve their English Fluency in speaking. The research methodology of this research was quasi-experimental design. The sample of this research was chosen by using cluster random sampling. There were two classes as the sample of this research, X IPA II as the experimental class and X IPA 1 as the control class. In collecting the data, the researcher used pre-test and post-test as the instrument. The pre-test was conducted before the researcher applied the treatment in the class and the post-test was conducted after the researcher applied the treatment in the class. The instrument of this research was an oral presentation test. Afterfinishing the research, the reseacher analyzed the data using Independent Sample T-Test. After analyzing the data, it was found that the result Pvalue (Sig.) or Sig. (2-tailed) = 0.00 and α = 0.05. It meant that Ha was accepted. It could be concluded that there was significant influence of using Debate towards students’ English Speaking Fluency at the second semester of the Eleventh grade of SMAN 1 KOTABUMI in the academic year of 2020/2021. Keywords: Debate, English Fluency, Quasi-Experimental Design


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    Local taxes are one source of financial local development a very reliable to support the implementation of regional autonomy. One type of regional tax levied by the City/Regency Government is Customs on Acquisition of Land and Building (BPHTB). BPHTB tax is a tax on acquisition of land and buildings. This study aims to determine the effectiveness and contribution of BPHTB tax to the revenue of Padang City local tax. Method of analysis used is descriptive quantitative method, namely analyzing the data of the target and realization receipts of BPHTB Tax in 2011 to 2014 by using the ratio of effectiveness and contribution ratio. The results showed that the rate of effectiveness BPHTB tax in 2011 to 2014 fluctuating with an average revenue of 89,82% which is included in the criteria is fairly effective. Within a period of four years since transitioned into Local Taxes in 2011, contribution of BPHTB to local taxes and local revenues is still lacking in 2011 to 2014 with an average revenue contribution of 10,43% and 7,54%


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    Laporan Akhir (LA) ini berjudul “Rancang Bangun Alat Penghalus Main Journal Crankshaft” . Tujuan dari pembuatan alat ini adalah untuk mempermudah para mekanik/montir dalam menghaluskan main journal crankshaft. Dengan menggunakan alat bantu ini, proses pengerjaan dari penghalusan main journal crankshaft dapat lebih efisien dibandingkan dengan menggunakan metode manual. Alat penghalus main journal crankshaft ini menggunakan motor wiper 24 Volt sebagai penggerak utamanya yang dihubungkan dengan bingkai (frame) dan bos ass untuk mengubah gerakan putar motor wiper menjadi gerakan bolak balik. Alat ini juga menggunakan Transformator 5 Ampere untuk mengubah dari arus AC ke arus DC karena motor wiper yang digunakan memerlukan arus DC untuk menghidupkannya


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    Tujuan utama dari Rancang Bangun Gapura Jurusan Teknik Mesin Dengan Atap dan Penggerak Motor Listrik ini adalah untuk membuat suatu gapura baru yang memiliki ciri khas tersendiri kepada Jurusan Teknik Mesin. Gapura ini memiliki Palang yang digerakkan ke atas dan ke bawah dengan menggunakan motor listrik bertenaga ½ HP dan berdaya 1400 rpm. Alat ini dirancang khusus untuk sebagai pintu gerbang masuk ke gedung Jurusan Teknik Mesin yang mempunyai palang agar orang tidak bisa masuk sembarangan. Gapura ini cara kerjanya dengan menggunakan motor listrik yang diletakkan pada tiang kanan gapura. Motor listrik inilah yang berperan penting dalam pengoperasian palang yang dapat turun ke bawah dan naik ke atas. Pada proses rancang bangun dilakukan perancangan dan perincian dengan seteliti mungkin sehingga perancangan yang dilakukan mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal serta dapat meminimalisir biaya produksi. Pembuatan alat dengan bentuk variasi yang menarik akan menciptakan suatu daya tarik tersendiri

    APLIKASI PENGELOLAAN DATA PENERIMAAN DAN PENGELUARAN PADA AGEN KORAN DAN MAJALAH (contoh kasus Rajab Agency Bandung) ( Aplication of Data Management Acceptance and Expenditure In Newspaper and Magazine Agency (Study Case Rajab Agency Bandung) )

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    ABSTRAKSI: Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin pesat, maka Agen Koran dan Majalah Rajab Agency Bandung perlu mempersiapkan diri dengan konsep komputerisasi dalam masalah pengelolaan dokumen. Penanganan secara manual rawan dan memiliki resiko tinggi akan terjadinya kesalahan-kesalahan akibat human error.Dalam proyek akhir ini akan dibuat suatu sistem berbasis komputer yang nantinya akan mengelola data-data yang berhubungan dengan dokumen, menampilkan informasi mengenai dokumen, dengan adanya sistem ini nantinya diharapkan aliran data antar bagian menjadi lebih baik sehingga setiap proses akan menjadi lebih cepat. Dengan demikian efisiensi dan produktifitas akan meningkat. di bagian Manajemen Rajab Agency.Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Dokumen ini akan dibangun dengan model Waterfall, dan diimplementasikan dengan pemrograman menggunakan visual basic dengan menggunakan database Microsoft SQL Server 7.0.Kata Kunci : Waterfall, visual basic.ABSTRACT: Along with growth of information technology which is fast progressively, hence part of Rajab Agency require to unlimber with the concept computerize for the management of document. Handling in gristle manual and own the high risk will the happening mistake of effect human error.In this final project will be made by an system base on the computer which later will manage the data of which deal with of document, presenting information of concerning document, so that with the existence of this system is later expected by a data stream usher the shares become better so that each every process will become quicker. Thereby efficiency and productivity will mount. in shares Management of Rajab Agency.Information System of Management of this Document will be developed with the model Waterfall, and implementation by base programming visual basic and using database of Microsoft SQL Server 7.0.Keyword: Waterfall, visual basic


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    This research aims to determine whether the implementation of e-Filling system variable and taxpayer awareness have an impact on taxpayer obedience in KPP Pratama Ilir Barat Palembang. The theory used in this study are Theory of Planned Behavior. Population of this study were personal taxpayers registered in KPP Pratama Ilir Barat Palembang city, while the sample of this study were personal taxpayers registered in KPP Pratama Ilir Barat with 100 respondents. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regressions with SPSS 25 as an analysis tool. The results of this study obtained that the implementation of e-Filling system variable and taxpayer awareness have an impact on taxpayer obedience. Keywords: Implementation of e-Filling System, Taxpayer Awareness, Taxpayer Obedience
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