12 research outputs found

    MRI texture analysis as means for addressing rehydration and milk diffusion in cereals

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    Cereals microstructure is one of the primary quality attributes of cereals. Cereals rehydration and milk diffusion depends on such microstructure and thus, the crispiness and the texture, which will make it more palatable for the final consumer. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a very powerful tomographic tool since acquisition parameter leads to a wide possibility for identifying textures, structures and liquids mobility. It is suited for noninvasive imaging of water and fats. Rehydration and diffusion cereals processes were measured by MRI at different times and using two different kinds of milk, varying their fat level. Several images were obtained. A combination of textural analysis (based on the analysis of histograms) and segmentation methods (in order to understand the rehydration level of each variety of cereals) were performed. According to the rehydration level, no advisable clustering behaviour was found. Nevertheless, some differences were noticeable between the coating, the type of milk and the variety of cereals

    Manual de simulación clínica en especialidades médicas

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    Manual sobre técnicas y modos de simulación clínica en diversas especialidades médicas.La enseñanza y formación en medicina necesita el uso de la simulación. Existen evidencias de su uso desde hace cientos de años, pero, en los últimos años se ha incrementado y diseminado. La simulación clínica está validada científicamente en múltiples contextos médicos y de otras áreas profesionales de la salud. Y es considerada de gran importancia como proceso de entrenamiento y de mejora de las competencias y adquisición de habilidades médicas en campos que incluye desde la historia clínica, comunicación con el paciente, exploración, diagnóstico terapéutica médica-farmacológica y quirúrgica y seguridad al tratar al paciente. Hoy en día, para muchas técnicas y situaciones clínicas es inaceptable llegar junto a los pacientes sin un dominio adquirido en simulación. La simulación puede ocurrir sin el uso de recursos adicionales, solo las personas, o utilizando pocos o muchos recursos de baja hasta alta tecnología y se puede adaptar a los recursos disponibles, abarcando todas las áreas de conocimiento, y dentro de ellas competencias técnicas o actitudes, solas o en conjunto. El uso racional y basado en evidencia de la simulación es de la mayor importancia por la necesidad de una mayor efectividad y eficiencia en la transformación de los profesionales de la salud para que puedan mejorar su capacidad de atender a los pacientes. La simulación es también una buena herramienta de evaluación de competencias y habilidades en Medicina y otras disciplinas de las Ciencias de la Salud Este manual incluye técnicas y modos de simulación clínica en diversas especialidades médicas, útiles, para quien busque un manual práctico y actualizado.Cátedra de Mecenazgo de la Universidad de Málaga. Cátedra de Terapias Avanzadas en Patología Cardiovascular Cátedra de Mecenazgo de la Universidad de Málaga. Cátedra de Investigación Biomédica Quirón Salu

    Prácticas en la nube: Una plataforma web para la realización de ejercicios de cálculo numérico

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    Este trabajo presenta una aplicación web para la realización de prácticas de asignaturas con contenidos de cálculo numérico, o en las que se usan programas informáticos específicos. Dicha aplicación web facilita enormemente el trabajo del alumno, permitiéndole realizar las prácticas desde fuera del aula de informática, y sin la obligación de instalar y configurar los programas necesarios


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    nell'ambito del PRIN 2008 "Editoria e cultura in lingua spagnola e d'interesse ispanico fra Rinascimento e Barocco (1503-1707): Catalogazione e approssimazione critic

    Development of a Carvedilol Oral Liquid Formulation for Paediatric Use

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    Carvedilol (CARV) is an ‘off-label’ β-blocker drug to treat cardiovascular diseases in children. Since CARV is nearly insoluble in water, only CARV solid forms are commercialized. Usually, CARV tablets are manipulated to prepare an extemporaneous liquid formulation for children in hospitals. We studied CARV to improve its aqueous solubility and develop an oral solution. In this study, we assessed the solubility and preliminary stability of CARV in different pH media. Using malic acid as a solubility enhancer had satisfactory results. We studied the chemical, physical, and microbiological stability of 1 mg/mL CARV–malic acid solution. A design of experiment (DoE) was used to optimize the CARV solution’s preparation parameters. A 1 mg/mL CARV solution containing malic acid was stable for up to 12 months at 25 °C and 30 °C and 6 months at 40 °C. An equation associating malic acid with CARV concentrations was obtained using DoE. Microbiological data showed that the use of methylparaben was not necessary for this period of time. We successfully developed an aqueous CARV solution suitable for paediatrics and proven to be stable over a 12-month period

    Surgical management of a penetrating drill bit injury to the skull base

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    Background: Low-energy penetrating brain injuries are rarely encountered in neurosurgical practice. Immediate surgical management remains the primary treatment strategy to control potential bleeding and prevents infectious complications. Case Description: A 28-year-old man presented with an orbital injury with left-sided chemosis, amaurosis, and ophthalmoplegia following an assault. Cranial CT revealed an industrial drill bit causing a penetrating injury to the skull base. The tip of the object reached the petrous apex. CT angiography showed no signs of cerebrovascular damage. The drill bit was visualized through a frontotemporal craniotomy. It was then carefully removed under direct microscopic vision. Postoperative ceftriaxone was administered. The patient was discharged in good condition on postoperative day 6. His vision impairment remained.Conclusion: Timely access to neuroimaging diagnostics and microneurosurgical facilities allows for good outcomes in the surgical treatment of low-velocity penetrating brain injuries. © 2022 Scientific Scholar. All rights reserved

    Dangerous liaisons: the ecology of private interest and common good

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disease of the central nervous system characterized by myelin loss and neuronal dysfunction. Although the majority of patients do not present familial aggregation, Mendelian forms have been described. We performed whole-exome sequencing analysis in 132 patients from 34 multi-incident families, which nominated likely pathogenic variants for MS in 12 genes of the innate immune system that regulate the transcription and activation of inflammatory mediators. Rare missense or nonsense variants were identified in genes of the fibrinolysis and complement pathways (PLAU, MASP1, C2), inflammasome assembly (NLRP12), Wnt signaling (UBR2, CTNNA3, NFATC2, RNF213), nuclear receptor complexes (NCOA3), and cation channels and exchangers (KCNG4, SLC24A6, SLC8B1). These genes suggest a disruption of interconnected immunological and pro-inflammatory pathways as the initial event in the pathophysiology of familial MS, and provide the molecular and biological rationale for the chronic inflammation, demyelination and neurodegeneration observed in MS patients. Author summary Although the majority of patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis do not have a family history of disease, 13% report having a close relative also diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. In these families, the cause of multiple sclerosis can be largely attributed to a single genetic variant that is transmitted through generations. In this study we analyzed DNA from 132 patients from 34 families, resulting in the identification of 12 rare genetic variants that are largely responsible for the onset of multiple sclerosis in these families. These variants are located in genes implicated in specific immunological pathways, and suggest the biological mechanisms that trigger the onset of multiple sclerosis. These genes and variants provide the means for the generation of cellular and animal models of human disease, and highlight biological targets for the development of novel treatments.This research was undertaken thanks to funding from the Canada Research Chair program (950-228408), Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (16827), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (MOP-137051), the Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute, the Milan & Maureen Ilich Foundation (11-32095000), and the Vancouver Foundation (ADV14-1597) to CVG. Additional funds were provided by "Red Espanola de Esclerosis Multiple (REEM)" (grant to KV was RD12/0032/0013; RETICS, ISCIII), Project FIS PI13/0879 Grant RETICS-REEM RD07/0060/0019; Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad-FEDER SAF2016-80595-C2-1-P to AA and FM, Junta de Andalucia-FEDER to FM, and the Ricerca Finalizzata of the Italian Ministry of Health (RF-201102350347). EU, LL, LEP, and PUR are members of the Spanish Network of Multiple Sclerosis REEM RD16/0015/0010, supported by Institute of Health "Carlos III" of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grants cofunded by European Regional Development Fund). LL holds a Nicolas Monardes contract (C-0014-2015) from the Andalusian Health Ministry. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript