13,784 research outputs found

    Influences of initial plankton biomass and mixed layer depths on the outcome of iron-fertilization experiments

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    International audienceSeveral in situ iron-enrichment experiments have been conducted, where the response of the phytoplankton community differed. We use a marine ecosystem model to investigate the effect of iron on phytoplankton in response to different initial plankton conditions and mixed layer depths. Sensitivity analysis of the model results to the mixed layer depths reveals that the modeled response to the same iron enhancement treatment differed dramatically according to the different mixed layer depth. The magnitude of the iron-induced biogeochemical responses in the surface water, such as maximum chlorophyll, is inversely correlated with the mixed layer depth, as observed. The significant decrease in maximum surface chlorophyll with mixed layer depth results from the difference in diatom concentration in the mixed layer, which is determined by vertical mixing. Sensitivity of the model to initial mesozooplankton (as grazers on diatoms) biomass shows that column-integrated net community production and export production are strongly controlled by the initial mesozooplankton biomass. Higher initial mesozooplankton biomass yields high grazing pressure on diatoms, which results in less accumulation of diatom biomass. The initial diatom biomass is also important to the outcome of iron enrichment but is not as crucial as the mixed layer depth and the initial mesozooplankton biomass. This modeling study suggests not only mixed layer depth but also the initial biomass of diatoms and its principle grazers are crucial factors in the response of the phytoplankton community to the iron enrichments, and should be considered in designing future iron-enrichment experiments

    High-Efficient Parallel CAVLC Encoders on Heterogeneous Multicore Architectures

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    This article presents two high-efficient parallel realizations of the context-based adaptive variable length coding (CAVLC) based on heterogeneous multicore processors. By optimizing the architecture of the CAVLC encoder, three kinds of dependences are eliminated or weaken, including the context-based data dependence, the memory accessing dependence and the control dependence. The CAVLC pipeline is divided into three stages: two scans, coding, and lag packing, and be implemented on two typical heterogeneous multicore architectures. One is a block-based SIMD parallel CAVLC encoder on multicore stream processor STORM. The other is a component-oriented SIMT parallel encoder on massively parallel architecture GPU. Both of them exploited rich data-level parallelism. Experiments results show that compared with the CPU version, more than 70 times of speedup can be obtained for STORM and over 50 times for GPU. The implementation of encoder on STORM can make a real-time processing for 1080p @30fps and GPU-based version can satisfy the requirements for 720p real-time encoding. The throughput of the presented CAVLC encoders is more than 10 times higher than that of published software encoders on DSP and multicore platforms

    Long range action in networks of chaotic elements

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    We show that under certain simple assumptions on the topology (structure) of networks of strongly interacting chaotic elements a phenomenon of long range action takes place, namely that the asymptotic (as time goes to infinity) dynamics of an arbitrary large network is completely determined by its boundary conditions. This phenomenon takes place under very mild and robust assumptions on local dynamics with short range interactions. However, we show that it is unstable with respect to arbitrarily weak local random perturbations.Comment: 15 page

    Physical and Biological Controls on the Latitudinal Asymmetry of Surface Nutrients and pCO(2) in the Central and Eastern Equatorial Pacific

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    Surface nutrients and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the central (CEP) and eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) show much higher concentrations to the south than to the north of the equator. In this study, the physical and biological controls on this asymmetry are investigated using a coupled physical-biogeochemical model. Two numerical experiments are conducted to examine the effects of asymmetrical photosynthetic efficiency (a) due to asymmetrical iron supply about the equator. The experiment with asymmetrical photosynthesis produces improved results as compared with historical observations. A nitrate budget analysis suggests that in the EEP the divergence of upwelling waters controls the surface nitrate asymmetry with additional contribution from the South Equatorial Current (SEC) carrying nutrient-rich Peru upwelling water. The changes of a affect the surface nitrate distribution but not the overall asymmetry. The SEC further carries excess nitrate to the west and thus extends the asymmetry in the east to the CEP. In the CEP, however, stronger northward than southward transport tends to reduce the nitrate asymmetry, while the asymmetrical photosynthesis would help to maintain it. Similar processes also control the distributions of surface silicate and DIC in the equatorial Pacific, which is also affected by the air-sea CO(2) exchange. The asymmetrical photosynthesis influences the distribution of surface DIC, pCO(2), and the air-sea CO(2) flux, by redistributing about 20% CO(2) flux from the north to the south of the equator. Owing to the adjustment of air-sea CO(2) flux, however, the net surface DIC change is smaller than the direct change associated with primary production

    Traffic by multiple species of molecular motors

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    We study the traffic of two types of molecular motors using the two-species symmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) with periodic boundary conditions and with attachment and detachment of particles. We determine characteristic properties such as motor densities and currents by simulations and analytical calculations. For motors with different unbinding probabilities, mean field theory gives the correct bound density and total current of the motors, as shown by numerical simulations. For motors differing in their stepping probabilities, the particle-hole symmetry of the current-density relationship is broken and mean field theory fails drastically. The total motor current exhibits exponential finite-size scaling, which we use to extrapolate the total current to the thermodynamic limit. Finally, we also study the motion of a single motor in the background of many non-moving motors.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, late

    Spontaneous formation of nonspherical water ice grains in a plasma environment

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    Saturn's rings, terrestrial polar mesospheric clouds, and astrophysical molecular clouds are all dusty plasma environments where tiny grains of water ice are an important constituent. Existing models typically assume that the ice grains are spherical and then invoke various arguments about the normal distribution or the power law dependence of grain number density on grain radius. Using a laboratory plasma in which water ice grains spontaneously form, we investigated the validity of the traditional assumption that these grains are spherical. We found that in certain cases at low ambient pressures, water ice grains in the laboratory dusty plasma are not spherical but instead are highly elongated, i.e., ellipsoidal. Preliminary analysis suggests that electrical forces associated with the dusty plasma environment are responsible for the nonspherical shape