1,502 research outputs found

    PT-symmetry from Lindblad dynamics in a linearized optomechanical system

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    We analyze a lossy linearized optomechanical system in the red-detuned regime under the rotating wave approximation. This so-called optomechanical state transfer protocol provides effective lossy frequency converter (quantum beam-splitter-like) dynamics where the strength of the coupling between the electromagnetic and mechanical modes is controlled by the optical steady-state amplitude. By restricting to a subspace with no losses, we argue that the transition from mode-hybridization in the strong coupling regime to the damped-dynamics in the weak coupling regime, is a signature of the passive parity-time (PT) symmetry breaking transition in the underlying non-Hermitian quantum dimer. We compare the dynamics generated by the quantum open system (Langevin or Lindblad) approach to that of the PT-symmetric Hamiltonian, to characterize the cases where the two are identical. Additionally, we numerically explore the evolution of separable and correlated number states at zero temperature as well as thermal initial state evolution at room temperature. Our results provide a pathway for realizing non-Hermitian Hamiltonians in optomechanical systems at a quantum level

    The Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26): Reliability and Validity in Spanish Female Samples

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    This paper focuses on the validation of the Spanish form of the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26; Garner, Olmsted, Bohr & Garfinkel, 1982) across two studies. Participants in Study 1 were 778 females recruited from community settings (aged 12-21). Study 2 included 86 females recruited from clinical and 86 females from community settings (aged 12- 35). Results from Principal and Simultaneous Component Analyses showed a unidimensional structure of the EAT-26 item scores. Reliability analyses supported the internal consistency of the scale. Study 1 also explores the ability of the EAT-26 to discriminate between subjects with Eating Disorder (ED), Symptomatic or Asymptomatic by means of ROC analyses and using results from the Questionnaire for Eating Disorder Diagnoses (Q-EDD; Mintz, O’Halloran, Mulholland, & Schneider, 1997) as criterion. The EAT-26 demonstrated good specificity but insufficient sensitivity to detect a full or partial ED. Study 2 explores the ability of the questionnaire to discriminate between subjects with and without ED. The EAT-26 demonstrated good specificity and moderate sensitivity to detect ED. Clinical and theoretical implications of these results are discussed

    Early Dust Formation and a Massive Progenitor for SN 2011ja?

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    SN 2011ja was a bright (I = -18.3) Type II supernova occurring in the nearby edge on spiral galaxy NGC 4945. Flat-topped and multi-peaked H-alpha and H-beta spectral emission lines appear between 64 - 84 days post-explosion, indicating interaction with a disc-like circumstellar medium inclined 30-45 degrees from edge-on. After day 84 an increase in the H- and K-band flux along with heavy attenuation of the red wing of the emission lines are strong indications of early dust formation, likely located in the cool dense shell created between the forward shock of the SN ejecta and the reverse shock created as the ejecta plows into the existing CSM. Radiative transfer modeling reveals both ~1.5 x 10^-4 Msun of pre-existing dust located ~ 10^16.7 cm away and ~ 5 x 10^-5 Msun of newly formed dust. Spectral observations after 1.5 years reveal the possibility that the fading SN is located within a young (3-6 Myr) massive stellar cluster, which when combined with tentative 56Ni mass estimates of 0.2 Msun may indicate a massive (> 25 Msun) progenitor for SN 2011ja.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, submitted to MNRAS awaiting final referee repor

    Non-standard grain properties, dark gas reservoir, and extended submillimeter excess, probed by Herschel in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    Context. Herschel provides crucial constraints on the IR SEDs of galaxies, allowing unprecedented accuracy on the dust mass estimates. However, these estimates rely on non-linear models and poorly-known optical properties. Aims. In this paper, we perform detailed modelling of the Spitzer and Herschel observations of the LMC, in order to: (i) systematically study the uncertainties and biases affecting dust mass estimates; and to (ii) explore the peculiar ISM properties of the LMC. Methods. To achieve these goals, we have modelled the spatially resolved SEDs with two alternate grain compositions, to study the impact of different submillimetre opacities on the dust mass. We have rigorously propagated the observational errors (noise and calibration) through the entire fitting process, in order to derive consistent parameter uncertainties. Results. First, we show that using the integrated SED leads to underestimating the dust mass by ≃50% compared to the value obtained with sufficient spatial resolution, for the region we studied. This might be the case, in general, for unresolved galaxies. Second, we show that Milky Way type grains produce higher gas-to-dust mass ratios than what seems possible according to the element abundances in the LMC. A spatial analysis shows that this dilemma is the result of an exceptional property: the grains of the LMC have on average a larger intrinsic submm opacity (emissivity index ÎČ â‰ƒ 1.7 and opacity Îș_(abs)(160 ÎŒm) = 1.6 m^2   kg^(-1)) than those of the Galaxy. By studying the spatial distribution of the gas-to-dust mass ratio, we are able to constrain the fraction of unseen gas mass between ≃10, and ≃100% and show that it is not sufficient to explain the gas-to-dust mass ratio obtained with Milky Way type grains. Finally, we confirm the detection of a 500 ÎŒm extended emission excess with an average relative amplitude of ≃15%, varying up to 40%. This excess anticorrelates well with the dust mass surface density. Although we do not know the origin of this excess, we show that it is unlikely the result of very cold dust, or CMB fluctuations

    Detection of the S(1) Rotational Line of H2 toward IRC+10216: A Simultaneous Measurement of Mass-Loss Rate and CO Abundance

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    We report the first detection of the S(1) pure rotational line of ortho-H2 at 17.04 um in an asymptotic giant branch star, using observations of IRC+10216 with the Echelon-cross-echelle Spectrograph (EXES) mounted on the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA). This line, which was observed in a very high sensitivity spectrum (RMS noise ~0.04% of the continuum), was detected in the wing of a strong telluric line and displayed a P Cygni profile. The spectral ranges around the frequencies of the S(5) and S(7) ortho-H2 transitions were observed as well but no feature was detected in spectra with sensitivities of 0.12% and 0.09% regarding the continuum emission, respectively. We used a radiation transfer code to model these three lines and derived a mass-loss rate of 2.43(0.21)E-05 M_sun/yr without using the CO abundance. The comparison of this rate with previous estimates derived from CO observations suggests that the CO abundance relative to H2 is 6.7(1.4)E-04. From this quantity and previously reported molecular abundances, we estimate the O/H and C/H ratios to be 3.3(0.7)E-04 and >5.2(0.9)E-04, respectively. The C/O ratio is >1.5(0.4). The absence of the S(5) and S(7) lines of ortho-H2 in our observations can be explained by the opacity of hot dust within 5R* from the center of the star. We estimate the intensity of the S(0) and S(2) lines of para-H2 to be ~0.1% and 0.2% of the continuum, respectively, which are below the detection limit of EXES.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Perforin gene transfer into hematopoietic stem cells improves immune dysregulation in murine models of perforin deficiency

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    Defects in perforin lead to the failure of T and NK cell cytotoxicity, hypercytokinemia, and the immune dysregulatory condition known as familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (FHL). The only curative treatment is allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation which carries substantial risks. We used lentiviral vectors (LV) expressing the human perforin gene, under the transcriptional control of the ubiquitous phosphoglycerate kinase promoter or a lineage-specific perforin promoter, to correct the defect in different murine models. Following LV-mediated gene transfer into progenitor cells from perforin-deficient mice, we observed perforin expression in mature T and NK cells, and there was no evidence of progenitor cell toxicity when transplanted into irradiated recipients. The resulting perforin-reconstituted NK cells showed partial recovery of cytotoxicity, and we observed full recovery of cytotoxicity in polyclonal CD8 + T cells. Furthermore, reconstituted T cells with defined antigen specificity displayed normal cytotoxic function against peptide-loaded targets. Reconstituted CD8 + lymphoblasts had reduced interferon-Îł secretion following stimulation in vitro, suggesting restoration of normal immune regulation. Finally, upon viral challenge, mice with >30% engraftment of gene-modified cells exhibited reduction of cytokine hypersecretion and cytopenias. This study demonstrates the potential of hematopoietic stem cell gene therapy as a curative treatment for perforin-deficient FHL

    Action du sulfite de sodium sur la concentration en composés organohalogénés et sur l'activité mutagÚne de solutions chlorées de substances humiques

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    Cette étude a eu pour but de déterminer l'effet d'un traitement par le sulfite de sodium sur la concentration en composés organohalogénés totaux (TOX) et sur l'activité mutagÚne de solutions chlorées de substances humiques d'origine aquatique (SHA), aprÚs avoir cherché à préciser l'influence du pH et du temps sur la concentration en TOX.Les résultats obtenus à partir d'échantillons chlorés de SHA en absence de chlore résiduel ont permis de mettre en évidence une diminution de la concentration en composés organohalogénés totaux, soit par stockage en milieu neutre ou basique, soit par addition de sulfite de sodium. L'intensité de cette réduction de la concentration en TOX augmente avec le pH, le temps de réaction et la dose de sulfite de sodium introduite.Les résultats obtenus à partir d'échantillons contenant du chlore libre indiquent que seule une déchloration totale avec un excÚs de sulfite de sodium peut conduire, en milieu neutre, à une diminution de l'activité mutagÚne et de la concentration en TOX des solutions diluées de SHA. La comparaison des pourcentages d'abattement obtenus sur le paramÚtre TOX et sur l'activité mutagÚne indique que la diminution de la génotoxicité par déchloration totale est due à l'action du sulfite sur des composés mutagÚnes non chlorés ou sur des composés chlorés fortement mutagÚnes et ne représentant qu'une trÚs faible fraction du TOX.If is a well known tact that mimerous organohalogenated compounds are formed during the chlorination (preoxidation or final disinfection) of drinking water. Some of these compounds have been shown to be mutagenic. Recent studies have suggested that a treatment with oxygenated derivatives of SIV (SO2, NaHSO3 and Na2SO3) could reduce the genotoxicity of chlorinated drinking water.The general aim of Ibis study was to determine the effect of dechlorination treatments on the mutagenic activity of chlorinated drinking water. The following experiments were carried out in order to point out the effect of a treatment with sodium sulfite on the concentration of total organohalogenated compounds (TOX) and on the mutagenic activity of chlorinated dilute solutions of Aquatic Humic Substances (AHS).At first, the affects of pH, sodium sulfite dose and contact time on TOX concentration were investigated. Then, the importance of the dechlorination rate (partial or complete) on TOX concentration and also on the mutagenic activity could be studied.ExperimentalAquatic Humic Substances (natural mixture of fulvic and humic acids) were dissolved in phosphate-buffered ultra-pure water at 5 and 15 mg l-1 concentrations (pH 6.1 and 6.9 respectively). Stock solutions of chlorine were prepared in the laboratory and titrated by iodometry. Chlorination and dechlorination treatments were carried out in headspace-free baffles, at 20± 1 °C in the dark. Residual chlorine was determined by spectrophotometric measurements at 510 nm, following the calorimetric method using N,N-diethylphenylene-1,4-diamine (DPD). To avoid the slow oxidation of Slv into Svl by dissolved oxygen, the sodium sulfite solutions were prepared freshly before use. TOX concentrations were measured using a DOHRMAN DX-20 TOX analyser equipped with a MC-1 microcoulometric cell and with an AD-2 adsorption module. Before analysis, the residual chlorine was neutralized with sodium thiosulfate and samples were acidified to pH 1.4.The mutagenic activity was determined using acetone-dichloromethane extracts (AMBERLITE XAD-8 and XAD-2 resins) of the aqueous samples of chlorinated and dechlorinated solutions of AHS, acidified to pH 2.0 before extraction. The mutagenicity tests were carried out on TA 98 and TA 100 tester strains, following the method described by MARON and AMES (1983).Results-Effect of pH, addition of sodium sulfite and storage time on the TOX concentrationThe experiments carried out with dilute solutions of AHS ([AHS] = 5 mg 1-1; DOC = 2.5 mg Cl-1; pH = 6.1) showed a linear relationship between TOX production and chlorine consumption in the range 0-2.0 mg Cl2 l-1 (fig. 2).15 % of the chlorine demand was incorporated as organic chlorine in molecules.Experiments performed on solutions containing no residual free chlorine showed that organohatogenated compounds could be partially destroyed upon storage at neutral or basic pH (table 1). Reductions in TOX concentrations of 10 % at pH 6.1-8.5 in 24 hours and of 20 % at pH 11.5 in 2 hours were observed. This was enhanced by increasing the storage time.The addition of sodium sulfite (100 ”mol l-1) in solutions containing no residual free chlorine significantly reduced the TOX concentration (10 % in 2 hours at pH 6.1-8.5; table 1). This reduction was enhanced by increasing sulfite dose and storage time and by increasing pH (30 % in 2 hours at pH 11.5). Furthermore, at a given pH value and for a reaction time of 2 hours, the decrease in TOX concentration was larger in presence of sulfite.- Effect of a dechlorination treatment on the TOX concentrationAs shown in figure 3, a dechlorination treatment (reduction of the residual free chlorine concentration) with sodium sulfite could significantly reduce the TOX concentration of the dilute solutions of AHS at pH 6.1 only if an excess of the dechlorinating agent was added. This effect was enhanced by increasing the excess of sulfite but nevertheless seemed to be limited (less than 15 % of reduction for the highest doses used; table 2).The free chlorine residuals measured after a 2 hours partial dechlorination confirmed the stoichiometric factor of 1 mole/mole for the reaction between chlorine and sodium sulfite.- Effect of a dechlorination treatment on the mutagenic activity and on the TOX concentrationThe dechlorination treatments were carried out on chlorinated dilute solutions of AHS ([AHS] = 15 mg l-1; DOC 7.5 mg C l-1; pH = 6.9). The TOX concentrations were measured on aqueous solutions and mutagenicity tests were performed on the corresponding acetone-dichloromethane extracts following a solvent exchange (dimethylsulfoxide). The results obtained showed again that only a total dechlorination treatment could reduce the TOX concentration of the aqueous chlorinated solutions and was able to destroy a significant part of the mutagenic activity of the extracts (table 3 and fig. 4).Although the effect of sulfite on TOX concentration seemed limited (less than 7 % reduction for the highest sulfite dose tested), the reduction in the genotoxicity was more important when the excess of sulfite was increased. No correlation between the TOX concentration and the mutagenic activity could be established. The mutagenic compounds destroyed by sodium sulfite do not appear to be organohalogenated ones. If they are, they are present at trace levels and thus are extremely patent and account for a very little part of the TOX concentration
