4,566 research outputs found

    Parsec-scale HI absorption structure in a low-redshift galaxy seen against a Compact Symmetric Object

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    We present global VLBI observations of the 21-cm transition of atomic hydrogen seen in absorption against the radio source J0855+5751. The foreground absorber (SDSS~J085519.05+575140.7) is a dwarf galaxy at zz = 0.026. As the background source is heavily resolved by VLBI, the data allow us to map the properties of the foreground HI gas with a spatial resolution of 2pc. The absorbing gas corresponds to a single coherent structure with an extent >>35pc, but we also detect significant and coherent variations, including a change in the HI optical depth by a factor of five across a distance of ≤\leq6pc. The large size of the structure provides support for the Heiles & Troland model of the ISM, as well as its applicability to external galaxies. The large variations in HI optical depth also suggest that caution should be applied when interpreting TST_S measurements from radio-detected DLAs. In addition, the distorted appearance of the background radio source is indicative of a strong jet-cloud interaction in its host galaxy. We have measured its redshift (zz = 0.54186) using optical spectroscopy on the William Herschel Telescope and this confirms that J0855+5751 is a FRII radio source with a physical extent of <<1kpc and supports the previous identification of this source as a Compact Symmetric Object. These sources often show absorption associated with the host galaxy and we suggest that both HI and OH should be searched for in J0855+5751.Comment: 14 pages and 10 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Time-delayed feedback control in astrodynamics

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    In this paper we present time-delayed feedback control (TDFC) for the purpose of autonomously driving trajectories of nonlinear systems into periodic orbits. As the generation of periodic orbits is a major component of many problems in astodynamics we propose this method as a useful tool in such applications. To motivate the use of this method we apply it to a number of well known problems in the astrodynamics literature. Firstly, TDFC is applied to control in the chaotic attitude motion of an asymmetric satellite in an elliptical orbit. Secondly, we apply TDFC to the problem of maintaining a spacecraft in a periodic orbit about a body with large ellipticity (such as an asteroid) and finally, we apply TDFC to eliminate the drift between two satellites in low Earth orbits to ensure their relative motion is bounded

    Redshifted formaldehyde from the gravitational lens B0218+357

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    The gravitational lens toward B0218+357 offers the unique possibility to study cool moderately dense gas with high sensitivity and angular resolution in a cloud that existed half a Hubble time ago. Observations of the radio continuum and six formaldehyde (H2CO) lines were carried out with the VLA, the Plateau de Bure interferometer, and the Effelsberg 100-m telescope. Three radio continuum maps indicate a flux density ratio between the two main images, A and B, of ~ 3.4 +/- 0.2. Within the errors the ratio is the same at 8.6, 14.1, and 43 GHz. The 1_{01}-0_{00} line of para-H2CO is shown to absorb the continuum of image A. Large Velocity Gradient radiative transfer calculations are performed to reproduce the optical depths of the observed two cm-wave "K-doublet" and four mm-wave rotational lines. These calculations also account for a likely frequency-dependent continuum cloud coverage. Confirming the diffuse nature of the cloud, an n(H2) density of < 1000 cm^{-3} is derived, with the best fit suggesting n(H2) ~ 200 cm^{-3}. The H2CO column density of the main velocity component is ~5 * 10^{13} cm^{-2}, to which about 7.5 * 10^{12} cm^{-2} has to be added to also account for a weaker feature on the blue side, 13 km/s apart. N(H2CO)/N(NH3) ~ 0.6, which is four times less than the average ratio obtained from a small number of local diffuse (galactic) clouds seen in absorption. The ortho-to-para H2CO abundance ratio is 2.0 - 3.0, which is consistent with the kinetic temperature of the molecular gas associated with the lens of B0218+357. With the gas kinetic temperature and density known, it is found that optically thin transitions of CS, HCN, HNC, HCO+, and N2H+ (but not CO) will provide excellent probes of the cosmic microwave background at redshift z=0.68.Comment: Accepted for A&A, 8 Pages, 3 Figures, 5 Table

    Deep Radio Imaging of Globular Clusters and the Cluster Pulsar Population

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    We have obtained deep multifrequency radio observations of seven globular clusters using the Very Large Array and the Australia Telescope Compact Array. Five of these, NGC 6440, NGC 6539, NGC 6544, NGC 6624 and Terzan 5 had previously been detected in a shallower survey for steep spectrum radio sources in globular clusters (Fruchter and Goss 1990). The sixth, the rich globular cluster, Liller 1, had heretofore been undetected in the radio, and the seventh, 47 Tucanae, was not included in our original survey. High resolution 6 and 20 cm images of three of the clusters, NGC 6440, NGC 6539, NGC 6624 reveal only point sources coincident with pulsars which have been discovered subsequent to our first imaging survey. 21 and 18 cm images reveal several point sources within a few core-radii of the center of 47 Tuc. Two of these are identified pulsars, and a third, which is both variable and has a steep spectrum, is also most likely a pulsar previously identified by a pulsed survey. However, the 6, 20 and 90 cm images of NGC 6544, Liller 1 and Terzan 5 display strong steep-spectrum emission which cannot be associated with known pulsars. The image of the rich cluster Terzan 5 displays numerous point sources within 30′′30'', or 4 core radii of the cluster center. The density of these objects rises rapidly toward the core, where an elongated region of emission is found. The brightest individual sources, as well as the extended emission, possess the steep spectra expected of pulsars. Furthermore, the flux distribution of the sources agrees well with the standard pulsar luminosity function. The total luminosity and number of objects observed suggest that Terzan 5 contains more pulsars than any other Galactic globular cluster.Comment: 33 pages, 6 Postscript figures; Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal; abstract abridged. PDF version also available at http://nemesis.stsci.edu/~fruchter/fg99/fg99.pd

    Assembly flow simulation of a radar

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    A discrete event simulation model has been developed to predict the assembly flow time of a new radar product. The simulation was the key tool employed to identify flow constraints. The radar, production facility, and equipment complement were designed, arranged, and selected to provide the most manufacturable assembly possible. A goal was to reduce the assembly and testing cycle time from twenty-six weeks. A computer software simulation package (SLAM 2) was utilized as the foundation for simulating the assembly flow time. FORTRAN subroutines were incorporated into the software to deal with unique flow circumstances that were not accommodated by the software. Detailed information relating to the assembly operations was provided by a team selected from the engineering, manufacturing management, inspection, and production assembly staff. The simulation verified that it would be possible to achieve the cycle time goal of six weeks. Equipment and manpower constraints were identified during the simulation process and adjusted as required to achieve the flow with a given monthly production requirement. The simulation is being maintained as a planning tool to be used to identify constraints in the event that monthly output is increased. 'What-if' studies have been conducted to identify the cost of reducing constraints caused by increases in output requirement

    Exact T=0 Partition Functions for Potts Antiferromagnets on Sections of the Simple Cubic Lattice

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    We present exact solutions for the zero-temperature partition function of the qq-state Potts antiferromagnet (equivalently, the chromatic polynomial PP) on tube sections of the simple cubic lattice of fixed transverse size Lx×LyL_x \times L_y and arbitrarily great length LzL_z, for sizes Lx×Ly=2×3L_x \times L_y = 2 \times 3 and 2×42 \times 4 and boundary conditions (a) (FBCx,FBCy,FBCz)(FBC_x,FBC_y,FBC_z) and (b) (PBCx,FBCy,FBCz)(PBC_x,FBC_y,FBC_z), where FBCFBC (PBCPBC) denote free (periodic) boundary conditions. In the limit of infinite-length, Lz→∞L_z \to \infty, we calculate the resultant ground state degeneracy per site WW (= exponent of the ground-state entropy). Generalizing qq from Z+{\mathbb Z}_+ to C{\mathbb C}, we determine the analytic structure of WW and the related singular locus B{\cal B} which is the continuous accumulation set of zeros of the chromatic polynomial. For the Lz→∞L_z \to \infty limit of a given family of lattice sections, WW is analytic for real qq down to a value qcq_c. We determine the values of qcq_c for the lattice sections considered and address the question of the value of qcq_c for a dd-dimensional Cartesian lattice. Analogous results are presented for a tube of arbitrarily great length whose transverse cross section is formed from the complete bipartite graph Km,mK_{m,m}.Comment: 28 pages, latex, six postscript figures, two Mathematica file

    Changing assessment practice in engineering: how can understanding lecturer perspectives help?

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    Assessment in engineering disciplines is typically oriented to demonstrating competence in specific tasks. Even where assessments are intended to have a formative component, little priority may be given to feedback. Engineering departments are often criticized, by their students and by external quality reviewers, for paying insufficient attention to formative assessment. The e3an project set out to build a question bank of peer-reviewed questions for use within electrical and electronic engineering. As a part of this process, a number of engineers from disparate institutions were required to work together in teams, designing a range of assessments for their subject specialisms. The project team observed that lecturers were especially keen to develop formative assessment but that their understanding of what might be required varied considerably. This paper describes the various ways in which the processes of the project have engaged lecturers in actively identifying and developing their conceptions of teaching, learning and assessment in their subject. It reports on an interview study that was conducted with a selection of participants. It is concluded that lecturers' reflections on and understanding of assessment are closely related to the nature of the subject domain and that it is essential when attempting to improve assessment practice to start from the perspective of lecturers in the discipline

    Visions of Resilience: Design-led transformation for climate extremes

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    This report presents results of a two-year research project led by the Victorian Eco-Innovation Lab (VEIL) exploring community-based visions of climate resilience and barriers to change. Its methods put community stakeholders at the heart of building resilience to climate extremes in Australia. It demonstrates why and how local perspectives and values must have a seat at the table when disaster mitigation strategies are conceived and designed

    Apollo experience report guidance and control systems: Primary guidance, navigation, and control system development

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    The primary guidance, navigation, and control systems for both the lunar module and the command module are described. Development of the Apollo primary guidance systems is traced from adaptation of the Polaris Mark II system through evolution from Block I to Block II configurations; the discussion includes design concepts used, test and qualification programs performed, and major problems encountered. The major subsystems (inertial, computer, and optical) are covered. Separate sections on the inertial components (gyroscopes and accelerometers) are presented because these components represent a major contribution to the success of the primary guidance, navigation, and control system

    Framing effects and output interference in a concurring partner review context: Theory and exploratory analysis

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