737 research outputs found

    Improving Link Reliability through Network Coding in Cooperative Cellular Networks

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    The paper proposes a XOR-based network coded cooperation protocol for the uplink transmission of relay assisted cellular networks and an algorithm for selection and assignment of the relay nodes. The performances of the cooperation protocol are expressed in terms of network decoder outage probability and Block Error Rate of the cooperating users. These performance indicators are analyzed theoretically and by computer simulations. The relay nodes assignment is based on the optimization, according to several criteria, of the graph that describes the cooperation cluster formed after an initial selection of the relay nodes. The graph optimization is performed using Genetic Algorithms adapted to the topology of the cooperation cluster and the optimization criteria considered

    Inclusive Practices as Empowering Venture for Persons with Disabilities: The Case of ST Angela Vocational School for the Deaf in Mumias, Kenya

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    In Kenya, a disproportionate number of persons with special needs and disabilities are unable to access quality education and training. However, this is being reduced by the practice of inclusive education as outlined by the 2018 Inclusive Education Policy. The paper focuses on three persons with disabilities who have been empowered through inclusive practices in Education. They are: Benta, Julia and Agnes (not their real names). These people are self-employed and successful interacting with their non-disabled customers who acknowledge their contribution to the society. The paper established that inclusive practices enhances positive attitude among stakeholders. It also increases self-esteem and confidence. Furthermore, it creates a situation for comparison among stakeholders, hence empowering persons with disabilities Keywords: Inclusive practices, Empowering, Persons with disabilities, Non-disabled persons, attitude, equal opportunities. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-9-05 Publication date:March 31st 2020

    Gynaecological issues in Adolescence Do Paediatricians and Paediatric Residents feel comfortable about it?

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    Reduced Water Permeability of Biodegradable PCL Nanocomposite Coated Paperboard Packaging

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    In this work, we studied the properties of printed paperboard samples coated with biodegradable PCL polymer, which was considered to overcome the disadvantages (barrier properties) of a paper-based material. Additionally, the samples were coated with PCL modified with SiO2 and Al2O3 nanoparticles. The characterization of the coated paperboard (with print) samples was made by determination of water vapor transmission rate (WVTR), contact angle of water and its evolution over time, and mechanical and visual properties. The samples were also examined by SEM microscopy. The results show that PCL and PCL coatings modified with SiO2 and Al2O3 nanoparticles slow down the water vapor transmission rate when compared to the paperboard without coatings. The water contact angle measurements show an increase in hydrophobicity in paperboard coated with PCL-SiO2, while PCL-Al2O3 shows a decrease when compared to neat paperboard and paperboard coated with neat PCL. The studied coated samples also improve mechanical properties of paperboard while preserving the visual properties of print. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    The Role of Private Security Service Providers in Crime Prevention; A Study of Lurambi Sub-County, Kenya

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    This study aimed to examine the role of private security providers in crime prevention in Lurambi Sub-County, Kenya. The study was necessitated by private security providers' presence and use to protect life, property, and maintenance of law and order in Lurambi Sub-County, Kakamega County, Kenya. The Routine Activity and Situational Crime Prevention Theories of criminology informed the study. Specifically, this study intended to establish resource availability for private security service providers in crime prevention in Lurambi Sub-county, Kenya. The study adopted descriptive and correlational research designs. The primary target population constituted 358 respondents, both male and female, drawn from six registered and regulated private security service providers in Lurambi Sub-County, 5 senior police officers in charge of security, police administration, and 4 police stations across Lurambi Sub-County, and 133 clients of private security services. Purposive sampling was used to identify the 6 registered and licensed private security firms which provided the study population. Proportionate sampling with a statistical framework of 30% was used to identify 108 private security service providers who formed the sample size to ensure that the private security officers from the 6 firms were represented in the same proportion that they existed within the population. Questionnaires were used to collect data from three groups of respondents, including 108 private security officers, 6 managers each in charge of each private security firm that participated in the study, and 40 clients sampled from the 6 private security firms that participated in the study. Interview guides were used to collect data from 5 senior police officers in charge of security, police administration, and 4 police stations spread across Lurambi Sub-County. Study findings revealed that private security service providers in Lurambi Sub-County did not possess adequate resources needed to prevent crime. The study recommended that private security service providers should consider deploying adequate resources to strengthen crime prevention efforts. Key Terms: Private Security, Resources Availability, Crime Prevention DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/11-6-05 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Error de inclinación paleomagnética en materiales aluviales del Oligoceno superior del sector Suroriental de la Cuenca del Ebro (Región Surpirenaica, NE de España)

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    Alluvial red-beds of two Oligocene succesions in the Southeastem Ebro Basin (Southem Pyrenean foreland, NE Spain) show inclination shallowing, taking into account the reference Oligocene palaeolatitude expected for this region. This fact is interpreted to reflect an inclination error due to either these factors: hydrodynamic control of magnetic particles in the depositional environment, differential compaction of sediment during burial and tectonic deformation. The studied lithofacies are split into five groups: gray sandstones, red sandstones, red siltstones, red mudstones and limestones. A strong positive correlation between the relative amount of phyllosilicates and the magnitude of the inclination error has been established. Lithofacies with low percentage of phyllosilicates (limestones and gray sandstones) display a statistically not significant error of 5" with respect to the magnetic palaeofield inclination, whereas the sediments with a higher phyllosilicate content (siltstones and mudstones) show significant errors of up to 25". This observation has not a major consequence for the interpretation of the magnetic polarity but is crucial for palaeogeographic and palinspastic reconstmctions based on palaeolatitudinal data. The obtained results in this study highlight that the interpretation of paleolatitude based on paleomagnetic data is sometimes not straightfonvard and it requires a detailed evaluation of the rock magnetic parameters (AMS in particular) to reveal the presence of such inclination deflection

    Assessment of Institutional and Personnel-Related Challenges Facing Educational Programme for the Mentally Challenged Persons at Kaimosi Special School, Kenya

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    The Mentally Challenged child (MC) can achieve a lot if the right environment and curriculum are designed for him/her. However, the realization of the desirable outcomes faces many challenges. The objective of the study was to examine institutional and personnel-related challenges facing education programs for the MC persons at Kaimosi Special School. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The theoretical framework was based on Context, Input and Process Product Approach (CIPP) model of evaluation. Stratified sampling, purposive sampling and simple random sampling techniques were used to come up with the sample size. A total of 22 participants were selected comprising of one education officer, 3 administrators (2 male and 1 female), 8 teachers (5 female and 3 male) and 10 care givers. Questionnaires, interview schedules and document analysis were used to collect data. The study established that heavy workload, lack of motivation, poor staffing, high levels of stress, overcrowding in class, tiny classrooms, and inadequate resources were the most serious challenges facing Kaimosi Special School. It was recommended that the Special Education Department in the Ministry of Education should be strengthened with additional resources and trained personnel to handle issues of special education. There is need to engage all stakeholders in order to ensure that there are sustained efforts to provide quality programs for the mentally challenged. Keywords: Mentally challenged, Special educatio

    Distribution of leaf photosynthesis and transpiration within grapevine canopies under different drought conditions

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    The effects of seasonal drought on the distribution of leaf area, photosynthesis and transpiration within the canopy were evaluated for two Spanish grapevine cultivars. Both varieties were cultivated according to their typical training system.At early stages of drought, reduction of photosynthesis and transpiration was only observed in sun-exposed leaves. As drought intensified, even less sun-exposed leaves were affected. Severe drought reduced photosynthesis and transpiration in all locations of the canopy except for most shaded leaves in the inner part. However, those leaves were almost unproductive, and seemed to be insensitive to variation of both light intensity and drought. Leaf area was also reduced by drought, but the distribution of these reductions within the canopy differed between cultivars, possibly reflecting differences in the training system.Leaves from all locations of the canopy except those in the central part showed a similar radiation use efficiency, suggesting that the observed variation in photosynthesis within the canopy was mostly related to different light interception, while other factors such as different leaf age should play only a minor role. Photosynthetic radiation use efficiency strongly depended on both, pre-dawn leaf water potential and light-saturated stomatal conductance. The interest of these results for modeling purposes is discussed.