Assessment of Institutional and Personnel-Related Challenges Facing Educational Programme for the Mentally Challenged Persons at Kaimosi Special School, Kenya


The Mentally Challenged child (MC) can achieve a lot if the right environment and curriculum are designed for him/her. However, the realization of the desirable outcomes faces many challenges. The objective of the study was to examine institutional and personnel-related challenges facing education programs for the MC persons at Kaimosi Special School. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The theoretical framework was based on Context, Input and Process Product Approach (CIPP) model of evaluation. Stratified sampling, purposive sampling and simple random sampling techniques were used to come up with the sample size. A total of 22 participants were selected comprising of one education officer, 3 administrators (2 male and 1 female), 8 teachers (5 female and 3 male) and 10 care givers. Questionnaires, interview schedules and document analysis were used to collect data. The study established that heavy workload, lack of motivation, poor staffing, high levels of stress, overcrowding in class, tiny classrooms, and inadequate resources were the most serious challenges facing Kaimosi Special School. It was recommended that the Special Education Department in the Ministry of Education should be strengthened with additional resources and trained personnel to handle issues of special education. There is need to engage all stakeholders in order to ensure that there are sustained efforts to provide quality programs for the mentally challenged. Keywords: Mentally challenged, Special educatio

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