568 research outputs found

    Dust Evolution and the Formation of Planetesimals

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    The solid content of circumstellar disks is inherited from the interstellar medium: dust particles of at most a micrometer in size. Protoplanetary disks are the environment where these dust grains need to grow at least 13 orders of magnitude in size. Our understanding of this growth process is far from complete, with different physics seemingly posing obstacles to this growth at various stages. Yet, the ubiquity of planets in our galaxy suggests that planet formation is a robust mechanism. This chapter focuses on the earliest stages of planet formation, the growth of small dust grains towards the gravitationally bound "planetesimals", the building blocks of planets. We will introduce some of the key physics involved in the growth processes and discuss how they are expected to shape the global behavior of the solid content of disks. We will consider possible pathways towards the formation of larger bodies and conclude by reviewing some of the recent observational advances in the field.Comment: 43 pages, 6 figures. Chapter in International Space Science Institute (ISSI) Book on "The Disk in Relation to the Formation of Planets and their Proto-atmospheres", published in Space Science Reviews by Springe

    Can grain growth explain transition disks?

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    Aims: Grain growth has been suggested as one possible explanation for the diminished dust optical depths in the inner regions of protoplanetary "transition" disks. In this work, we directly test this hypothesis in the context of current models of grain growth and transport. Methods: A set of dust evolution models with different disk shapes, masses, turbulence parameters, and drift efficiencies is combined with radiative transfer calculations in order to derive theoretical spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and images. Results: We find that grain growth and transport effects can indeed produce dips in the infrared SED, as typically found in observations of transition disks. Our models achieve the necessary reduction of mass in small dust by producing larger grains, yet not large enough to be fragmenting efficiently. However, this population of large grains is still detectable at millimeter wavelengths. Even if perfect sticking is assumed and radial drift is neglected, a large population of dust grains is left behind because the time scales on which they are swept up by the larger grains are too long. This mechanism thus fails to reproduce the large emission cavities observed in recent millimeter-wave interferometric images of accreting transition disks.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted to A&

    DustPy: A Python Package for Dust Evolution in Protoplanetary Disks

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    Many processes during the evolution of protoplanetary disks and during planet formation are highly sensitive to the sizes of dust particles that are present in the disk: the efficiency of dust accretion in the disk and volatile transport on dust particles, gravoturbulent instabilities leading to the formation of planetesimals, or the accretion of pebbles onto large planetary embryos to form giant planets are typical examples of processes that depend on the sizes of the dust particles involved. Furthermore, radiative properties like absorption or scattering opacities depend on the particle sizes. To interpret observations of dust in protoplanetary disks, a proper estimate of the dust particle sizes is needed. We present DustPy: a Python package to simulate dust evolution in protoplanetary disks. DustPy solves gas and dust transport including viscous advection and diffusion as well as collisional growth of dust particles. DustPy is written with a modular concept, such that every aspect of the model can be easily modified or extended to allow for a multitude of research opportunities

    Synthetic virus-like gene delivery systems

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    Testing particle trapping in transition disks with ALMA

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    We present new Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) continuum observations at 336GHz of two transition disks, SR21 and HD135344B. In combination with previous ALMA observations from Cycle 0 at 689GHz, we compare the visibility profiles at the two frequencies and calculate the spectral index (αmm\alpha_{\rm{mm}}). The observations of SR21 show a clear shift in the visibility nulls, indicating radial variations of the inner edge of the cavity at the two wavelengths. Notable radial variations of the spectral index are also detected for SR21 with values of αmm3.84.2\alpha_{\rm{mm}}{\sim}3.8-4.2 in the inner region (r<35r<35 AU) and αmm2.63.0\alpha_{\rm{mm}}{\sim}2.6-3.0 outside. An axisymmetric ring (which we call the ring model) or a ring with the addition of an azimuthal Gaussian profile, for mimicking a vortex structure (which we call the vortex model), is assumed for fitting the disk morphology. For SR21, the ring model better fits the emission at 336GHz, conversely the vortex model better fits the 689GHz emission. For HD135344B, neither a significant shift in the null of the visibilities nor radial variations of αmm\alpha_{\rm{mm}} are detected. Furthermore, for HD135344B, the vortex model fits both frequencies better than the ring model. However, the azimuthal extent of the vortex increases with wavelength, contrary to model predictions for particle trapping by anticyclonic vortices. For both disks, the azimuthal variations of αmm\alpha_{\rm{mm}} remain uncertain to confirm azimuthal trapping. The comparison of the current data with a generic model of dust evolution that includes planet-disk interaction suggests that particles in the outer disk of SR21 have grown to millimetre sizes and have accumulated in a radial pressure bump, whereas with the current resolution there is not clear evidence of radial trapping in HD135344B, although it cannot be excluded either.Comment: Minor changes after language edition. Accepted for publication in A&A (abstract slightly shortened for arXiv

    Ring shaped dust accumulation in transition disks

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    Context.Transition disks are believed to be the final stages of protoplanetary disks, during which a forming planetary system or photoevaporation processes open a gap in the inner disk, drastically changing the disk structure. From theoretical arguments it is expected that dust growth, fragmentation and radial drift are strongly influenced by gas disk structure, and pressure bumps in disks have been suggested as key features that may allow grains to converge and grow efficiently. Aims. We want to study how the presence of a large planet in a disk influences the growth and radial distribution of dust grains, and how observable properties are linked to the mass of the planet. Methods. We combine two-dimensional hydrodynamical disk simulations of disk-planet interactions with state-of-the-art coagulation/fragmentation models to simulate the evolution of dust in a disk which has a gap created by a massive planet. We compute images at different wavelengths and illustrate our results using the example of the transition disk LkCa15. Results. The gap opened by a planet and the long-range interaction between the planet and the outer disk create a single large pressure bump outside the planetary orbit. Millimeter-sized particles form and accumulate at the pressure maximum and naturally produce ring-shaped sub-millimeter emission that is long-lived because radial drift no longer depletes the large grain population of the disk. For large planet masses around 9 MJupM_{\mathrm{Jup}}, the pressure maximum and, therefore, the ring of millimeter particles is located at distances that can be more than twice the star-planet separation, creating a large spatial separation between the gas inner edge of the outer disk and the peak millimeter emission. Smaller grains do get closer to the gap and we predict how the surface brightness varies at different wavelengths.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic