260 research outputs found

    Konsepsi Ketuhanan Sepanjang Sejarah Manusia

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    Diketahui bahwa manusia, sejak mula pertama pemikiran, sudah mengetahui adanya kekuatan-kekuatan yang mengatasi manusia, suatu yang dianggap Maha Kuasa, dan mendatangkan kebaikan maupun keburukan serta dapat mengabulkan doa dan ke inginan manusia. Akan tetapi hal tersebut belum dinamai Tuhan. Tetapi baru diberikan nama-nama seperti mana, numia, dewa, dan sebagainya. Dalam sejarah manusia muncul konsepsi-konsepsi tentang Tuhan beberapa rupa antara lain muncul: (1) Paham Teisme; (2) Paham Deisme (3) Paham Panteisme; (4) Paham Penenteisme. Dari empat paham tersebut tidak ada yang benar-benar memuaskan para agamawan dan filosof. Namun demikian konsepsi-konsepsi ketuhanan di atas telah memberikan sumbangan pemikiran yang konstruktif terhadap pemikiran keagamaan. Akan tetapi tidak lepas dari kelemahan dan kritik

    RF MEMS Based Tunable Bowtie Shaped Substrate Integrated Waveguide Filter

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    A tunable bandpass filter based on a technique that utilizes substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) and double coupling is presented. The SIW based bandpass filter is implemented using a bowtie shaped resonator structure. The bowtie shaped filter exhibits similar performance as found in rectangular and circular shaped SIW based bandpass filters. This concept reduces the circuit foot print of SIW; along with miniaturization high quality factor is maintained by the structure. The design methodology for single-pole triangular resonator structure is presented. Two different inter-resonator couplings of the resonators are incorporated in the design of the two-pole bowtie shaped SIW bandpass filter, and switching between the two couplings using a packaged RF MEMS switch delivers the tunable filter. A tunning of 1 GHz is achieved for two frequency states of 6.3 and 7.3 GHz. The total size of the circuit is 70mm x 36mm x 0.787 mm (LxWxH)

    The Transcendent Unity Behind the Diversity of Religions and Religiosity in the Perspective of Perennial Philosophy and Its Relevance to the Indonesian Context

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    This study is conducted to answer an important question: is there any transcendent unity behind the diversity or plurality of religions and religiosity? This question will be answered through perennial philosophy approach. The study found that, according to perennial philosophers, there is a transcendent unity behind the diversity or plurality of religions and religiosity. This transcendent unity is seen in ‘the common vision’, or what in Islam is called the ‘basic message of religion’, namely ‘submission’ to always fear God and live His presence in everyday life. Further, the perennial philosophers argue that the True God is one; therefore, all religions emerging from the One are in principle the same for they come from the same source. In other words, the diversity of religions and religiosity lies only in the exoteric level, and all religions actually have a transcendent unity in the esoteric level. However, in this case, the perennial philosophers do not mean to unify or equate all religions. In fact, they try to open a way to a spiritual ascent through the reviving of the religious traditions in every religion

    Integrative-Multidimensional Science Paradigm: A Perspective of Islamic Epistemology

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    Science and human life are inseparable. Without science, human life cannot develop properly. Thus, epistemologically, humans must be placed as the basic foundation of science; that is, humans who have religious and spiritual dimensions equipped with sensory, reason, intuition, and revelation potentials. These dimensions and potentials are the main structure and characteristics of integrative-multidimensional science. This type of science is quite different from modern and contemporary science developed by the West. Western science has reduced the dimensions and potentials of humans into materialistic and mechanical beings; that is, humans who do not have spiritual nor metaphysical dimensions. The Western science is no longer meant for humanity, but for science itself. This study seeks to examine the structure and characteristics of integrative-multidimensional science from the perspective of Islamic epistemology. It makes use of philosophical methods which involve descriptive analysis, interpretation, reflection, and hermeneutic circles. After reviewing the main points of the problem, the study argues that the structure and characteristics of integrative-multidimensional science are ontologically monodualism. In this sense, material dimensions (jasadiyah) and immaterial dimensions (ruhaniyah) are seen as a unit that is synergistic and supporting each other. All the basic human potentials and revelation are the foundation of science. Each of them is seen as an inseparable part. Therefore, in the perspective of Islamic epistemology, integrative-multidimensional science is considered relevant to and connected with the Islamic science

    Acyclovir Induced Acute Kidney Injury In Acute Meningitis Patient: A Case Report Highlights the Concurrence Of AKI Risk Factors And The Neutropenic Effect Of Ticlopidine

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    Nephrotoxicity is one of the challenging side effects of acyclovir use in clinical practice. The Concomitant use of other nephrotoxic antibiotics, in addition to patient's risk factors, can trigger acyclovir induced acute kidney injury (AKI). We described a case of acute meningitis in 68 year old female patient with underlying history of ischemic heart disease managed by ticlopidine. The gram stain, culture and PCR of the CSF did not show any positive growth of bacterial infection or HSV. However, the negative CSF gram stain and culture caused a confusion of the diagnosis of bacterial meningitis with viral meningitis. The patient had AKI induced by the treatment with acyclovir for 16 consecutive days and possibly triggered by other AKI risk factors. Hemodialysis and hydration did not reverse the kidney function to normal. However, it was reversed to its normal status only after the discontinuation of acyclovir. The neutropenic effect of ticlopidine can be a risk to the patient that could lead to fatal infection. In this case report we reviewed the literature on the nephrotoxicity of acyclovir, the neutropenia of ticlopidine and a proposed role of granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF)


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    Abstract: The article aims to elaborate patterns of theological thought of KH Siradjuddin Abbas (1905-1980). In the midst of mainstream theological schools established in the Islamic world: traditionalists (Sunni) and rationalists (Mu'tazila), Abbas turns out consistently defend traditional theology. In theological thinking, Abbas positioned parallel to al-Ash'arite classical theology (Ahl al-Sunnah wa ’l-Jamā’ah). He stressed all a round of God, revelation paced and use the reason is very little. He put God as absolute ruler, do as His Will. Therefore, theology of Siradjuddin Abbas is very strong hold on revelation and theocentric pattern, and everything begins and centered on God, good or bad all determined by God. Thus theology Siradjuddin Abbas less in line with modern thinking, which is progressive and forward the reason. In other words, theology of Siradjuddin Abbas less actual and contextual for the purposes of contemporary social reality if that expected from such thinking is an applicative conceptual thinking. Abstrak: Artikel ini bertujuan mengelaborasi corak pemikiran teologi K.H. Siradjuddin Abbas (1905-1980). Di tengah mainstream aliran teologi yang sudah mapan di dunia Islam: tradisionalis (Sunni) dan rasionalis (Mu’tazilah), Abbas ternyata konsisten membela teologi tradisional. Dalam pemikiran teologinya, Siradjuddin Abbas sejalan dengan pemikiran teologi klasik al-Asy’ariyah (Ahl al-Sunnah wa ’l-Jamā’ah). Ia menekankan segala suatu serba Tuhan, serba wahyu dan sangat sedikit menggunakan akal pikiran. Ia menempatkan Tuhan sebagai berkuasa mutlak semutlak-mutlaknya, berbuat sehendak-Nya. Karena itu, teologi Siradjuddin Abbas sangat kuat berpegang pada wahyu dan bercorak teosentris, dan segalanya bermula dan memusat pada Tuhan, baik atau buruk semua ditentukan oleh Tuhan. Dengan demikian teologi Siradjuddin Abbas yang ber­corak tradisional ini kurang sejalan dengan pemikiran modern, yang bersifat progresif dan lebih mengedepankan akal. Dengan kata lain, teologi Siradjuddin Abbas yang bercorak tradisional kurang aktual dan kontekstual untuk keperluan realitas sosial kontemporer jika yang diharapkan dari pemikiran tersebut adalah sebuah pemikiran yang bersifat konseptual aplikatif


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    Diketahui bahwa manusia, sejak mula pertama pemikiran, sudah mengetahui adanya kekuatan-kekuatan yang mengatasi manusia, suatu yang dianggap Maha Kuasa, dan mendatangkan kebaikan maupun keburukan serta dapat mengabulkan doa dan ke inginan manusia. Akan tetapi hal tersebut belum dinamai Tuhan. Tetapi baru diberikan nama-nama seperti mana, numia, dewa, dan sebagainya. Dalam sejarah manusia muncul konsepsi-konsepsi tentang Tuhan beberapa rupa antara lain muncul: (1) Paham Teisme; (2) Paham Deisme (3) Paham Panteisme; (4) Paham Penenteisme. Dari empat paham tersebut tidak ada yang benar-benar memuaskan para agamawan dan filosof. Namun demikian konsepsi-konsepsi ketuhanan di atas telah memberikan sumbangan pemikiran yang konstruktif terhadap pemikiran keagamaan. Akan tetapi tidak lepas dari kelemahan dan kritik