6,706 research outputs found

    Preasymptotic multiscaling in the phase-ordering dynamics of the kinetic Ising model

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    The evolution of the structure factor is studied during the phase-ordering dynamics of the kinetic Ising model with conserved order parameter. A preasymptotic multiscaling regime is found as in the solution of the Cahn-Hilliard-Cook equation, revealing that the late stage of phase-ordering is always approached through a crossover from multiscaling to standard scaling, independently from the nature of the microscopic dynamics.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Europhys. Let

    The non-linear q-voter model

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    We introduce a non-linear variant of the voter model, the q-voter model, in which q neighbors (with possible repetition) are consulted for a voter to change opinion. If the q neighbors agree, the voter takes their opinion; if they do not have an unanimous opinion, still a voter can flip its state with probability ϵ\epsilon. We solve the model on a fully connected network (i.e. in mean-field) and compute the exit probability as well as the average time to reach consensus. We analyze the results in the perspective of a recently proposed Langevin equation aimed at describing generic phase transitions in systems with two (Z2Z_2 symmetric) absorbing states. We find that in mean-field the q-voter model exhibits a disordered phase for high ϵ\epsilon and an ordered one for low ϵ\epsilon with three possible ways to go from one to the other: (i) a unique (generalized voter-like) transition, (ii) a series of two consecutive Ising-like and directed percolation transition, and (iii) a series of two transitions, including an intermediate regime in which the final state depends on initial conditions. This third (so far unexplored) scenario, in which a new type of ordering dynamics emerges, is rationalized and found to be specific of mean-field, i.e. fluctuations are explicitly shown to wash it out in spatially extended systems.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Constraining the Warm Dark Matter Particle Mass through Ultra-Deep UV Luminosity Functions at z=2

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    We compute the mass function of galactic dark matter halos for different values of the Warm Dark Matter (WDM) particle mass m_X and compare it with the abundance of ultra-faint galaxies derived from the deepest UV luminosity function available so far at redshift z~2. The magnitude limit M_UV=-13 reached by such observations allows us to probe the WDM mass functions down to scales close to or smaller than the half-mass mode mass scale ~10^9 M_sun. This allowed for an efficient discrimination among predictions for different m_X which turn out to be independent of the star formation efficiency adopted to associate the observed UV luminosities of galaxies to the corresponding dark matter masses. Adopting a conservative approach to take into account the existing theoretical uncertainties in the galaxy halo mass function, we derive a robust limit m_X>1.8 keV for the mass of thermal relic WDM particles when comparing with the measured abundance of the faintest galaxies, while m_X>1.5 keV is obtained when we compare with the Schechter fit to the observed luminosity function. The corresponding lower limit for sterile neutrinos depends on the modeling of the production mechanism; for instance m_sterile > 4 keV holds for the Shi-Fuller mechanism. We discuss the impact of observational uncertainties on the above bound on m_X. As a baseline for comparison with forthcoming observations from the HST Frontier Field, we provide predictions for the abundance of faint galaxies with M_UV=-13 for different values of m_X and of the star formation efficiency, valid up to z~4.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Non perturbative renormalization group approach to surface growth

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    We present a recently introduced real space renormalization group (RG) approach to the study of surface growth. The method permits us to obtain the properties of the KPZ strong coupling fixed point, which is not accessible to standard perturbative field theory approaches. Using this method, and with the aid of small Monte Carlo calculations for systems of linear size 2 and 4, we calculate the roughness exponent in dimensions up to d=8. The results agree with the known numerical values with good accuracy. Furthermore, the method permits us to predict the absence of an upper critical dimension for KPZ contrarily to recent claims. The RG scheme is applied to other growth models in different universality classes and reproduces very well all the observed phenomenology and numerical results. Intended as a sort of finite size scaling method, the new scheme may simplify in some cases from a computational point of view the calculation of scaling exponents of growth processes.Comment: Invited talk presented at the CCP1998 (Granada

    Heterogeneous pair approximation for voter models on networks

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    For models whose evolution takes place on a network it is often necessary to augment the mean-field approach by considering explicitly the degree dependence of average quantities (heterogeneous mean-field). Here we introduce the degree dependence in the pair approximation (heterogeneous pair approximation) for analyzing voter models on uncorrelated networks. This approach gives an essentially exact description of the dynamics, correcting some inaccurate results of previous approaches. The heterogeneous pair approximation introduced here can be applied in full generality to many other processes on complex networks.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, published versio

    Voter models on weighted networks

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    We study the dynamics of the voter and Moran processes running on top of complex network substrates where each edge has a weight depending on the degree of the nodes it connects. For each elementary dynamical step the first node is chosen at random and the second is selected with probability proportional to the weight of the connecting edge. We present a heterogeneous mean-field approach allowing to identify conservation laws and to calculate exit probabilities along with consensus times. In the specific case when the weight is given by the product of nodes' degree raised to a power theta, we derive a rich phase-diagram, with the consensus time exhibiting various scaling laws depending on theta and on the exponent of the degree distribution gamma. Numerical simulations give very good agreement for small values of |theta|. An additional analytical treatment (heterogeneous pair approximation) improves the agreement with numerics, but the theoretical understanding of the behavior in the limit of large |theta| remains an open challenge.Comment: 21 double-spaced pages, 6 figure

    Marine 5-thiohistidines as protective molecules from skin damage

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    Introduction Marine environment is a great source of bioactive molecules, whose biological properties and applications are often used especially to prevent skin diseases and aging caused by UVA­exposure. Ovothiols are methyl­5­thiohistidines from marine invertebrates, bacteria, and microalgae, which protect cells from environmental stressors. Recently, we have shown that, ovothiol, isolated from sea urchin eggs, exerts anti­inflammatory and antioxidant activities on human endothelial cells, and exhibits antifibrotic effect in an in vivo model of liver fibrosis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modeling the emergence of a new language: Naming Game with hybridization

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    In recent times, the research field of language dynamics has focused on the investigation of language evolution, dividing the work in three evolutive steps, according to the level of complexity: lexicon, categories and grammar. The Naming Game is a simple model capable of accounting for the emergence of a lexicon, intended as the set of words through which objects are named. We introduce a stochastic modification of the Naming Game model with the aim of characterizing the emergence of a new language as the result of the interaction of agents. We fix the initial phase by splitting the population in two sets speaking either language A or B. Whenever the result of the interaction of two individuals results in an agent able to speak both A and B, we introduce a finite probability that this state turns into a new idiom C, so to mimic a sort of hybridization process. We study the system in the space of parameters defining the interaction, and show that the proposed model displays a rich variety of behaviours, despite the simple mean field topology of interactions.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, presented at IWSOS 2013 Palma de Mallorca, the final publication will be available at LNCS http://www.springer.com/lnc
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