319 research outputs found

    Fan Ventilation

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    Also included in this item: "Resolutions on the Death of John Stambaugh" by R. M. Hazeltine, Andrew Roy, and Thomas Bancrof

    Distinct complexing trends of chitosan with toxic metals (PO1-24)

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    We have been able to prove that not only adsorption but also complexation of different metals (Pb, Cd, Mo, Cu, Zn and Cr) actually takes place in acetate buffer (pH=4) with Chitosans of different molecular weights and deacetylation degrees. Depending on the different electrochemical behaviour on mercury electrode of studied metals and the nature of the resulting complexes, diverse approaches have been used. Chitosan molecular weight and concentration had been seen to play a key role in the Chitosan binding activity with Zn, Pb and Cd, as reported elsewhere[1]. Length of Chitosan chains influences the degree of complexation with both Cr and Mo, while Cu binding capacity remains independent of the molecular weight of the assayed polymers. The larger the polymer chain length the higher the number of amino group available for the retention of both Cr and Mo within the tridimensional structure of the acting ligand. This is consistent with a predominant intra-chain linkage of both metal atoms. On the contrary, in the case of Cu, an inter-layer binding mechanism is proposed as the main retention factor by Chitosan

    ადმინისტრაციული ხელშეკრულების ცნებაში საჯარო უფლებამოსილების ლოგიკის დასუსტება კონკურენციული ლოგიკის არსებობით

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    Public activity has undergone a transformation and the integrity of administrative contract law can no longer be based on the traditional notion of administrative contract. The legal regime of the administrative contract was developed to justify the application of norms different from private law. This connection between the notion of an administrative contract and its specific legal regime explains that questioning the traditional notion of an administrative contract has implications for defining the general theory of administrative contracts. The question arises as to whether we can define the general theory of contracts concluded by administrative bodies. In the classical notion, the specific regime of administrative contracts is based on the logic of public service. The current legal regime of administrative contracts is based on various grounds. Public service, as the main element of the general theory of administrative contracts, today is competed by different logics that have different purposes: it is contractual logic and competitive logic. The first seeks to make an administrative contract similar to a civil contract. The second goes further: he is not interested in the possible specifics of the legal regime of administrative contracts. Previously, the selection of a contractor on a competitive basis did not meet the competitive logic, it was intended to spend public money correctly. Today, competitive logic is integrated into the top of the hierarchy of norms. This particular service logic retreats in the face of competitive principles

    Choosing the right cross-sectional imaging technique: Trading image quality for radiation risk

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    No abstract.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/83765/1/21536_ftp.pd

    Pengaruh Ph dan Jumlah Kitosan Modifikasi pada Ekstraksi Fasa Padat Tembaga(i)tiosulfat

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    Kitosan modifikasi dapat digunakan sebagai fasa padat pada ekstraksi tembaga(I)tiosulfat. Efisiensi ekstraksi bergantung pada pH dan jumlah fasa padat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh pH dan jumlah kitosan modifikasi terhadap efisiensi ekstraksi tembaga(I)tiosulfat. Modifikasi kitosan menggunakan senyawa TMAS (Trimetilamine Sulfur Trioxide) yang direaksikan dalam larutan Na2CO3. Pengaruh pH dipelajari pada kisaran pH 4-10 dengan kitosan modifikasi yang digunakan sebanyak 0,1 g. Pengaruh jumlah kitosan modifikasi dipelajari pada 0,1; 0,15; 0,2; dan 0,25 g kitosan modifikasi. Ekstraksi dilakukan untuk mengekstrak 10 mL tembaga(I)tiosulfat 10 ppm baik pada pengaruh pH maupun pengaruh jumlah kitosan modifikasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pH dan jumlah kitosan modifikasi mempengaruhi efisiensi ekstraksi tembaga(I)tiosulfat. Efisiensi ekstraksi optimum diperoleh pada pH 6 dan peningkatan jumlah kitosan modifikasi sebanding dengan jumlah tembaga terekstrak

    Prise en charge tardive des sequelles de fractures du plancher orbitaire

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    Introduction : Les fractures du plancher orbitaire, sont devenues une pathologie assez fréquente étant donné, l’augmentation du nombre d’accidents de la route. Le plancher orbitaire de part sa constitution anatomique est certainement le maillon faible du cadre orbitaire. Observation : Nous présentons le cas d’un jeune de 35 ans polytraumatisé avec des séquelles de fracture du plancher orbitaire qui ne sera opéré que deux années plus tard, priorité chirurgicale oblige ( le rachis étant opéré en premier) avec les risques certains d’échec de la chirurgie ophtalmologique. Discussion : Les séquelles de ce type de fracture sont exposées, ainsi que les différentes modalités thérapeutiques. L’enophtalmie, la diplopie, les anomalies osseuses et palpébrales constituent autant de séquelles parfois difficiles à prendre en charge. Les voies d’abord chirurgical sont discutées ; l’usage de matériaux tels les implants en hydroxyapatite également. Conclusion : Le traitement des fractures du plancher de l’orbite est actuellement bien codifié et doit toujours être tenté même des années après le traumatisme causal.Mots clés : fracture plancher orbitaire, diplopi


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    Microcapsules of chitosan gel beads crosslinked with Ethylene Glycol Diglycidyl Ether (PSF-EGDE-CTS) were prepared to improve adsorption capacity and mechanical stability of chitosan at acidic condition. These microcapsules were prepared through three step i.e. the formation of gel beads (CTS), crosslinked CTS with EGDE (EGDE-CTS) and microencapsulation of EGDE-CTS with Polysulfone (PSF-EGDE-CTS). Product characterizations were carried out using FTIR and SEM. The adsorptions were carried out by variation of pH and contact time in order to determine the optimum condition of adsorption. The yield of Microcapsules PSF-EGDE-CTS was 94,79 wt %. The optimum condition of Procion Red MX 8B dye adsorption by PSF-EGDE-CTS is at pH 5 and 24 hours of contact time. The adsorption capacity of PSF-EGDE-CTS is 40,69 mg/g. Keywords : adsorption, chitosan, crosslink, microcapsules, Procion Red MX 8B. Mikrokapsul kitosan gel tersambung silang etilen glikol diglisidil eter (PSF-EGDE-CTS) telah dibuat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan adsorpsi dan stabilitas kitosan dalam kondisi asam. Mikrokapsul PSF-EGDE-CTS dibuat melalui tiga tahap yaitu pembentukan gel (CTS), proses sambung silang dengan EGDE (EGDE-CTS) dan mikroenkapsulasi dengan PSF (PSF-EGDE-CTS). Karakterisasi hasil sintesis dilakukan dengan spektroskopi FTIR dan SEM. Selanjutnya PSF-EGDE-CTS digunakan untuk uji adsorpsi limbah zat warna Procion Red MX 8B. Adsorpsi zat warna Procion Red MX 8B oleh kitosan termodifikasi dilakukan dengan variasi pH dan waktu kontak untuk mencari kondisi optimum adsorpsi. Mikrokapsul PSF-EGDE-CTS yang diperoleh adalah 94,79% (b/b). Kondisi optimum adsorpsi zat warna Procion Red MX 8B oleh PSF-EGDE-CTS terjadi pada pH 5 dan waktu kontak 24 jam. Daya serap PSF-EGDE-CTS pada uji adsorpsi limbah zat warna Procion Red MX 8B adalah sebesar 40,69 mg/g. Kata kunci : adsorpsi, kitosan, mikrokapsul, Procion Red MX 8B