171 research outputs found

    Glicopèptids: mecanismes d'acció i mecanismes de resistència

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    Els antibiòtics glicopèptids (vancomicina i teicoplanina) actuen inhibint la síntesi de la paret bacteriana en bacteris grampositius. L'augment de la incidència de les infeccions per bacteris grampositius, especialment entre les infeccions adquirides a l'hospital, han fet reprendre l'interès pels glicopèptids. Aquests antibiòtics han mantingut una eficàcia excel·lent, tret d'algunes excepcions (Enterococcus i, més recentment, Staphylococcus aureus), enfront de grampositius.Glycopeptides (vancomicine and teicoplanine) act inhibiting the cell wall synthesis in Grampositive bacteria. The increasing number of infections by Gram-positive bacteria, mainly those acquired into hospitals, has been attracting the use of glycopeptides. These antibiotics have retained an excellent activity (with some exceptions as Enterococcus and quite recently Staphylococcus aureus), against Gram-positive bacteria

    Low prevalence of Cfr-mediated linezolid resistance among methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a Spanish hospital: case report on linezolid resistance acquired during linezolid therapy

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    Linezolid is an effective antimicrobial agent to treat methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Resistance to linezolid due to the cfr gene is described worldwide. The present study aimed to analyze the prevalence of the cfr-mediated linezolid resistance among MRSA clinical isolates in our area. A very low prevalence of cfr mediated linezolid resistance was found: only one bacteremic isolate out of 2 215 screened isolates. The only linezolid resistant isolate arose in a patient, previously colonized by MRSA, following linezolid therapy. Despite the low rate of resistance in our area, ongoing surveillance is advisable to avoid the spread of linezolid resistance

    Future journalists’ fight against disinformation: analysis of university training offers and challenges in the Spanish context

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    Disinformation has become a global problem affecting mass media, governments and citizens globally. Besides the loss of trust in the media and its weakening influence, exposure to all manner of messages on social media in recent years has paved the way for disinformation, which has become a considerable challenge for journalism. According to the 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer, Spain is one of the countries most concerned about this phenomenon (Edelman, 2022). However, is this concern shared by Spanish journalist associations? What training initiatives are being carried out for future journalists to counter the spread of disinformation? How should fact-checking be taught in university? This study aims to answer these questions by using a dual methodology. First, a review and analysis were undertaken on the different training initiatives for bachelor’s and university-specific master’s degree students. Then, 15 in-depth interviews were conducted with experts, including fact-checkers, experienced journalists and representatives of sectoral associations, to ascertain their views on fact-checking and disinformation. The main results show that Spanish universities offer few training fact-checking-related initiatives, particularly at bachelor’s degree level, although more and more university-specific degrees and master’s degrees on this topic are becoming available. Furthermore, most interviewees view specialised training for the next generation of journalists as a key factor for fighting disinformation, and they provide guidelines to achieve this

    Hazard characterization of graphene nanomaterials in the frame of their food risk assessment: A review

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    Different applications have been suggested for graphene nanomaterials (GFNs) in the food and feed chain. However, it is necessary to perform a risk assessment before they become market-ready, and when consumer exposure is demonstrated. For this purpose, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published a guidance that has been recently updated. In this sense, the aim of this study is to identify and characterise toxicological hazards related to GFNs after oral exposure. Thus, existing scientific literature in relation to in vitro degradation studies, in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity, toxicokinetics data, in vivo oral studies, and other in-depth studies such as effects on the microbiome has been revised. The obtained results showed that the investigations performed up to now did not follow internationally agreed-upon test guidelines. Moreover, GFNs seemed to resist gastrointestinal digestion and were able to be absorbed, distributed, and excreted, inducing toxic effects at different levels, including genotoxicity. Also, dose has an important role as it has been reported that low doses are more toxic than high doses because GFNs tend to aggregate in the digestive system, changing the internal exposure scenario. Thus, further studies including a thorough toxicological evaluation are required to protect consumer's safety.Junta de Andalucía US-1259106, P18-RT-199

    Educación, inclusión y tecnología: el modelo didáctico DIPCE.

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    Propuesta educativa de uso de la tecnología para favorecer la inclusión después de las consecuencias del COVID-19. La propuesta se fundamenta en los principios de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje inclusivo, recogidos en un modelo didáctico con el fin de incorporar recursos curriculares digitales en el ejercicio profesional del profesorado inclusivo. Para implementar la propuesta es clave la formación especializada de los docentes en tecnología. Esta formación debe estar centrada tanto en la adquisición de competencias digitales como de competencias pedagógicas.2022-2

    Site index estimation using airborne laser scanner data in Eucalyptus dunnii maide stands in Uruguay

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    Intensive silviculture demands new inventory tools for better forest management and planning. Airborne laser scanning (ALS) was shown to be one of the best alternatives for high-precision inventories applied to productive plantations. The aim of this study was to generate multiple stand-scale maps of the site index (SI) using ALS data in the intensive silviculture of Eucalyptus dunnii Maide plantations in Uruguay. Forty-three plots (314.16 m3) were established in intensive E. dunnii plantations in the departments of Río Negro and Paysandú (Uruguay). ALS data were obtained for an area of 1995 ha. Linear and Random Forest models were fitted to estimate the height and site index, and OrpheoToolBox (OTB) software was used for stand segmentation. Linear models for dominant height (DH) estimation had a better fit (R2 = 0.84, RMSE = 0.94 m, MAPE = 0.04, Bias = 0.002) than the Random Forest (R2 = 0.85, RMSE = 1.27 m, MAPE = 7.20, Bias=−0.173) model when including only the 99th percentile metric. The coefficient between RMSE values of the cross-validation and RMSE of the model had a higher value for the linear model (0.93) than the Random Forest (0.75). The SI was estimated by applying the RF model, which included the ALS metrics corresponding to the 99th height percentile and the 80th height bicentile (R2 = 0.65; RMSE = 1.62 m). OTB segmentation made it possible to define a minimum segment size of 2.03 ha (spatial radius = 30, range radius = 1 and minimum region size = 64). This study provides a new tool for better forest management and promotes the need for further progress in the application of ALS data in the intensive silviculture of Eucalyptus spp. plantations in Uruguay

    Clonal spread of Klebsiella pneumoniae producing OXA-1 betalactamase in a Spanish hospital

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    Multi-drug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates are associated with nosocomial infections, in which colonized patients act as a reservoir and source of cross-infection for other patients. In this study, the antimicrobial susceptibility of K. pneumoniae was tested by microdilution using the commercial method MicroScan (Siemens). The genetic relatedness of K. pneumoniae strains was determined by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). PCR experiments were carried out to obtain primer sets and positive PCR products were purified and sequenced. From May 2007 until December 2009, 98 clonally related K. pneumoniae isolates were detected from clinical samples of 38 patients admitted to the University Hospital of Bellvitge, Barcelona, Spain, including 27 admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). The most important sources of the isolates were: lower respiratory tract (n = 12), urine (n = 12), and blood (n = 11). The strains were resistant to amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, piperacillin/tazobactam, tobramycin, amikacin, and ciprofloxacin, and had diminished susceptibility to cefepime. All the isolates shared a common PFGE pattern related to sequence type 14 after MLST analysis. In K. pneumoniae isolates and their transconjugants, the blaOXA-1 gene was located in the variable region of a class I integron that also contains the aac(6′)Ib-cr gene. Sequencing of the quinolone resistance determinant regions of gyrA and parC revealed a S83F change in GyrA and no changes in ParC. [Int Microbiol 2013; 16(4):227-233]Keywords: Klebsiella pneumoniae · sequence type ST14 · gene blaOXA-1 · integrons · nosocomial outbreak

    The Origin of Kinematically Persistent Planes of Satellites as Driven by the Early Evolution of the Cosmic Web in ΛCDM

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    Kinematically persistent planes (KPPs) of satellites are fixed sets of satellites co-orbiting around their host galaxy, whose orbital poles are conserved and clustered across long cosmic time intervals. They play the role of “skeletons,” ensuring the long-term durability of positional planes. We explore the physical processes behind their formation in terms of the dynamics of the local cosmic web (CW), characterized via the so-called Lagrangian volumes (LVs) built up around two zoom-in, cosmological hydro-simulations of Milky Way–mass disk galaxy + satellites systems, where three KPPs have been identified. By analyzing the LV deformations in terms of the reduced tensor of inertia (TOI), we find an outstanding alignment between the LV principal directions and the KPP satellites’ orbital poles. The most compressive local mass flows (along the eˆ3 eigenvector) are strong at early times, feeding the so-called eˆ3 -structure, while the smallest TOI axis rapidly decreases. The eˆ3 -structure collapse marks the end of this regime and is the timescale for the establishment of satellite orbital pole clustering when the Universe is ≲4 Gyr old. KPP protosatellites aligned with eˆ3 are those whose orbital poles are either aligned from early times or have been successfully bent at eˆ3 -structure collapse. KPP satellites associated with eˆ1 tend to have early trajectories already parallel to eˆ3 . We show that KPPs can arise as a result of the ΛCDM-predicted large-scale dynamics acting on particular sets of protosatellites, the same dynamics that shape the local CW environment

    Gender Balance Actions, Policies and Strategies for STEM: Results from a World Café Conversation

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    W-STEM project is working to reduce the existing gender gap in Science, specifically in STEM fields in Latin America. During an International Leadership Summit, held in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) on November 26th, 2019 within the project scope, forty-four people, including researchers and policymakers at the higher education institutions, participated in a World Café conversation to discuss about the potential actions, policies and strategies might be develop in the universities to reduce the above mentioned gender gap in STEM studies. Four tables were conducted, and this paper summarizes the most outstanding conclusions of the conversations.El proyecto W-STEM se orienta en reducir la brecha de género existente en la ciencia, específicamente en los campos STEM en América Latina. Durante el International Leadership Summit, celebrado en Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) el 26 de noviembre de 2019 en el marco del proyecto, cuarenta y cuatro personas, incluyendo investigadores y cargos directivos de instituciones de educación superior, participaron en una dinámica World Café para discutir sobre las posibles acciones, políticas y estrategias que podrían desarrollarse en las universidades para reducir la mencionada brecha de género en los estudios STEM. Se realizaron cuatro mesas y este artículo resume las conclusiones más destacadas de las conversaciones mantenidas

    Relationship Between Osteoporosis and Marginal Bone Loss in Osseointegrated Implants: A 2-Year Retrospective Study

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    Background: Fitting implants in osteoporotic patients has raditionally been controversial, and there is little scientific evidence relating osteoporosis to marginal bone loss (MBL). The aims of this study are as follows: 1) to evaluate the possibility of a correlation between osteoporosis, as measured by the mandibular cortical index (MCI), and MBL and 2) to assess how various systemic diseases, periodontitis, and placement of implants in regenerated bone are correlated with MBL and MCI. Methods: This retrospective study examines 212 implants inserted in 67 patients. To take a possible cluster failure into account, an implant for each patient was selected (n = 67 implants). MBL was assessed. Osteoporosis was evaluated using the MCI. Both MBL and MCI were assessed from panoramic radiographs. x2 test was performed (Haberman post hoc test). Significance was P <0.05. Results: When the total sample implant (N = 212) was evaluated, a significant association was found between the presence of osteoporosis and MCI (P <0.001) and between the presence of diabetes mellitus and MCI (P <0.01). Significant associations were also found between MBL and placement of implants in regenerated sites (P <0.001) and between MBL and a previous history of periodontitis (P <0.05). When the sample is evaluated only in selected implants (one per patient, n = 67), significant differences appear to relate only to the MBL with the placement of implants in regenerated bone sites (P <0.001). Conclusions: Osteoporosis (as evaluated by MCI) does not pose a risk for the development of greater MBL. Parameters adversely affecting the development of increased MBL are a previous history of periodontitis and especially the placement of implants at sites of bone regeneration