98,935 research outputs found

    Desain Modifikasi Struktur Jembatan Kalipepe dengan Asymmetric Cable Stayed System dan Prestressed Concrete Segmental Box Girder

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    Jembatan Kali Pepe merupakan bagian dari proyek jalan bebas hambatan Solo-Kertosono yang melintasi sungai Pepe. Dimana jembatan yang masih dalam tahap pengerjaan ini di desain menggunakan konstruksi PC I girder. Bentang bersih jembatan ini sepanjang 85,2 m yang dibagi menjadi 2 bagian sama panjang dengan 3 pilar penopang serta memiliki lebar jembatan selebar 12 m. Maka dalam penulisan tugas akhir ini Jembatan Kali Pepe direncanakan ulang sebagai jembatan cable stayed asimetris dengan meggunakan box girder beton prestressed segmental (PC SB girder) dengan bentang 144 m dan lebar 12,6 m. Susunan kabel pada arah melintang berupa double planes system, sedangkan untuk arah memanjang berupa semi harp pattern. Desain lantai kendaraan berupa pelat beton bertulang dengan gelagar berupa box girder beton prestressed. Pylon (tiang) pada jembatan ini didesain menggunakan material beton bertulang. Permodelan struktur menggunakan fishbone model dengan pembebanan berdasarkan SNI 1725 2016 dan SNI 2833 2013. Staging analysis menggunakan metode kantilever dengan backward solution. Hasil yang diperoleh dari perencanaan ini berupa penulangan dan tendon prategang pada gelagar, dimensi kabel, penulangan angker, serta penulangan pylon dalam bentuk laporan dan gambar teknik

    Higgs Searches and Prospects from LEP2

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    The status of the search at LEP2 for the Higgs in the Standard Model (SM) and in the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model MSSM) is reviewed. A preliminary lower limit of 95.5/c^2 at 95% C.L. on the SM Higgs is obtained after a preliminary analysis of the data collected at sqrt(s)= 189 GeV. For standard choices of MSSM parameter sets, the search for the neutral Higgs bosons h and A leads to preliminary 95% C.L. exclusion lower limits of 83.5GeV/c^2 and 84.5 GeV/c^2, respectively.Comment: 6 page

    A study of center vortices in SU(2) and SU(3) gauge theories

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    We show how center vortices and Abelian monopoles both appear as local gauge ambiguities in the Laplacian Center gauge. Numerical results, for SU(2) and SU(3), support the view that the string tension obtained in the center-projected theory matches the full string tension when the continuum limit is taken.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures; talk presented at the International Workshop on Non-Perturbative Methods and Lattice QCD, Guangzhou, May 200

    Laplacian Center Vortices

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    I present a unified picture of center vortices and Abelian monopoles. Both appear as local gauge ambiguities in the Laplacian Center Gauge. This gauge is constructed for a general SU(N) theory. Numerical evidence is presented, for SU(2) and SU(3), that the projected ZNZ_N theory confines with a string tension similar to the non-Abelian one.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures; talk presented at "Confinement 2000", Osaka, March 200

    Stabilitas Hasil Beberapa Varietas Padi di Lahan Sawah

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    Yield Stability of Rice on Wetland. The experiment is purposed to evalluate stability of hybrid and new varieties of rice were conducted at five locations as Nganjuk, Bojonegoro, Jember, Blitar dan Ngawi in dry season 2007. Ten varieties of rice consist of six hybrids as Bernas Super, PP-1, Bernas Prima, Hibrindo R-1, Intani 2, SL-8H and four new varieties as Mekongga, Pepe, Cibogo, Ciherang were tested in Randomized Block Design with three replications. Plot size was 5 m x 6 m and plant spacing 20 cm x 20 cm. Yield data were analyzed for stability using a regression technique following Eberhant and Rusell (1966). The results of these experiment indicated that effect of varieties location and varieties x location interaction were significant. Yield stability analysis indicated that there were three varieties which produce stable yield and had average yield higher than checks, namely PP1, Bernas Prima and Mekongga with yield of 7.4, 7.7, and 7.7 respectively. Key words : Hybrid variety rice, new varieties rice, yield stability Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui stabilitas varietas unggul hibrida dan unggul baru dilaksanakan di lima lokasi yaitu Nganjuk, Bojonegoro, Jember, Blitar dan Ngawi pada Musim Kemarau tahun 2007. Sepuluh varietas yang diuji terdiri dari enam varietas unggul hibrida yaitu Bernas Super, PP-1, Bernas Prima, Hibrindo R-1, Intani 2, SL-8H dan empat varietas unggul baru yaitu Mekongga, Pepe, Cibogo, Ciherang. Rancangan yang digunakaan di masing - masing lokasi adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan tiga ulangan. Ukuran setiap petak adalah 5 m x 6 m dengan jarak tanam 20 cm x 20 cm. Stabilitas hasil sepuluh varietas unggul hibrida dan varietas unggul baru dievaluasi dengan model stabilitas menurut Eberhant and Rusell (1966), dengan kriteria varietas yang stabil yaitu yang koefisien regresi bi = 1 dan simpangan ragam regresi terhadap ragam gabungan (S2di = 0). Hasil percobaan menujukkan bahwa varietas unggul hibrida Bernas Super, PP-1, Bernas Prima, Hibrindo R-1, Intani 2, dan SL-8H serta varietas unggul baru Mekongga, Pepe, Cibogo, Ciherang dengan hasil gabah kering diatas rata – rata umumnya dan merupakan varietas yang mempunyai stabilitas hasil masing – masing 7,39; 7,09 dan 7,08 t/ha. Varietas - varietas tersebut dianjurkan untuk dapat diuji lagi dalam skala yang agak luas dan bila sudah mantap dapat diusulkan untuk dilepas menggantikan varietas yang sudah lama digunakan

    Vector spectrum and color screening in two color QCD at nonzero T and \mu

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    We discuss a few aspects of the phase diagram of two color lattice QCD: we investigate the long distance screening analyzing the behavior of the interquark potential at large distances; we present a first set of results for vector mesons and diquarks; we note similarities and differences between features at high temperature and high baryon density.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures; talk at the GISELDA Meeting held in Frascati, Italy, 14-18 January 200

    First Observation and Measurement of the Decay K+- -> pi+- e+ e- gamma

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    Using the full data set of the NA48/2 experiment, the decay K+- -> pi+- e+ e- gamma is observed for the first time, selecting 120 candidates with 7.3 +- 1.7 estimated background events. With K+- -> pi+- pi0D as normalisation channel, the branching ratio is determined in a model-independent way to be Br(K+- -> pi+- e+ e- gamma, m_eegamma > 260 MeV/c^2) = (1.19 +- 0.12_stat +- 0.04_syst) x 10^-8. This measured value and the spectrum of the e+ e- gamma invariant mass allow a comparison with predictions of Chiral Perturbation Theory.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys.Lett.