429 research outputs found

    Optimal computation of brightness integrals parametrized on the unit sphere

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    We compare various approaches to find the most efficient method for the practical computation of the lightcurves (integrated brightnesses) of irregularly shaped bodies such as asteroids at arbitrary viewing and illumination geometries. For convex models, this reduces to the problem of the numerical computation of an integral over a simply defined part of the unit sphere. We introduce a fast method, based on Lebedev quadratures, which is optimal for both lightcurve simulation and inversion in the sense that it is the simplest and fastest widely applicable procedure for accuracy levels corresponding to typical data noise. The method requires no tessellation of the surface into a polyhedral approximation. At the accuracy level of 0.01 mag, it is up to an order of magnitude faster than polyhedral sums that are usually applied to this problem, and even faster at higher accuracies. This approach can also be used in other similar cases that can be modelled on the unit sphere. The method is easily implemented in lightcurve inversion by a simple alteration of the standard algorithm/software.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres

    Asteroid Models from Multiple Data Sources

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    In the past decade, hundreds of asteroid shape models have been derived using the lightcurve inversion method. At the same time, a new framework of 3-D shape modeling based on the combined analysis of widely different data sources such as optical lightcurves, disk-resolved images, stellar occultation timings, mid-infrared thermal radiometry, optical interferometry, and radar delay-Doppler data, has been developed. This multi-data approach allows the determination of most of the physical and surface properties of asteroids in a single, coherent inversion, with spectacular results. We review the main results of asteroid lightcurve inversion and also recent advances in multi-data modeling. We show that models based on remote sensing data were confirmed by spacecraft encounters with asteroids, and we discuss how the multiplication of highly detailed 3-D models will help to refine our general knowledge of the asteroid population. The physical and surface properties of asteroids, i.e., their spin, 3-D shape, density, thermal inertia, surface roughness, are among the least known of all asteroid properties. Apart for the albedo and diameter, we have access to the whole picture for only a few hundreds of asteroids. These quantities are nevertheless very important to understand as they affect the non-gravitational Yarkovsky effect responsible for meteorite delivery to Earth, or the bulk composition and internal structure of asteroids.Comment: chapter that will appear in a Space Science Series book Asteroids I

    Shape and spin distributions of asteroid populations from brightness variation estimates and large databases

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    Context. Many databases on asteroid brightnesses (e.g. ALCDEF, WISE) are potential sources for extensive asteroid shape and spin modelling. Individual lightcurve inversion models require several apparitions and hundreds of data points per target. However, we can analyse the coarse shape and spin distributions over populations of at least thousands of targets even if there are only a few points and one apparition per asteroid. This is done by examining the distribution of the brightness variations observed within the chosen population. Aims. Brightness variation has been proposed as a population-scale rather than individual-target observable in two studies so far. We aim to examine this approach rigorously to establish its theoretical validity, degree of ill-posedness, and practical applicability. Methods. We model the observed brightness variation of a target population by considering its cumulative distribution function (CDF) caused by the joint distribution function of two fundamental shape and spin indicators. These are the shape elongation and the spin latitude of a simple ellipsoidal model. The main advantage of the model is that we can derive analytical basis functions that yield the observed CDF as a function of the shape and spin distribution. The inverse problem can be treated linearly. Even though the inaccuracy of the model is considerable, databases of thousands of targets should yield some information on the distribution. Results. We establish the theoretical soundness and the typical accuracy limits of the approach both analytically and numerically. Using simulations, we derive a practical estimate of the model distribution in the (shape, spin)-plane. We show that databases such as Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) yield coarse but robust estimates of this distribution, and as an example compare various asteroid families with each other.Comment: 16 pages, 21 figures, manuscript accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysics, to be published in section 10. Planets and planetary system

    The complementarity of astrometric and radial velocity exoplanet observations - Determining exoplanet mass with astrometric snapshots

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    We obtain full information on the orbital parameters by combining radial velocity and astrometric measurements by means of Bayesian inference. We sample the parameter probability densities of orbital model parameters with a Markov chain Monte Carlo (McMC) method in simulated observational scenarios to test the detectability of planets with orbital periods longer than the observational timelines. We show that, when fitting model parameters simultaneously to measurements from both sources, it is possible to extract much more information from the measurements than when using either source alone. We demonstrate this by studying the orbit of recently found extra-solar planet HD 154345 b.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures. Accepted to A&

    Shape models and physical properties of asteroids

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    Despite the large amount of high quality data generated in recent space encounters with asteroids, the majority of our knowledge about these objects comes from ground based observations. Asteroids travelling in orbits that are potentially hazardous for the Earth form an especially interesting group to be studied. In order to predict their orbital evolution, it is necessary to investigate their physical properties. This paper briefly describes the data requirements and different techniques used to solve the lightcurve inversion problem. Although photometry is the most abundant type of observational data, models of asteroids can be obtained using various data types and techniques. We describe the potential of radar imaging and stellar occultation timings to be combined with disk-integrated photometry in order to reveal information about physical properties of asteroids.Comment: From Assessment and Mitigation of Asteroid Impact Hazards boo

    Fetal radiation dose in three common CT examinations during pregnancy Monte Carlo study

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    Purpose: To determine fetal doses in different stages of pregnancy in three common computed tomography (CT) examinations: pulmonary CT angiography, abdomino-pelvic and trauma scan with Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. Methods: An adult female anthropomorphic phantom was scanned with a 64-slice CT using pulmonary angiography, abdomino-pelvic and trauma CT scan protocols. Three different sized gelatin boluses placed on the phantom's abdomen simulated different stages of pregnancy. Intrauterine dose was used as a surrogate to a dose absorbed to the fetus. MC simulations were performed to estimate uterine doses. The simulation dose levels were calibrated with volumetric CT dose index (CTDIvol) measurements and MC simulations in a cylindrical CTDI body phantom and compared with ten point doses measured with metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistor dosimeters. Intrauterine volumes and uterine walls were segmented and the respective dose volume histograms were calculated. Results: The mean intrauterine doses in different stages of pregnancy varied from 0.04 to 1.04 mGy, from 4.8 to 5.8 mGy, and from 9.8 to 12.6 mGy in the CT scans for pulmonary angiography, abdomino-pelvic and trauma CT scans, respectively. MC simulations showed good correlation with the MOSFET measurement at the measured locations. Conclusions: The three studied examinations provided highly varying fetal doses increasing from sub-mGy level in pulmonary CT angiography to notably higher levels in abdomino-pelvic and trauma scans where the fetus is in the primary exposure range. Volumetric dose distribution offered by MC simulations in an appropriate anthropomorphic phantom provides a comprehensive dose assessment when applied in adjunct to point-dose measurements.Peer reviewe

    Physical properties of ESA Rosetta target asteroid (21) Lutetia: Shape and flyby geometry

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    Aims. We determine the physical properties (spin state and shape) of asteroid (21) Lutetia, target of the ESA Rosetta mission, to help in preparing for observations during the flyby on 2010 July 10 by predicting the orientation of Lutetia as seen from Rosetta. Methods. We use our novel KOALA inversion algorithm to determine the physical properties of asteroids from a combination of optical lightcurves, disk-resolved images, and stellar occultations, although the latter are not available for (21) Lutetia. Results. We find the spin axis of (21) Lutetia to lie within 5 degrees of ({\lambda} = 52 deg., {\beta} = -6 deg.) in Ecliptic J2000 reference frame (equatorial {\alpha} = 52 deg., {\delta} = +12 deg.), and determine an improved sidereal period of 8.168 270 \pm 0.000 001 h. This pole solution implies the southern hemisphere of Lutetia will be in "seasonal" shadow at the time of the flyby. The apparent cross-section of Lutetia is triangular as seen "pole-on" and more rectangular as seen "equator-on". The best-fit model suggests the presence of several concavities. The largest of these is close to the north pole and may be associated with large impacts.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Forest inventory attribute estimation using airborne laser scanning, aerial stereoimagery, radargrammetry and interferometry - Finnish experiences of the 3D techniques

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    Three-dimensional (3D) remote sensing has enabled detailed mapping of terrain and vegetation heights. Consequently, forest inventory attributes are estimated more and more using point clouds and normalized surface models. In practical applications, mainly airborne laser scanning (ALS) has been used in forest resource mapping. The current status is that ALS-based forest inventories are widespread, and the popularity of ALS has also raised interest toward alternative 3D techniques, including airborne and spaceborne techniques. Point clouds can be generated using photogrammetry, radargrammetry and interferometry. Airborne stereo imagery can be used in deriving photogrammetric point clouds, as very-high-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data are used in radargrammetry and interferometry. ALS is capable of mapping both the terrain and tree heights in mixed forest conditions, which is an advantage over aerial images or SAR data. However, in many jurisdictions, a detailed ALS-based digital terrain model is already available, and that enables linking photogrammetric or SAR-derived heights to heights above the ground. In other words, in forest conditions, the height of single trees, height of the canopy and/or density of the canopy can be measured and used in estimation of forest inventory attributes. In this paper, first we review experiences of the use of digital stereo imagery and spaceborne SAR in estimation of forest inventory attributes in Finland, and we compare techniques to ALS. In addition, we aim to present new implications based on our experiences

    First albedo determination of 2867 Steins, target of the Rosetta mission

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    We present the first albedo determination of 2867 Steins, the asteroid target o f the Rosetta space mission together with 21 Lutetia. The data were obtained in polarimetric mode at the ESO-VLT telescope with the FORS1 instrument in the V and R filters. Observations were carried out from Jun e to August 2005 covering the phase angle range from 10.3 deg. to 28.3 deg., allowing the determination of the asteroid albedo by the well known experimenta l relationship between the albedo and the slope of the polarimetric curve at th e inversion angle. The measured polarization values of Steins are small, confirming an E-type cla ssification for this asteroid, as already suggested from its spectral propertie s. The inversion angle of the polarization curve in the V and R filters is resp ectively of 17.3 +/-1.5deg. and 18.4+/-1.0 deg., and the corresponding sl ope parameter is of 0.037+/-0.003 %/deg and 0.032+/-0.003 %/deg. On the basis of its polarimetric slope value, we have derived an albedo of 0.45 +/-0.1, that gives an estimated diameter of 4.6 km, assuming an absolute V ma gnitude of 13.18 mag.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, letter accepted for pubblication on A&

    The Lichen Genus Sticta (Lobariaceae, Peltigerales) in East African Montane Ecosystems

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    The lichen flora of Africa is still poorly known. In many parts of the tropics, recent studies utilizing DNA methods have revealed extraordinary diversity among various groups of lichenized fungi, including the genus Sticta. In this study, East African Sticta species and their ecology are reviewed using the genetic barcoding marker nuITS and morphological characters. The studied regions represent montane areas in Kenya and Tanzania, including the Taita Hills and Mt. Kilimanjaro, which belong to the Eastern Afromontane biodiversity hotspot. Altogether 14 Sticta species are confirmed from the study region, including the previously reported S. fuliginosa, S. sublimbata, S. tomentosa, and S. umbilicariiformis. Sticta andina, S. ciliata, S. duplolimbata, S. fuliginoides, and S. marginalis are reported as new to Kenya and/or Tanzania. Sticta afromontana, S. aspratilis, S. cellulosa, S. cyanocaperata, and S. munda, are described as new to science. The abundance of new diversity detected and the number of taxa represented by only few specimens show that more comprehensive sampling of the region may be needed to reveal the true diversity of Sticta in East Africa. More generally, our results highlight the need for further taxonomic studies of lichenized fungi in the region
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