1,489 research outputs found

    Human capital and entrepreneurial success : a meta-analytical review

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    The study meta-analytically integrates results from three decades of human capital research in entrepreneurship. Based on 70 independent samples (N = 24,733), we found a significant but small relationship between human capital and success (r(c) = .098). We examined theoretically derived moderators of this relationship referring to conceptualizations of human capital, to context, and to measurement of success. The relationship was higher for outcomes of human capital investments (knowledge/skills) than for human capital investments (education/experience), for human capital with high task-relatedness compared to low task-relatedness, for young businesses compared to old businesses, and for the dependent variable size compared to growth or profitability. Findings are relevant for practitioners (lenders, policy makers, educators) and for future research. Our findings show that future research should pursue moderator approaches to study the effects of human capital on success. Further, human capital is most important if it is task-related and if it consists of outcomes of human capital investments rather than human capital investments; this suggests that research should overcome a static view of human capital and should rather investigate the processes of learning, knowledge acquisition, and the transfer of knowledge to entrepreneurial tasks

    Integrating the Ecosystem Services Framework to Define Dysbiosis of the Breastfed Infant Gut: The Role of B. infantis and Human Milk Oligosaccharides

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    Mounting evidence supports a connection between the composition of the infant gut microbiome and long-term health. In fact, aberrant microbiome compositions during key developmental windows in early life are associated with increased disease risk; therefore, making pertinent modifications to the microbiome during infancy offers significant promise to improve human health. There is growing support for integrating the concept of ecosystem services (the provision of benefits from ecosystems to humans) in linking specific microbiome functions to human well-being. This framework is widely applied in conservation efforts of macro-ecosystems and offers a systematic approach to guide restoration actions aimed to recover critical ecological functions. The aim of this work is to apply the ecosystem services framework to integrate recent studies demonstrating stable alteration of the gut microbiome of breastfed infants when Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis EVC001, a gut symbiont capable of efficiently utilizing human milk oligosaccharides into organic acids that are beneficial for the infant and lower intestinal pH, is reintroduced. Additionally, using examples from the literature we illustrate how the absence of B. infantis results in diminished ecosystem services, which may be associated with health consequences related to immune and metabolic disorders. Finally, we propose a model by which infant gut dysbiosis can be defined as a reduction in ecosystem services supplied to the host by the gut microbiome rather than merely changes in diversity or taxonomic composition. Given the increased interest in targeted microbiome modification therapies to decrease acute and chronic disease risk, the model presented here provides a framework to assess the effectiveness of such strategies from a host-centered perspective

    Tick-borne Thogoto virus infection in mice is inhibited by the orthomyxovirus resistance gene product Mx1

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    We show that tick-transmitted Thogoto virus is sensitive to interferon- induced nuclear Mx1 protein, which is known for its specific antiviral action against orthomyxoviruses. Influenza virus-susceptible BALB/c mice (lacking a functional Mx1 gene) developed severe disease symptoms and died within days after intracerebral or intraperitoneal infection with a lethal challenge dose of Thogoto virus. In contrast, Mx1-positive congenic, influenza virus- resistant BALB·A2G-Mx1 mice remained healthy and survived. Likewise, A2G, congenic B6·A2G-Mx1 and CBA·T9-Mx1 mice (derived from influenza virus- resistant wild mice) as well as Mx1-transgenic 979 mice proved to be resistant. Peritoneal macrophages and interferon-treated embryo cells from resistant mice exhibited the same resistance phenotype in vitro. Moreover, stable lines of transfected mouse 3T3 cells that constitutively express Mx1 protein showed increased resistance to Thogoto virus infection. We conclude that an Mx1-sensitive step has been conserved during evolution of orthomyxoviruses and suggest that the Mx1 gene in rodents may serve to combat infections by influenza virus-like arboviruses.</p

    Новые языковые реальности употребления претерита в немецком гипотаксисе

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    Целью статьи являются обобщение и теоретическое обоснование нового употребления претерита в относительном значении в конкретных видах придаточных предложений с презенсом в главном предложении. В статье анализируются коннотативные нюансы относительного значения претерита, регулярность замены префекта-пассива и перфекта именного составного сказуемого с глаголом "sein" на претеритальные формы в гипотаксисе, а также особое место претерита в системе немецких временных форм.Метою статті є узагальнення та теоретичне обґрунтування нового вживання претериту у релятивному значенні у конкретних видах сурядно-підрядних речень з презентом у сурядному реченні. У статті подано аналіз конототивні нюанси претериту і регулярність зміни перфекту пасиву та іменного присудка з дієсловом "sein" на претеритальні форми у гіпотаксису, а також особливе місце претериту у системі німецьких часових форм.The article aims at generalization and theoretical Explanation of modern preterit usage in relative meaning in certain types of clauses, with the Present tense in the main clause. The article deals with the analysis of connotative component meanings of the relative preterit and the regularity of substitution of preterit forms in hypotaxes for the passive perfect tense and the perfect form of the nominal compound predicate with the verb 'sein' as well as the specificity of preterit in the system of German tenses

    Persistence of Supplemented Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis EVC001 in Breastfed Infants.

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    Attempts to alter intestinal dysbiosis via administration of probiotics have consistently shown that colonization with the administered microbes is transient. This study sought to determine whether provision of an initial course of Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis (B.&nbsp;infantis) would lead to persistent colonization of the probiotic organism in breastfed infants. Mothers intending to breastfeed were recruited and provided with lactation support. One group of mothers fed B.&nbsp;infantis EVC001 to their infants from day 7 to day 28 of life (n = 34), and the second group did not administer any probiotic (n = 32). Fecal samples were collected during the first 60&nbsp;postnatal days in both groups. Fecal samples were assessed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing, quantitative PCR, mass spectrometry, and endotoxin measurement. B.&nbsp;infantis-fed infants had significantly higher populations of fecal Bifidobacteriaceae, in particular B.&nbsp;infantis, while EVC001 was fed, and this difference persisted more than 30&nbsp;days after EVC001 supplementation ceased. Fecal milk oligosaccharides were significantly lower in B.&nbsp;infantis EVC001-fed infants, demonstrating higher consumption of human milk oligosaccharides by B. infantis EVC001. Concentrations of acetate and lactate were significantly higher and fecal pH was significantly lower in infants fed EVC001, demonstrating alterations in intestinal fermentation. Infants colonized by Bifidobacteriaceae at high levels had 4-fold-lower fecal endotoxin levels, consistent with observed lower levels of Gram-negative Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. IMPORTANCE The gut microbiome in early life plays an important role for long-term health and is shaped in large part by diet. Probiotics may contribute to improvements in health, but they have not been shown to alter the community composition of the gut microbiome. Here, we found that breastfed infants could be stably colonized at high levels by provision of B.&nbsp;infantis EVC001, with significant changes to the overall microbiome composition persisting more than a month later, whether the infants were born vaginally or by caesarean section. This observation is consistent with previous studies demonstrating the capacity of this subspecies to utilize human milk glycans as a nutrient and underscores the importance of pairing a probiotic organism with a specific substrate. Colonization by B.&nbsp;infantis EVC001 resulted in significant changes to fecal microbiome composition and was associated with improvements in fecal biochemistry. The combination of human milk and an infant-associated Bifidobacterium sp. shows, for the first time, that durable changes to the human gut microbiome are possible and are associated with improved gut function

    Comparative Genome Analysis of Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis Strains Reveals Variation in Human Milk Oligosaccharide Utilization Genes among Commercial Probiotics

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    Dysbiosis is associated with acute and long-term consequences for neonates. Probiotics can be effective in limiting the growth of bacteria associated with dysbiosis and promoting the healthy development of the infant microbiome. Given its adaptation to the infant gut, and promising data from animal and in vitro models, Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis is an attractive candidate for use in infant probiotics. However, strain-level differences in the ability of commercialized strains to utilize human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) may have implications in the performance of strains in the infant gut. In this study, we characterized twelve B. infantis probiotic strains and identified two main variants in one of the HMO utilization gene clusters. Some strains possessed the full repertoire of HMO utilization genes (H5-positive strains), while H5-negative strains lack an ABC-type transporter known to bind core HMO structures. H5-positive strains achieved significantly superior growth on lacto-N-tetraose and lacto-N-neotetraose. In vitro, H5-positive strains had a significant fitness advantage over H5-negative strains, which was also observed in vivo in breastfed infants. This work provides evidence of the functional implications of genetic dierences among B. infantis strains and highlights that genotype and HMO utilization phenotype should be considered when selecting a strain for probiotic use in infants

    Bovine Colostrum and Its Potential for Human Health and Nutrition

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    Colostrum is the first milk produced post-partum by mammals and is compositionally distinct from mature milk. Bovine colostrum has a long history of consumption by humans, and there have been a number of studies investigating its potential for applications in human nutrition and health. Extensive characterization of the constituent fractions has identified a wealth of potentially bioactive molecules, their potential for shaping neonatal development, and the potential for their application beyond the neonatal period. Proteins, fats, glycans, minerals, and vitamins are abundant in colostrum, and advances in dairy processing technologies have enabled the advancement of bovine colostrum from relative limitations of a fresh and unprocessed food to a variety of potential applications. In these forms, clinical studies have examined bovine colostrumas having the substantial potential to improve human health. This review discusses the macro-and micronutrient composition of colostrum as well as describing well-characterized bioactives found in bovine colostrum and their potential for human health. Current gaps in knowledge are also identified and future directions are considered in order to elevate the potential for bovine colostrum as a component of a healthy diet for a variety of relevant human populations

    Elevated Fecal pH Indicates a Profound Change in the Breastfed Infant Gut Microbiome Due to Reduction of \u3ci\u3eBifidobacterium\u3c/i\u3e over the Past Century

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    Historically, Bifidobacterium species were reported as abundant in the breastfed infant gut. However, recent studies in resource-rich countries show an increased abundance of taxa regarded as signatures of dysbiosis. It is unclear whether these differences are the product of genetics, geographic factors, or interventions such as formula feeding, antibiotics, and caesarean section. Fecal pH is strongly associated with Bifidobacterium abundance; thus, pH could be an indicator of its historical abundance. A review of 14 clinical studies published between 1926 and 2017, representing more than 312 healthy breastfed infants, demonstrated a change in fecal pH from 5.0 to 6.5 (adjusted r2 = 0.61). This trend of increasing infant fecal pH over the past century is consistent with current reported discrepancies in Bifidobacterium species abundance in the gut microbiome in resource-rich countries compared to that in historical reports. Our analysis showed that increased fecal pH and abundance of members of the families Enterobacteriaceae, Clostridiaceae, Peptostreptococcaceae, and Veillonellaceae are associated, indicating that loss of highly specialized Bifidobacterium species may result in dysbiosis, the implications of which are not yet fully elucidated. Critical assessment of interventions that restore this ecosystem, measured by key parameters such as ecosystem productivity, gut function, and long-term health, are necessary to understand the magnitude of this change in human biology over the past century

    CTGF antagonism with mAb FG-3019 enhances chemotherapy response without increasing drug delivery in murine ductal pancreas cancer

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) is characterized by abundant desmoplasia and poor tissue perfusion. These features are proposed to limit the access of therapies to neoplastic cells and blunt treatment efficacy. Indeed, several agents that target the PDA tumor microenvironment promote concomitant chemotherapy delivery and increased antineoplastic response in murine models of PDA. Prior studies could not determine whether chemotherapy delivery or microenvironment modulation per se were the dominant features in treatment response, and such information could guide the optimal translation of these preclinical findings to patients. To distinguish between these possibilities, we used a chemical inhibitor of cytidine deaminase to stabilize and thereby artificially elevate gemcitabine levels in murine PDA tumors without disrupting the tumor microenvironment. Additionally, we used the FG-3019 monoclonal antibody (mAb) that is directed against the pleiotropic matricellular signaling protein connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN2). Inhibition of cytidine deaminase raised the levels of activated gemcitabine within PDA tumors without stimulating neoplastic cell killing or decreasing the growth of tumors, whereas FG-3019 increased PDA cell killing and led to a dramatic tumor response without altering gemcitabine delivery. The response to FG-3019 correlated with the decreased expression of a previously described promoter of PDA chemotherapy resistance, the X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein. Therefore, alterations in survival cues following targeting of tumor microenvironmental factors may play an important role in treatment responses in animal models, and by extension in PDA patients