31 research outputs found

    Fixation, transient landscape and diffusion's dilemma in stochastic evolutionary game dynamics

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    Agent-based stochastic models for finite populations have recently received much attention in the game theory of evolutionary dynamics. Both the ultimate fixation and the pre-fixation transient behavior are important to a full understanding of the dynamics. In this paper, we study the transient dynamics of the well-mixed Moran process through constructing a landscape function. It is shown that the landscape playing a central theoretical "device" that integrates several lines of inquiries: the stable behavior of the replicator dynamics, the long-time fixation, and continuous diffusion approximation associated with asymptotically large population. Several issues relating to the transient dynamics are discussed: (i) multiple time scales phenomenon associated with intra- and inter-attractoral dynamics; (ii) discontinuous transition in stochastically stationary process akin to Maxwell construction in equilibrium statistical physics; and (iii) the dilemma diffusion approximation facing as a continuous approximation of the discrete evolutionary dynamics. It is found that rare events with exponentially small probabilities, corresponding to the uphill movements and barrier crossing in the landscape with multiple wells that are made possible by strong nonlinear dynamics, plays an important role in understanding the origin of the complexity in evolutionary, nonlinear biological systems.Comment: 34 pages, 4 figure

    Thermodynamic Limit of a Nonequilibrium Steady-State: Maxwell-Type Construction for a Bistable Biochemical System

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    We show that the thermodynamic limit of a bistable phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycle has a selection rule for the "more stable" macroscopic steady state. The analysis is akin to the Maxwell construction. Based on the chemical master equation approach, it is shown that, except at a critical point, bistability disappears in the stochastic model when fluctuation is sufficiently low but unneglectable. Onsager's Gaussian fluctuation theory applies to the unique macroscopic steady state. With initial state in the basin of attraction of the "less stable" steady state, the deterministic dynamics obtained by the Law of Mass Action is a metastable phenomenon. Stability and robustness in cell biology are stochastic concepts.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    The Chemical Master Equation Approach to Nonequilibrium Steady-State of Open Biochemical Systems: Linear Single-Molecule Enzyme Kinetics and Nonlinear Biochemical Reaction Networks

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    We develop the stochastic, chemical master equation as a unifying approach to the dynamics of biochemical reaction systems in a mesoscopic volume under a living environment. A living environment provides a continuous chemical energy input that sustains the reaction system in a nonequilibrium steady state with concentration fluctuations. We discuss the linear, unimolecular single-molecule enzyme kinetics, phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycle (PdPC) with bistability, and network exhibiting oscillations. Emphasis is paid to the comparison between the stochastic dynamics and the prediction based on the traditional approach based on the Law of Mass Action. We introduce the difference between nonlinear bistability and stochastic bistability, the latter has no deterministic counterpart. For systems with nonlinear bistability, there are three different time scales: (a) individual biochemical reactions, (b) nonlinear network dynamics approaching to attractors, and (c) cellular evolution. For mesoscopic systems with size of a living cell, dynamics in (a) and (c) are stochastic while that with (b) is dominantly deterministic. Both (b) and (c) are emergent properties of a dynamic biochemical network; We suggest that the (c) is most relevant to major cellular biochemical processes such as epi-genetic regulation, apoptosis, and cancer immunoediting. The cellular evolution proceeds with transitions among the attractors of (b) in a “punctuated equilibrium” manner

    Stochastic Bistability and Bifurcation in a Mesoscopic Signaling System with Autocatalytic Kinase

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    Bistability is a nonlinear phenomenon widely observed in nature including in biochemical reaction networks. Deterministic chemical kinetics studied in the past has shown that bistability occurs in systems with strong (cubic) nonlinearity. For certain mesoscopic, weakly nonlinear (quadratic) biochemical reaction systems in a small volume, however, stochasticity can induce bistability and bifurcation that have no macroscopic counterpart. We report the simplest yet known reactions involving driven phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycle kinetics with autocatalytic kinase. We show that the noise-induced phenomenon is correlated with free energy dissipation and thus conforms with the open-chemical system theory. A previous reported noise-induced bistability in futile cycles is found to have originated from the kinase synchronization in a bistable system with slow transitions, as reported here