248 research outputs found

    Damage detections in nonlinear vibrating thermally loaded plates

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    In this work, geometrically nonlinear vibrations of fully clamped rectangular plates subjected to thermal changesare used to study the sensitivity of some vibration response parameters to the presence of damage and elevated temperature. The geometrically nonlinear version of the Mindlin plate theory is used to model the plate behaviour.Damage is represented as a stiffness reduction in a small area of the plate. The plates are subjected to harmonicloading leading to large amplitude vibrations and temperature changes. The plate vibration response is obtained by a pseudo-load mode superposition method. The main results are focussed on establishing the influence of damage on the vibration response of the heated and the unheated plates and the change in the time-history diagrams and the Poincaré maps caused by damage and elevated temperature. The damage criterion formulated earlier for nonheated plates, based on analyzing the points in the Poincaré sections of the damaged and healthy plate, is modified and tested for the case of plates additionally subjected to elevated temperatures. The importance of taking into account the actual temperature in the process of damage detection is shown

    Methodological aspects of a mathematical programming model to evaluate soil tillage technologies in a risky environment

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    In this work we develop a methodology for the economic evaluation of soil tillage technologies, in a risky environment, and to capture the influence of farmer behaviour on his technology choice. The model has short-term activities, that change with the type of year, and long-term activities, in which sets of traction investment activities are included. Although these activities do not change with the type of year, they lead to different availability of resources for each type of year, since the same tractor has different available fieldwork days under different weather conditions. We prove that the model is sensitive to the greater income variability resulting from the use of alternative technologies and to the balance between income and risk, accounting for the probability of occurrence of each state of nature and giving an investment solution that considers the best production plan for each type of year. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Combination Forecasts of Bond and Stock Returns: An Asset Allocation Perspective

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    We investigate the out-of-sample forecasting ability of the HML, SMB, momentum, short-term and long-term reversal factors along with their size and value decompositions on U.S. bond and stock returns for a variety of horizons ranging from the short run (1 month) to the long run (2 years). Our findings suggest that these factors contain significantly more information for future bond and stock market returns than the typically employed financial variables. Combination of forecasts of the empirical factors turns out to be particularly successful, especially from an an asset allocation perspective. Similar findings pertain to the European and Japanese markets

    Rating of Perceived Exertion, Average Heart Rate, and Energy Expenditure Following Indoor and Outdoor Moderately Heavy Superset Resistance Training

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    Our lab recently found that light intensity circuit resistance training outdoors had a significantly lower perception of effort (RPE) compared to indoor resistance training, despite no physiological differences in heart rate and energy expenditure. However, no study has examined other intensities or set schemes in differing environmental settings. PURPOSE: To determine how indoor or outdoor environments effect rating of perceived exertion (RPE) following light and moderately heavy intensity superset resistance training in recreationally resistance trained adults. METHODS: Twenty-three adult participants completed this study (n=10 female, n=13 male; age: 26.1±8.8 yrs; height: 172.2±9.5 cm; mass: 73.4±18.7 kg; RT experience: 5.3±4.8 yrs). Participants wore devices to measure heart rate (Polar H10 chest strap) and energy expenditure (Cosmed K5 Portable Metabolic Cart). Randomly in indoor and outdoor settings, participants completed 4 supersets of the reverse lunge and shoulder press exercises using dumbbells at a light (2 sets) and moderately heavy (2 sets) intensity with 1 superset of 6 repetitions per exercise (12 repetitions per superset) and 1 min rest between supersets. The OMNI Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale for Resistance Exercise 0-10 RPE scale was used following each superset. A paired T-test was used to determine differences between environmental setting (pRESULTS: No significant differences were observed between indoor and outdoor environments for average heart rate (129.4±17.2 and 127.8±23.3 bpm, p=0.67), energy expenditure (30.6±11.5 and 28.3±9.9 kcals; p=0.06), as well as RPE during light intensity (2.9±0.9 and 2.9±0.8 arbitrary units/AU’s, p=0.70) and moderately heavy intensity (6.5±1.7 and 6.3±1.5 AU’s, p=0.27) supersets. CONCLUSION: In recreationally resistance trained adults, light intensity and moderately heavy intensity superset resistance training in indoor or outdoor settings does not alter heart rate, energy expenditure, or perceived effort

    KT&G  : From Korean monopoly to ‘a global name in the tobacco industry’

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    Until the late 1980s, the former South Korean tobacco monopoly KT&G was focused on the protected domestic market. The opening of the market to foreign competition, under pressure from the U.S. Trade Representative, led to a steady erosion of market share over the next 10 years. Drawing on company documents and industry sources, this paper examines the adaptation of KT&G to the globalization of the South Korean tobacco industry since the 1990s. It is argued that KT&G has shifted from a domestic monopoly to an outward-looking, globally oriented business in response to the influx of transnational tobacco companies. Like other high-income countries, South Korea has also seen a decline in smoking prevalence as stronger tobacco control measures have been adopted. Faced with a shrinking domestic market, KT&G initially focused on exporting Korean-manufactured cigarettes. Since the mid-2000s, a broader global business strategy has been adopted including the building of overseas manufacturing facilities, establishing strategic partnerships and acquiring foreign companies. Trends in KT&G sales suggest an aspiring transnational tobacco company poised to become a major player in the global tobacco market. This article is part of the special issue \u27The emergence of Asian tobacco companies: Implications for global health governance\u27

    Perceived Fatigue and Physical Activity Enjoyment Following Indoor and Outdoor Moderately Heavy Superset Resistance Training

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    ACSM has again determined that resistance training (RT) and outdoor activities are two of the top ten worldwide fitness trends for 2023. We previously found that RT outdoors had a significantly lower perception of effort (RPE) compared to indoor RT, despite no physiological differences in heart rate (HR) and energy expenditure (EE). However, no study has examined other feelings during RT in indoor or outdoor settings. PURPOSE: To determine how indoor or outdoor environments effect perceptions of fatigue and physical activity enjoyment following RT in recreationally resistance trained adults. METHODS: Twenty-three adult participants (n=10 female, n=13 male) completed this study. The Visual Analog Scale Fatigue (VAS-F) measured perceived fatigue and the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale – Short Version (PACES-S) measured PA enjoyment, and both were measured at baseline and then immediately following an acute session of indoor or outdoor RT. HR was obtained from a chest strap (Polar H10) and EE from a Portable Metabolic Cart (COSMED K5). Randomly in indoor and outdoor settings, participants completed 4 supersets of the reverse lunge and shoulder press exercises using dumbbells at a light (2 sets) and moderately heavy (2 sets) intensity with 1 superset of 6 repetitions per exercise and 1 min rest between supersets. A paired T-test (for HR & EE comparisons) or one-way repeated measures ANOVA with Sidak post-hoc test (for VAS-F & PACES-S comparisons) were used to determine differences (p\u3c0.05). RESULTS: No significant differences were observed between indoor and outdoor RT for the physiological variables of average HR (129.4±17.2 and 127.75±23.3 bpm, respectively, p=0.66) and EE (30.6±11.5 and 28.3±9.9 kcals, respectively, p=0.06). Perceived fatigue significantly (p\u3c0.0001) increased from baseline (1.13±0.94 arbitrary units, AU’s) following indoor (4.54±1.91 AU’s) and outdoor (3.99±1.54 AU’s) RT, but no environmental differences (p=0.36) were observed. PA enjoyment was not significantly (p range: 0.27-0.93) different between baseline (18.73±1.83 AU’s) and following indoor (18.18±1.99 AU’s) or outdoor (18.36±1.99 AU’s) RT. CONCLUSION: In recreationally resistance trained adults, moderately heavy superset RT in indoor or outdoor settings does not alter perceived fatigue or physical activity enjoyment

    Total smoking bans in psychiatric inpatient services: a survey of perceived benefits, barriers and support among staff

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    Background: The introduction of total smoking bans represents an important step in addressing the smoking and physical health of people with mental illness. Despite evidence indicating the importance of staff support in the successful implementation of smoking bans, limited research has examined levels of staff support prior to the implementation of a ban in psychiatric settings, or factors that are associated with such support. This study aimed to examine the views of psychiatric inpatient hospital staff regarding the perceived benefits of and barriers to implementation of a successful total smoking ban in mental health services. Secondly, to examine the level of support among clinical and non-clinical staff for a total smoking ban. Thirdly, to examine the association between the benefits and barriers perceived by clinicians and their support for a total smoking ban in their unit. Methods: Cross-sectional survey of both clinical and non-clinical staff in a large inpatient psychiatric hospital immediately prior to the implementation of a total smoking ban. Results: Of the 300 staff, 183 (61%) responded. Seventy-three (41%) of total respondents were clinical staff, and 110 (92%) were non-clinical staff. More than two-thirds of staff agreed that a smoking ban would improve their work environment and conditions, help staff to stop smoking and improve patients' physical health. The most prevalent clinician perceived barriers to a successful total smoking ban related to fear of patient aggression (89%) and patient non-compliance (72%). Two thirds (67%) of all staff indicated support for a total smoking ban in mental health facilities generally, and a majority (54%) of clinical staff expressed support for a ban within their unit. Clinical staff who believed a smoking ban would help patients to stop smoking were more likely to support a smoking ban in their unit. Conclusions: There is a clear need to more effectively communicate to staff the evidence that consistently applied smoking bans do not increase patient aggression. There is also a need to communicate the benefits of smoking bans in aiding the delivery of smoking cessation care, and the benefits of both smoking bans and such care in aiding patients to stop smoking

    Leftward Lateralization of Auditory Cortex Underlies Holistic Sound Perception in Williams Syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: Individuals with the rare genetic disorder Williams-Beuren syndrome (WS) are known for their characteristic auditory phenotype including strong affinity to music and sounds. In this work we attempted to pinpoint a neural substrate for the characteristic musicality in WS individuals by studying the structure-function relationship of their auditory cortex. Since WS subjects had only minor musical training due to psychomotor constraints we hypothesized that any changes compared to the control group would reflect the contribution of genetic factors to auditory processing and musicality. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using psychoacoustics, magnetoencephalography and magnetic resonance imaging, we show that WS individuals exhibit extreme and almost exclusive holistic sound perception, which stands in marked contrast to the even distribution of this trait in the general population. Functionally, this was reflected by increased amplitudes of left auditory evoked fields. On the structural level, volume of the left auditory cortex was 2.2-fold increased in WS subjects as compared to control subjects. Equivalent volumes of the auditory cortex have been previously reported for professional musicians. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: There has been an ongoing debate in the neuroscience community as to whether increased gray matter of the auditory cortex in musicians is attributable to the amount of training or innate disposition. In this study musical education of WS subjects was negligible and control subjects were carefully matched for this parameter. Therefore our results not only unravel the neural substrate for this particular auditory phenotype, but in addition propose WS as a unique genetic model for training-independent auditory system properties