508 research outputs found

    Origin and properties of dual and offset active galactic nuclei in a cosmological simulation at z=2

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    In the last few years, it became possible to observationally resolve galaxies with two distinct nuclei in their centre. For separations smaller than 10kpc, dual and offset active galactic nuclei (AGN) are distinguished: in dual AGN, both nuclei are active, whereas in offset AGN only one nucleus is active. To study the origin of such AGN pairs, we employ a cosmological, hydrodynamic simulation with a large volume of (182Mpc)^3 from the set of Magneticum Pathfinder Simulations. The simulation self-consistently produces 35 resolved black hole (BH) pairs at redshift z=2, with a comoving distance smaller than 10kpc. 14 of them are offset AGN and nine are dual AGN, resulting in a fraction of (1.2 \pm 0.3)% AGN pairs with respect to the total number of AGN. In this paper, we discuss fundamental differences between the BH and galaxy properties of dual AGN, offset AGN and inactive BH pairs and investigate their different triggering mechanisms. We find that in dual AGN the BHs have similar masses and the corresponding BH from the less massive progenitor galaxy always accretes with a higher Eddington ratio. In contrast, in offset AGN the active BH is typically more massive than its non-active counterpart. Furthermore, dual AGN in general accrete more gas from the intergalactic medium than offset AGN and non-active BH pairs. This highlights that merger events, particularly minor mergers, do not necessarily lead to strong gas inflows and thus, do not always drive strong nuclear activity.Comment: 17 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS, website: http://www.magneticum.or

    Achieving Strong Magnon Blockade through Magnon Squeezing in a Cavity Magnetomechanical System

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    We propose a scheme to achieve magnon (photon) blockade by using magnon squeezing within a cavity magnomechanical system under weak pump driving. Under ideal conditions, we observe a substantial magnon blockade effect, as well as simultaneous photon blockade. Moreover, both numerical and analytical results match perfectly, providing robust evidence of consistency. In addition to calculating optimal parametric gain and detuning values, we can improve the second-order correlation function. The proposed scheme will be a pioneering approach towards magnon (photon) blockade in experimental cavity magnomechanical systems.Comment: 6 page

    The use of recovery time in timetables: rail passengers' preferences and valuation relative to travel time and delays

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    Recovery time in the rail industry is the additional time that is included in train timetables over and above the minimum journey time necessary often with the explicit aim of improving punctuality. Recovery time is widely used in railways in a number of countries but prior to this study there has been no investigation of the rail users’ point of view. Perceived recovery time, such as being held outside stations and prolonged stops at stations, might have some premium valuation due to the frustration caused. If perceived recovery time in train timetables does carry a premium, then the benefits of improved punctuality achieved by it will be reduced. This paper is the first to investigate passengers’ views and preferences on the use of recovery time. We summarise the findings of a large study and provide estimates of passengers’ valuations of recovery time, both relative to in-vehicle time and late time, that can be used for economic appraisal purposes. Overall, we find most passengers support the use of recovery time but the context is important. Only 13% of users disapprove of its use as a tool to reduce lateness. The estimated premia vary by demand characteristics and are significant in some contexts, although on average are of a small magnitude. The applicability of the estimates is demonstrated through the appraisal of an actual scheme in the UK. We observe that the introduction of more recovery time along with the subsequent improvement in reliability can lead to significant reductions in generalised journey time, even when recovery time carries a valuation premium. We must however strike a word of caution since we note that there were higher than expected proportions of non-traders in the survey which may have affected the results; future studies into the topic should look to minimise the proportion of non-traders. This study provides valuable and necessary first steps in this challenging topic

    Predictors of survival among adult Ethiopian patients in the national ART program at Seven University Teaching Hospitals: A prospective cohort study

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    Background: In Ethiopia, the publicly funded antiretroviral treatment (ART) program was started in 2005. Two hundred seventy-five thousand patients were enrolled in the national ART program by 2012. However, there is limited data on mortality and predictors of death among adult patients in the ART program. The study aimed to estimate mortality and risk factors for death among adult, ART-naĂŻve patients,  started in the national ART program from January 2009 to July 2013.Methods: Multi-site, prospective, observational cohort study of adult, age > 18 years, ART-naĂŻve patients, started in the national ART program at seven university-affiliated hospitals from January 2009 - July 2013. Kaplan-Meier and Cox  regression analyses were used to estimate survival and determine risk factors for death.Results: A total of 976 patients, 594 females (60.9 %), were enrolled into the study. Median age of the cohort was 33years. The median CD4 count at start of ART was 144 cells/ÎŒl (interquartile range (IQR) 78-205), and 34.2% (330/965) had CD4 < 100. Sixty-three percent (536/851) had viral load greater than 5 log copies/ml (IQR 4.7-5.7) at base line. One hundred and one deaths were recorded during  follow-up period, all-cause mortality rate 10.3%; 5.4 deaths/100 person years of observation, 95% confidence interval 4.4-6.5. Seventy percent of the deaths occurred within six months of starting ART. Cox regression analyses showed that the following measures independently predicted mortality: age >51 years, (Adjusted Hazard Ratio (AHR) 4.01, P=0.003), WHO stages III&IV, (AHR 1.76, p = 0.025), CD4 count, <100, (AHR 2.36, p =0.006), and viral load >5 log copies /ml (CHR 1.71, p = 0.037).Conclusion: There is high early on- ART mortality in patients presenting with advanced immunodeficiency. Detecting cases and initiating ART before onset of advanced immunodeficiency might improve survival.Key Words: Ethiopia, HIV clinical cohort, Antiretroviral therapy, Surviva

    Experimental estimation of one-parameter qubit gates in the presence of phase diffusion

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    We address estimation of one-parameter qubit gates in the presence of phase diffusion. We evaluate the ultimate quantum limits to precision, seek for optimal probes and measurements, and demonstrate an optimal estimation scheme for polarization qubits. An adaptive method to achieve optimal estimation in any working regime is also analyzed in details and experimentally implemented.Comment: revised version, to appear on PR

    Connecting Angular Momentum and Galactic Dynamics: The complex Interplay between Spin, Mass, and Morphology

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    The evolution and distribution of the angular momentum of dark matter (DM) halos have been discussed in several studies over the past decades. In particular, the idea arose that angular momentum conservation should allow to infer the total angular momentum of the entire DM halo from measuring the angular momentum of the baryonic component, which is populating the center of the halo, especially for disk galaxies. To test this idea and to understand the connection between the angular momentum of the DM halo and its galaxy, we use the Magneticum simulations. We successfully produce populations of spheroidal and disk galaxies self-consistently. Thus, we are able to study the dependence of galactic properties on their morphology. We find that (1) the specific angular momentum of stars in disk and spheroidal galaxies as a function of their stellar mass compares well with observational results; (2) the specific angular momentum of the stars in disk galaxies is slightly smaller compared to the specific angular momentum of the cold gas, in good agreement with observations; (3) simulations including the baryonic component show a dichotomy in the specific stellar angular momentum distribution when splitting the galaxies according to their morphological type (this dichotomy can also be seen in the spin parameter, where disk galaxies populate halos with slightly larger spin compared to spheroidal galaxies); (4) disk galaxies preferentially populate halos in which the angular momentum vector of the DM component in the central part shows a better alignment to the angular momentum vector of the entire halo; and (5) the specific angular momentum of the cold gas in disk galaxies is approximately 40 percent smaller than the specific angular momentum of the total DM halo and shows a significant scatter.Comment: 25 pages, accepted by ApJ, www.magneticum.or

    Quantum Probes for the Characterization of Nonlinear Media

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    Active optical media leading to interaction Hamiltonians of the form H=λ~ (a+a†)ζ H = \tilde{\lambda}\, (a + a^{\dagger})^{\zeta} represent a crucial resource for quantum optical technology. In this paper, we address the characterization of those nonlinear media using quantum probes, as opposed to semiclassical ones. In particular, we investigate how squeezed probes may improve individual and joint estimation of the nonlinear coupling λ~\tilde{\lambda} and of the nonlinearity order ζ\zeta. Upon using tools from quantum estimation, we show that: i) the two parameters are compatible, i.e. the may be jointly estimated without additional quantum noise; ii) the use of squeezed probes improves precision at fixed overall energy of the probe; iii) for low energy probes, squeezed vacuum represent the most convenient choice, whereas for increasing energy an optimal squeezing fraction may be determined; iv) using optimized quantum probes, the scaling of the corresponding precision with energy improves, both for individual and joint estimation of the two parameters, compared to semiclassical coherent probes. We conclude that quantum probes represent a resource to enhance precision in the characterization of nonlinear media, and foresee potential applications with current technology

    An improved SPH scheme for cosmological simulations

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    We present an implementation of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) with improved accuracy for simulations of galaxies and the large-scale structure. In particular, we combine, implement, modify and test a vast majority of SPH improvement techniques in the latest instalment of the GADGET code. We use the Wendland kernel functions, a particle wake-up time-step limiting mechanism and a time-dependent scheme for artificial viscosity, which includes a high-order gradient computation and shear flow limiter. Additionally, we include a novel prescription for time-dependent artificial conduction, which corrects for gravitationally induced pressure gradients and largely improves the SPH performance in capturing the development of gas-dynamical instabilities. We extensively test our new implementation in a wide range of hydrodynamical standard tests including weak and strong shocks as well as shear flows, turbulent spectra, gas mixing, hydrostatic equilibria and self-gravitating gas clouds. We jointly employ all modifications; however, when necessary we study the performance of individual code modules. We approximate hydrodynamical states more accurately and with significantly less noise than standard SPH. Furthermore, the new implementation promotes the mixing of entropy between different fluid phases, also within cosmological simulations. Finally, we study the performance of the hydrodynamical solver in the context of radiative galaxy formation and non-radiative galaxy cluster formation. We find galactic disks to be colder, thinner and more extended and our results on galaxy clusters show entropy cores instead of steadily declining entropy profiles. In summary, we demonstrate that our improved SPH implementation overcomes most of the undesirable limitations of standard SPH, thus becoming the core of an efficient code for large cosmological simulations.Comment: 21 figures, 2 tables, accepted to MNRA

    Predictors of hospitalization among children on ART in Ethiopia: A cohort study

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    Background: Substantial progress has been made in the management of pediatric HIV infection in Ethiopia with the implementation of mother-to-child-prevention programs. Since the introduction of HAART in 2005, mortality among HIV-infected children has reduced while the rate of hospitalization was expected to rise. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to assess predictors of hospitalization in children on ART in seven university referral hospitals in Ethiopia.Methods: A prospective cohort study design was employed on children age 0-18 years as part of a multisite observational study. ART-experienced eligible and  ART-naïve children with HIV/AIDS were enrolled into the Advanced Clinical  Monitoring (ACM) till December 31, 2012 were included. From the database,  information on hospitalization and other independent variables were extracted. Analysis was done using both SPSS for Windows version 16.0 and STATA.  Descriptive analyses and modeling was done using logistic regression.Results: Of the 405 children on ART (174 experienced, 231 naive), 86 (20.7%)  were hospitalized for various reasons; two children were excluded since they were hospitalized for unrelated conditions (appendicitis and burn). Fifty one (60.7%) of  the eighty four admitted children were hospitalized in the first six months of ART  initiation. Of the independent variables, only the presence of opportunistic infections and duration on ART were significantly associated with hospitalization both on bi-variable and multivariable analyses (P-value <0.05). As the duration on ART increased by one month, the risk of hospitalization decreased by 5.4%, which is statistically significant (P < 0.001). Whereas the incidence (number) of OI’s increased by one, the risk of being hospitalized increased by 35.2% (P = 0.002). Of the individual opportunistic infections, pneumonia was found to be the only predictor of hospitalization (P-value = 0.002).Conclusion: This study showed that nearly two-third of the hospitalization was within 6 months of initiation of ART; and presence of OI and duration on ART were the only predictors of hospitalization.Key words: Hospitalization, Children, HIV/AIDS, HAAR

    Exploratory analysis of time from HIV diagnosis to ART start, factors and effect on survival: A longitudinal follow up study at seven teaching hospitals in Ethiopia

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    Background: the HIV care in Ethiopia has reached 79% coverage. The timeliness of the care provided at the different levels in the course of the disease starting from knowing HIV positive status to ART initiation is not well known. This study intends to explore the timing of the care seeking, the care provision and associated factors.Methods: This is a longitudinal follow-up study at seven university hospitals. Patients enrolled in HIV care from September 2005 to December 2013 and aged ≄14 years were studied. Different times in the cascade of HIV care were examined including the duration from date HIV diagnosed to enrollment in HIV care, duration from enrollment to eligibility for ART and time from eligibility to initiation of ART. Ordinal logistic regression was used to investigate their determinants while the effect of these periods on survival of patients was determined using cox-proportional hazards regression.Results: 4159 clients were studied. Time to enrollment after HIV test decreased from 39 days in 2005 to 1 day after 2008. It took longer if baseline CD4 was higher, and eligibility for ART was assessed late. Young adults, lower baseline CD4, HIV diagnosis<2008, late enrollment, and early eligibility assessment were associated with early ART initiation. Male gender, advanced disease stage and lower baseline CD4 were consistent risk factors for mortality.Conclusion and recommendation: Time to enrollment and duration of ART eligibility assessment as well as ART initiation time after eligibility is improving. Further study is required to identify why mortality is slightly increasing after 2010.Key words: HIV, HIV testing, enrollment, eligibility, antiretroviral therapy, mortality, Ethiopia
