1,188 research outputs found

    Incidence of Upper and Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding in New Users of Low-Dose Aspirin

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    Background & Aims: There are few data on the incidence of upper and lower gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB and LGIB) from observational studies of low-dose aspirin users. We aimed to estimate incidence rates of UGIB and LGIB in a large cohort of new users of low-dose aspirin in the United Kingdom, with subanalyses of hospitalization status and fatalities. Methods: We performed a population-based study of 199, 079 new users of low-dose aspirin (median age, 64.0 years) identified from the Health Improvement Network primary care database (2000–2012). Individuals were followed for a median 5.4 years (maximum, 14 years) to identify new cases of UGIB and LGIB. Following multistep validation, we calculated overall and age- and sex-specific incidence rates; we performed subanalyses for health care use and death within 30 days of GIB. We also estimated rates within a matched (1:1) cohort of nonusers of low-dose aspirin at the start of the follow-up period. Results: The low-dose aspirin users had 1115 UGIB events and 1936 LGIB events; most subjects with UGIB events (58.9%) were hospitalized, whereas most subjects with LGIB events were referred to secondary care (72.8%). Crude incidence rates of GIB per 1000 person-years were 0.97 for subjects with UGIB (95% CI, 0.91–1.02) and 1.68 for subjects with LGIB (95% CI, 1.60–1.75). Incidence rates per 1000 person-years for patients hospitalized for GIB were 0.57 for UGIB (95% CI, 0.53–0.61) and 0.45 for LGIB (95% CI, 0.42–0.49); for referred (but not hospitalized) cases, these values were 0.39 for UGIB (95% CI, 0.36–0.43) and 1.22 for LGIB (1.16–1.29). Incidence rates per 1000 person-years were 0.06 for fatal UGIB (95% CI, 0.04–0.07), 0.01 for fatal LGIB (95% CI, 0.01–0.02), 0.91 for nonfatal UGIB (95% CI, 0.86–0.97), and 1.66 for nonfatal LGIB (95% CI, 1.59–1.74). Among nonusers of low-dose aspirin, incidence rates per 1000 person-years were 0.67 (95% CI, 0.63–0.75) for UGIB and 0.76 (95% CI, 0.72–0.82) for LGIB. Conclusion: In a population-based study of low-dose aspirin users, the incidence of LGIB was higher than the incidence of UGIB. However, incidence rates of hospitalized GI bleeds and 30-day mortality rates were lower for LGIB than for UGIB. These estimates are valuable for benefit–risk assessments of low-dose aspirin for cardiovascular and colorectal cancer prevention

    Materias primas para la fabricación de clinker de cemento portland en el área de Madrid.

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    En Madrid y su area de influencia se ha incrementado la demanda de materiales de construcción, como consecuencia del espectacular desarrollo de las obras de infraestructura y de la edificación. Los problemas derivados del impacto ambiental y la futura expansión y/o renovación de las plantas de fabricación de cemento portland, aconsejan una investigación en el area, de las materias primas para la fabricación de clinker. Los materiales aflorantes en la cuenca Terciaria sobre la que se asienta Madrid, han sido divididos en tres unidades estratigráficas, con importantes diferencias litológicas. La Unidad Superior, presenta un volumen de mas de 1500 Mt de calizas de buena calidad para ser usadas como componente principal . La Unidad Inferior o Salina, esta formada localmente por sedimentos lutítico-arcillosos, que pueden ser usados en función de su naturaleza mineralógica y química, como un buen componente secundario. Estos materiales constituyen la materia prima para la fabricación de cerámica basta, por lo que en algunas zonas ambos tipos de uso deben de coexistir. Los yesos detríticos y primarios de la Unidad Intermedia, pueden ser usados como componente regulador de fraguado. Los modelos de dosificación elaborados muestran que no es necesaria la adición de un tercer componente al crudo del portland, para obtener una composición química adecuada

    Distribution of melanopsin positive neurons in pigmented and albino mice: evidence for melanopsin interneurons in the mouse retina.

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    Here we have studied the population of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) in adult pigmented and albino mice. Our data show that although pigmented (C57Bl/6) and albino (Swiss) mice have a similar total number of ipRGCs, their distribution is slightly different: while in pigmented mice ipRGCs are more abundant in the temporal retina, in albinos the ipRGCs are more abundant in superior retina. In both strains, ipRGCs are located in the retinal periphery, in the areas of lower Brn3a(+)RGC density. Both strains also contain displaced ipRGCs (d-ipRGCs) in the inner nuclear layer (INL) that account for 14% of total ipRGCs in pigmented mice and 5% in albinos. Tracing from both superior colliculli shows that 98% (pigmented) and 97% (albino) of the total ipRGCs, become retrogradely labeled, while double immunodetection of melanopsin and Brn3a confirms that few ipRGCs express this transcription factor in mice. Rather surprisingly, application of a retrograde tracer to the optic nerve (ON) labels all ipRGCs, except for a sub-population of the d-ipRGCs (14% in pigmented and 28% in albino, respectively) and melanopsin positive cells residing in the ciliary marginal zone (CMZ) of the retina. In the CMZ, between 20% (pigmented) and 24% (albino) of the melanopsin positive cells are unlabeled by the tracer and we suggest that this may be because they fail to send an axon into the ON. As such, this study provides the first evidence for a population of melanopsin interneurons in the mammalian retina

    Potential reactivity of the andesitic rocks from Cabo de Gata (SE Spain)

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    8 páginas, 4 figuras, 3 tablas.[ES] Las rocas andesíticas producen una reacción álcalis-sílice con los componentes de la fase intersticial del hormigón. Esta reacción puede encuadrarse dentro de las de cinética lenta, ya que la disolución incongruente de los minerales constituyentes de las rocas, da lugar a la formación tardía de geles silicocalco- alcalinos. En consecuencia, la utilización convencional del método de ensayo de barras de mortero no detecta la reacción hasta transcurridos al menos 90 días.[EN] Andesitic rocks produce an alkali-silica reaction with the components of the interstitial phase of concrete. This reaction can be considered as belonging to the slow-kinetic type, since the incongruent dissolution of the rock-forming minerals leads to the late formation of siliceous calc-alkaline gel. As a conquence, the conventional mortar-bar method does not detect such reaction until 90 days later.Peer reviewe

    Dispositivo de fijación, cierre y acoplamiento para catéter de perfusión intravenosa

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    Introducción: los medios de fijación a la piel de un catéter venoso periférico, de un catéter venoso central o de un catéter arterial central presentan los siguientes graves inconvenientes: ser la sede de infecciones a nivel del lugar de la punción, provocar una saturación de la zona anatómica, la cual resulta muy difícil de soportar e incómodo para el paciente portador, y suponer un riesgo para el personal de enfermería cuando se usan hilos de sutura para fijar el soporte del catéter. Objetivo: por lo anteriormente expuesto, se ha detectado la necesidad de diseñar un dispositivo que reduzca la complejidad y aparatosidad de los sistemas conocidos y empleados en la actualidad, favoreciendo la asepsia y la movilidad del paciente. Método: el desarrollo presentado en este artículo se refiere a un sistema mecánico de fijación, cierre y acoplamiento para catéter de perfusión intravenosa. El sistema dispone de una pieza circular de pequeño espesor con al menos dos orificios para su fijación subcutánea, centralmente de uno o más conductos para acoplar lúmenes, y de una parte cilíndrica hueca que sobresale a uno de los lados, exteriormente roscada e interiormente lisa con un tetón de posición. Para uso domiciliario se dispone de un tapón de estanqueidad con uno o más tubos de pequeño diámetro que se acoplan en los orificios para lúmenes, una ranura de posición, un tirador y un tapón roscado ciego para el cierre hermético con la parte roscada. Para uso hospitalario se dispone de un tapón intermedio con una o más entradas para lúmenes, así como de un tapón roscado hueco que permite su acoplamiento hermético con la parte roscada. Resultados: el desarrollo descrito en este artículo va a ser utilizado en dos ambientes: ambiente domiciliario y ambiente hospitalario. Además, reduce el riesgo de infección y saturación de la zona anatómica de los pacientes en los que se realiza la punción cutánea en la que se fijan catéteres venosos periféricos, catéteres venosos centrales o catéteres arteriales centralesIntroduction: skin fixing devices in peripheral, central or arterial catheters have several important drawbacks: site infection, stacking of material in the anatomical area which is very annoying for the patient and medical staff risk when fixating stitches are used. Objective: to develop a fixing device that simplifies presently used systems, favoring asepsis and motility. Methods: the device herein described is composed by a mechanical fixation, a closing system and coupling for intravenous catheters. The system has a thin circular piece with at least two holes for subcutaneous fixation, one or several conducts for lumina and a hollow cylindrical part in one side, screwed exteriorly and flat inside, with an oriented protuberance. A watertight plug with one or several thin tubes that adapt to the lumina, a positional slot, a handle and a solid screwed tap for perfect closure are available for at home use. An intermediate plug with one or several lumina and a screwed hollow plug are provided for in hospital use. Results: the above described device is intended to be used in two settings: in hospital and at home. It is supposed to reduce the risk of infection and stacking of the anatomical site where cutaneo us puncture with fixation of peripheral, central or arterial catheters is performe

    Interculturality and communicative rationality: young migrants and their relationships in the online social networks in Spain

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    Do social network sites promote intercultural relationships between young migrants? Does this type of interaction have an influence on the creation of their digital identity? In order to answer these questions, we will analyse part of the results obtained in the fieldwork carried out in the project “The Social Relations of the Young Migrants in Internet from the Intercultural Perspective” (CSO2011 24376). The Habermasian concept of communicative rationality has been used as the most convenient logic for the creation of intercultural communicative interactions. This theory has been applied in our analysis of the SNS interactions observed in 13 focus groups consisting of young migrants and non migrants in Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao. This analysis is based on the four different social actions described by Habermas (strategic action, normatively regulated action, dramaturgical action and communicative action), and then the dimensions and indicators have been extracted in order to identify the interactions in the online social networks. This paper shows that the youth’s online communicative practices tend to be mainly dramaturgical. Through their online practices, they try to create a digital identity and empower their own representation as well as the others’. Thus, they do not respond to a communicative rationality of interaction that encourages intercultural communication

    Equilibrium and kinetics studies on bibrachial lariat aza-crown/Cu(II) systems reveal different behavior associated with small changes in the structure

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    The high-yield synthesis of a new bibrachial lariat azacrown constituted by two tris(2-aminoethyl)amine (tren) units functionalized in one of its arms with a 4-methylquinoline group linked by dimethylene pyridine spacers (L2) is reported for the first time. The speciation studies show formation of mono- and binuclear Cu2+ complexes of similar stability. Comparisons are established with the complexes formed by the precursor tren-quinoline derivative (L4) and with the previously reported ligands containing naphthalene instead of quinoline as the fluorophore (L1, L3). The kinetics of formation and decomposition of Cu2+ complexes with L1 and L2 has been studied. For L1, the acid-promoted decomposition of mono and dinuclear complexes occurs in all cases with a rapid step within the stopped-flow mixing time that leads to the formation of an intermediate that decomposes in two additional steps. In the dinuclear complexes, both metal ions dissociate from the ligand with statistically-controlled kinetics. Complex formation with L1 occurs through the same intermediate observed during the decomposition. For L2, only the formation and decomposition of binuclear complexes could be studied, and the kinetic data show that the metal ion can coordinate both in square pyramidal sp and trigonal bipyramidal (tbp) geometries, coordination being faster in the sp environment and dissociation being faster from tbp. DFT and TD-DFT have been also carried out to determine the geometries with both coordination environments as well as their electronic spectra. The results of calculations indicate that the appearance or not of a mixture of coordination geometries does not necessarily require the participation of the quinoline ring

    Manejo de cubiertas vegetales de residuos de arbolado para el es-tudio de la pérdida de suelo por erosión

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    [ES] Las cubiertas vegetales producen un efecto de intercepción funcionando como protector de la superficie del suelo aumentando así la estabilidad de los agregados, disminuyendo la mineralización de la materia orgánica y aumentando el contenido de carbono. Estos efectos se manifiestan por un aumento de la porosidad y como consecuencia del aumento de la infiltración del agua en el suelo. Se estudia el papel de diferentes tipos de cubiertas a base de residuos vegetales como protector del suelo respecto a la infiltración y a la escorrentía superficial y la erosión. En este estudio se compara el efecto de diversas cubiertas vegetales de residuos obtenidos del arbolado de diferentes cultivos mediterráneos como cítrico, olivo y morera y su comparación con un suelo desnudo, y se valora la pérdida de suelo por erosión y la respuesta de los distintos parámetros hidrológicos.Soriano Soto, MD.; Martorell, JM.; García-España Soriano, L.; Montoya, M. (2014). Manejo de cubiertas vegetales de residuos de arbolado para el es-tudio de la pérdida de suelo por erosión. En XVI CONGRESO NACIONAL DE ARBORICULTURA. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 227-233. https://doi.org/10.4995/XVI_CNA.2014.99OCS22723

    Equilibrium, Kinetic, and Computational Studies on the Formation of Cu2+ and Zn2+ Complexes with an Indazole-Containing Azamacrocyclic Scorpiand: Evidence for Metal-Induced Tautomerism

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    Cu2+ and Zn2+ coordination chemistry of a new member of the family of scorpiand-like macrocyclic ligands derived from tris(2-aminoethyl)amine (tren) is reported. The new ligand (L1) contains in its pendant arm not only the amine group derived from tren but also a 6-indazole ring. Potentiometric studies allow the determination of four protonation constants. UV−vis and fluorescence data support that the last protonation step occurs on the indazole group. Equilibrium measurements in the presence of Cu2+ and Zn2+ reveal the formation of stable [ML1]2+, [MHL1]3+, and [ML1(OH)]+ complexes. Kinetic studies on the acid-promoted decomposition of the metal complexes were carried out using both absorbance and fluorescence detection. For Zn2+, both types of detection led to the same results. The experiments suggest that [ZnL1]2+ protonates upon addition of an acid excess to form [ZnHL1]3+ within the mixing time of the stopped-flow instrument, which then decomposes with a first-order dependence on the acid concentration. The kinetic behavior is more complex in the case of Cu2+. Both [CuL1]2+ and [CuHL1]3+ show similar absorption spectra and convert within the mixing time to a new intermediate species with a band at 750 nm, the process being reverted by addition of base. The intermediate then decomposes with a secondorder dependence on the acid concentration. However, kinetic experiments with fluorescence detection showed the existence of an additional faster step. With the help of DFT calculations, an interpretation is proposed in which protonation of [CuL1]2+ to form [CuHL1]3+ would involve dissociation of the tren-based NH group in the pendant arm and coordination of a 2H-indazole group. Further protonation would lead to dissociation of coordinated indazole, which then will convert to the more stable 1H tautomer in a process signaled by fluorescence changes that would not be affecting to the d−d spectrum of the complex

    Pressurometry and biomechanical study of the foot in padel

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    El pádel es un deporte muy practicado en países como España, Argentina y Brasil, pero existen poco artículos científicos que muestren la lesividad de su práctica. Los movimientos más frecuentes del pádel pueden incidir de forma lesiva en el pie y en la articulación del tobillo. Por ello el objetivo del presente estudio fue profundizar en el análisis del rol del pie en la ejecución de los movimientos más representativos del pádel mediante técnicas de video y de presurometría. El estudio fue dividido en dos partes: análisis presurométrico de dos gestos (carrera frontal y el split-step), y filmación del pié en el trascurso de dos partidos. Las principales conclusiones obtenidas del estudio son la importancia del antepié en los movimientos analizados, la importancia de un diseño específico del calzado para el pádel, y la importancia del entrenamiento neuromuscular y propioceptivo del complejo pie-tobillo, especialmente de los flexores plantares