241 research outputs found

    Effect of water vapor on the spallation of thermal barrier coating systems during laboratory cyclic oxidation testing.

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    The effect of water and water vapor on the lifetime of Ni-based superalloy samples coated with a typical thermal barrier coating system—b-(Ni,Pt)Al bond coat and yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) top coat deposited by electron beam physical vapor deposition (EB-PVD) was studied. Samples were thermally cycled to 1,150 C and subjected to a water-drop test in order to elucidate the effect of water vapor on thermal barrier coating (TBC) spallation. It was shown that the addition of water promotes spallation of TBC samples after a given number of cycles at 1,150 C. This threshold was found to be equal to 170 cycles for the present system. Systems based on b-NiAl bond coat or on Pt-rich c/c0 bond coat were also sensitive to the water-drop test. Moreover, it was shown that water vapor in ambient air after minutes or hours at room temperature, promotes also TBC spallation once the critical number of cycles has been reached. This desktop spalling (DTS) can be prevented by locking up the cycled samples in a dry atmosphere box. These results for TBC systems confirm and document Smialek’s theory about DTS and moisture induced delayed spalling (MIDS) being the same phenomenon. Finally, the mechanisms implying hydrogen embrittlement or surface tension modifications are discussed

    Influence of alloying elements on the oxidation behavior of NbAl3

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    NbAL3 is one candidate material for advanced aeropropulsion systems because of its high melting point, low density, and good oxidation resistance. Although NbAl3 has the lowest oxidation rate among the binary Nb-Al alloys, it does not form exclusive layers of protective Al2O3 scales. Recently Perkin et al., have shown the feasibility of forming alumina scales on Nb-Al alloys at greatly reduced Al contents. However, the objective was to maintain the high Al content, and hence low density, while achieving the capability of growing protective alumina scales. Alloy development followed approaches similar to those used successfully for superalloys and oxidation resistant MCrAlY coatings. Among the three elements examined (Ti, Si, and Cr) as ternary additions to Nb-Al3, Cr was the most effective in favoring the selective oxidation of Al. Nb-41Al-8Cr formed exclusive layers of alumina and had a k sub p value of 0.22 mg squared/cm (sup 4)/hr at 1200 C. The addition of 1 wt percent Y to this alloy was also beneficial, resulting in nearly an order of magnitude decrease in K sub p at 1200 C. Further improvements were achieved by adding about 1 wt percent Si to the quaternary alloy. The k sub p value of 0.012 mg squared/cm (sup 4)/hr for Nb-40Al-8Cr-1Y-1Si at 1200 C was identical to the best NiAl + Zr alloys. These NbAl3 alloys also exhibited excellent cyclic oxidation resistance for 100 hr at 1200 C, being nearly equivalent to NiAl + Zr

    Substrate Effect on the High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of a Pt-modified Aluminide Coating. Part II: Long-term Cyclic-oxidation Tests at 1,050 C

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    This second part of a two-part study is devoted to the effect of the substrate on the long-term, cyclic-oxidation behavior at 1,050 C of RT22 industrial coating deposited on three Ni-base superalloys (CMSX-4, SCB, and IN792). Cyclicoxidation tests at 1,050 C were performed for up to 58 cycles of 300 h (i.e., 17,400 h of heating at 1,050 C). For such test conditions, interdiffusion between the coating and its substrate plays a larger role in the damage process of the system than during isothermal tests at 900, 1,050, and 1,150 C for 100 h and cyclicoxidation tests at 900 C which were reported in part I [N. Vialas and D. Monceau, Oxidation of Metals 66, 155 (2006)]. The results reported in the present paper show that interdiffusion has an important effect on long-term, cyclic-oxidation resistance, so that clear differences can be observed between different superalloys protected with the same aluminide coating. Net-mass-change (NMC) curves show the better cyclic-oxidation behavior of the RT22/IN792 system whereas uncoated CMSX-4 has the best cyclic-oxidation resistance among the three superalloys studied. The importance of the interactions between the superalloy substrate and its coating is then demonstrated. The effect of the substrate on cyclic-oxidation behavior is related to the extent of oxide scale spalling and to the evolution of microstructural features of the coatings tested. SEM examinations of coating surfaces and cross sections show that spalling on RT22/CMSX-4 and RT22/SCB was favored by the presence of deep voids localized at the coating/oxide interface. Some of these voids can act as nucleation sites for scale spallation. The formation of such interfacial voids was always observed when the b to c0 transformation leads to the formation of a two-phase b/c0 layer in contact with the alumina scale. On the contrary, no voids were observed in RT22/IN792, since this b to c0 transformation occurs gradually by an inward transformation of b leading to the formation of a continuous layer of c0 phase, parallel to the metal/scale interface

    Valence and lowest Rydberg electronic states of phenol investigated by synchrotron radiation and theoretical methods

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    P.L.V. and F.F.S. acknowledge the Portuguese National Funding Agency FCT-MCTES through Grant Nos. UID/FIS/00068/2013 and IF-FCT IF/00380/2014. E.L. acknowledges the Brazilian Agency Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq) and the Science Without Borders Programme for opportunities to study abroad. D.D. acknowledges support from the CaPPA project (Chemical and Physical Properties of the Atmosphere), funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) through the PIA (Programme d'Investissement d'Avenir) under Contract No. ANR-10-LABX-005 and by the Regional Council "Nord-Pas de Calais" and the "European Funds for Regional Economic Development" (FEDER). M.A.S. would like to acknowledge the Visiting Research Fellow position at The Open University. This work was performed using HPC resources from GENCI-CINES (Grant No. 2015-088620). The Centre de Ressources Informatiques (CRI) of the Universite of Lille also provided computing time. The authors wish to acknowledge the beam time at the ISA synchrotron at Aarhus University, Denmark. We also acknowledge the financial support provided by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (No. FP7/2007-2013) CALIPSO under Grant Agreement No. 312284. M.J.B. acknowledges financial support provided through the Australian Research Council (ARC).We present the experimental high-resolution vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoabsorption spectra of phenol covering for the first time the full 4.3-10.8 eV energy-range, with absolute cross sections determined. Theoretical calculations on the vertical excitation energies and oscillator strengths were performed using time-dependent density functional theory and the equation-of-motion coupled cluster method restricted to single and double excitations level. These have been used in the assignment of valence and Rydberg transitions of the phenol molecule. The VUV spectrum reveals several new features not previously reported in the literature, with particular reference to the 6.401 eV transition, which is here assigned to the 3s sigma/sigma*(OH)publishersversionpublishe

    Business modeling and requirements in RUP: a dependency analysis of activities, tasks and work products

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    Most artifacts developed during the requirements engineering process relate themselves in different ways. In order to understand in detail how they affect each other during the software development process, it is relevant to iden-tify their interdependencies. This paper presents a systematization of the existing interdependencies between the different elements of the Rational Unified Process (RUP) in the Business Modeling and Requirements disciplines. This work, which highlights knowledge about the different interdependencies and traceability of RUP elements, is useful to avoid unconscious decisions during software the de-velopment process and also, to detect potential problems due to the violation of the existing interdependencies.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT – Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An epitaxial model for heterogeneous nucleation on potent substrates

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    © The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2012In this article, we present an epitaxial model for heterogeneous nucleation on potent substrates. It is proposed that heterogeneous nucleation of the solid phase (S) on a potent substrate (N) occurs by epitaxial growth of a pseudomorphic solid (PS) layer on the substrate surface under a critical undercooling (ΔT ). The PS layer with a coherent PS/N interface mimics the atomic arrangement of the substrate, giving rise to a linear increase of misfit strain energy with layer thickness. At a critical thickness (h ), elastic strain energy reaches a critical level, at which point, misfit dislocations are created to release the elastic strain energy in the PS layer. This converts the strained PS layer to a strainless solid (S), and changes the initial coherent PS/N interface into a semicoherent S/N interface. Beyond this critical thickness, further growth will be strainless, and solidification enters the growth stage. It is shown analytically that the lattice misfit (f) between the solid and the substrate has a strong influence on both h and ΔT ; h decreases; and ΔT increases with increasing lattice misfit. This epitaxial nucleation model will be used to explain qualitatively the generally accepted experimental findings on grain refinement in the literature and to analyze the general approaches to effective grain refinement.EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Liquid Metal Engineerin

    Influence of socioeconomic factors on pregnancy outcome in women with structural heart disease

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    OBJECTIVE: Cardiac disease is the leading cause of indirect maternal mortality. The aim of this study was to analyse to what extent socioeconomic factors influence the outcome of pregnancy in women with heart disease.  METHODS: The Registry of Pregnancy and Cardiac disease is a global prospective registry. For this analysis, countries that enrolled ≄10 patients were included. A combined cardiac endpoint included maternal cardiac death, arrhythmia requiring treatment, heart failure, thromboembolic event, aortic dissection, endocarditis, acute coronary syndrome, hospitalisation for cardiac reason or intervention. Associations between patient characteristics, country characteristics (income inequality expressed as Gini coefficient, health expenditure, schooling, gross domestic product, birth rate and hospital beds) and cardiac endpoints were checked in a three-level model (patient-centre-country).  RESULTS: A total of 30 countries enrolled 2924 patients from 89 centres. At least one endpoint occurred in 645 women (22.1%). Maternal age, New York Heart Association classification and modified WHO risk classification were associated with the combined endpoint and explained 37% of variance in outcome. Gini coefficient and country-specific birth rate explained an additional 4%. There were large differences between the individual countries, but the need for multilevel modelling to account for these differences disappeared after adjustment for patient characteristics, Gini and country-specific birth rate.  CONCLUSION: While there are definite interregional differences in pregnancy outcome in women with cardiac disease, these differences seem to be mainly driven by individual patient characteristics. Adjustment for country characteristics refined the results to a limited extent, but maternal condition seems to be the main determinant of outcome

    Photoelectron and threshold photoelectron valence spectra of pyridine

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    The pyridine molecule has been examined by the means of photoelectron and threshold photoelectron spectroscopies. Ionization energies were determined for both outer and inner valence orbitals and new adiabatic values were also resolved. Vibronic structure associated with several states was assigned mainly to be due to C-C stretches and ring bends. Additionally a Rydberg state converging to 7b2 state was ascribed. The data shown here are in a good agreement with previous results and brings some new insights into the electronic structure of this biologically and astrochemically relevant and important molecule
