1,367 research outputs found

    Incorporating Local Wisdom Into Creative Writing: Exploring the Students Perception Towards the Significance of Cultural Identity

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    Telah banyak penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa nilai-nilai kearifan lokal, secara umum, telah banyak bergeser dan bahkan cenderung tergerus. Dalam banyak hal, globalisasi menggeser persepsi para agen budaya masa kini atas pentingnya warisan nilai-nilai budaya yang luhur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memetakan posisi kearifan lokal dalam persepsi mahasiswa Program Studi S1 Sastra Inggris Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk melacak bagaimana mahasiswa mempersepsi pentingnya nilai-nilai kearifan lokal dan sejauh mana mereka meresapi nilai-nilai tersebut sebagai bagian dari konsepsi diri mereka, khususnya dalam konteks menulis kreatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran (mixed method), yaitu gabungan antara metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Pengambilan data kuantitatif dilakukan dengan cara menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 88 mahasiswa semester 5. Sedangkan data kualitatif diperoleh dengan cara observasi kelas dan mencermati materi ajar dalam kelas creative writing. Meskipun sebagian besar mahasiswa sadar akan pentingnya nilai- nilai kearifan lokal, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada jarak (gap) antara kesadaran mahasiswa akan pentingnya pengetahuan kearifan lokal dalam menulis, dan akses mereka terhadap kearifan lokal itu sendiri. Bagi mereka, nilai-nilai kearifan lokal kurang cukup terjangkau (inaccessible). Oleh karena itu, mereka menganggap bahwa penting kiranya untuk memasukkan materi tentang kearifan lokal ke dalam mata kuliah creative writing

    Aplikasi Distribusi pada PT. Kuburaya Mediafarma Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode First In First Out (FIFO)

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    PT. Kuburaya Mediafarma adalah badan hukum perseroan terbatas yang memiliki izin untuk pengadaan, penyimpanan, penyaluran perbekalan farmasi dalam jumlah besar sesuai ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.PT. Kuburaya Mediafarma adalah salah satu fasilitas distribusi sediaan farmasi. Aplikasi distribusi PT. Kuburaya Mediafarma dapat melakukan pengecekan secara efisien, tanpa harus membongkar stok obat yang sudah disimpan. Apabila terdapat permintaan obat atau pun peralatan medis lainya, distributor dapat menyimpan dan merekap hasil permintaan tersebut dengan lebih mudah dan dapat mengetahui identitas obat beserta kadalauarsa obat tersebut. Aplikasi Distribusi Berbasis Web pada PT. Kuburaya Mediafarma menggunakan metode First In First Out (FIFO). Tujuan dari FIFO ini adalah menyamai arus fisik barang. Jika arus fisik barang secara actual adalah yang pertama masuk, yang pertama keluar. Aplikasi ini menggunakan analisis PIECES. Metode PIECES Analysis (Performance, Information, Economy, Control, Eficiency and Service) adalah metode analisis sebagai dasar untuk memperoleh pokok-pokok permasalahan yang lebih spesifik. Dalam menganalisis sebuah sistem, biasanya akan dilakukan terhadap beberapa aspek antara lain adalah kinerja, informasi, ekonomi, keamanan aplikasi, efisiensi dan pelayanan pelanggan. Hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa aplikasi dapat berjalan dengan baik dan melalui pengujian blackbox

    Disgust sensitivity is not associated with health in a rural Bangladeshi sample.

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    Disgust can be considered a psychological arm of the immune system that acts to prevent exposure to infectious agents. High disgust sensitivity is associated with greater behavioral avoidance of disease vectors and thus may reduce infection risk. A cross-sectional survey in rural Bangladesh provided no strong support for this hypothesis. In many species, the expression of pathogen- and predator-avoidance mechanisms is contingent on early life exposure to predators and pathogens. Using childhood health data collected in the 1990s, we examined if adults with more infectious diseases in childhood showed greater adult disgust sensitivity: no support for this association was found. Explanations for these null finding and possible directions for future research are discussed

    Effects of flooring and Hemi body on Ground Reaction Forces and Coefficient of Friction in stroke gait

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the possible effects of flooring and affected hemi body on the ground reaction forces and on the required coefficient of friction (RCOF) in stroke barefoot gait. Twenty-four volunteers participated in this study, being 12 stroke patients and 12 age-matched healthy subjects as control group. The participant was oriented to walk barefoot, on its own preferred speed, over two force plates on the following flooring: 1) homogeneous vinyl (HOV); 2) carpet; 3) heterogeneous vinyl (HTV); 4) mixed (the first half part of the pathway were covered by HOV and the second by HTV). All the four surfaces presented safe coefficient of friction (ranging from 0.44-0.55) and they are widely used in residences and public facilities. The flooring effect was found on RCOF during the toe off for the affected and unaffected side. Moreover, differences among hemi bodies for RCOF in heel contact and toe off phases were also observed. The control group presented higher RCOF than the stroke unaffected and affected side, and the unaffected showed higher friction than the affected side. In conclusion, the gait of stroke patient was altered due to the four flooring tested in the toe off phase

    Beyond Purity: Moral Disgust toward Bad Character

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    Previous studies support a link between moral disgust and impurity, while anger is linked to harm. We challenge this strict correspondence, and show that disgust is sensitive to information about moral character, even for harm violations. By contrast, anger is sensitive to information about actions, including their moral wrongness and consequences. Study 1 examined disgust and anger toward an action that indicates especially bad moral character (animal cruelty) versus an action that is more wrong (domestic abuse). Animal cruelty was associated with more disgust, whereas domestic abuse was associated with more anger. Studies 2 and 3 manipulated character by varying the agent’s desire to cause harm, and also varied the action’s harmful consequences. Desire to harm predicted only disgust (controlling for anger), while consequences were more closely related to anger (controlling for disgust). Taken together, these results indicate disgust responds to evidence of bad moral character, not just to impurity

    The Oxalate-Carbonate Pathway of Brosimum alicastrum Sw.; Moraceae

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    The oxalate - carbonate pathway (OCP) is a biogeochemical process involving plants, fungi and bacteria that transforms atmospheric CO 2 into CaCO 3 . However, until now the process has only been studied in acidic soil environments adjacent to species that have limited food - production potential . This study used an experimental approach to evaluate an OCP associated with Brosimum alicastrum , a Neotropical species that produces significant quantites of food ( ca. 70 – 200 kg - seeds yr −1 ), in the calcareous soils of Haiti and Mexico. Enzymatic analysis of various tissues from B. alicastrum indicated that the species produces significant amounts of calcium oxalate (5.97 % D.W.) at all sample sites. Oxalotroph y , the bacterial metabolism of calcium oxalate that leads to the precipitation of CaCO 3 , was also confirmed with microbiological analyses in both countries. T he typical localised alkalinisation and identification of secondary carbonate associated with the OCP was obscured at most sample sites by h igh concentrations of lithogenic carbonate and total cal cium (>7 g kg −1 ), except at Ma Rouge, Haiti. Soils adjacent to subjects in Ma Rouge presented a localised increase in CaCO 3 concentration (5.9 %) and pH (0.63) . F indings in Ma Rouge , coupled with observations of root - like secondary carbonate deposits in Me xico, strongly impl y that the OCP can also occur in calcareous soils. Th us, this study confirms that the OCP acts in calcareous soils, adjacent to species with significant food - production potential, and could play a fundamental and un - accounted role in the global calcium - carbon coupled cycl

    Mechanical Characterization of Hybrid Vesicles Based on Linear Poly(Dimethylsiloxane-b-Ethylene Oxide) and Poly(Butadiene-b-Ethylene Oxide) Block Copolymers

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    Poly(dimethylsiloxane-ethylene oxide) (PDMS-PEO) and poly(butadiene-b-ethylene oxide) (PBd-PEO) are two block copolymers which separately form vesicles with disparate membrane permeabilities and fluidities. Thus, hybrid vesicles formed from both PDMS-PEO and PBd-PEO may ultimately allow for systematic, application-specific tuning of vesicle membrane fluidity and permeability. However, given the relatively low strength previously noted for comb-type PDMS-PEO vesicles, the mechanical robustness of the resulting hybrid vesicles must first be confirmed. Toward this end, we have characterized the mechanical behavior of vesicles formed from mixtures of linear PDMS-PEO and linear PBd-PEO using micropipette aspiration. Tension versus strain plots of pure PDMS12-PEO46 vesicles revealed a non-linear response in the high tension regime, in contrast to the approximately linear response of pure PBd33-PEO20 vesicles. Remarkably, the area expansion modulus, critical tension, and cohesive energy density of PDMS12-PEO46 vesicles were each significantly greater than for PBd33-PEO20 vesicles, although critical strain was not significantly different between these vesicle types. PDMS12-PEO46/PBd33-PEO20 hybrid vesicles generally displayed graded responses in between that of the pure component vesicles. Thus, the PDMS12-PEO46/PBd33-PEO20 hybrid vesicles retained or exceeded the strength and toughness characteristic of pure PBd-PEO vesicles, indicating that future assessment of the membrane permeability and fluidity of these hybrid vesicles may be warranted