40 research outputs found

    Desain, Simulasi Dan Pengujian Manipulator Robot Yang Terintegrasi Dengan Real TIME Position Joystick Input Dan 3d View Simmechanics

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    Perkembangan teknologi manipulator dewasa ini menuntut satu sistem yang dapat memudahkan operator sebagai pengguna untuk mengendalikan manipulator. Hal ini terutama melibatkan kontrol jarak jauh seperti contohnya kapal selam tak berawak ataupun robot penyelamat berukuran kecil yang tujuannya menjangkau daerah rawan dimana manusia tidak bisa terjun langsung ke dalamnya. Dengan real time position joystick operator dapat menggerakkan manipulator sesuai keinginan dan dengan 3D view SimMechanics operator dapat memantau apakah input masukan dari joystick tepat menggerakkan manipulator tersebut. Selain kedua hal tersebut pada artikel ini juga akan membahas mengenai pengujian experimental yang menghadirkan grafik sudut pergerakan antara potensiometer sebagai pengendali real time joystick input dan servo yang dikendalikan. Dari keduanya dibandingkan hasil posisinya terhadap waktu yang kemudian bisa diketahui apakah respon sudah sesuai ataukah ada kekurangan Perubahan sudut baik dari perintah maupun dari aktuator (servo). Untuk kinematik manipulator, artikel ini akan membahas pemosisian inisial manipulator dan forward kinematik pada manipulator dengan menggunakan metode Denavit-Hartenberg. Invers kinematics juga akan menjadi bahasan dalam tugas akhir ini. Software yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah MATLAB SimMechanics sebagai media kontrol dan 3D view dan juga digunakan SolidWorks sebagai media desain awal manipulator dan real time position joystick. Telah berhasil diintegrasikan kontrol dari real time position joystick dan pergerakan manipulator serta 3D view SimMechanics. Selain itu koordinat pemosisian inisial end effector. Untuk posisi sudut Joint 1, 2, 3 sebesar 60o, 120o, 30o menghasilkan koordinar end effector X sebesar -15.209, Y sebesar -26.343, dan Z sebesar 41.586. untuk Metode invers kinematik dibuat sebuah pergerakan trajectory manipulator berbentuk lingkaran dan hati serta menyajikan data grafik sudut terhadap waktu dari potensiometer dan servo saat dioperasikan


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur pengaruh stres kerja terhadap turnover tendency dan kepuasan kerja sebagai mediasi pada karyawan PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika wilayah Banda Aceh. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah para karyawan PT. Swadharma Sarana Informatika wilayah Banda Aceh yang berjumlah 42 responden. Peralatan pengumpulan data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah kuesioner. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah sampel jenuh. Hierarchical Linear Modelling (HLM) digunakan sebagai metode analisis untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari semua variabel-variabel yang terlibat.Berdasarkan hasil analisis HLM, mengindikasikan bahwa stres kerja berpengaruh terhadap turnover tendency, stres kerja berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja, kepuasan kerja berpengaruh terhadap turnover tendency, dan kepuasan kerja memediasi secara penuh pengaruh stres kerja terhadap turnover tendency.Kata Kunci:Stres Kerja, Turnover Tendency, Kepuasan Kerja, Hierarchical Linear Modelling


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    ABSTRACTObjective: To find the stigmasterol source of Artemisia annua L. and to study the profile of phytosterol types in A. annua hairy root cultures.Methods: Stigmasterol content determination was done based on stigmasterol content in the methylene chloride extract of A. annua using highperformance liquid chromatography in wild-type plant, plant tissue cultures, and hairy root cultures. The optimal resolution was achieved bysuitability system, and stigmasterol calibration curve was generated with stigmasterol concentrations series. Phytosterol types in A. annua hairy rootcultures were performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrophotometry.Results: Highest stigmasterol content in A. annua is shown by hairy root cultures of A. annua in the 5 week harvesting time, which is 1.5 g/100 g (w/w)extract. The phytosterol profile in A. annua hairy root cultures encompassed stigmasterol 74.6%, β-sitosterol 13.5%, and campesterol 11.9%.thConclusion: A. annua hairy root cultures in 5-week harvesting time prove its potential as stigmasterol source alternative. The highest phytosterol typein A. annua hairy root cultures is stigmasterol. This is the first report stigmasterol content and its phytosterol profile of A. annua hairy root culturesextract.Keywords: Artemisia annua L., Wild-type plant, Plant tissue cultures, Hairy root cultures, Stigmasterol

    Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulation and Validation Bed Expansion of Three-Phase Co-Current Fluidized Bed

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    قد تمت دراسة الخصائص الهايدرودينامكية لعملية التميع لثلاثي أطوار في هذا العمل. أجري العمل التجريبي في عمود البرسبيكس بقطر 0.092 م وارتفاع (2). تم استخدام الكيروسين كطور مستمر والهواء كطور مشتت. استخدامت خرز الزجاج بقطر 0.0038 (م)، وكثافة 2247 كغ / م 3، والعامل المساعد المأخوذ من مفاعل معالجة الكيروسين الذي يقع في مصفاة الدورة بقطر 0.0025 (م)، وكثافة 2070 كغم / م 3 كمادة صلبة. قد تم التحقق من نتائج CFD)) من الخصائص الديناميكية التي تم الحصول عليها من المحاكاة مع النتائج التجريبية باستخدام أنسيز فلوئنت 16.0. أستخدم نهج التدفق الحبيبي لمتعدد المراحل يولريان والقادر على التنبؤ بالأداء العام لنظام ثلاثي اطوار من الغاز-السائل-الصلب. أوضحت النتائج أن ارتفاع الطبقة الموسعة للمادة الصلبة يتأثر أكثر من تغييرات سرع السائل، فإنه يزيد مع زيادة سرعة السائل.The bed expansion of gas-liquid-solid co-current fluidized bed is studied in the present work. Experimental work is carried out using Perspex column having 0.092 m inner diameter, 2 m height. Kerosene and air are used as continuous and dispersed phases, respectively. Glass beads having 0.0038 m diameter and 2247 kg/m3 density and catalyst particles having 0.0025 m diameter and   2070 kg /m3 density, which were taken from the kerosene hydrotreating reactor that is located in Al-Daura Refinery, are used as the solid phase. The Computational fluid dynamic CFD results of dynamic characteristics were obtained based on simulation using commercial CFD codes and ANSYS FLUENT 16.0 have been used for validation, by comparing the simulation and experimental results. Eulerian approach for flow of granular multiphase is utilized to predict the performance of the three-phase co-current fluidized bed. The results are indicated that the height of the expanded bed is having a strong function of liquid velocity, which increases as the liquid velocity increases too


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    Kantin sekolah merupakan tempat dimana peserta didik memenuhi kebutuhan makan dan minum selama mereka di sekolah. Peserta didik hampir seharian waktunya dihabiskan di sekolah, maka asupan gizi mereka perlu diperhatikan dengan sekolah menyediakan makanan, jajanan dan minuman yang sehat, bergizi dan halal tentunya. Maka dalam mewujutkan kantin BERSERIH (Bersih, sehat, indah dan halal) perlu adanya komitmen dari manajemen sekolah, sumber daya manusia, sarana dan prasarana serta mutu pangan. Kantin MI Muhammadiyah 3 Penatarsewu merupakan lokasi pengabdian tim dosen Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo. Kondisi kantin di sekolah tersebut sangat memprihatinkan, jauh dari layak untuk dikunjungi belum lagi makanan yang dijual masih belum memenuhi sehat, bergizi apalagi halal. Dengan adanya pendampingan dan edukasi tentang jajanan sehat, bergizi serta halal memberikan kesadaran bagi warga sekolah khususnya guru dan pedagang kantin dilanjutkan redekorasi kantin sehingga lebih bersih, indah dan nyaman. Hasil dari pengabdian selain munculnya kesadaran mengkonsumsi jajanan sehat dan bergizi juga kehalalan produk, kondisih kantin yang bersih dan nyaman membuat siswa lebih memilih jajan di kantin dari pada jajan di luar sekolah

    Mask Compliance Modeling Related COVID-19 in Indonesia Using Spline Nonparametric Regression

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    Until now, Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has become a concern for Indonesia because of its significant development and impact on various sectors of life and hampering the target of achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The achievements targeted in the SDGs, such as reducing poverty, hunger, and many more are very difficult to realize in the current pandemic conditions. The uncertain conditions of the pandemic made the government need some new ideas for consideration in creating policies to encourage sustainable development in this situation. This article covers modeling the effect of achieving the second dose of vaccination and the total cases of COVID-19 cases, which are often considered the reason for general negligence in complying with health protocols, especially wearing masks. This research was conducted using spline nonparametric regression because of its flexibility to handle uncertain data patterns. The results of this study are truncated spline nonparametric regression with 3 knots that produce a R-sq equal to 69.952%. Based on the results, the second dose vaccination coverage variables and the total COVID-19 cases together affect mask compliance. This result is expected to be a benchmark for the government to handle COVID-19 and efforts to achieve the SDGs

    Molecular Characterization and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Using SSR Markers

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    Assessment of genetic diversity and molecular characterization among elite rice varieties of Bangladesh is very important for germplasm management, varietal identification, and DNA fingerprinting. Thirty-four microsatellite markers were studied across 21 types of rice to characterize and discriminate among different varieties. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 11, with an average of 4.18 alleles across 34 loci. A total of 57 rare alleles were detected at 24 loci, whereas 42 unique alleles were detected at 20 loci. The results revealed that 14 rice varieties produced unique alleles that could be used for identification, molecular characterization, and DNA fingerprinting of these varieties. Polymorphic information content (PIC) values ranged from 0.157 to 0.838, with an average of 0.488, which revealed that much variation was present among the studied varieties. The PIC values revealed that RM401 might be the best marker for identification and diversity estimation of rice varieties, followed by RM566, RM3428, RM463, and RM8094 markers. The UPGMA cluster dendrogram created in this study identified five clusters with a similarity coefficient of 0.50. The SSR polymorphism and diversity could likely be attributed to pedigree. In this study, eight SSR markers (RM10713, RM279, RM424, RM6266, RM1155, RM289, RM20224, and RM5371) were identified that produced specific alleles only in the aromatic rice varieties and were useful for varietal identification and DNA fingerprinting of these varieties. The findings of this study should be useful for varietal identification and could help in background selection in backcross breeding programs. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

    Dynamics of notch pathway expression during mouse testis post-natal development and along the spermatogenic cycle

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    Articles in International JournalsThe transcription and expression patterns of Notch pathway components (Notch 1–3, Delta1 and 4, Jagged1) and effectors (Hes1, Hes2, Hes5 and Nrarp) were evaluated (through RT-PCR and IHC) in the mouse testis at key moments of post-natal development, and along the adult spermatogenic cycle. Notch pathway components and effectors are transcribed in the testis and expressed in germ, Sertoli and Leydig cells, and each Notch component shows a specific cell-type and timewindow expression pattern. This expression at key testis developmental events prompt for a role of Notch signaling in prepubertal spermatogonia quiescence, onset of spermatogenesis, and regulation of the spermatogenic cycle