450 research outputs found

    Prediction of Complex Systems Using Grey Models

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    Complexity is an inherent property of the world known. According to Kolmogoroff Randomness and Complexity are connected. Therefore the description of randomness using stochastical procedures has been widely used. Nevertheless other methods might be used to predict complex systems, such as Grey Models. In this paper the occurrence of extreme water levels along the Dutch north-sea has been investigated using Grey Models. Other applications are possible and have been carried out by the authors, such as identification of damaged elements in reinforced concrete structural elements

    In vivo knockdown of Brachyury results in skeletal defects and urorectal malformations resembling caudal regression syndrome

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    The T-box transcription factor BRACHYURY (T) is a key regulator of mesoderm formation during early development. Complete loss of T has been shown to lead to embryonic lethality around E10.0. Here we characterize an inducible miRNA-based in vivo knockdown mouse model of T, termed KD3-T, which exhibits a hypomorphic phenotype. KD3-T embryos display axial skeletal defects caused by apoptosis of paraxial mesoderm, which is accompanied by urorectal malformations resembling the murine uro-recto-caudal syndrome and human caudal regression syndrome phenotypes. We show that there is a reduction of T in the notochord of KD3-T embryos which results in impaired notochord differentiation and its subsequent loss, whereas levels of T in the tailbud are sufficient for axis extension and patterning. Furthermore, the notochord in KD3-T embryos adopts a neural character and loses its ability to act as a signaling center. Since KD3-T animals survive until birth, they are useful for examining later roles for T in the development of urorectal tissues

    Murine expression and mutation analyses of the prostate androgen-regulated mucin-like protein 1 (Parm1) gene, a candidate for human epispadias.

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    Background Epispadias is the mildest phenotype of the human bladder exstrophy–epispadias complex (BEEC), and presents with varying degrees of severity. This urogenital birth defect results from a disturbance in the septation process, during which separate urogenital and anorectal components are formed through division of the cloaca. This process is reported to be influenced by androgen signaling. The human PARM1 gene encodes the prostate androgen-regulated mucin-like protein 1, which is expressed in heart, kidney, and placenta. Methods We performed whole mount in situ hybridization analysis of Parm1 expression in mouse embryos between gestational days (GD) 9.5 and 12.5, which are equivalent to human gestational weeks 4–6. Since the spatio-temporal localization of Parm1 corresponded to tissues which are affected in human epispadias, we sequenced PARM1 in 24 affected patients. Results We found Parm1 specifically expressed in the region of the developing cloaca, the umbilical cord, bladder anlage, and the urethral component of the genital tubercle. Additionally, Parm1 expression was detected in the muscle progenitor cells of the somites and head mesenchyme. PARM1 gene analysis revealed no alterations in the coding region of any of the investigated patients. Conclusions These findings suggest that PARM1 does not play a major role in the development of human epispadias. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that a larger sample size would enable detection of rare mutations in this gene

    Haptic adaptation to slant: No transfer between exploration modes

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    Human touch is an inherently active sense: to estimate an object’s shape humans often move their hand across its surface. This way the object is sampled both in a serial (sampling different parts of the object across time) and parallel fashion (sampling using different parts of the hand simultaneously). Both the serial (moving a single finger) and parallel (static contact with the entire hand) exploration modes provide reliable and similar global shape information, suggesting the possibility that this information is shared early in the sensory cortex. In contrast, we here show the opposite. Using an adaptation-and-transfer paradigm, a change in haptic perception was induced by slant-adaptation using either the serial or parallel exploration mode. A unified shape-based coding would predict that this would equally affect perception using other exploration modes. However, we found that adaptation-induced perceptual changes did not transfer between exploration modes. Instead, serial and parallel exploration components adapted simultaneously, but to different kinaesthetic aspects of exploration behaviour rather than object-shape per se. These results indicate that a potential combination of information from different exploration modes can only occur at down-stream cortical processing stages, at which adaptation is no longer effective

    Fabrication and characterization of RNA aptamer microarrays for the study of protein–aptamer interactions with SPR imaging

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    RNA microarrays were created on chemically modified gold surfaces using a novel surface ligation methodology and employed in a series of surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRI) measurements of DNA–RNA hybridization and RNA aptamer–protein binding. Various unmodified single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) oligonucleotides were ligated onto identical 5′-phosphate-terminated ssDNA microarray elements with a T4 RNA ligase surface reaction. A combination of ex situ polarization modulation FTIR measurements of the RNA monolayer and in situ SPRI measurements of DNA hybridization adsorption onto the surface were used to determine an ssRNA surface density of 4.0 × 10(12) molecules/cm(2) and a surface ligation efficiency of 85 ± 10%. The surface ligation methodology was then used to create a five-component RNA microarray of potential aptamers for the protein factor IXa (fIXa). The relative surface coverages of the different aptamers were determined through a novel enzymatic method that employed SPRI measurements of a surface RNase H hydrolysis reaction. SPRI measurements were then used to correctly identify the best aptamer to fIXa, which was previously determined from SELEX measurements. A Langmuir adsorption coefficient of 1.6 × 10(7) M(−1) was determined for fIXa adsorption to this aptamer. Single-base variations from this sequence were shown to completely destroy the aptamer–fIXa binding interaction

    Educationalization of Social Problems and the Educationalization of the Modern World

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    The catchword ‘educationalization,’ which enjoyed some popularity around 1920, has been used increasingly since the 1980s, first in the German and then in the Belgian and English discussions. Although the uses of and intentions behind the term are far from identical, they all express a perceived intersection between distinct social practices, one of which is education. As a rule, this intersection is interpreted as assigning education the task of coping with perceived social problems. Accordingly, the most popular expression of this mode of thought has been labeled, in an abstracting way, the educationalization of social problems. This entry builds on that but suggests a more comprehensive view, less reactive in character, by claiming that since the 18th century, the construction of modernity, progress, and open future depends on an idea of education that promises to be the engine of modernity by means of (new) and broadly disseminated knowledge and technologies and, at the same time, an instance of moral reassurance empowering the individual exposed to these modern conditions and their moral hazards to act morally or virtuously. Educationalization of the modern world, in this more comprehensive way, is a key concept for understanding and deciphering the grand narratives of modernity and the modern self

    Landslide mapping and monitoring by using radar and optical remote sensing: examples from the EC-FP7 project SAFER

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    This paper focuses on the Landslide Thematic services of the EU-funded FP7-SPACE project SAFER (Services and Applications For Emergency Response) for inventory mapping, monitoring and rapid mapping by using Earth Observation (EO). We exploited satellite Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA), and discuss example applications in South Tyrol and Abruzzo (Italy), Lower Austria (Austria), Lubietova (Slovakia) and the Kaohsiung County (Taiwan). These case studies showcase the significance of radar and optical EO data, InSAR and OBIA methods for landslide mapping and monitoring in different geological environments and during all phases of emergency management: mitigation, preparedness, crisis and recovery

    Unique quadruplex structure and interaction of an RNA aptamer against bovine prion protein

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    RNA aptamers against bovine prion protein (bPrP) were obtained, most of the obtained aptamers being found to contain the r(GGAGGAGGAGGA) (R12) sequence. Then, it was revealed that R12 binds to both bPrP and its β-isoform with high affinity. Here, we present the structure of R12. This is the first report on the structure of an RNA aptamer against prion protein. R12 forms an intramolecular parallel quadruplex. The quadruplex contains G:G:G:G tetrad and G(:A):G:G(:A):G hexad planes. Two quadruplexes form a dimer through intermolecular hexad–hexad stacking. Two lysine clusters of bPrP have been identified as binding sites for R12. The electrostatic interaction between the uniquely arranged phosphate groups of R12 and the lysine clusters is suggested to be responsible for the affinity of R12 to bPrP. The stacking interaction between the G:G:G:G tetrad planes and tryptophan residues may also contribute to the affinity. One R12 dimer molecule is supposed to simultaneously bind the two lysine clusters of one bPrP molecule, resulting in even higher affinity. The atomic coordinates of R12 would be useful for the development of R12 as a therapeutic agent against prion diseases and Alzheimer's disease

    Improving Human Plateaued Motor Skill with Somatic Stimulation

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    Procedural motor learning includes a period when no substantial gain in performance improvement is obtained even with repeated, daily practice. Prompted by the potential benefit of high-frequency transcutaneous electrical stimulation, we examined if the stimulation to the hand reduces redundant motor activity that likely exists in an acquired hand motor skill, so as to further upgrade stable motor performance. Healthy participants were trained until their motor performance of continuously rotating two balls in the palm of their right hand became stable. In the series of experiments, they repeated a trial performing this cyclic rotation as many times as possible in 15 s. In trials where we applied the stimulation to the relaxed thumb before they initiated the task, most reported that their movements became smoother and they could perform the movements at a higher cycle compared to the control trials. This was not possible when the dorsal side of the wrist was stimulated. The performance improvement was associated with reduction of amplitude of finger displacement, which was consistently observed irrespective of the task demands. Importantly, this kinematic change occurred without being noticed by the participants, and their intentional changes of motor strategies (reducing amplitude of finger displacement) never improved the performance. Moreover, the performance never spontaneously improved during one-week training without stimulation, whereas the improvement in association with stimulation was consistently observed across days during training on another week combined with the stimulation. The improved effect obtained in stimulation trials on one day partially carried over to the next day, thereby promoting daily improvement of plateaued performance, which could not be unlocked by the first-week intensive training. This study demonstrated the possibility of effectively improving a plateaued motor skill, and pre-movement somatic stimulation driving this behavioral change