154 research outputs found
Experimental validation of a solar system based on hybrid photovoltaic-thermal collectors and a reversible heat pump for the energy provision in non-residential buildings
This work aims to validate a transient model of a solar hybrid pilot plant based on photovoltaic-thermal (PV-T) collectors integrated via thermal storage tanks with an air-to-water reversible heat pump (rev-HP). The pilot plant is in operation and provides space heating, cooling, domestic hot water (DHW) and electricity to an industrial building located in Zaragoza (Spain). The plant consists of eight uncovered PV-T collectors (2.6 kWe, 13.6 m2), two water tanks and a rev-HP with a nominal thermal power of 16 kW for heating and 10.5 kW for cooling. The validation results show that the transient model fits the experimental performance of the PV-T collectors, with an average error of -16% and 3%, for the thermal and electrical generation respectively. The accuracy of the estimated rev-HP performance depends on the operation mode. The estimated COP in cooling mode has an average error of 14%, while in heating mode has an average error of -10%. The results show that the integration of the thermal and electrical generation of the PV-T collectors with a high-performance rev-HP allows the solar PV-T system to be self-sufficient to satisfy the building energy demand
Trophic control in the Guadalquivir estuary and neighbouring waters of the Gulf of Cadiz
The Guadalquivir estuary (SW Spain) is a non-stratified estuary with a gradual change in salinity. It supports an important biodiversity and functions as a nursery area for many commercial species (e.g. anchovy) in the Gulf of Cadiz (GoC). The understanding of the interplay between the environmental forcing (bottom-up) and the trophic regulation is essential to understand its functioning in relation to the GoC fisheries. Here, we seek to study the effects of environmental variables and predator-prey interaction (mysid-anchovy) in the estuary and surrounding marine areas with a particular focus on the zooplankton as key intermediaries between primary production and marine fish juveniles. A long-term (18 yr) monitoring program has been carried out in two sites: Tarfia and Bonanza (32 km and 8 km distance from the river mouth respectively). The latter station samples well the marine water masses advected into the estuary during the ebb flow. Our dataset includes mysids, anchovy larvae and juveniles, temperature, salinity, turbidity, freshwater discharges, precipitation and winds. We used time series-analysis (GAMs) to test the trophic, environmental and anthropogenic effects. Temperature was found to have a positive effect on mysids at both stations while salinity showed a positive effect only at Tarfia. Turbidity showed a strong negative effect on the whole estuary and so did the freshwater discharges at Bonanza, which are regulated by a dam. The results indicate that the trophic control in the estuary of the Guadalquivir is resource-driven. Our models also highlight that marine mysids have a positive effect on anchovy
How to deal with invasive species that have high economic value?
The ever-accelerating process of introduction and establishment of invasive alien species (IAS) in marine waters
requires engaging different actors in the management and planning. To address this challenge, stakeholders need
an integrated approach for defining actions of control and management within an ecosystem-based framework:
to seek and enhance coordination, collaboration and trust among all stakeholders affected by changes in linked
marine social - ecological systems. This study explores the complexities and opportunities in managing
economically valuable IAS, demonstrating the need for tailored management strategies that consider key
ecological details needed for successful control such as timing of removals and key economic considerations such
as appropriate incentive mechanisms and time horizons in favor of long-term conservation goals. We propose a
set of actions that can serve as a roadmap for effective IAS control and management, considering their dual role
as nuisances and valuable resources. These actions pertain to local, regional and international levels, encouraging meaningful stakeholder engagement through co-management structures that can foster the development of
robust management plans, enabling better IAS control. The outcome holds potential for positive contributions to
the blue economy— sustainable use of marine resources, including fisheries, tourism, and renewable energy—
and for meeting sustainability objectives
Salinity tolerance as a factor controlling spatial patterns in composition and structure of zooplankton in the Guadalquivir estuary
Trabajo presentado en ECSA 56 (Coastal systems in transition: From a 'natural' to an 'anthropogenically-modified' state), celebrado en Bremen del 4 al 7 de septiembre de 2016.N
Seasonal variation of zooplankton and environmental conditions along a transect in the Gulf of Cádiz
This study presents seasonal variation in the zooplankton composition of the Gulf of Cádiz was studied between 2001 and 2012. Samples were collected three times per year, in the spring, summer and autumn at three stations situated along a transect perpendicular to the coast. The total zooplankton abundance during the summer was higher than in the spring and autumn. Zooplankton community is characterized by a seasonal cycle mirroring similar cycles in the physical environment. Differences in community composition were also found along the transect, particularly between the coastal station, under the influence of the Guadalquivir River, and the outer station, characterized by oceanic conditions. This study is the first description of the seasonal and spatial variation of this marine component of the Gulf of Cádi
A model for the future: Ecosystem services provided by the aquaculture activities of Veta la Palma
En prensa2,041
Mycobacterium chelonae y Mycobacterium abscessus: patógenos emergentes
A mycobacterium isolated in 1903 from the lungs of a sick marine turtle was the first report of Mycobacterium chelonae. It is a different species from Mycobacterium fortutuitum, isolated from frogs in 1905, and from Mycobacterium abscessus which was initially considered a subspecies of M. chelonae. Within the group of rapidly growing mycobacteria, which are characterized by their growth in culture in less than 7 days, these three species are the only human pathogens of the species. They are causative agents of localized or disseminated subcutaneous nodules and abscesses, of postoperative lesions, osteomielitis, queratitis and several other lesions. Skin and soft tissue lesions are most frequently observed, produced by the traumatic inoculation of these mycobacteria. Histopathology of nodules and abscesses reveals a mixed inflammatory, supurative and granulomatous process. In one quatier of these cases, clumps of acid fast bacilli can be demonstrated, usually localized within a vacuole at the centre of an abscess. Several outbreaks of subcutaneous abscesses produced by atypical mycobacteria, secondary to the application of contaminated injections, have been reponed in Colombia. In 1981, 50 people -mostly, children- were affected after vaccination against yellow fever in Bucaramanga; in 1989, 13 people were affected after subcutaneous allergen injections in Medellin. A third one involved 297 people, in 1993, along the Atlantic coast after the application of xilocayne subcutaneously for bioenergetic therapy. Other postraumatic cases have also been reported. The disseminated disease caused by mycobacteria of rapid growth occurs in immunosuppressed patients. Polymorphonuclears predominate in skin biopsies, no epithelioid granuloma is obsetved and abundant bacilli can be demonstrated in histological sections. The causative mycobacteria can be isolated from biopsies of lesions, since the precise diagnosis requires the accurate identification of the microrganism by culture. The practice of antibiograms is recommended dueto the varying differences in antimicrobial sensitivities among these mycobacteria. M. abscessus is sensitive to clarithromycin, amikacyn and cefoxitim; M. fortuitum to amikacyn, cefoxitim and ciprofloxacyn, and M. chelonae to cefoxitim and amikacyn. Monotherapy is not recommended under any circumstances. Differential diagnosis of cutaneous disease due to atypical mycobacteria must be made with all those clinical entities manifested by nodules, abscesses, ulcers or draining sinuses, such as tuberculosis, sporotrichosis, nocardiosis and botriomicosis. Atypical mycobacteria are among the agents which can produce skin nodules and abscesses of lymphangitic spread. In pulmonary disease, the main differential diagnosis is tuberculosis. When there are abscesses at the centre of granulomas, aiypical mycobacteria etiology must be suspected. These microorganisms are widely distributed in nature. The main source of transmission of these atypical mycobacteria to humans is via water. Strict supervision for their application to man, use of disposable syringes and needles, adequate disinfection of reusable material and equipment with proven mycobactericidals, ¡.e., 2% alkaline glutaraldehyde, and minimal biosecurity standards prevent diseases caused by atypical mycobacteria.Mycobacterium chelonae es el nombre correcto para la micobacteria aislada en 1903 de los pulmones enfermos de una tortuga marina. En una especie distinta de Mycobacterium fo/tuitum, aislado de ranas en 1905, y de Mycobacterium abscessus, considerado actualmente como una subespecie de M chelonae. Estas tres especies son las únicas patógenas para el hombre dentro del grupo de micobacterias ambientales o atipicas, de crecimiento rápido, las cuales se caracterizan por formar colonias en cultivo en menos de siete días. Son agentes etiológicos de nódulos y abscesos cutáneos, localizados y diseminados, de lesiones postoperatorias, usualmente en la cicatriz quirúrgica, de lesiones pulmonares y de linfadenitis granulomatosa, de osteomielitis y de queratitis, entre otras. Las lesiones cutáneas y de los tejidos blandos son las más frecuentes y resultan generalmente de la inoculación traumática de esta micobacteria. Histopatológicamente, los nódulos y abscesos muestran un proceso inflamatorio, supurativo y granulomatoso, mixto, en el que en la cuarta parte de los casos pueden demostrarse conglomerados de bacilos ácido alcohol resistentes, que tienden a estar situados en una vacuola en el centro del absceso. En Colombia, se han descrito tres brotes de abscesos subcutáneos producidos por bacterias ambientales, secundarios a la aplicación de inyecciones contaminadas con el germen causal: en 1981, en Bucaramanga, luego de la aplicación de la vacuna contra la fiebre amarilla, en 50 personas, la mayoría niños; en 1989, en Medellin, por la inyección subcutánea de alergenos, en 13 personas; y, en 1993, en varias ciudades de la costa atlántica, luego de aplicaciones subcutáneas de xilocaína, como tratamiento bionergético, en 297 pacientes. Existen otros informes aislados de casos posttraumáticos.La enfermedad diseminada por micobacterias de rápido crecimiento, se presenta en pacientes inmunosuprimidos. En la biopsia, predominan los polimorfonucleares, no hay granuloma epitelioide y el número de bacilos es abundante. La micobacteria implicada puede aislarse a partir de un frotis o biopsia de la lesión, pero, el diagnóstico preciso sólo puede establecerse por cultivo. Es recomendable practicar un antibiograma por las diferencias en la sensibilidad de estas micobacterias. M. abscessus es sensible a claritromicina, amikacina y cefoxitina. M. fortuitum lo es a amikacina, cefoxitina y ciprofloxacina y M. chelonae es sensible a cefoxitina y amikacina. El uso de monoterapia no es aconsejable. El diagnóstico diferencial de enfermedad cutánea por micobacterias atípicas debe hacerse con todas aquellas entidades que se manifiestan por nódulos, abscesos, úlceras o trayectos fistulosos, tales como la tuberculosis, la leishmaniasis, las úlceras piógenas, los nódulos reumatoideos, los granulomas a cuerpo extraño, la esporotricosis, la nocardiosis y la botriomicosis, entre otras. Las micobacterias atipicas están entre los microorganismos que pueden producir nódulos y abscesos de propagación linfangitica. En el pulmón, el principal diagnóstico diferencial es la tuberculosis, cuando hay granulomas centrados por micrabscesos, debe pensarse en etiología por micobacterias atipicas. Estos géneros están ampliamente distribuidos en el medio ambiente. El agua y diferentes soluciones acuosas son el mayor vector para su trasmisión al hombre. Su estricta supervisión para aplicación al ser humano, el uso de agujas y jeringas desechables, la adecuada desinfección de equipos y material reutilizable con micobactericidas de comprobada eficacia, el más útil de los cuales es el glutaraldehido alcalino al 2% y el cumplimiento de unas mínimas normas de bioseguridad, son las principales medidas de control para la prevención de enfermedades producidas por rnicobacterias ambientales
Estudio de las propiedades de adsorción/desorción de gas en el carbón de la Cuenca de Sabinas en México: Study of gas adsorption/desorption properties in coals of Sabinas Basin on Mexico
http://sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/issn/2007-9753/El objetivo principal de esta investigación, se enfoca en el estudio de las propiedades de adsorción/desorción de CH4 en los yacimientos de gas asociado al carbón, los cuales se ubican en la porción noreste de México, con el fin de comprender su comportamiento desde el punto de vista de los yacimientos no convencionales.
Para continuar con el desarrollo de este proyecto, se llevó a cabo una campaña de muestreo a cargo del Servicio Geológico Mexicano (SGM), el cual nos proporcionó 7 muestras de carbón bituminoso, procedentes de la Cuenca de Sabinas para su caracterización. La caracterización general incluyó: (1) Análisis inmediatos o primarios de humedad y ceniza, (2) Análisis elemental para la determinación de (C, H, O, N, y S), (3) Análisis petrográfico para determinar el tipo de materia orgánica, (4) Pirolisis Rock-Eval®6 para conocer su potencial petrolífero. El conjunto de estos análisis nos permitieron evaluar las muestras para desarrollar mediante “Isotermas de Langmuir” los ensayos de adsorción/desorción de CH4 y la interpretación de los parámetros que influyen en el proceso de adsorción.
Para el desarrollo de las pruebas de adsorción/desorción se utilizó la técnica termo-volumétrica, observando capacidades de almacenamiento de gas metano de 202.11 scf/ton (7.07m3/ton) a 364.76 scf/ton (10.47m3/ton). Estos resultados nos permitieron interpretar las características físicas y químicas que influyen en la capacidad de almacenamiento del gas en el carbón. Anticipando como conclusión general que: la adsorción del gas aumenta con el rango/madurez. También se estudió la influencia de la composición maceral en el proceso de sorción y se verificó que la capacidad de almacenamiento de gas está íntimamente relacionada al contenido de vitrinita. Esto nos condujo a retomar las declaraciones de algunos autores (Chalmers y Bustin, 2008; Zhang et al, 2012) quienes verificaron que la capacidad de adsorción en base al COT aumenta en el siguiente orden: tipo I < tipo II < tipo III. Esto se atribuyó a que la vitrinita tiene una mayor capacidad de adsorción, en comparación con otros tipos de macerales.The main objective of this research was to study the gas adsorption/desorption properties in Coal Bed Methane reservoirs located in the North-eastern Mexico, and to understand the behavior of unconventional reservoirs.
The Servicio Geológico Mexicano (SGM) performed a sampling campaign. For the characterization, the SGM providing us 7 bituminous coal samples from the Sabinas Basin. The general characterization included: (1) immediate or primary moisture and ash analysis (2) elemental analysis for (C, H, O, N, and S) quantification, (3) petrographic analysis for organic matter type determination, (4) Rock-Eval®6 Pyrolysis, for oil potential generation determination. After results evaluation, 7 samples were selected, in order to develop adsorption/desorption CH4 tests by “Langmuir Isotherms” and to understand of parameters affecting the adsorption process.
Using thermo-volumetric technique could be observed storage capacities of methane gas between 202.11 scf/ton (7.07m3/ton) and 364.76 scf/ton (10.47 m3/ton). The adsorption/desorption tests results, let us to identify the physical and chemical characteristics of the samples influencing
the gas storage capacity in the coal. A general conclusion is given; the gas adsorption increases with the rank/maturity. Also, the influence of the maceral composition in the process of sorption is recognized, and the capacity of gas storage is closely related to the vitrinite content.
According to Chalmers y Bustin (2008), and Zhang et al. (2012), the capacity of adsorption as TOC, increases in the next order: type I < type II < type III. This is attributed to high adsorption capacity of vitrinite, compared with other macerals types.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Uso del tapabocas: historia y consecuencias en tiempos de pandemia
A lo largo de la historia, el uso del tapabocas -también conocido como cubrebocas, barbijo, o protector naso bucal- ha sido de gran importancia en el mundo durante diferentes eventos; como pandemias, epidemias y endemias, así como en la implementación en salud pública por parte de personal médico. Algunos registros dan cuenta de su implementación por parte de civilizaciones antiguas, las cuales lo utilizaban en eventos festivos, religiosos, artísticos y sociales, así como en acciones preventivas y terapéuticas. En relación a estas últimas, la máscara usada debe ser de tipo autofiltrante y debe cubrir parcialmente el rostro. Este tipo de cubrebocas es usado principalmente por personal sanitario con el fin de contener bacterias y virus provenientes de la nariz y boca (1,2). 
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