481 research outputs found

    Sistema sanitario y cambio soscial : un modelo de path analysis para el caso de España

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    Los sistemas sanitarios deben analizarse como procesos de mantenimiento y mejora del nivel (y distribución) sanitari0 en una población dada. Aquí definimos los sistemas sanitarios como "sistemas-abiertos-relacionados", siguiendo la metodología del análisis de sistemas y las aportaciones concretas de Caudill. Los problemas fundamentales de estos estudios derivan de inferencias generalizadas sobre sociedades de tradición anglosajona, post industriales, que no entran en el análisis de las diferencias regionales

    Family and Affective Models in Children's Literature. An Approach from the Texts for Early Readers at Valencian Schools

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    In previous researches we have offered a panoramic view about the presence of family structures different from the traditional one in children's literature, (Oltra Albiach, 2011), about the (shy) presence of protagonists with homo-parent, single- parent families reconstructed or intercultural in children's titles and about the publications of these characteristics in the literature for first readers that have seen the light in recent years (Oltra Albiach & Pardo Coy, 2013). It is noted that the introduction of these literatures in initial schools remains in general a pending matter, especially if we take into account that it is an ideal level to prevent and treat stereotypes and prejudices and above all because xenophobic, sexist, homophobic behaviors and bullying in general can begin to occur at these ages. Therefore, we have tried to bring our gaze to pre-school and first cycle of primary education in order to analyze the titles that are offered to students as first readings, from the idea of the importance of literature as a mirror of the society that produces it, of its characteristics, its achievements, its desires and its fears, and also highlighting the importance of the family and affective models in general that we give the children in their first contact with the written literature. The research has been done during the course 2013/2014 in ten public and concerted schools of the Valencian Community

    Encouraging to read: a proposal to improve reading comprehension and literary competence in university students

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    The objective of this article is to present an activity related to reading at university, in order to promote reading in students through various readings and the recommendation of them to colleagues. Several problems of our students (who have received literary training in their compulsory and post-compulsory studies and are, in theory, quite compententes) appeared at the time of facing the reading of texts, both literary and academic. On the other hand, the activity provides us with a great deal of information about the expectations, the difficulties, the devices, the themes and the reading strategies used in everyday life and in the university studies. In conclusion, we highlight the positive reception of the proposal by students and the possibilities of completion in all university degrees. It is, in short, an academic practice that affects the integral formation of the individuals and the idea of lifelong learning, and that reaffirms us in the previous idea of the need to continue in some way to encourage reading and literary training in university students

    Beliefs, assumptions and knowledge of Spanish university students about Slovak language and culture

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    In Europe, the idea of multilingual European citizenship has been consolidated in recent decades in relation to the perspective of exchange and mobility within the European Union. However, in many cases linguistic learning can be complicated by several factors that are basically extralinguistic. At times, prejudices and linguistic stereotypes persist, mainly because of the ignorance of European linguistic and cultural reality and the possibilities of the own language learning for people's lives and for the development of territories. Research and reflection ion beliefs, ideas and representations about languages, their importance and their treatment in the classroom, at all levels of education, is presented as a relevant research field in the current European context: in this line, we present a research on the ideas beliefs and expectations about languages and their learning in the European framework of the students of the Faculty of Teaching of the University of Valencia. The responses of the group of the students to these questions reaffirm us in the idea and invite to a reflection in depth on the treatment of any kind of diversity, and specifically on the linguistic attitudes and their presence in the programs of language teaching

    An Analysis of Open Innovation Strategies in Firms in Low and Medium Technology Industries

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    Open innovation (OI) has been mainly associated with high-technology firms. This paper aims to analyze how firms in low and medium technology industries implement their OI strategy. In doing so, we explore common patterns in OI strategies by considering inbound, outbound, and coupled OI practices. We also examine whether there are differences in innovation performance among companies adopting a specific OI strategy. The study is carried out on a sample of 242 Spanish innovating companies. Based on the relevance of the different OI practices, we identify three types of OI firms: advanced open innovators, intermediate open innovators, and incipient open innovators. Our results reveal that advanced open innovators have a higher performance in product innovation, and that there are no differences among groups in process and organizational innovation

    The relationship between external knowledge absorptive capacity and firm strategy: an exploratory analysis

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    En este trabajo se plantea que la capacidad de absorción de la empresa variará según sea la estrategia adoptada por esta. Para ello, partiendo de que la capacidad de absorción se desarrolla a través de la habilidad para adquirir, asimilar, transformar y explotar el conocimiento generado externamente, examinamos la importancia que tiene cada una de estas dimensiones en empresas que persiguen distintas estrategias. La información ha sido obtenida de una muestra compuesta por 81 empresas españolas fabricantes de pavimentos y revestimientos cerámicos. Los resultados muestran que la capacidad de adquirir conocimiento es mayor en las empresas exploradoras que en las defensoras y en las analizadoras, y que la capacidad de transformación y la capacidad de explotación son mayores en las empresas exploradoras que en las defensoras, no observándose diferencias en la capacidad de asimilación del conocimientoIn this work we raise that a firm’s absorptive capacity differs depending on the strategy being followed by the firm. We consider that absorptive capacity is formed by the ability to acquire, assimilate, transform and exploit the knowledge generated externally and examine the importance that each one of these dimensions has in compa- nies that adopt different strategies. The information has been obtained from a sample composed by 81 Spanish ce- ramic tiles firms. The results show that the ability to acquire knowledge is higher in prospectors than in defenders and analyzers, and that the transformation and exploitation abilities are higher in the prospector firms than in the de- fenders, whereas no differences are observed in the knowledge assimilation capacit

    Spanish/FL in Slovakia. A historical and Methodological Approach

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    The present investigation forms part of the draft of study in comparative perspective of the perception of the target language among students of Spanish from different universities and countries in Europe, from the perspective of teaching languages as a cultural fact and the importance of the social, political and economic factors in the evolution and perception of the importance of SFL learning in the European context. We want to carry out an approach to investigation of various authors on the evolution of the study of Spanish as a foreign language in Central and Eastern Europe, and specifically to the teaching of Spanish at Slovak universities. We have taken as a reference the evolution of the teaching of Spanish in Slovakia and other countries in that environment, and the role that methodology has occupied overtime and the different perspectives on teaching and learning languages that have been introduced

    La falta de homogeneidad del producto (FHP) en las empresas cerámicas y su impacto en la reasignación del inventario

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    La asignación del producto disponible a prometer (ATP) a pedidos en contextos de fabricación contra almacén (MTS) es de la máxima importancia ya que puede influir en la satisfacción del cliente y en los beneficios de la empresa. Sin embargo, una asignación inicial adecuada, puede pasar a ser inadecuada por diversas razones. En estos casos, es necesaria la reasignación del inventario, la cual será más compleja cuanto más ambiciosos sean los objetivos a alcanzar con ella y mayor el volumen de información a utilizar. En este sentido, cabe destacar que la falta de homogeneidad en el producto (FHP), presente en distintos sectores industriales, provoca la atomización del inventario y aumenta la complejidad de la reasignación, dificultando la obtención de soluciones óptimas. En el presente trabajo se describe la problemática de la FHP, primero de manera genérica, y luego, particularizada a empresas cerámicas MTS. Posteriormente, se identifican las situaciones en las que una determinada asignación de ATP puede dejar de ser adecuada en dicho contexto y se propone la reasignación como una forma de búsqueda de nuevas asignaciones válidas. Finalmente, mediante un caso de estudio de una empresa cerámica, se analiza el impacto de la FHP en cada una de las situaciones identificadas, observando que la FHP provoca alguna de éstas situaciones y complica, en todas ellas, la reasignación del inventario a pedidos.Peer reviewe

    Language Competencies and Labour Demands: A Comparative Study on Reading Comprehension in Slovak and Spanish University Students

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    One of the strategic objectives of the European Union is to achieve the best possible quality in the teaching-learning processes, and the ability to read is one of the most important competency for the current information society. The definition of reading competence has been subject to constant modifications to reflect changes in societies, economies, cultures and education levels. It is a complex and functional skill, covering processes related to the decoding and comprehension of the text.With this work we intend to comparative approach to the reading competence of first year students from Alexander Dubcek University of Trencín and from University of Valencia, and to detect and identificate their main problems with academic texts commonly used in their studies. We will start with a questionnaire with a series of basic questions, a work from a text and in-depth interviews with selected students, in order to obtain conclusions regarding their reading ability
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