145 research outputs found

    Nemzetközi büntetőjog és nemzetközi büntető igazságszolgáltatás = International criminal law and international criminal justice

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    A projekt megvalósítása során a magyar szakirodalomban elsőként végeztünk kutatásokat az un. nemzetközi jogi bűncselekmények (háborús- és emberiesség elleni bűncselekmények, a kínzás, illetve a népirtás) jogtörténeti és dogmatikája körében, illetve a nemzetközi büntetőbíróságok vonatkozó judikatúrájának bemutatására. A kutatás során a hangsúlyt a nemzetközi büntetőjogi felelősség speciális formáinak - az elöljáró (parancsnok) speciális felelőssége, joint criminal enterprise, az állam büntetőjogi felelőssége - feldolgozására helyeztük, illetve elemzésre kerültek a nemzetközi büntetőjogban és a nemzetközi jogban szabályozott büntethetőségi akadályok. Végül vizsgálat tárgyát képezte a nemzetközi büntetőbíráskodás kérdésköre, figyelemmel elsősorban a jogtörténeti előzményekre, illetve az ad hoc nemzetközi törvényszékek, illetve a Nemzetközi Büntetőbíróság működésére, az ezek előtt folyó bizonyításra. Ezen túlmenően kutatások kiterjedtek az EU büntetőjogi együttműködési rendszerére a jövőbeni fejlődési irányaira. Ezen a területen belül a magyar kutatások között elsőként foglalkoztunk a terrorizmus és a titkos információszerzés európai dimenzióinak jogi aspektusaival. | In this OTKA project we made first in Hungary research work on both historical and doctrinal aspects as well as court practice analysis of international crimes (war crimes, crimes against humanity, torture and genocide). In our research work we put the emphasis on the special forms of international criminal responsility (criminal responsibility of commanding officer, of joint criminal enterprises and of state). We analysed the problems of justification and excuse in international law and international criminal law as well. We also examined the historical aspects of the main issues of international criminal jurusdiction, the role of, and the rules of evidence before the ad hoc international criminal tribunals and International Criminal Court. Beyond these issues the project focused first in Hungary on the evolution and the future perspectivesof the criminal law cooperation system of the EU with special referece to the legal problems of terrorism and covert operations

    A terrorizmus elleni fellépés eszközrendszerének fejlődése, különös tekintettel a terrorizmus finanszírozása elleni küzdelemre = The development of measures for combating terrorism with special respect to the fight against financing terrorism

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    Az előirányzott munkaterv szerint részt vettünk a Nemzetközi Büntetőjogi Társaság (AIDP) égisze alatt a 2009. szeptember 20-27. között Isztambulban megrendezésre került XVIII. Nemzetközi Büntetőjogi Kongresszuson. A 2009. évben anyaggyűjtési és adatfeldolgozási, rendszerezési munkálatok kerültek napirendre annak érdekében, hogy előkészítésre kerüljön a terrorizmus összefüggésében fentebb részletezett tématerületek összehasonlító jogi szempontok szerint történő továbbgondolása. 2009. novemberében Európai és Nemzetközi Büntetőjog címmel megrendezett konferencián mutattuk be a kutatás eredményeit. 2010.-nem a konferencia anyagát a Jog-Állam-Politika szakfolyóiratban tettük közzé. Ennek keretében megjelent publikációkat korábban ismertettük. Az előirányzott munkaterv szerint 2010. júniusában kutatást végeztünk a Columbia Egyetem könyvtárában. 2011. júniusában a kutatási tervnek megfelelően látogatást tettünk a Bűnügyi Tudományok Nemzetközi Intézetében (Syracusa, Olaszország), ahol a záró tanulmány elkészítéséhez még hiányzó szakmai anyagokat beszereztük. Az eredeti kutatási tervben rögzítettek szerint a munka eredményeit összefoglaló zárótanulmányt 2011 július hónapban véglegesítettük. Ennek keretében önálló fejezetet szenteltünk a terrorizmus fogalma, a terrorizmus kriminológiai és A záró-tanulmány monografikus feldolgozásban az UNIVERSITAS-GYŐR Nonprofit Kft. gondozásában 2011. nyarán nyomtatásban is megjelent. | Pursuant to the original research plan, the final summary of the results stemming from the research project was made in April 2011. This material discusses the mainstreams of our work in single chapters, where the concept of terrorism, the criminological and criminal policy aspects of terrorism, as well as the national and international means and legislative efforts of fighting against terrorism are focused upon. The monographical version of this summary has been finally published by UNIVERSITAS-GYŐR Nonprofit Ltd. in the end of summer 2011

    Myosin and tropomyosin stabilize the conformation of formin-nucleated actin filaments

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    The conformational elasticity of the actin cytoskeleton is essential for its versatile biological functions. Increasing evidence supports that the interplay between the structural and functional properties of actin filaments is finely regulated by actin-binding proteins, however, the underlying mechanisms and biological consequences are not completely understood. Previous studies showed that the binding of formins to the barbed end induces conformational transitions in actin filaments by making them more flexible through long-range allosteric interactions. These conformational changes are accompanied by altered functional properties of the filaments. To get insight into the conformational regulation of formin-nucleated actin structures, in the present work we investigated in detail how binding partners of formin-generated actin structures, myosin and tropomyosin, affect the conformation of the formin-nucleated actin filaments, using fluorescence spectroscopic approaches. Time-dependent fluorescence anisotropy and temperature-dependent Forster-type resonance energy transfer measurements revealed that heavy meromyosin, similarly to tropomyosin, restores the formin-induced effects and stabilizes the conformation of actin filaments. The stabilizing effect of heavy meromyosin is cooperative. The kinetic analysis revealed that despite the qualitatively similar effects of heavy meromyosin and tropomyosin on the conformational dynamics of actin filaments, the mechanisms of the conformational transition is different for the two proteins. Heavy meromyosin stabilizes the formin- nucleated actin filaments in an apparently single-step reaction upon binding, while the stabilization by tropomyosin occurs after complex formation. These observations support the idea that actin-binding proteins are key elements of the molecular mechanisms that regulate the conformational and functional diversity of actin filaments in living cells

    Application of support vector machines on the basis of the first Hungarian bankruptcy model

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    In our study we rely on a data mining procedure known as support vector machine (SVM) on the database of the first Hungarian bankruptcy model. The models constructed are then contrasted with the results of earlier bankruptcy models with the use of classification accuracy and the area under the ROC curve. In using the SVM technique, in addition to conventional kernel functions, we also examine the possibilities of applying the ANOVA kernel function and take a detailed look at data preparation tasks recommended in using the SVM method (handling of outliers). The results of the models assembled suggest that a significant improvement of classification accuracy can be achieved on the database of the first Hungarian bankruptcy model when using the SVM method as opposed to neural networks

    Acquisition Correction and Reconstruction for a Clinical SPECT/MRI Insert

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    The development of the first clinical simultaneous Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) system was carried out within the INSERT project. The INSERT scanner was constructed under the initial project, but its performance was not fully evaluated; here we have reconstructed the first images on the SPECT system. Calibration and acquisition protocols were developed and used to establish the clinical feasibility of the system. The image reconstruction procedures were implemented on the first phantom images in order to assess the system's imaging capabilities. This study solved issues involving incomplete data sets and pixel failure in the prototype detector system. The final images determined a measure of trans-axial image resolution, giving average values of 9.14 mm and 6.75 mm in the radial and tangential directions respectively. The work carried out on the complete system produced several clinical phantom images which utilized the capabilities of both SPECT and MRI

    The effect of fine lees as a reducing agent in sur lie wines, aged with various sulphur dioxide concentrations

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    During the ageing in barrels, the contact with the fine lees triggers several processes in wine. Lees has a reductive effect by absorbing dissolved oxygen and reducing the amount, which will remain in the wine. At present, minimizing the addition of sulphur dioxide is the trend in all viticultural areas. In this study, the effect of various sulphur dioxide levels was monitored in presence of the lees to determine which dose is appropriate to provide the protection of susceptible white wine against oxidation. Without SO2 protection, the rH and redox potential changed slightly, so the level of dissolved oxygen seemed to be controlled during the ageing period by the lees, though the antioxidant effect of lees in itself was not appropriate to protect the polyphenol content from chemical oxidation, which led to considerable browning. With the addition of a lower amount of SO2 — 40 mg l2, the lees is already able to protect the white wine samples in all aspects

    Age group, location or pedagogue: factors affecting parental choice of kindergartens in Hungary

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    Hungary has experienced significant political, economic, demographic and social changes since the end of Soviet domination in the 1990s. The gradual move towards liberal-democracy has been accompanied by growing emphasis on individualism, choice and diversity. Universal kindergarten provision for 5-6 year olds is a long established feature of the Hungarian education system, but little is known about parental choice (Török, 2004). A case study (Yin, 2004) of factors influencing parental choice and satisfaction was undertaken in one Hungarian town. This was based on a survey of 251 parents of children attending both mixed-age and same-age groups across 12 kindergartens. Parents suggested that the most important influences were geographical location and the individual pedagogue(s). Given that traditionally each pedagogue follows ‘their’ cohort from kindergarten entry to primary school, their influence appears heightened. Although generally satisfied with their chosen arrangement, parents from same-age groups expressed significantly more confidence and satisfaction, particularly in relation to cognitive development and preparation for school. Parents appear less convinced about the trend towards mixed-age groups and questions are raised about sufficiency of evidence of their benefits in a Hungarian context and the driving factors behind change

    The effect of yeast on the anthocyanin characteristics of fermented model solutions

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    The sensory quality of red wines is basically determined by the colour, which depends on the amount and on the evolution of anthocyanins and other phenolic compounds extracting from the berries into the wine during wine-making. The anthocyanin-monomers are responsible for the development of the red colour, and their acylated derivatives provide stability for the colour of the wines. The anthocyanin profile of wines is affected by several factors: the grape variety, the conditions during wine-making, and also the yeast culture used for the fermentation. In our experiments a self-compiled model solution was fermented by spontaneous fermentation, as well as by four commercial yeasts under laboratory conditions. After fermentation total polyphenolics, anthocyanins, anthocyanin monomer profile, colour intensity, hue, and the ratio of polymeric anthocyanins were studied. Our results show that the spontaneous yeast fermentation resulted in a higher anthocyanin concentration in the fermented model solution, but the commercial yeast strains provided a more advantageous colour characteristic compared to the spontaneous fermentation. After the spontaneous fermentation less sediment was left than in the commercial yeast fermented samples

    Functional dynamics of a single tryptophan residue in a BLUF protein revealed by fluorescence spectroscopy

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    Blue Light Using Flavin (BLUF) domains are increasingly being adopted for use in optogenetic constructs. Despite this, much remains to be resolved on the mechanism of their activation. The advent of unnatural amino acid mutagenesis opens up a new toolbox for the study of protein structural dynamics. The tryptophan analogue, 7-aza-Trp (7AW) was incorporated in the BLUF domain of the Activation of Photopigment and pucA (AppA) photoreceptor in order to investigate the functional dynamics of the crucial W104 residue during photoactivation of the protein. The 7-aza modification to Trp makes selective excitation possible using 310 nm excitation and 380 nm emission, separating the signals of interest from other Trp and Tyr residues. We used Förster energy transfer (FRET) between 7AW and the flavin to estimate the distance between Trp and flavin in both the light- and dark-adapted states in solution. Nanosecond fluorescence anisotropy decay and picosecond fluorescence lifetime measurements for the flavin revealed a rather dynamic picture for the tryptophan residue. In the dark-adapted state, the major population of W104 is pointing away from the flavin and can move freely, in contrast to previous results reported in the literature. Upon blue-light excitation, the dominant tryptophan population is reorganized, moves closer to the flavin occupying a rigidly bound state participating in the hydrogen-bond network around the flavin molecule

    Development of clinical simultaneous SPECT/MRI

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    There is increasing clinical use of combined positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) but to date there has been no clinical system developed capable of simultaneous single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and MRI. There has been development of preclinical systems, but there are several challenges faced by researchers who are developing a clinical prototype including the need for the system to be compact and stationary with MRI-compatible components. The limited work in this area is described with specific reference to the Integrated SPECT/MRI for Enhanced stratification in Radio-chemo Therapy (INSERT) project, which is at an advanced stage of developing a clinical prototype. Issues of SPECT/MRI compatibility are outlined and the clinical appeal of such a system is discussed, especially in the management of brain tumour treatment