16,554 research outputs found

    Cosmological production of H_2 before the formation of the first galaxies

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    Previous calculations of the pregalactic chemistry have found that a small amount of H_2, x[H_2]=n[H_2]/n[H] = 2.6e-6, is produced catalytically through the H^-, H_2^+, and HeH^+ mechanisms. We revisit this standard calculation taking into account the effects of the nonthermal radiation background produced by cosmic hydrogen recombination, which is particularly effective at destroying H^- via photodetachment. We also take into consideration the non-equilibrium level populations of H_2^+, which occur since transitions among the rotational-vibrational levels are slow compared to photodissociation. The new calculation predicts a final H_2 abundance of x[H_2] = 6e-7 for the standard cosmology. This production is due almost entirely to the H^- mechanism, with ~1 per cent coming from HeH^+ and ~0.004 per cent from H_2^+. We evaluate the heating of the diffuse pregalactic gas from the chemical reactions that produce H_2 and from rotational transitions in H_2, and find them to be negligible.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, MNRAS submitte

    Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields and cancer: the epidemiologic evidence.

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    This paper reviews the epidemiologic evidence that low frequency electromagnetic fields generated by alternating current may be a cause of cancer. Studies examining residential exposures of children and adults and studies of electrical and electronics workers are reviewed. Using conventional epidemiologic criteria for inferring causal associations, including strength and consistency of the relationship, biological plausibility, and the possibility of bias as an explanation, it is concluded that the evidence is strongly suggestive that such radiation is carcinogenic. The evidence is strongest for brain and central nervous system cancers in electrical workers and children. Weaker evidence supports an association with leukemia in electrical workers. Some evidence also exists for an association with melanoma in electrical workers. Failure to find consistent evidence of a link between residential exposures and adult cancers may be attributable to exposure misclassification. Studies so far have used imperfect surrogates for any true biologically effective magnetic field exposure. The resulting exposure misclassification has produced relative risk estimates that understate any true risk

    Low cost solar array project 1: Silicon material

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    The low cost production of silicon by deposition of silicon from a hydrogen/chlorosilane mixture is described. Reactor design, reaction vessel support systems (physical support, power control and heaters, and temperature monitoring systems) and operation of the system are reviewed. Testing of four silicon deposition reactors is described, and test data and consequently derived data are given. An 18% conversion of trichlorosilane to silicon was achieved, but average conversion rates were lower than predicted due to incomplete removal of byproduct gases for recycling and silicon oxide/silicon polymer plugging of the gas outlet. Increasing the number of baffles inside the reaction vessel improved the conversion rate. Plans for further design and process improvements to correct the problems encountered are outlined

    Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD) for particle physics and synchrotron applications

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    A new avalanche silicon detector concept is introduced with a low gain in the region of ten, known as a Low Gain Avalanche Detector, LGAD. The detector's characteristics are simulated via a full process simulation to obtain the required doping profiles which demonstrate the desired operational characteristics of high breakdown voltage (500 V) and a gain of 10 at 200 V reverse bias for X-ray detection. The first low gain avalanche detectors fabricated by Micron Semiconductor Ltd are presented. The doping profiles of the multiplication junctions were measured with SIMS and reproduced by simulating the full fabrication process which enabled further development of the manufacturing process. The detectors are 300 μm thick p-type silicon with a resistivity of 8.5 kΩcm, which fully depletes at 116 V. The current characteristics are presented and demonstrate breakdown voltages in excess of 500 V and a current density of 40 to 100 nAcm−2 before breakdown measured at 20oC. The gain of the LGAD has been measured with a red laser (660 nm) and shown to be between 9 and 12 for an external bias voltage range from 150 V to 300 V

    A search for rotating radio transients and fast radio bursts in the Parkes high-latitude pulsar survey

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    Discoveries of rotating radio transients and fast radio bursts (FRBs) in pulsar surveys suggest that more of such transient sources await discovery in archival data sets. Here we report on a single-pulse search for dispersed radio bursts over a wide range of Galactic latitudes (|b| < 6060^{\circ}) in data previously searched for periodic sources by Burgay et al. We re-detected 20 of the 42 pulsars reported by Burgay et al. and one rotating radio transient reported by Burke-Spolaor. No FRBs were discovered in this survey. Taking into account this result, and other recent surveys at Parkes, we corrected for detection sensitivities based on the search software used in the analyses and the different backends used in these surveys and find that the all-sky FRB event rate for sources with a fluence above 4.0 Jy ms at 1.4 GHz to be R=4.43.1+5.2×103{\cal R} = 4.4^{+5.2}_{-3.1} \times 10^3 FRBs day1^{-1} sky1^{-1}, where the uncertainties represent a 99%99\% confidence interval. While this rate is lower than inferred from previous studies, as we demonstrate, this combined event rate is consistent with the results of all systematic FRB searches at Parkes to date and does not require the need to postulate a dearth of FRBs at intermediate latitudes.Comment: Accepted, 10 pages, 6 figure

    Maternal residential pesticide use and risk of childhood leukemia in Costa Rica.

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    Evidence suggests that early-life exposure to pesticides inside the home may be associated with childhood leukemia, however data from Latin American countries are limited. We examined whether self-reported maternal residential pesticide use and nearby pesticide applications-before and after child's birth-were associated with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in the Costa Rican Childhood Leukemia Study (CRCLS), a population-based case-control study (2001-2003). Cases (n = 251 ALL) were diagnosed between 1995 and 2000 (age &lt;15 years at diagnosis) and were identified through the Costa Rican Cancer Registry and National Children's Hospital. Population controls (n = 577) were drawn from the National Birth Registry. We fitted unconditional logistic regression models adjusted for child sex, birth year, and socioeconomic status to estimate the exposure-outcome associations and also stratified by child sex. We observed that self-reported maternal insecticide use inside the home in the year before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and while breastfeeding was associated with increased odds of ALL among boys [adjusted Odds Ratio (aOR) = 1.63 (95% confidence interval [95% CI]: 1.05-2.53), 1.75 (1.13-2.73), and 1.75 (1.12-2.73), respectively. We also found evidence of exposure-response relationships between more frequent maternal insecticide use inside the home and increased odds of ALL among boys and girls combined. Maternal report of pesticide applications on farms or companies near the home during pregnancy and at any time period were also associated with ALL. Our study in Costa Rica highlights the need for education to minimize pesticide exposures inside and around the home, particularly during pregnancy and breastfeeding

    Ward Round - Late Presentation of Acute Compartment Syndrome in the Thigh

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    A 36 year-old previously healthy and fit man from Thyolo, Malawi, fell from his bicycle. He was seen at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) on the same day and was diagnosed to have a mid shaft transverse fracture of left femur (Fig 2) and an ipsilateral transverse humerus fracture. Both fractureswere closed and there were no other injuries. He had stable vital signs on admission and on subsequent measurements. A U-slab was applied to the humerus fracture. The femur fracture was temporarily immobilized with skin traction and pain was managed with oral ibuprofen 400mg twice daily for5 days. Conservative treatment was agreed upon and he was kept on traction. He was pain free and not taking any analgesia following the course of ibuprofen mentioned. Twelve days after admission he started to complain of increasing pain and tightness in his left thigh. Sensation and motor functio

    Strong Shift Equivalence of CC^*-correspondences

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    We define a notion of strong shift equivalence for CC^*-correspondences and show that strong shift equivalent CC^*-correspondences have strongly Morita equivalent Cuntz-Pimsner algebras. Our analysis extends the fact that strong shift equivalent square matrices with non-negative integer entries give stably isomorphic Cuntz-Krieger algebras.Comment: 26 pages. Final version to appear in Israel Journal of Mathematic

    Probing a non-biaxial behavior of infinitely thin hard platelets

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    We give a criterion to test a non-biaxial behavior of infinitely thin hard platelets of D2hD_{2h} symmetry based upon the components of three order parameter tensors. We investigated the nematic behavior of monodisperse infinitely thin rectangular hard platelet systems by using the criterion. Starting with a square platelet system, and we compared it with rectangular platelet systems of various aspect ratios. For each system, we performed equilibration runs by using isobaric Monte Carlo simulations. Each system did not show a biaxial nematic behavior but a uniaxial nematic one, despite of the shape anisotropy of those platelets. The relationship between effective diameters by simulations and theoretical effective diameters of the above systems was also determined.Comment: Submitted to JPS

    Entropy-induced Microphase Separation in Hard Diblock Copolymers

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    Whereas entropy can induce phase behavior that is as rich as seen in energetic systems, microphase separation remains a very rare phenomenon in entropic systems. In this paper, we present a density functional approach to study the possibility of entropy-driven microphase separation in diblock copolymers. Our model system consists of copolymers composed of freely-jointed slender hard rods. The two types of monomeric segments have comparable lengths, but a significantly different diameter, the latter difference providing the driving force for the phase separation. At the same time these systems can also exhibit liquid crystalline phases. We treat this system in the appropriate generalization of the Onsager approximation to chain-like particles. Using a linear stability (bifurcation) analysis, we analytically determine the onset of the microseparated and the nematic phases for long chains. We find that for very long chains the microseparated phase always preempts the nematic. In the limit of infinitely long chains, the correlations within the chain become Gaussian and the approach becomes exact. This allows us to define a Gaussian limit in which the theory strongly simplifies and the competition between microphase separation and liquid crystal formation can be studied essentially analytically. Our main results are phase diagrams as a function of the effective diameter difference, the segment composition and the length ratio of the segments. We also determine the amplitude of the positional order as a function of position along the chain at the onset of the microphase separation instability. Finally, we give suggestions as to how this type of entropy-induced microphase separation could be observed experimentally.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure