704 research outputs found

    Local Government Crisis Communication Strategy: Case Study of Demands for Arrears in Employee Income Additional Payments

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    In handling the crisis, the Regional Government of Penajam Paser Utara Regency carried out crisis identification first, carried out rapid research into the phenomena that occurred by observing the situation so that crisis management was right on target. Crisis analysis is also carried out, namely the regional government analyzes the data that has been collected to take strategic steps. The crisis communication strategies applied in this crisis case are 1) Diminish strategies, namely by means of justification and excuse strategies, 2) Rebuild strategies, namely by means of compensation, apology, and 3) Reinforcing / Bolstering strategies, namely by means of victimage. There are several factors inhibiting the implementation of crisis communication, including a lack of transparency or openness towards communication carried out by the Regional Government. Researchers recommend forming a team to handle the crisis that occurred. As well as the Regional Government to be more active in communicating or having direct contact with ASN, especially those at staff level

    Komunikasi Antarbudaya Dalam Rangka Akulturasi Masyarakat Islam dan Hindu (Studi Kasus Pada Tradisi Perang Topat di Desa Lingsar, Kecamatan Lingsar, Kabupaten Lombok Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat)

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    Perang Topat di Desa Lingsar, Lombok Barat, menjadi representasi unik dari keberagaman budaya Indonesia. Tradisi ini, dimiliki oleh suku Sasak, berlangsung sejak lama dan memiliki misi perdamaian dalam konteks keberagaman budaya dan kepercayaan. Perang Topat ini dipercaya menjadi simbol perdamaian yang menceritakan damainya masyarakat Lombok Barat yang hidup dalam keberagaman antara umat Islam dan Hindu. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode studi kasus kemudian pendekatan kualitatif dan tipe penelitian deskripif yang melakukan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi langsung, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Dengan teori yang digunakan yaitu teori Anxiety and Uncertainty Theory atau bisa disingkat dengan (AUM) Dalam pembahasan ini, teori Anxiety and Uncertainty Management (AUM) digunakan sebagai landasan untuk memahami dan menganalisis kecemasan pada proses akulturasi melalui komunikasi antarbudaya dalam perang Topat di Desa Lingsar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahwa Desa Lingsar merupakan masyarakat yang kaya akan keberagaman agama dan budaya, menjadi tempat di mana proses berlangsungnya akulturasi dan komunikasi antarbudaya terjadi secara alami. Perang Topat menjadi contoh hidup tentang bagaimana toleransi dapat terwujud melalui komunikasi dan saling memahami. Kesimpulan dari peneltian ini bahwa proses berlangsungnya akulturasi melalui komunikasi antarbudaya di Desa Lingsar juga sangat berpengaruh di acara Perang Topat sehingga proses komunikasi antar kedua belah pihak sangat intens sehingga membuat mereka saling memahami dan saling mengerti. Kemudian Jika dikaitkan dengan teori yang dipilih yaitu teori Anxiety and Uncertainty Theory (AUM) ini, peneliti dapat menyimpulkan bahwa meskipun Perang Topat ini dijadikan simbol perdmaian antar umat beragama namun masih ada kecemasasan dan ketidakpastian dari informan, karena masih ada masyarakat Desa Lingsar yang menggunakan telur busuk. Meskipun terdapat kecemasan dan ketidakpastian terkait penggunaan telur busuk yang dapat memicu emosi selama Perang Topat, namun secara keseluruhan tidak ada kekhawatiran besar terkait dengan gesekan serius, namun rasa kecemasan dan ketidakpastian itu terus ada. Kata Kunci: Akulturasi, Komunikasi Antarbudaya, Perang Topat di Desa Lingsar

    Analisis Studi Efektivitas Model Promosi Produk BTPN WOW Pada Bank BTPN Sulsel Cabang Makassar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis efektifitas model promosi produk BTPN WOW pada bank BTPN Sulsel. Penelitian yang digunakan dalam rancangan penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, sedangkan metode analisis datanyamenggunakan analisis deskriptif, karena pada penelitian ini penulis mendesjripsikan model promosi yang digunakan oleh Bank BTPN Sulsel cabang Makassar dalam memasarkan produk BTPN WOW menggunakan lima model promosi yaitu Advertising/periklanan, selain itu menggunakan model sales promotion/promosi penjualan, personal selling sebagai komunikasi dua arah, model promosi word of mouth (WOM) dan publisitas

    English Dictionary Ownership and Usage among the Acehnese Students in Malaysian University

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    In academic, students, teacher and researcher may need English dictionary as an urge to comprehend English literature. This study is conducted mainly to find out what kind of the most used dictionary by student and what aspect do they learn about from an English dictionary. The result of this study verifies the conclusion of Jian, et al. (2009), Kobayashi (2008), Bower & Mcmillan (2006), Perry (2003) and Tang (1997) studies about the preference of electronic dictionary in student of Kanda University, Japan. On the other hand it is confirming the declaration of the studies of Al- Khub (2001) and Diab & Hamdan (1999) that students use the dictionary more to find the meaning of specific word. Besides, they prefer to use new technology where they not only can find the meaning, but also syntax, pronunciation etc on just finger tips (Vivian & Barnes, 2010) And Aceh students (the respondents) as the scholars in UPSI use dictionary regularly and every one of them have at least one kind of dictionary. It can be concluded that they are ready to adopt English as their secondary language and can progress towards excellence by understand English literature of respective subject. Keywords: English Dictionary Ownership, English Dictionary Ownership, Aceh, Acehnese Students, Malaysian University

    Perbandingan Metode Regresi Logistik Biner Dan Metode Backpropagation Dalam Menentukan Model Terbaik Untuk Klasifikasi Pengguna Program Keluarga Berencana

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    Indonesia is one of the highest population density in the world has high birth level. One of the regulation to get the population density lower than before that is used by Government is Family Planning Program. On the reality, not all of the productive age join this program. The method is Binary Logistic Regression and Backpropagation. The predictor variables that is researched are husband's age, wife's age, age of the last child, count of children, husband's education, wife's education, husband's job, wife's job and the level of family prosperity. The aim of the research is to compare the classification accuracy between Binary Logistic Regression and Backpropagation. The result of the research by binary logistic regression method, shows the variables that affect the status of KB user is age of the last child and wife's education with the classification accuracy are 66.98%, and the classification accuracy of Backpropagation are 67,30%. The conclution based on the research that is the Backpropagation is better than Binary Logistic Regression when classification the status of KB user in Semarang on March 2013 until Januari 2014

    Sistem Penghitungan Data Pihak Ketiga (DPK) Pada Tabungan Mudharabah di BMT al-Inayah Garut

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    BMT merupakan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Syariah, yang operasionalnya berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip Syariah, Prinsip syariah pada BMT terimplementasi pada Produk-produk berbasis syariah, yang mana operasionalnya harus berdasarkan ketentuan-ketentuan syariat Islam khususnya yang menyangkut tatacara bermuamalah secara Islam. Dan juga bagaimana BMT menghimpun dana dari Masyarakat serta perhitungan bagi hasil atas keijasama Bank dan Nasabah dalam akad mudharabah. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriftif yaitu menafsirkan dan menguraikan data yang di peroleh mengenai Penghimpunan Dana Pihak Ketiga dan sistem Perhitungan bagi hasil Tabungan Mudharabah di BMT Al-Tnayah. Data yang dikumpulkan merupakan data primer dan sekunder, adapun tehnik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah studi lapangan dalam bentuk wawancara, sedangkan tehnik pengolahan data, metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriftif, yang merupakan gambaran keadaan perusahaan berdasarkan fakta dan informasi yang aktual. Penghimpunan Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK) BMT Al-Tnayah terimplementasi pada produk Tabungan Mudharabah dan Deposito Mudharabah, system operasional syari’ah teraplikasi pada akad Prinsip Wadiah dan prinsip Mudharabah. Dalam akad Mudharabah terbagi dalam dua bagian yaitu : Mudharabah Mutlaqoh dan Mudharabah Muqoyyadah, dalam tabungan Mdharabah termasuk pada Mudharabah Mutlaqoh, BMT berwenang dalam menginventasikan dana tersebut. Dana tersebut harus dikelola dengan penuh amanah dan Istiqomah, dalam system perhitungan berprinsip mampu menghasilkan laba sebesar-besamya baik untuk nasabah ataupun untuk BMT yang berdasarkan ketentuan-ketentuan syariat Islam dalam bermuamalah. Dari hasil penelitian penghimpunan dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK) di BMT Al- Tnayah masih kurang optimal, karenakan kurangnya aplikasi produk-produk yang implementasinya pada penghimpunan dana. Dan dalam perhitungan bagi hasil khususnya pada Tabungan Mudharabah BMT mampu menghasilkan laba baik untuk Nasabah ataupun untuk BMT sendiri

    Maternal and foetal outcome of acute kidney injury in pregnancy single centre experience from North India

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    Background: The diagnosis and treatment of acute kidney injury in pregnancy is a challenge to the physician as various pathophysiological changes take place during pregnancy, variability of symptoms and occasionally overlapping laboratory and clinical features. The occurrences of feto-maternal mortality associated with it decreased in developing nations due to increased prenatal and postnatal care and improved medical facilities. This study was undertaken to provide insight into feto-maternal outcome in patients presenting with acute kidney injury (AKI) during pregnancy. Methods: This was an open label prospective hospital-based cohort study comprising patients admitted in obstetrics and nephrology wards, presenting with AKI and no known chronic illnesses prior to pregnancy. Following criteria were used to diagnose AKI during pregnancy: (a) Elevation of S. creatinine ≥ 1 mg/dl; (b) Oligo-anuria for ≥ 12 hours and (c) Need for RRT. 50 such cases were enrolled in the study. Results: Out of all patients enrolled, majority (60%) had improved renal function, 16% expired, and 24% had no recovery in renal function. Out of all patients taken for haemodialysis, 20% of patients had improved renal function, 20% expired and 60% had no recovery in renal function. Mean S. creatinine on 3 months follow-up in conservative group found-1.67±1.31 mg/dl. 60% pregnancies resulted in the birth of a live baby and rest resulted in foetal loss. Conclusions: In our study, it was found that acute kidney injury in pregnancy results in significant feto-maternal mortality and morbidity. Those patients, who had significant renal derangement and concomitant complications, had poorer outcome

    Oil Palm Empty Bunches Bioconversion Using Trichoderma sp. and Black Soldier Fly Larvae As Poultry Feed Composition

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    Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB) is palm oil industry waste which has very large volume compared with another commodity of agro-industry waste in Indonesia. Trichoderma sp. and Larva Black Soldier Fly (BSF) with bioconversion method can be used as probelem resolve of EFB. The EFB material was obtained from Palm Oil Factory in Banten. EFB was researched in Indonesian Ornamental Fish Culture Research Institute in Depok and the result test was taken at the Laboratory of Animal Science and Technology of Bogor Agricultural University. The percentage of Trichoderma sp. fermentation (5%, 10% and 20% ) affected EFB palatability of BSF larvae and the fermented EFB with 10 % of Trichoderma sp. has a feasibility to be used as medium of BSF larvae with yield of 73.28 gram on day 4 th from the initial weight of mini larvae BSF 5 grams. At the bioconversion stage using BSF larvae with a dose of 10% Trichoderma sp. (5 gram, 15 gram and 25 gram) was obtained significant result on the initial weight of mini larvae 5 gram to 230.34 gram from fermented EFB weight of 550 gram on day 8th  , so that the average yield of average larvae was obtained By 39%. Result of proximate test of larvae on dry condition 100% obtained crude protein content (PK) 35.40 - 42.31% and crude fats (LK) 3.33 – 36.41%. Therefore, by using this test result, it will be possible to be used as poultry feed ingredient candidate in the future

    Perancangan dan Pembuatan Sistem Penebar Pakan Ikan Jenis Pasta Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroler At89s51

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    Indonesia is an agricultural country with abundant natural resources, including fishery. Fishermen are found almost throughout parts of Indonesia with different size pool or pond. Manually feeding is ineffective because of the number of fish's food used was not always fixed even if it takes a long time feeding evenly throughout the pool. Spreader tool forage fish species AT89S51 microcontroller-based pasta has been made to provide the feed of pasta with fixed volumes levelled DC motor based machine
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