451 research outputs found

    Bibliometric Analysis of Psychomotricity Research Trends: The Current Role of Childhood

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    Psychomotricity is a wide broad term, which encompasses different bodily action approaches to support children and adolescents to achieve their highest potential. A search on the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection database was performed on this topic, using traditional bibliometric laws. Finally, 118 publications (112 articles and 6 reviews) documents were found. Annual publications presented an exponentially growing trend (R2 = 84.7%). Spain was the most productive country/region worldwide. Paola Magioncalda, Matteo Martino y Víctor Arufe Giraldez were highlighted as the most prolific co-authors. “Retos Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación” was the most productive journal and the “International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health”, was the second most productive; the third in the list was the most productive in the JCR ranking. Thus, research on psychomotricity is experiencing exponential growth, causing this topic to generate great interest among researchers, publishers and journals. The most cited paper was “Neurocognitive Effects of Alcohol Hangover”. The author keywords that were first raised together with psychomotricity were related to rehabilitation and psychomotor development, while the current trend was focused on physical activity and early childhood education

    ReacciĂłn del precio de las acciones a los cambios de estructura de capital en empresas chilenas: Examinando los efectos de la estructura de propiedad, oportunidades de crecimiento y leverage

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    We analyzed the effects of ownership structure, capital structure and growth opportunities on stock price reactions when companies issued debt or equity.Our results, based on event study methodology and IV regressions from a sample of 70 Chilean firms, indicate that controlling shareholder ownership has a negative effect on stock price reactions for debt issuances and a positive effect for equity issuance. These results indicate that debt issuances are a substitute for majority shareholder monitoring, and that equity issuances are associated with superior corporate performance. Equity issuances are a means for expropriating wealth from non-controlling shareholders. Debt and growth opportunities have a non-linear effect.En este artĂ­culo analizamos los efectos de la estructura de propiedad, estructura de capital y las oportunidades de crecimiento sobre la reacciĂłn del precio delas acciones cuando las empresas emiten deuda o capital. Nuestros resultados, basados en la metodologĂ­a de anĂĄlisis de eventos y regresiones IV sobre unamuestra de 70 empresas chilenas, indican que la propiedad de los accionistas controladores tiene un efecto negativo en la reacciĂłn del precio de las acciones cuando las empresas emiten deuda y positivo cuando emiten acciones. Este resultado indica que las emisiones de deuda son un sustituto del control mayoritario de los accionistas y las emisiones de capital se asocian con un mayor desempeño corporativo. Las emisiones de capital son un medio para expropiar riqueza de los accionistas no controladores. Las oportunidades de deuda y crecimiento tienen un efecto no lineal

    ReacciĂłn del precio de las acciones a los cambios de estructura de capital en empresas chilenas: Examinando los efectos de la estructura de propiedad, oportunidades de crecimiento y leverage

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    We analyzed the effects of ownership structure, capital structure and growth opportunities on stock price reactions when companies issued debt or equity. Our results, based on event study methodology and IV regressions from a sample of 70 Chilean firms, indicate that controlling shareholder ownership has a negative effect on stock price reactions for debt issuances and a positive effect for equity issuance. These results indicate that debt issuances are a substitute for majority shareholder monitoring, and that equity issuances are associated with superior corporate performance. Equity issuances are a means for expropriating wealth from non-controlling shareholders. Debt and growth opportunities have a non-linear effect.En este artículo analizamos los efectos de la estructura de propiedad, estructura de capital y las oportunidades de crecimiento sobre la reacción del precio de las acciones cuando las empresas emiten deuda o capital. Nuestros resultados, basados en la metodología de anålisis de eventos y regresiones IV sobre una muestra de 70 empresas chilenas, indican que la propiedad de los accionistas controladores tiene un efecto negativo en la reacción del precio de las acciones cuando las empresas emiten deuda y positivo cuando emiten acciones. Este resultado indica que las emisiones de deuda son un sustituto del control mayoritario de los accionistas y las emisiones de capital se asocian con un mayor desempeño corporativo. Las emisiones de capital son un medio para expropiar riqueza de los accionistas no controladores. Las oportunidades de deuda y crecimiento tienen un efecto no lineal

    Efeitos da propriedade estrangeira e das Normas Internacionais de Relato Financeiro no vencimento da dĂ­vida em empresas chilenas

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    The objective of this article is to determine the effects of foreign ownership and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on debt maturity in Chilean companies. The study uses a fractional response model (FRM) on 20,586 companies. The results show foreign ownership has a negative and non-linear effect. Foreign ownership in Chilean firms is a substitute control means in relation to long-term debt. IFRS reduces maturity in large companies and extends them in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). These results suggest it is more important for large firms to control agency conflicts, while it is more important for SMEs to reduce information asymmetry.El objetivo de este artĂ­culo es determinar los efectos de la propiedad extranjera y de las Normas Internacionales de InformaciĂłn Financiera (NIIF) sobre la madurez de la deuda en las empresas chilenas. En el estudio se utiliza un modelo de respuesta fraccional (MRF) sobre 20.586 empresas. Los resultados demuestran que la propiedad extranjera tiene un efecto negativo y no lineal, transformĂĄndose en un medio de control sustituto en relaciĂłn con la deuda de largo plazo. Las NIIF reducen la madurez en empresas grandes y la extiende en las pequeñas y medianas empresas (Pymes). Estos resultados sugieren que para las firmas grandes es mĂĄs importante controlar conflictos de agencia, mientras que para las Pymes es mĂĄs importante reducir las asimetrĂ­as de informaciĂłn.O objetivo deste artigo Ă© determinar os efeitos da propriedade estrangeira e das Normas Internacionais de Relato Financeiro (IFRS) no ven- cimento da dĂ­vida em empresas chilenas. O estudo utiliza um Modelo de Resposta FracionĂĄria (MRF) em 20.586 empresas. Os resultados mostram que a propriedade estrangeira tem efeito negativo e nĂŁo linear, tornando-se um meio de controle substituto em relação Ă  dĂ­vida de longo prazo. O IFRS reduz a maturidade em grandes empresas e as estende em Pequenas e MĂ©dias Empresas (PMEs). Esses resultados sugerem que, para grandes empresas, Ă© mais importante controlar conflitos entre agĂȘncias, enquanto para as PMEs Ă© mais importante reduzir as assimetrias de informaçÔes

    Tuberculosis en ovino: epidemiología, patología y evaluación de técnicas diagnósticas

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    5 påginas, 2 tablas, 1 figura.--Trabajo presentado al: XL Congreso Nacional y el XVI Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia. (Castellón de la Plana, España, 16-18 septiembre 2015).Peer Reviewe

    Reliability of 4-m and 6-m walking speed tests in elderly people with cognitive impairment

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    [Abstract] The purpose of this study was to evaluate the interrater and test–retest reliability of 4-m and 6-m walking speed tests in elderly people with cognitive impairment. 50 subjects aged 65 and over with cognitive impairment were selected from an adult day-care centre and a nursing home. To examine interrater reliability, 21 people were evaluated independently by two researchers who administered the 4-m and 6-m walking tests in each evaluation. For test–retest reliability, two observers administered the tests to the same 29 subjects, with a time interval of one week. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were calculated to examine interrater and test–retest reliability. The ICCs for interrater reliability reached values of 0.96 and 0.88 for the 4-m and 6-m walking tests, respectively. In the test–retest study, the time interval was 7.4 1.17 days. The ICCs were 0.91 for the 4-m test and 0.86 for the 6-m test. The results support the use of walking tests in elderly people with cognitive impairment

    Three Dimensional Lattice-Boltzmann Model for Electrodynamics

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    In this paper we introduce a novel 3D Lattice-Boltzmann model that recovers in the continuous limit the Maxwell equations in materials. In order to build conservation equations with antisymmetric tensors, like the Faraday law, the model assigns four auxiliary vectors to each velocity vector. These auxiliary vectors, when combined with the distribution functions, give the electromagnetic fields. The evolution is driven by the usual BGK collision rule, but with a different form for the equilibrium distribution functions. This LBGK model allows us to consider for both dielectrics and conductors with realistic parameters, and therefore it is adequate to simulate the most diverse electromagnetic problems, like the propagation of electromagnetic waves (both in dielectric media and in waveguides), the skin effect, the radiation pattern of a small dipole antenna and the natural frequencies of a resonant cavity, all with 2% accuracy. Actually, it shows to be one order of magnitude faster than the original FDTD formulation by Yee to reach the same accuracy. It is, therefore, a valuable alternative to simulate electromagnetic fields and opens lattice Boltzmann for a broad spectrum of new applications in electrodynamics. In this paper we develop a 3D Lattice-Boltzmann model that recovers in the continuous limit the Maxwell equations for macroscopic mediums. The model can sucessfully reproduces the propagation of the electromagnetic waves in dielectric mediums and waveguide, the skin effect, the electrical dipole radiation and the electromagnetic response of a resonant cavity.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Steady-State 3D Trapping and Manipulation of Microbubbles Using Thermocapillary

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    [EN] An experimental and theoretical study on the 3D trapping and manipulation of microbubbles by means low power laser-induced temperature gradients induced in ethanol by bulk light absorption (¿ 1550 nm) is presented. Two optical fibers were used: One for bubble generation (OFG) and the other for both trapping and manipulation (OFT). Light from a Q-switched pulsed laser (¿ 532 nm and pulse width ¿p 5 ns) propagates in fiber OFG and gets absorbed at silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), previously photodeposited, at the distal end of a fiber optic core, generating the microbubbles. In the fiber OFT, light of low power CW laser was used to trap and manipulate the bubbles by thermocapillary induced by light bulk absorption in ethanol. The microbubble generated on OFG migrates toward the fiber OFT. The equilibrium between the buoyancy force FB, drag force FD and the Marangoni force (also known as thermocapillary force) FM gives rise to a 3D stably trapping and manipulation of the microbubble for the best time to our best knowledge.This work was supported by CONACyT through the grant number A1-S-28440.Muñoz-Pérez, FM.; Ortega-Mendoza, JG.; Padilla-Vivanco, A.; Toxqui-Quitl, C.; Sarabia-Alonso, J.; Ramos-García, R. (2020). Steady-State 3D Trapping and Manipulation of Microbubbles Using Thermocapillary. Frontiers in Physics. 8. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphy.2020.585590

    Level of Physical Activity and Its Relationship to Self-Perceived Physical Fitness in Peruvian Adolescents

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    Background: Physical activity and physical fitness play an important role in adolescence. Both are considered to be indicators of the current and future health status of young adults. The main objective of this article was to report the normative values of the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents (PAQ-A) and the International Fitness Scale (IFIS) instruments in Peruvian school adolescents. Methods: A sample of 1229 participants (622 girls and 607 boys) aged between 12 and 17 years was used. The type of study was descriptive-comparative. All measures used were obtained by means of self-administered instruments. The PAQ-A was used to assess the level of physical activity and the IFIS to assess the self-perceived physical fitness level of the adolescents. Results: It was observed that the PAQ-A questionnaire results obtained from the total sample was 2.34; significantly higher for boys (2.41) compared with girls (2.27). For the IFIS, the total score was 3.07, with boys obtaining 3.13 and girls 2.97. Conclusions: It was concluded that there was a direct relationship between the level of PA and self-perceived PF in Peruvian adolescents. Furthermore, adolescent boys were more physically active than girls and they had a better self-perceived PF with the exception of flexibility. Finally, there was a higher weight category involved at the lower level of PA
