199 research outputs found

    The tribological behaviour of skin equivalent materials and ex-vivo human skin during sliding contact with artificial turf

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    The use of synthetic materials for outdoor and indoor sport fields has increased over the last decades. Artificial turfs, commonly used on football fields, are basically infilled with recycled crumb rubber derived from old tires, the main of which are NBR (acrylonitrile butadiene rubber) and SBR (styrene-butadiene rubber) with fibers usually made of Polyethylene (PE) or Nylon. The use of these polymers for artificial turf designing purposes has caused controversy to whether their impact in human health, especially in skin abrasions during players sliding on the artificial turf. We have studied the tribological performance of different artificial human skin and real human skin against NBR, PE and Nylon 6.6 at different environmental conditions: normal conditions (25 ˚C and 50% of relative humidity) and high humidity conditions (37 ˚C and 80% of relative humidity) and forces of 2 and 4 N to achieve the association between friction and skin damage. The applied forces correspond to a range of pressures of 121 to 175 kPa and the experiments were conducted at 50 mm/s. The friction coefficient was obtained for different artificial skin samples: Lorica, Silicone L7350, pure PDMS, Cutinova and ESE (an epidermal skin equivalent developed by us), and these results were compared to those obtained from excised human skin samples obtained from healthy people after a surgery carried out at the Radboud Hospital of Nijmegen. Later on the human skin samples were analyzed with confocal microscopy and histological images to study the case of the surface properties of skin and determine any possible damage on the Stratum Corneum related to the tribological tests

    A multifaceted provider-centred intervention versus usual care to improve the recognition and diagnosis of depression in primary health care: a hybrid study

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    Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of a multifaceted intervention to implement an adapted guideline for the management of depression in primary health care. Methods: A hybrid trial was carried out to determine the effect of a multicomponent provider centred intervention to improve the detection and diagnosis of depression in primary care, as part of the guideline implementation process, and to collect information about barriers and facilitators in a real-world context. Before the multicomponent intervention, a descriptive cross-sectional study was performed to assess the population prevalence of depression in the participating health centres and to detect possible differences. Subsequently, a quasi experimental two-phase study was carried out with a concurrent control group to assess the impact of the multicomponent intervention on the main outcomes (detection of depression, evaluation of its severity and the use of structured methods to support the diagnosis). Results: Nine-hundred seventy-four patients took part in the first phase. According to their clinical records, the prevalence of depression ranged from 7.2% to 7.9%, and there were no significant differences between the health centres scheduled to receive the intervention and those in the control group. In the experimental phase, 797 randomly selected participants received the multicomponent intervention. Adjusted multivariable analysis performed before the implementation revealed no significant differences in depression between the experimental and control groups. However, after the intervention, modest but significant differences were observed, which persisted at 1 year after the intervention. Conclusions: A multicomponent intervention for the implementation of a clinical guideline for the management of depression in primary care produced improvements in the identification of depression and in the degree of severity recorded.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga

    Eficacia de la alta presión hidrostática como tratamiento cuarentenario para mejorar la calidad de los frutos del mango infestados por la mosca de la fruta Mexicana Anastrepha ludens

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    High hydrostatic pressure (HPP) has been reported as an alternative quarantine process in fruits infested by Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann, Rhagoletis indifferens Curran and Cydia pomonella (L.). In Mexico and other Latin-American countries, the Mexican fruit fly Anastrepha ludens Loew is one of the most important insects infesting mangoes, citrus, and other fruits. The present study aimed to determine the effect of pressure level and time on the survival of eggs and larvae of the Mexican fruit fly. Eggs and larvae were pressurized at 25, 50, 75, 100, or 150 MPa for 0, 5, 10 or 20 min at 25 8C. Ripe and green mangoes were also pressurized under the same conditions. On pressurized eggs of 1, 2, 3, and 4 days old, their ability to hatch was recorded. On pressurized first, second and third instars, the percentage of survival was registered. Furthermore, third instars were studied for their ability to pupate and to develop adults. The results showed that although most of eggs and larvae died at pressures lower than 100 MPa, some of them were able to survive even at 150 MPa, and a few third instars were able to pupate and to develop to adulthood. Green mangoes were affected by pressures above 75 MPa but they were more resistant than ripe mangoes. HPP treatments seem to be feasible as a quarantine process for mangoes; however, more studies, such as combining HPP with temperature treatments, are needed in order to decrease the pressure level to avoid fruit damageLa alta presión hidrostática ha sido descrita como un proceso de cuarentena alternativa en frutas infestadas por Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann, Rhagoletis indifferens Curran y Cydia pomonella (L.). En México y otros países Latinoamericanos, la mosca de la fruta mexicana Anastrepha ludens Loew es uno de los más importantes insectos que infestan los mangos, cítricos y otras frutas. El presente estudio tuvo como meta determinar el efecto del nivel de presión y tiempo sobre la supervivencia de huevos y larvas de la mosca de la fruta mexicana. Huevos y larvas se presurizaron a 25, 50, 75, 100, y 150 MPa durante 0, 5, 10, y 20 min a 25 8C. Mangos maduros y verdes también se presurizaron bajo las mismas condiciones. En huevos presurizados de uno, dos, tres y cuatro días de vida, se registró su capacidad para eclosionar. En primera, segunda y tercera etapa larvaria presurizada, el porcentaje de supervivencia también se registró. Además, en la tercera etapa larvaria se estudió su capacidad para salir de la crisálida y desarrollar adultos. Los resultados mostraron que aunque la mayoría de los huevos y larvas murieron a presiones por debajo de 100 MPa, algunos de ellos fueron capaces de sobrevivir aun a 150 MPa, y unas pocas larvas de tercera etapa fueron capaces de salir de la crisálida y desarrollar adultos. Los mangos verdes se vieron afectados por las presiones por encima de 75 MPa pero fueron más resistentes que los mangos maduros. Los tratamientos de alta presión hidrostática parecen ser un proceso viable como método cuarentenario para mangos, sin embargo, se necesitan más estudios tales como la combinación de alta presión hidrostática junto con tratamientos térmicos para disminuir los niveles de presión y evitar daños en la frutaThe authors are grateful to Fondo Mixto CONACYT –Gobierno del Estado de Tamaulipas for the financial support of this work (Project TAMPS-2003-C02-15), to CONACYT for the scholarship granted to author Hugo Ernesto CandelarioS

    Sertoli cell-specific ablation of miR-17-92 cluster significantly alters whole testis transcriptome without apparent phenotypic effects

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    MicroRNAs are frequently organized into polycistronic clusters whose transcription is controlled by a single promoter. The miR-17-92 cluster is expressed in most embryonic and postnatal organs. It is a potent oncogene associated to several types of cancer and it is involved in several important developmental processes. In the testis, expression of the miR- 17-92 cluster in the germ cells is necessary to maintain normal spermatogenesis. This cluster is also expressed in Sertoli cells (the somatic cells of the seminiferous tubules), which require miRNAs for correct cell development and survival. To study the possible role of miR- 17-92 in Sertoli cell development and function and, in order to overcome the postnatal lethality of miR-17-92-/ mice, we conditionally deleted it in embryonic Sertoli cells shortly after the sex determination stage using an Amh-Cre allele. Mutant mice developed apparently normal testes and were fertile, but their testis transcriptomes contained hundreds of moderately deregulated genes, indicating that testis homeostasis is tightly controlled in mammals and that miR-17-92 expression in Sertoli cells contribute to maintain normal gene expression levels, but is unnecessary for testis development and function. Our results show that significant deregulation of hundreds of genes might have no functional consequences.This work was supported by grants from the Andalusian Government, Junta de Andalucía, BIO-109 to R. Jiménez and P11-CVI-7291 to M. Burgos and grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CGL2011-23368 and CGL2015-67108-P) to R. Jiménez and F.J. Barrionuevo. The authors would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the 'Ramón y Cajal' fellowship granted to F.D. Carmona (RYC-2014-16458) and the 'FPU' PhD fellowship granted to A. Hurtado

    Sistema de seguimiento y análisis de la calidad del agua para consumo humano mediante el estudio de la respuesta comportamental en peces expuestos a sustancias tóxicas

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    Behavioral alterations can be assessed as variables for sublethal toxicity tests, and serve as a tool for environmental risk assessment and analysis of toxicological impact. In order to investigate contaminant-induced behavioral alterations in fish, a video analysis system was designed to obtain relevant behavioral variables. Data from fish exposed to a reference toxicant, organophosphorus pesticide chlorpyrifos, are presented to exemplify alterations in fish behavior associated with exposure to this pesticide. The developed system provides valuable information on parameters associated with fish behavior and can be used to identify characteristic behavioral responses to a variety of toxicants and assist in risk assessment.La obtención de variables relacionadas con cambios comportamentales en los estudios sobre los efectos subletales de sustancias tóxicas en animales, constituyen una herramienta fundamental para la evaluación del riesgo ambiental y el análisis del impacto de sustancias tóxicas. En el presente trabajo se presenta un sistema de seguimiento y análisis mediante técnicas de visión artificial que permite cuantificar alteraciones en el comportamiento en peces expuestos a concentraciones subletales de sustancias tóxicas. El sistema permite la obtención de una serie de variables comportamentales a partir de un grupo de peces expuestos a una sustancia tóxica, en este caso el insecticida organofosforado clorpirifos, que posteriormente son analizadas para comprobar su desviación frente a un grupo control. Los resultados obtenidos muestran como las variables registradas proporcionan información muy valiosa sobre el comportamiento en peces y constatan que dicho sistema puede ser utilizado para caracterizar las respuestas comportamentales frente a la exposición de sustancias tóxicas y en la evaluación del riesgo ambiental

    Progression of regional lung strain and heterogeneity in lung injury: assessing the evolution under spontaneous breathing and mechanical ventilation

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    Indexación ScopusBackground: Protective mechanical ventilation (MV) aims at limiting global lung deformation and has been associated with better clinical outcomes in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patients. In ARDS lungs without MV support, the mechanisms and evolution of lung tissue deformation remain understudied. In this work, we quantify the progression and heterogeneity of regional strain in injured lungs under spontaneous breathing and under MV. Methods: Lung injury was induced by lung lavage in murine subjects, followed by 3 h of spontaneous breathing (SB-group) or 3 h of low Vt mechanical ventilation (MV-group). Micro-CT images were acquired in all subjects at the beginning and at the end of the ventilation stage following induction of lung injury. Regional strain, strain progression and strain heterogeneity were computed from image-based biomechanical analysis. Three-dimensional regional strain maps were constructed, from which a region-of-interest (ROI) analysis was performed for the regional strain, the strain progression, and the strain heterogeneity. Results: After 3 h of ventilation, regional strain levels were significantly higher in 43.7% of the ROIs in the SB-group. Significant increase in regional strain was found in 1.2% of the ROIs in the MV-group. Progression of regional strain was found in 100% of the ROIs in the SB-group, whereas the MV-group displayed strain progression in 1.2% of the ROIs. Progression in regional strain heterogeneity was found in 23.4% of the ROIs in the SB-group, while the MV-group resulted in 4.7% of the ROIs showing significant changes. Deformation progression is concurrent with an increase of non-aerated compartment in SB-group (from 13.3% ± 1.6% to 37.5% ± 3.1%), being higher in ventral regions of the lung. Conclusions: Spontaneous breathing in lung injury promotes regional strain and strain heterogeneity progression. In contrast, low Vt MV prevents regional strain and heterogeneity progression in injured lungs. © 2020, The Author(s).https://annalsofintensivecare.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s13613-020-00725-

    Measuring phased-array antenna beampatterns with high dynamic range for the Murchison Widefield Array using 137MHz ORBCOMM satellites

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    Detection of the fluctuations in a 21 cm line emission from neutral hydrogen during the Epoch of Reionization in thousand hour integrations poses stringent requirements on calibration and image quality, both of which necessitate accurate primary beam models. The Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) uses phased-array antenna elements which maximize collecting area at the cost of complexity. To quantify their performance, we have developed a novel beam measurement system using the 137 MHz ORBCOMM satellite constellation and a reference dipole antenna. Using power ratio measurements, we measure the in situ beampattern of the MWA antenna tile relative to that of the reference antenna, canceling the variation of satellite flux or polarization with time. We employ angular averaging to mitigate multipath effects (ground scattering) and assess environmental systematics with a null experiment in which the MWA tile is replaced with a second-reference dipole. We achieve beam measurements over 30 dB dynamic range in beam sensitivity over a large field of view (65% of the visible sky), far wider and deeper than drift scans through astronomical sources allow. We verify an analytic model of the MWA tile at this frequency within a few percent statistical scatter within the full width at half maximum. Toward the edges of the main lobe and in the sidelobes, we measure tens of percent systematic deviations. We compare these errors with those expected from known beamforming errors

    Sanguinello and Tarocco (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck): Bioactive compounds and colour appearance of blood oranges

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    Sanguinello and Tarocco (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck) are the most common and widespread blood oranges varieties in the Mediterranean climate area. Its interest is increasing mainly due to nutritional and organoleptic properties. In this work, three blood orange varieties cultivated in Spain (Sanguinelli, Tarocco Rosso and Tarocco Ippolito) were characterized in relation to physicochemical parameters and relevant bioactive compounds (vitamin C, organic acids, flavonoids and anthocyanins) as well as colour characterization. All samples showed important vitamin C values (higher than 54.9 mg/100 g of edible portion). Flavonoids represent the largest family of phenolic compounds, being hesperidin, the major flavonoid. Ten different anthocyanins were identified in blood oranges, seven cyanidin derivatives and three delphinidin derivatives, being the most abundant cyanidin 3-(6″-malonylglucoside) and cyanidin 3-glucoside. Blood oranges can show an intense reddish colour in peel whereas the pulp has a yellow-orange colour. Overall, these varieties are good sources of bioactive compounds.Authors are grateful to OTRI UCM-ANECOOP S. Coop. (322-2015) project for financial support, and Dr. Ángel del Pino researcher for samples collection. The authors are also grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology ( FCT , Portugal) and FEDER under Programme PT2020 for financial support to CIMO (UID/AGR/00690/2013) and L. Barros contract; also to FEDER-Interreg España-Portugal programme for financial support through the project 0377_Iberphenol_6_E.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Extrusion Cooking Effect on Carbohydrate Fraction in Novel Gluten-Free Flours Based on Chickpea and Rice

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    Extrusion cooking allows the development of value-added products from pulses, such as gluten-free snacks with added functional properties. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the changes induced by the extrusion process on the carbohydrate fraction (total carbohydrates, soluble sugars and oligosaccharides, dietary fiber, and arabinoxylans) of novel flour formulations based on chickpeas and rice enriched with different dietary fiber sources. Moreover, the influence of the addition of fiber-rich ingredients, such as Fibersol® and passion fruit, on the analyzed compounds was also evaluated. Sucrose was the main soluble sugar found in analyzed formulations, and raffinose was the prevalent oligosaccharide, followed by stachyose. The content of total α-galactosides tended to be higher after extrusion cooking. As a consequence of the extrusion treatment, the content of total and soluble dietary fiber was statistically increased in most of the analyzed samples. In general, no significant changes were observed in total arabinoxylan content as a consequence of the extrusion process, while the content of water-soluble arabinoxylans was significantly increased in extruded formulations. It was observed that the content of total available carbohydrates, stachyose, and water-soluble arabinoxylans were significantly influenced by the addition of passion fruit, Fibersol®, and both. The incorporation of these ingredients in gluten-free formulations based on chickpeas and rice allows one to obtain suitable functional formulations for the development of innovative, gluten-free, extruded snack-type products, which could be an interesting alternative for people with celiac disease