2,096 research outputs found

    Ocular hypertension in myopia: analysis of contrast sensitivity

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    Purpose: we evaluated the evolution of contrast sensitivity reduction in patients affected by ocular hypertension and glaucoma, with low to moderate myopia. We also evaluated the relationship between contrast sensitivity and mean deviation of visual field. Material and methods: 158 patients (316 eyes), aged between 38 and 57 years old, were enrolled and divided into 4 groups: emmetropes, myopes, myopes with ocular hypertension (IOP≄21 ±2 mmHg), myopes with glaucoma. All patients underwent anamnestic and complete eye evaluation, tonometric curves with Goldmann’s applanation tonometer, cup/disc ratio evaluation, gonioscopy by Goldmann’s three-mirrors lens, automated perimetry (Humphrey 30-2 full-threshold test) and contrast sensitivity evaluation by Pelli-Robson charts. A contrast sensitivity under 1,8 Logarithm of the Minimum Angle of Resolution (LogMAR) was considered abnormal. Results: contrast sensitivity was reduced in the group of myopes with ocular hypertension (1,788 LogMAR) and in the group of myopes with glaucoma (1,743 LogMAR), while it was preserved in the group of myopes (2,069 LogMAR) and in the group of emmetropes (1,990 LogMAR). We also found a strong correlation between contrast sensitivity reduction and mean deviation of visual fields in myopes with glaucoma (coefficient relation = 0.86) and in myopes with ocular hypertension (coefficient relation = 0.78). Conclusions: the contrast sensitivity assessment performed by the Pelli-Robson test should be performed in all patients with middle-grade myopia, ocular hypertension and optic disc suspected for glaucoma, as it may be useful in the early diagnosis of the disease. Introduction Contrast can be defined as the ability of the eye to discriminate differences in luminance between the stimulus and the background. The sensitivity to contrast is represented by the inverse of the minimal contrast necessary to make an object visible; the lower the contrast the greater the sensitivity, and the other way around. Contrast sensitivity is a fundamental aspect of vision together with visual acuity: the latter defines the smallest spatial detail that the subject manages to discriminate under optimal conditions, but it only provides information about the size of the stimulus that the eye is capable to perceive; instead, the evaluation of contrast sensitivity provides information not obtainable with only the measurement of visual acuity, as it establishes the minimum difference in luminance that must be present between the stimulus and its background so that the retina is adequately stimulated to perceive the stimulus itself. The clinical methods of examining contrast sensitivity (lattices, luminance gradients, variable-contrast optotypic tables and lowcontrast optotypic tables) relate the two parameters on which the ability to distinctly perceive an object depends, namely the different luminance degree of the two adjacent areas and the spatial frequency, which is linked to the size of the object. The measurement of contrast sensitivity becomes valuable in the diagnosis and follow up of some important eye conditions such as glaucoma. Studies show that contrast sensitivity can be related to data obtained with the visual perimetry, especially with the perimetric damage of the central area and of the optic nerve head

    Spectroscopic survey of M--type asteroids

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    M-type asteroids, as defined in the Tholen taxonomy (Tholen, 1984), are medium albedo bodies supposed to have a metallic composition and to be the progenitors both of differentiated iron-nickel meteorites and enstatite chondrites. We carried out a spectroscopic survey in the visible and near infrared wavelength range (0.4-2.5 micron) of 30 asteroids chosen from the population of asteroids initially classified as Tholen M -types, aiming to investigate their surface composition. The data were obtained during several observing runs during the years 2004-2007 at the TNG, NTT, and IRTF telescopes. We computed the spectral slopes in several wavelength ranges for each observed asteroid, and we searched for diagnostic spectral features. We confirm a large variety of spectral behaviors for these objects as their spectra are extended into the near-infrared, including the identification of weak absorption bands, mainly of the 0.9 micron band tentatively attributed to orthopyroxene, and of the 0.43 micron band that may be associated to chlorites and Mg-rich serpentines or pyroxene minerals such us pigeonite or augite. A comparison with previously published data indicates that the surfaces of several asteroids belonging to the M-class may vary significantly. We attempt to constrain the asteroid surface compositions of our sample by looking for meteorite spectral analogues in the RELAB database and by modelling with geographical mixtures of selected meteorites/minerals. We confirm that iron meteorites, pallasites, and enstatite chondrites are the best matches to most objects in our sample, as suggested for M-type asteroids. The presence of subtle absorption features on several asteroids confirms that not all objects defined by the Tholen M-class have a pure metallic composition.Comment: 10 figures, 6 tables; Icarus, in pres

    Study of Heart Rate Variability in Bipolar Disorder: Linear and Non-Linear Parameters during Sleep.

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    The aim of the study is to define physiological parameters and vital signs that may be related to the mood and mental status in patients affected by bipolar disorder. In particular we explored the autonomic nervous system through the analysis of the heart rate variability. Many different parameters, in the time and in the frequency domain, linear and non-linear were evaluated during the sleep in a group of normal subject and in one patient in four different conditions. The recording of the signals was performed through a wearable sensorized T-shirt. Heart rate variability (HRV) signal and movement analysis allowed also obtaining sleep staging and the estimation of REM sleep percentage over the total sleep time. A group of eight normal females constituted the control group, on which normality ranges were estimated. The pathologic subject was recorded during four different nights, at time intervals of at least 1 week, and during different phases of the disturbance. Some of the examined parameters (MEANNN, SDNN, RMSSD) confirmed reduced HRV in depression and bipolar disorder. REM sleep percentage was found to be increased. Lempel–Ziv complexity and sample entropy, on the other hand, seem to correlate with the depression level. Even if the number of examined subjects is still small, and the results need further validation, the proposed methodology and the calculated parameters seem promising tools for the monitoring of mood changes in psychiatric disorders

    A framework for evaluating 3D topological relations based on a vector data model

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    3D topological relations are commonly used for testing or imposing the existence of desired properties between objects of a dataset, such as a city model. Currently available GIS systems usually provide a limited 3D support which usually includes a set of 3D spatial data types together with few operations and predicates, while limited or no support is generally provided for 3D topological relations. Therefore, an important problem to face is how such relations can be actually implemented by using the constructs already provided by the available systems. In this paper, we introduce a generic 3D vector model which includes an abstract and formal description of the 3D spatial data types and of the related basic operations and predicates that are commonly provided by GIS systems. Based on this model, we formally demonstrate how these limited sets of operations and predicates can be combined with 2D topological relations for implementing 3D topological relations

    Replica Field Theory for Deterministic Models (II): A Non-Random Spin Glass with Glassy Behavior

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    We introduce and study a model which admits a complex landscape without containing quenched disorder. Continuing our previous investigation we introduce a disordered model which allows us to reconstruct all the main features of the original phase diagram, including a low TT spin glass phase and a complex dynamical behavior.Comment: 35 pages with uu figures, Roma 102

    Hyperbolic 5-manifolds that fiber over S1

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    We exhibit some finite-volume cusped hyperbolic 5-manifolds that fiber over the circle. These include the smallest hyperbolic 5-manifold known, discovered by Ratcliffe and Tschantz. As a consequence, we build a finite type subgroup of a hyperbolic group that is not hyperbolic

    Optimal constants for a nonlocal approximation of sobolev norms and total variation

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    We consider the family of nonlocal and nonconvex functionals proposed and investigated by J. Bourgain, H. Brezis and H.-M. Nguyen in a series of papers of the last decade. It was known that this family of functionals Gamma-converges to a suitable multiple of the Sobolev norm or the total variation, depending on the summability exponent, but the exact constants and the structure of recovery families were still unknown, even in dimension 1. We prove a Gamma-convergence result with explicit values of the constants in any space dimension. We also show the existence of recovery families consisting of smooth functions with compact support. The key point is reducing the problem first to dimension 1, and then to a finite combinatorial rearrangement inequality

    A support theorem for the Hitchin fibration: the case of GLnGL_n and KCK_C

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    We compute the supports of the perverse cohomology sheaves of the Hitchin fibration for GLnGL_n over the locus of reduced spectral curves. In contrast to the case of meromorphic Higgs fields we find additional supports at the loci of reducible spectral curves. Their contribution to the global cohomology is governed by a finite twist of Hitchin fibrations for Levi subgroups. The corresponding summands give non-trivial contributions to the cohomology of the moduli spaces for every n≄3n \geq 3. A key ingredient is a restriction result for intersection cohomology sheaves that allows us to compare the fibration to the one defined over the versal deformations of spectral curves

    Power-aware allocation of MBSFN subframes using Discontinuous Cell Transmission in LTE systems

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    In LTE and its evolutions, energy efficiency is a critical aspect, also in view of the dramatic traffic growth foreseen for the next years. Cell Discontinuous Transmission (DTX) techniques can be important tools to achieve the needed efficiency in the networks, and one possibility is to implement the DTX by switching off the eNB at some subframes (MBSFN subframes) and not in others (where reference signals are also transmitted). Switching schedules in LTE are made for larger periods (e.g., 40/80ms or even more). We present an algorithm that i) estimates how many resources will be needed in a period, and ii) shows how many resource blocks to activate in each subframe so as to maximize the power efficiency. The problem is formulated as an integer linear problem and solved heuristically. Numerical results show that the power saving is significant, close to the theoretical minimum at low loads, and it comes with a tolerable extra dela

    The blockchain role in ethical data acquisition and provisioning

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    The collection of personal data through mobile applications and IoT devices represents the core business of many corporations. From one hand, users are losing control about the property of their data and rarely are conscious about what they are sharing with whom; from the other hand, laws like the European General Data Protection Regulation try to bring data control and ownership back to users. In this paper we discuss the possible impact of the blockchain technology in building independent and resilient data management systems able to ensure data ownership and traceability. The use of this technology could play a major role in creating a transparent global market of aggregated personal data where voluntary acquisition is subject to clear rules and some forms of incentives, making not only the process ethical but also encouraging the sharing of high quality sensitive data
