670 research outputs found

    Motorcycle helmets: what about their coating?

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    In traffic accidents involving motorcycles, paint traces can be transferred from the rider's helmet or smeared onto its surface. These traces are usually in the form of chips or smears and are frequently collected for comparison purposes. This research investigates the physical and chemical characteristics of the coatings found on motorcycles helmets. An evaluation of the similarities between helmet and automotive coating systems was also performed.Twenty-seven helmet coatings from 15 different brands and 22 models were considered. One sample per helmet was collected and observed using optical microscopy. FTIR spectroscopy was then used and seven replicate measurements per layer were carried out to study the variability of each coating system (intravariability). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) were also performed on the infrared spectra of the clearcoats and basecoats of the data set. The most common systems were composed of two or three layers, consistently involving a clearcoat and basecoat. The coating systems of helmets with composite shells systematically contained a minimum of three layers. FTIR spectroscopy results showed that acrylic urethane and alkyd urethane were the most frequent binders used for clearcoats and basecoats. A high proportion of the coatings were differentiated (more than 95%) based on microscopic examinations. The chemical and physical characteristics of the coatings allowed the differentiation of all but one pair of helmets of the same brand, model and color. Chemometrics (PCA and HCA) corroborated classification based on visual comparisons of the spectra and allowed the study of the whole data set at once (i.e., all spectra of the same layer). Thus, the intravariability of each helmet and its proximity to the others (intervariability) could be more readily assessed. It was also possible to determine the most discriminative chemical variables based on the study of the PCA loadings. Chemometrics could therefore be used as a complementary decision-making tool when many spectra and replicates have to be taken into account. Similarities between automotive and helmet coating systems were highlighted, in particular with regard to automotive coating systems on plastic substrates (microscopy and FTIR). However, the primer layer of helmet coatings was shown to differ from the automotive primer. If the paint trace contains this layer, the risk of misclassification (i.e., helmet versus vehicle) is reduced. Nevertheless, a paint examiner should pay close attention to these similarities when analyzing paint traces, especially regarding smears or paint chips presenting an incomplete layer system

    Arctic sea-ice-free season projected to extend into autumn

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    The recent Arctic sea ice reduction comes with an increase in the ice-free season duration, with comparable contributions of earlier ice retreat and later advance. CMIP5 models all project that the trend towards later advance should progressively exceed and ultimately double the trend towards earlier retreat, causing the ice-free season to shift into autumn. We show that such a shift is a basic feature of the thermodynamic response of seasonal ice to warming. The detailed analysis of an idealised thermodynamic ice–ocean model stresses the role of two seasonal amplifying feedbacks. The summer feedback generates a 1.6-day-later advance in response to a 1-day-earlier retreat. The underlying physics are the property of the upper ocean to absorb solar radiation more efficiently than it can release heat right before ice advance. The winter feedback is comparatively weak, prompting a 0.3-day-earlier retreat in response to a 1-day shift towards later advance. This is because a shorter growth season implies thinner ice, which subsequently melts away faster. However, the winter feedback is dampened by the relatively long ice growth period and by the inverse relationship between ice growth rate and thickness. At inter-annual timescales, the thermodynamic response of ice seasonality to warming is obscured by inter-annual variability. Nevertheless, in the long term, because all feedback mechanisms relate to basic and stable elements of the Arctic climate system, there is little inter-model uncertainty on the projected long-term shift into autumn of the ice-free season.</p

    Berry transcriptome comparison of ten Italian grapevine varieties

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    Lo sviluppo della bacca di vite pu\uf2 essere descritto come una successione di cambiamenti fisiologici e biochimici che riflettono la modulazione trascrizionale di molti geni. Nello scorso decennio molti studi trascrittomici sono stati eseguiti per descrivere in modo pi\uf9 approfondito questo processo di sviluppo dinamico e complesso. Tuttavia, la maggior parte di questi studi trascrittomici si sono focalizzati solo su un\u2019unica variet\ue0 per volta e quindi vi \ue8 ancora una mancanza di risorse per poter effettuare comparazioni sullo sviluppo della bacca in differenti variet\ue0 di vite. Questa tesi riguarda la prima comparazione del trascrittoma della bacca di vite effettuato attraverso RNA sequencing di 120 campioni di RNA, corrispondenti alle bacche di dieci variet\ue0 raccolte a quattro stadi fenologici, due precedenti e due successivi all\u2019invaiatura, in triplicato biologico. Quest\u2019analisi RNA-seq ha mostrato un\u2019evidente e profonda transizione del trascrittoma dalla fase verde alla maturazione che avviene all\u2019invaiatura indipendentemente da colore della buccia e variet\ue0, che coinvolge la soppressione di diversi processi metabolici relativi alla crescita vegetativa, e l\u2019induzione di solo poche vie, come processi di metabolismo secondario e di risposta a stimoli biotici. Questo importante riprogramma del trascrittoma durante la maturazione \ue8 stato evidenziato da diversi approcci: correlazione con distanza di Pearson, analisi a componenti principali (PCA), O2PLS-DA, ricerca di biomarcatori, analisi clustering e network di correlazione. La creazione della prima via trascrittomica di sviluppo della bacca di vite, corrispondente a geni aventi un profilo di espressione simile durante tutto lo sviluppo indipendentemente dalla variet\ue0, ha permesso di identificare geni coinvolti nei maggiori processi biologici che avvengono durante la maturazione del frutto. Infine, l\u2019espressione dei geni appartenenti alla via biosintetica dei fenilpropanoidi/flavonoidi si sono mostrati insufficienti da soli nello spiegare le differenze trascrittomiche tra variet\ue0 rosse e bianche; tuttavia si presuppone che questi \u2013 probabilmente per effetto dell\u2019accumulo di antociani nella buccia della bacca dall\u2019inizio della maturazione \u2013 influenzino comunque il programma della fase di maturazione, determinando il coinvolgimento e reclutamento di geni appartenenti ad altri processi biologici.Grape berry development can be described as a succession of physiological and biochemical changes reflecting the transcriptional modulation of many genes. In the last decade, many transcriptomic studies have been carried out to deeper describe this dynamic and complex development. Nonetheless, most of those transcriptomic studies focused on one single variety at a time and then there is still a lack of resources for comparing berry development in different grape varieties. This thesis describes the first berry transcriptome comparison carried out by RNA sequencing of 120 RNA samples, corresponding to 10-variety berries collected at four phenological growth stages, two pre- and two post-v\ue9raison, in biological triplication. This RNA-Seq analysis showed an evident deep green-to-maturation transcriptome shift occurring at v\ue9raison independently on skin colour and variety, which involves the suppression of diverse metabolic processes related to vegetative growth, and the induction of only a few pathways, such as secondary metabolic processes and responses to biotic stimuli. This fundamental transcriptome reprogramming during ripening was highlighted by distinct approaches: Pearson\u2019s correlation distance, PCA, O2PLS-DA, biomarker discovery, clustering analysis and correlation network method. The establishment of the first grape berry development transcriptomic route, corresponding to the genes having similar patterns of expression during whole development independently on the variety, allowed identifying genes involved in the main biological processes occurring during berry development. Finally, the expression of phenylpropanoid/flavonoid biosynthetic pathway-related genes was found to be insufficient by itself to explain the differences between red- and white-grape transcriptomes, however it was supposed to influence \u2013 supposedly by the effect of anthocyanins accumulation in berry skin since the onset of ripening \u2013 maturation-phase transcriptional program, determining the recruitment of genes belonging to other biological processes

    Diurnal inhibition of NMDA-EPSCs at rat hippocampal mossy fibre synapses through orexin-2 receptors.

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    Diurnal release of the orexin neuropeptides orexin-A (Ox-A, hypocretin-1) and orexin-B (Ox-B, hypocretin-2) stabilises arousal, regulates energy homeostasis and contributes to cognition and learning. However, whether cellular correlates of brain plasticity are regulated through orexins, and whether they do so in a time-of-day-dependent manner, has never been assessed. Immunohistochemically we found sparse but widespread innervation of hippocampal subfields through Ox-A- and Ox-B-containing fibres in young adult rats. The actions of Ox-A were studied on NMDA receptor (NMDAR)-mediated excitatory synaptic transmission in acute hippocampal slices prepared around the trough (Zeitgeber time (ZT) 4-8, corresponding to 4-8 h into the resting phase) and peak (ZT 23) of intracerebroventricular orexin levels. At ZT 4-8, exogenous Ox-A (100 nm in bath) inhibited NMDA receptor-mediated excitatory postsynaptic currents (NMDA-EPSCs) at mossy fibre (MF)-CA3 (to 55.6 ± 6.8% of control, P = 0.0003) and at Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses (70.8 ± 6.3%, P = 0.013), whereas it remained ineffective at non-MF excitatory synapses in CA3. Ox-A actions were mediated postsynaptically and blocked by the orexin-2 receptor (OX2R) antagonist JNJ10397049 (1 μm), but not by orexin-1 receptor inhibition (SB334867, 1 μm) or by adrenergic and cholinergic antagonists. At ZT 23, inhibitory effects of exogenous Ox-A were absent (97.6 ± 2.9%, P = 0.42), but reinstated (87.2 ± 3.3%, P = 0.002) when endogenous orexin signalling was attenuated for 5 h through i.p. injections of almorexant (100 mg kg(-1)), a dual orexin receptor antagonist. In conclusion, endogenous orexins modulate hippocampal NMDAR function in a time-of-day-dependent manner, suggesting that they may influence cellular plasticity and consequent variations in memory performance across the sleep-wake cycle

    On the influence of model physics on simulations of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice

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    Two hindcast (1983–2007) simulations are performed with the global, ocean-sea ice models NEMO-LIM2 and NEMO-LIM3 driven by atmospheric reanalyses and climatologies. The two simulations differ only in their sea ice component, while all other elements of experimental design (resolution, initial conditions, atmospheric forcing) are kept identical. The main differences in the sea ice models lie in the formulation of the subgrid-scale ice thickness distribution, of the thermodynamic processes, of the sea ice salinity and of the sea ice rheology. To assess the differences in model skill over the period of investigation, we develop a set of metrics for both hemispheres, comparing the main sea ice variables (concentration, thickness and drift) to available observations and focusing on both mean state and seasonal to interannual variability. Based upon these metrics, we discuss the physical processes potentially responsible for the differences in model skill. In particular, we suggest that (i) a detailed representation of the ice thickness distribution increases the seasonal to interannual variability of ice extent, with spectacular improvement for the simulation of the recent observed summer Arctic sea ice retreats, (ii) the elastic-viscous-plastic rheology enhances the response of ice to wind stress, compared to the classical viscous-plastic approach, (iii) the grid formulation and the air-sea ice drag coefficient affect the simulated ice export through Fram Strait and the ice accumulation along the Canadian Archipelago, and (iv) both models show less skill in the Southern Ocean, probably due to the low quality of the reanalyses in this region and to the absence of important small-scale oceanic processes at the models' resolution (~1&amp;deg;)

    Summer extreme cyclone impacts on arctic sea ice

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    In this study the impact of extreme cyclones on Arctic sea ice in summer is investigated. Examined in particular are relative thermodynamic and dynamic contributions to sea ice volume budgets in the vicinity of Arctic summer cyclones in 2012 and 2016. Results from this investigation illustrate that sea ice loss in the vicinity of the cyclone trajectories during each year was associated with different dominant processes: thermodynamic processes (melting) in the Pacific sector of the Arctic in 2012, and both thermodynamic and dynamic processes in the Pacific sector of the Arctic in 2016. Comparison of both years further suggests that the Arctic minimum sea ice extent is influenced by not only the strength of the cyclone, but also by the timing and location relative to the sea ice edge. Located near the sea ice edge in early August in 2012, and over the central Arctic later in August in 2016, extreme cyclones contributed to comparable sea ice area (SIA) loss, yet enhanced sea ice volume loss in 2012 relative to 2016. Central to a characterization of extreme cyclone impacts on Arctic sea ice from the perspective of thermodynamic and dynamic processes, we present an index describing relative thermodynamic and dynamic contributions to sea ice volume changes. This index helps to quantify and improve our understanding of initial sea ice state and dynamical responses to cyclones in a rapidly warming Arctic, with implications for seasonal ice forecasting, marine navigation, coastal community infrastructure, and designation of protected and ecologically sensitive marine zones

    Ice-free at 1.5°C?

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    Rapid CommunicationThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing Group via the DOI in this record

    PHARAO Laser Source Flight Model: Design and Performances

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    In this paper, we describe the design and the main performances of the PHARAO laser source flight model. PHARAO is a laser cooled cesium clock specially designed for operation in space and the laser source is one of the main sub-systems. The flight model presented in this work is the first remote-controlled laser system designed for spaceborne cold atom manipulation. The main challenges arise from mechanical compatibility with space constraints, which impose a high level of compactness, a low electric power consumption, a wide range of operating temperature and a vacuum environment. We describe the main functions of the laser source and give an overview of the main technologies developed for this instrument. We present some results of the qualification process. The characteristics of the laser source flight model, and their impact on the clock performances, have been verified in operational conditions.Comment: Accepted for publication in Review of Scientific Instrument

    Toward Forecasting Volcanic Eruptions using Seismic Noise

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    During inter-eruption periods, magma pressurization yields subtle changes of the elastic properties of volcanic edifices. We use the reproducibility properties of the ambient seismic noise recorded on the Piton de la Fournaise volcano to measure relative seismic velocity variations of less than 0.1 % with a temporal resolution of one day. Our results show that five studied volcanic eruptions were preceded by clearly detectable seismic velocity decreases within the zone of magma injection. These precursors reflect the edifice dilatation induced by magma pressurization and can be useful indicators to improve the forecasting of volcanic eruptions.Comment: Supplementary information: http://www-lgit.obs.ujf-grenoble.fr/~fbrengui/brenguier_SI.pdf Supplementary video: http://www-lgit.obs.ujf-grenoble.fr/~fbrengui/brenguierMovieVolcano.av

    Optimising assimilation of sea ice concentration in an Earth system model with a multicategory sea ice model

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    A data assimilation method capable of constraining the sea ice of an Earth system model in a dynamically consistent manner has the potential to enhance the accuracy of climate reconstructions and predictions. Finding such a method is challenging because the sea ice dynamics is highly non-linear, and sea ice variables are strongly non-Gaussian distributed and tightly coupled to the rest of the Earth system - particularly thermodynamically with the ocean. We investigate key practical implementations for assimilating sea ice concentration - the predominant source of observations in polar regions - with the Norwegian Climate Prediction Model that combines the Norwegian Earth System Model with the Ensemble Kalman Filter. The performances of the different configurations are investigated by conducting 10-year reanalyses in a perfect model framework. First, we find that with a flow-dependent assimilation method, strongly coupled ocean-sea ice assimilation outperforms weakly coupled (sea ice only) assimilation. An attempt to prescribe the covariance between the ocean temperature and the sea ice concentration performed poorly. Extending the ocean updates below the mixed layer is slightly beneficial for the Arctic hydrography. Second, we find that solving the analysis for the multicategory instead of the aggregated ice state variables greatly reduces the errors in the ice state. Updating the ice volumes induces a weak drift in the bias for the thick ice category that relates to the postprocessing of unphysical thicknesses. Preserving the ice thicknesses for each category during the assimilation mitigates the drift without degrading the performance. The robustness and reliability of the optimal setting is demonstrated for a 20-year reanalysis. The error of sea ice concentration reduces by 50% (65%), sea ice thickness by 25% (35%), sea surface temperature by 33% (23%) and sea surface salinity by 11% (25%) in the Arctic (Antarctic) compared to a reference run without assimilation