807 research outputs found

    Роль релігійних цінностей у процесі формування права

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    У контексті з’ясування основних пріоритетів розвитку права розглядається проблема ролі релігійних цінностей як основи розвитку права. Показано взаємодію релігії і права в умовах мінливої динаміки демократизації українського суспільства, обгрунтовано пріоритетні моральні принципи для побудови фундаменту, на якому грунтується і завдяки якому розвивається право. Ключові слова: релігійні цінності, цінності права, мораль.В контексте определения основных приоритетов развития права рассматривается проблема роли религиозных ценностей как базиса развития права. Показано взаимодействие религии и права в условиях изменчивой динамики демократизации украинского общества, обоснованы приоритетные моральные принципы для строительства фундамента, на котором основывается и благодаря которому развивается право. Ключевые слова: религиозные ценности, ценности права, мораль.It is reviewed the issue of rule of religious values as a basis and grounds for law evolution in the context of definition of its main priorities. It is shown the correlation between the religion and the law in circumstances of possible dynamic of Ukrainian society democratization. It is обосновано the priority moral principles for developing pivot as a ground of law evolution. Key words: «religion values», «values of law», «moral»

    La monarchie russe à la lumière de la crise politique des années 1530-1540

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    RésuméL’auteur soutient que les crises politiques peuvent être considérées comme des « expériences » menées par l’Histoire elle-même : elles éclairent le fonctionnement d’un système politique qui, lorsque la situation est « normale », demeure opaque. Ainsi, une analyse minutieuse de la crise politique des années 1530-1540, crise provoquée par la minorité d’Ivan IV, peut nous aider à mieux comprendre la monarchie médiévale russe. Cette crise, en effet, jette un jour nouveau sur le rôle du souverain dans le système politique et sur les fonctions de ses conseillers et de ses clercs. L’auteur conclut que les prérogatives imprescriptibles du souverain comprenaient le contrôle exercé sur l’élite aristocratique ainsi que la représentation de l’État dans les relations extérieures. Pour ce qui était de l’administration au jour le jour, elle était confiée à un groupe encore embryonnaire de bureaucrates (une proto-bureaucratie) : les maîtres de l’Hôtel, les trésoriers, les secrétaires (d´jaki). Ces administrateurs professionnels disposaient d’un réel pouvoir, mais en termes de dignité et de prestige ils étaient éclipsés par les aristocrates titulaires du grade le plus élevé de la cour, celui de bojarin. Enfin, comparée à d’autres monarchies du xvie siècle, la grande-principauté de Moscou semble plutôt archaïque, ce qui ne veut pas dire immuable : bien au contraire, le milieu du xvie siècle est une époque de changements rapides et profonds.AbstractRussian monarchy in the light of the political crisis of the years 1530-1540.The author argues that political crises may be seen as “experiments” conducted by History itself : they illuminate the working of a political system which in “normal” situations remains obscure. Thus a close examination of the political crisis of the 1530s and 1540s caused by young Ivan IV’s minority may contribute to a better understanding of late medieval Russian monarchy. The situation of crisis sheds new light on the role of the sovereign in this political system and on the functions of his councillors and clerks. The author comes to the conclusion that the unalienable prerogatives of the monarch included control over the aristocratic elite and representation of the state in foreign affairs. As for day-to-day administrative functions, they were delegated to a rising group of bureaucrats (a proto-bureaucracy): majordomos, treasurers, and secretaries (d´iaki). Though these professional administrators wielded real power, in terms of honor and prestige they were overshadowed by the aristocrats who held the highest court rank of boyars. Finally, when compared to other sixteenth-century European monarchies, the Muscovite grand principality looks rather archaic -- which should not be understood as immutable : on the contrary, the middle of the sixteenth century was a period of rapid and profound changes

    Efficacy of hepatic transplantation in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis

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    Controlled trials to assess the therapeutic benefit of orthotopic hepatic transplantation (OHTx) for primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) cannot be justified in view of improvement of patient survival after this operation since 1981. However, the actual patient survival with OHTx can be compared with the Mayo model estimated survival probabilities without OHTx. This model, which encompasses physical, biochemical and histopathologic parameters of PSC, was constructed from a study of 392 conservatively treated PSC patients at five international centers in England and North America. We compared the actual survival of 216 adult patients with the diagnosis of advanced PSC who underwent hepatic replacement with the expected survival estimated by the Mayo PSC natural history model, 'the simulated control technique.' OHTx was performed at the University of Pittsburgh and Mayo Medical Center between 5 December 1981 and 26 December 1990. The mean (plus or minus standard deviation) post-OHTx follow-up period was 34 ± 25 months (range of zero to 104 months). Before transplantation, biliary or portal hypertensive operation, or both, was performed upon 104 patients. At operation, the mean age of recipients was 42.1 ± 11.3 years and the mean value of total serum bilirubin was 13.3 ± 13.0 milligrams per deciliter. Extensive septal fibrosis and cirrhosis were histologically documented in 97 percent of the patients, with splenomegaly in 63 percent. Immunosuppressive therapy was based primarily on cyclosporin in 184 recipients and FK-506 in 32. Within six months, the Kaplan-Meier survival probability after OHTx (0.89) already was higher than predicted by the Mayo model (0.83). At five years, the Kaplan-Meier actual survival with OHTx was 0.73 compared with 0.28 expected Mayo model survival. The overall increased survival rate with transplantation was statistically significant (chi-square equals 126.6; p<0.001). At all risk stratifications, OHTx significantly improved survival with a p value of 0.031 (low risk), 0.001 (moderate risk) and <0.001 (high risk). Thus, OHTx is effective therapy for PSC. Disease gravity and unsuspected cholangiocarcinoma in the excised native liver adversely influenced short and long term survival rates after transplantation, respectively

    Activation, Regulation and Transcription of the Human and Murine Globin Loci.

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    Hemoglobin is the carrier of oxygen in the bloodstream. It is a tetrameric protein composed of two α-globin chains and two β-globin chain

    Hepatic retransplantation in cholestatic liver disease: Impact of the interval to retransplantation on survival and resource utilization

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    The aim of our study was to quantitatively assess the impact of hepatic retransplantation on patient and graft survival and resource utilization. We studied patients undergoing hepatic retransplantation among 447 transplant recipients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) at 3 transplantation centers. Cox proportional hazards regression analysis was used for survival analysis. Measures of resource utilization included the duration of hospitalization, length of stay in the intensive care unit, and the duration of transplantation surgery. Forty-six (10.3%) patients received 2 or more grafts during the follow-up period (median, 2.8 years). Patients who underwent retransplantation had a 3.8-fold increase in the risk of death compared with those without retransplantation (P < .01). Retransplantation after an interval of greater than 30 days from the primary graft was associated with a 6.7-fold increase in the risk of death (P < .01). The survival following retransplantations performed 30 days or earlier was similar to primary transplantations. Resource utilization was higher in patients who underwent multiple consecutive transplantations, even after adjustment for the number of grafts during the hospitalization. Among cholestatic liver disease patients, poor survival following hepatic retransplantation is attributed to late retransplantations, namely those performed more than 30 days after the initial transplantation. While efforts must be made to improve the outcome following retransplantation, a more critical evaluation may be warranted for late retransplantation candidates

    An unprecedented phosphinine with significant P(π)-donor properties

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    A hitherto unprecedented electronic situation has been observed for a substituted, pyridyl-functionalized phosphinine. In contrast to previous studies, this compound shows considerable π-donor properties as the result of the rather strong +M effect of the CH3S-substituent, changing the electronic properties of this low-coordinate and aromatic phosphorus heterocycle substantially

    Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy patients: Risk factors A systematic review

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    SummaryIntroductionSeveral risk factors for sudden unexplained death in epilepsy patients (SUDEP) have been proposed, but subsequent work has yielded conflicting data. The relative importance of various risk factors for SUDEP was never explored. The aim of this study is to review systematically risk factors for SUDEP and also to determine their relevance for SUDEP by calculating relative risk factor ratios.Methods and materialsAuthors performed a literature-search on “SUDEP” in Medline, the Cochrane Library and EMBASE. Studies with unknown number of SUDEP cases or with less than five SUDEP cases and reviews were excluded from further analysis. The value of each paper was assessed, based on the quality of the study and the reliability of the diagnosis of SUDEP. This value ranged from 1 (low quality) to 10 (high quality). Papers with a value below 7 were eliminated for further analysis. For each analysed factor, a risk factor ratio was determined, with a higher ratio for a stronger risk factor.ResultsA number of strong risk factors for SUDEP: young age, early onset of seizures, the presence of generalized tonic clonic seizures, male sex and being in bed. Weak risk factors for SUDEP: prone position, one or more subtherapeutic bloodlevels, being in the bedroom, a strucural brain lesion and sleeping.ConclusionsIn this study, authors have designed a quality scale to select papers. The relative importance of risk factors for SUDEP is demonstrated

    Transcriptome analysis in switchgrass discloses ecotype difference in photosynthetic efficiency

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    Citation: Serba, D. D., Uppalapati, S. R., Krom, N., Mukherjee, S., Tang, Y. H., Mysore, K. S., & Saha, M. C. (2016). Transcriptome analysis in switchgrass discloses ecotype difference in photosynthetic efficiency. Bmc Genomics, 17, 14. doi:10.1186/s12864-016-3377-8Background: Switchgrass, a warm-season perennial grass studied as a potential dedicated biofuel feedstock, is classified into two main taxa - lowland and upland ecotypes - that differ in morphology and habitat of adaptation. But there is limited information on their inherent molecular variations. Results: Transcriptome analysis by RNA-sequencing (RNA-Seq) was conducted for lowland and upland ecotypes to document their gene expression variations. Mapping of transcriptome to the reference genome (Panicum virgatum v1. 1) revealed that the lowland and upland ecotypes differ substantially in sets of genes transcribed as well as levels of expression. Differential gene expression analysis exhibited that transcripts related to photosynthesis efficiency and development and photosystem reaction center subunits were upregulated in lowlands compared to upland genotype. On the other hand, catalase isozymes, helix-loop-helix, late embryogenesis abundant group I, photosulfokinases, and S-adenosyl methionine synthase gene transcripts were upregulated in the upland compared to the lowlands. At >= 100x coverage and >= 5% minor allele frequency, a total of 25,894 and 16,979 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers were discovered for VS16 (upland ecotype) and K5 (lowland ecotype) against the reference genome. The allele combination of the SNPs revealed that the transition mutations are more prevalent than the transversion mutations. Conclusions: The gene ontology (GO) analysis of the transcriptome indicated lowland ecotype had significantly higher representation for cellular components associated with photosynthesis machinery controlling carbon fixation. In addition, using the transcriptome data, SNP markers were detected, which were distributed throughout the genome. The differentially expressed genes and SNP markers detected in this study would be useful resources for traits mapping and gene transfer across ecotypes in switchgrass breeding for increased biomass yield for biofuel conversion

    Benthic ecology of semi-natural coastal lagoons, in the Ria Formosa (Southern Portugal), Exposed to different water renewal regimes

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    Several studies in semi-natural coastal lagoons in the Ria Formosa lagoonal system have been carried out. These man-made water reservoirs behave as small lagoons with one opening to the tidal channels, which may be intermittent. Because of their size, these reservoirs are ideal sites for ecological studies. Water quality and macrobenthic fauna were analysed in five water reservoirs. All reservoirs received the same incoming water through a tidal channel, but they differed in water renewal regime. Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) and Discriminant Analysis were used to evaluate the similarity among sites, stations and sampling occasions. Different levels of taxonomic resolution (family, large taxonomic groups and phylum level) were also evaluated. The separation of sites and stations became unclear using high taxonomic levels. Results from the multivariate analyses suggest a slight differentiation of the stations according to sampling occasion but a clear differentiation of the several water reservoirs. Some of the lagoons studied with low water renewal rates showed strong environmental variations. They were characterised by low diversity indexes and abundance of small-sized organisms. Other lagoons, with high water renewal rates, showed low environmental variation and well diversified and structured benthic communities. The main environmental factor that seems to affect the benthic communities was the variation in salinity between neap and spring tides, which is related with the water renewal regime. Coastal lagoons offer a protected shallow habitat, which can be highly productive. Well structured communities, controlled by k-strategists, can develop and settle in leaky lagoons, that is, lagoons with wide entrance channels and tidal currents which guarantee a good water renewal. In these lagoons, biomass can accumulate in large organisms. In contrast, lagoons with a single narrow entrance, that may be closed for long periods, are characterised by persistent physical stress and are dominated by communities of small-sized r-strategists