164 research outputs found

    Annual Survey of Virginia Law: Professional Responsibility

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    This year, like many years, has been marked by increasing public concern over legal ethics. Public attention has been drawn to lawyers\u27 participation in scandals such as the misuse of funds by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the collapse of the savings and loan industry, and numerous ethical breaches by members of Congress

    Economic Policy After a Lost Decade--from Over-Spending to Innovation

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    In this article, I want to focus on one aspect of our economic recovery-namely, how do we grow an economy without relying upon debt-fueled overconsumption? I argue that the magnitude of the 2007-2009 collapse was based significantly on unsustainable spending that had propped up the previous expansion. National policy during the first years of the last decade turned a sizable national surplus into a huge deficit through war spending, tax cuts, and expansion of public programs that were not paid for.The spending patterns of American families followed a similar pattern in which traditional savings rates shrunk precipitously while family debt expanded. The combination of deficit spending at the federal level and expansion of family spending, fueled by savings reduction and overuse of debt, had a positive effect on economic growth while it lasted. But the trend could not continue.So now, as the economy is once again growing, we have to make sure that growth occurs in a way that is sustainable

    Local Franchising: What Role Will Localities Play in the Regulations of the Telecommunications Industry? Will They Become Providers of Telecommunications Service to the Public?

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    Good morning, everybody. I am Tony Gambardella with the firm of Woods, Rogers & Hazelgrove in Richmond--formerly with the State Corporation Commission. We started yesterday\u27s discussion with the promise of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. The main promise was, as of February 8, 1996, Congress had deregulated the telecommunications industry. The problem with the promise is that Congress retained some regulation within the industry. We have regulation at the federal level. We have a huge state role and this morning we are going to add another level--local government. Local governments have a role under the Act. There is some dispute now about what the role is and how big it is or how small it is. We have a panel this morning that will discuss those issues and I hope they will give you a good feel for where that controversy is and how it might be resolved

    Multi-Stakeholder Frameworks for Rectification of Non-Compliance in Cleaning Supply Chains: The Case of the Cleaning Accountability Framework

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    There is now an expanding body of literature on the significant problem of business non-compliance with minimum labour standards including ‘wage theft’. Extended liability regulation beyond the direct employer is seen as one solution to this non-compliance in fragmented but hierarchically organised industries—such as the cleaning industry. This article uses empirical evidence to assess the effectiveness of one such regulatory scheme, the Cleaning Accountability Framework (CAF), in addressing non-compliance with minimum labour standards (including provisions of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) and the Cleaning Services Award 2020). We find that CAF has been successful in identifying and rectifying certain non-compliance, improving working conditions for some cleaners involved in the scheme. We synthesise the key success factors of CAF in view of envisioning the adoption of such co-regulation frameworks in other industries. We also propose legal reforms that will support change across the cleaning industry. </jats:p

    “I\u27m making a positive change in my life”: A mixed method evaluation of a well-being tertiary education unit

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    Issue Addressed: Mental health disorders (MHDs) are prevalent amongst university students with detrimental impacts on individual students, universities and the wider community. There is an urgent need for proactive and preventative strategies to address the mental health crisis in the university population. This study evaluated the efficacy of a 13-week unit developed to directly educate university students about ways to improve and maintain well-being. Methods: Fifty-eight university students from five disciplines participated in a 13-week elective undergraduate unit “Well-Being Fundamentals for Success” as part of their degree. The Act Belong Commit mental health promotion campaign framework formed the basis of teaching materials. Outcome well-being measures were self-assessed at weeks 1, 6 and 12 using four scales: (1) Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS); (2) Perceived Stress Scale (PSS); (3) Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) and (4) Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS). Post-unit group interviews (n = 11) were analysed for key themes. Results: Linear mixed models demonstrated a significant improvement in BRS over the semester; well-being (WEMBS) and mindful attention (MAAS) did increase but not significantly. There was a significant increase in stress (PSS) over the semester. Key themes that emerged from the group interviews were that (1) University life contributes to well-being; (2) University life contributes to stress; (3) The well-being unit helped students see and do things differently; (4) An overall endorsement of the unit. Conclusion: University students’ resilience increased over the semester following participation in a curriculum focused on well-being which featured a combination of theoretical content and experiential workshops. So what? Incorporating mental well-being curriculum into tertiary education is proactive preventive health strategy which may assist with the increasing prevalence of MHD in Australia

    Quantitative Gadolinium-Free Cardiac Fibrosis Imaging in End Stage Renal Disease Patients Reveals a Longitudinal Correlation with Structural and Functional Decline

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    Patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD) suffer high mortality from arrhythmias linked to fibrosis, but are contraindicated to late gadolinium enhancement magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We present a quantitative method for gadolinium-free cardiac fibrosis imaging using magnetization transfer (MT) weighted MRI, and probe correlations with widely used surrogate markers including cardiac structure and contractile function in patients with ESRD. In a sub-group of patients who returned for follow-up imaging after one year, we examine the correlation between changes in fibrosis and ventricular structure/function. Quantification of changes in MT revealed significantly greater fibrotic burden in patients with ESRD compared to a healthy age matched control cohort. Ventricular mechanics, including circumferential strain and diastolic strain rate were unchanged in patients with ESRD. No correlation was observed between fibrotic burden and concomitant measures of either circumferential or longitudinal strains or strain rates. However, among patients who returned for follow up examination a strong correlation existed between initial fibrotic burden and subsequent loss of contractile function. Gadolinium-free myocardial fibrosis imaging in patients with ESRD revealed a complex and longitudinal, not contemporary, association between fibrosis and ventricular contractile function

    Landholder Typologies Used in the Development of Natural Resource Management Programs in Australia - A Review

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    This article reviews the literature on the identification of landholder typologies that can be used to assist the design and delivery of natural resource management (NRM) programs. Australian researchers have developed typologies of landholders based on a variety of criteria. The rationale for developing landholder typologies is first discussed before reviewing the various approaches that have been used by Australian researchers and comparing their findings. The methods employed have differed according to the theories used to guide the research and the 'clients' or 'sponsors' of the research. The landholder types they describe, however, have a number of similarities. These similarities suggest that the studies have identified the same fundamental divisions in the rural community, and that it may be possible to integrate landholder typologies for a variety of NRM and non-NRM applications. It is concluded that further research could usefully investigate whether concepts of social class or sub-cultures may be appropriate to define and describe the variations in landholder types

    Vaccinations in patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases

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    Patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMID) such as RA, IBD or psoriasis, are at increased risk of infection, partially because of the disease itself, but mostly because of treatment with immunomodulatory or immunosuppressive drugs. In spite of their elevated risk for vaccine-preventable disease, vaccination coverage in IMID patients is surprisingly low. This review summarizes current literature data on vaccine safety and efficacy in IMID patients treated with immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory drugs and formulates best-practice recommendations on vaccination in this population. Especially in the current era of biological therapies, including TNF-blocking agents, special consideration should be given to vaccination strategies in IMID patients. Clinical evidence indicates that immunization of IMID patients does not increase clinical or laboratory parameters of disease activity. Live vaccines are contraindicated in immunocompromized individuals, but non-live vaccines can safely be given. Although the reduced quality of the immune response in patients under immunotherapy may have a negative impact on vaccination efficacy in this population, adequate humoral response to vaccination in IMID patients has been demonstrated for hepatitis B, influenza and pneumococcal vaccination. Vaccination status is best checked and updated before the start of immunomodulatory therapy: live vaccines are not contraindicated at that time and inactivated vaccines elicit an optimal immune response in immunocompetent individuals