88 research outputs found

    Instructional Television in the Brookings, South Dakota, Elementary Schools

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    This paper intends to determine if instructional television is widely used in the Brookings, South Dakota, elementary schools. It also attempts to determine what attitudes Brookings elementary teachers have about instructional television. Instructional television (ITV) is a modern-day teaching tool available and used in most schools. The cost to the individual school district is minimal after receiving sets have been purchased. Supplementary materials go with the programs and are available to the school from the public television station. A school may purchase any or none of the material it chooses. The advantages of instructional television are many, as will be discussed in Chapter III. This writer became interested in IT V several years ago while serving as a substitute teacher in the Lincoln, Nebraska, public schools. Th e programs were good, for the most part, and interesting on a level the children could understand. Television sets were not available in the classroom, however. Students were taken to the school auditorium, which could seat several hundred. The sets were placed high on the walls which made it necessary to hold one\u27s head back to see the screens. The reader can easily imagine transporting 35 active junior high students down halls and stairways, seating them in a small corner of the large room, and trying to recreate a learning atmosphere and restore some semblance of classroom order. The course of least resistance, not taking them to watch the programs, was attractive. In social conversation, one Brookings elementary· teacher responded to this writer\u27s question that she seldom used ITV--it was too much bother. Her statement was a reminder of the previous experience in substitute teaching, and, was the beginning of this research project. Did her attitude pervade the whole school system? What were the reasons for her attitude? Was it really a bother? Weren\u27t enough receiving sets or supplementary materials available? Were the programs dull and uninteresting or badly produced? Did the programs tie-in or complement the course of study? Considerable reading preparation preceded the writing of the questionnaire. Many studies have been done on the effectiveness of television instruction in the classroom. The most comprehensive study done in the field was done indirectly by a famous researcher, Wilbur Schramm. Actually, his contribution was an extensive review of the available research

    Impact of extreme weather on healthcare utilization by people with hiv in metropolitan miami

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    Extreme weather events (EWE) are expected to increase as climate change intensifies, leaving coastal regions exposed to higher risks. South Florida has the highest HIV infection rate in the United States, and disruptions in clinic utilization due to extreme weather conditions could affect adherence to treatment and increase community transmission. The objective of this study was to identify the association between EWE and HIV-clinic attendance rates at a large academic medical system serving the Miami-Dade communities. The following methods were utilized: (1) Extreme heat index (EHI) and extreme precipitation (EP) were identified using daily observations from 1990–2019 that were collected at the Miami International Airport weather station located 3.6 miles from the studied HIV clinics. Data on hurricanes, coastal storms and flooding were collected from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Storms Database (NOAA) for Miami-Dade County. (2) An all-HIV clinic registry identified scheduled daily visits during the study period (hurricane seasons from 2017–2019). (3) Daily weather data were linked to the all-HIV clinic registry, where patients’ ‘no-show’ status was the variable of interest. (4) A time-stratified, case crossover model was used to estimate the relative risk of no-show on days with a high heat index, precipitation, and/or an extreme natural event. A total of 26,444 scheduled visits were analyzed during the 383-day study period. A steady increase in the relative risk of ‘no-show’ was observed in successive categories, with a 14% increase observed on days when the heat index was extreme compared to days with a relatively low EHI, 13% on days with EP compared to days with no EP, and 10% higher on days with a reported extreme weather event compared to days without such incident. This study represents a novel approach to improving local understanding of the impacts of EWE on the HIV-population’s utilization of healthcare, particularly when the frequency and intensity of EWE is expected to increase and disproportionately affect vulnerable populations. More studies are needed to understand the impact of EWE on routine outpatient settings

    Parity and Components of the Metabolic Syndrome Among US Hispanic/Latina Women

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    BACKGROUND: Physiological adaptations occurring across successive pregnancies may increase the risk of adverse cardiovascular health outcomes in later life. METHODS AND RESULTS: The association between parity and metabolic syndrome was examined among 7467 Hispanic/Latina women of diverse backgrounds, aged 18 to 74 years, who participated in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL) from 2008 to 2011. Metabolic syndrome components were defined according to American Heart Association/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute criteria and included abdominal obesity, elevated triglycerides, low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high blood pressure, and elevated fasting glucose. Logistic regression models estimated odds ratios (ORs) adjusting for sociodemographic, behavioral, and reproductive characteristics. At HCHS/SOL baseline, women reported none (21.1%), 1 (19.9%), 2 (25.7%), 3 (18.6%), 4 (8.8%), and ≄ 5 (5.9%) live births. When compared with women with 1 birth, those with 4 births had the highest odds of abdominal obesity (OR, 2.0; 95% confidence interval, 1.5-2.8) and overall metabolic syndrome (OR, 1.4; 95% confidence interval, 1.0-2.0) and those with ≄ 5 births had the highest odds of low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (OR, 1.5; 95% confidence interval, 1.2-2.0) and elevated fasting glucose (OR, 1.6; 95% confidence interval, 1.1-2.4), after adjusting for age, background, education, marital status, income, nativity, smoking, physical activity, menopause, oral contraceptive use, hormone therapy, and field center. Further adjustment for percent body fat attenuated these associations. No associations were observed between parity and elevated triglycerides or high blood pressure. CONCLUSIONS: Higher parity is associated with an increased prevalence of selected components of the metabolic syndrome among Hispanic/Latina women in the US. High parity among Hispanics/Latinas with a high prevalence of abdominal obesity suggests high risk for metabolic dysregulation

    Controls on Erosion in the Western Tarin Basin: Implications for the Uplift of Northwest Tibet and the Parmir

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    We present here bulk sediment major element chemistry, Nd and Sr isotope ratios, and detrital apatite fission-track (AFT) and U-Pb zircon ages to characterize the provenance of the southwestern Taklimakan Desert (northwest China) and the three major rivers draining this region. We establish the spatial and temporal controls on erosion and sediment transport in the modern Tibetan rain shadow. The Hotan River drains the North Kunlun block and is characterized by zircon populations at 160–230 Ma and 370–520 Ma. The Yarkand River shares these grains with the Hotan, but also has a very prominent zircon population at 40–160 Ma, which is common in Karakoram basement, indicating heavy sediment flux from these ranges to that drainage. This implies a strong control on erosion by topographic steepness and precipitation mediated through glaciation. Our zircon data confirm earlier studies that indicated that the Taklimakan sand is derived from both the Kunlun and Pamir Mountains. AFT ages are younger in the Hotan River than in the Kashgar River, which drains the Pamir, and in both are younger than in the Transhimalaya and parts of the western edge of the Tibetan Plateau. Exhumation is estimated at ∌1000 m/m.y. in the North Kunlun and ∌500 m/m.y. in the eastern Pamir, which have been exhuming more slowly than the western ranges in the recent past. Holocene aggradation terracing was dated using quartz optically stimulated luminescence methods and is mostly associated with times of fluctuating climate after 4 ka, with phases of valley filling dated at 2.6, 1.4, and 0.4 ka. The heights and volumes of the terraces show that sediment storage in the mountains is not a significant buffer to sediment transport, in contrast to the more monsoonal Indus system directly to the south. South of the Mazatag Ridge a significant eolian deposit accumulated ∌500 yr ago, but this has been deflated in more recent times. Comparison of the modern river data with those previously measured from Cenozoic foreland sedimentary rocks shows that no sediment similar to that of the modern Yarkand River is seen in the geologic record, which is inferred to be younger than 11 Ma, and probably much less. Uplift of the North Kunlun had started by ca. 17 Ma, somewhat after that of the Pamir and Songpan Garze of northwestern Tibet, dated to before 24 Ma. Sediment from the Kunlun reached the foreland basin between 14 and 11 Ma. North Kunlun exhumation accelerated before 3.7 Ma, likely linked to faster rock uplift

    No modern Irrawaddy River until the late Miocene-Pliocene

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    The deposits of large Asian rivers with unique drainage geometries have attracted considerable attention due to their explanatory power concerning tectonism, surface uplift and upstream drainage evolution. This study presents the first petrographic, heavy mineral, Nd and Sr isotope geochemistry, and detrital zircon geochronology results from the Holocene Irrawaddy megadelta alongside modern and ancient sedimentary provenance datasets to assess the late Neogene evolution of the Irrawaddy River. Contrary to models advocating a steady post-middle Miocene river, we reveal an evolution of the Irrawaddy River more compatible with regional evidence for kinematic reorganization in Myanmar during late-stage India-Asia collision. Quaternary sediments are remarkably consistent in terms of provenance but highlight significant decoupling amongst fine and coarse fraction 87Sr/86Sr and ƒ”Nd due to hydraulic sorting. Only well after the late Miocene do petrographic, heavy mineral, isotope geochemistry, and detrital zircon U–Pb results from the trunk Irrawaddy and its tributaries achieve modern-day signatures. The primary driver giving rise to the geometry and provenance signature of the modern Irrawaddy River was regional late Miocene (▤10 Ma) basin inversion coupled with uplift and cumulative displacement along the Sagaing Fault. Middle to late Miocene provenance signatures cannot be reconciled with modern river geometries, and thus require significant loss of headwaters feeding the Chindwin subbasin after ‚àÂș14 Ma and the northern Shwebo subbasin after ‚àÂș11 Ma. Large-scale reworking after ‚àÂș7 Ma is evidenced by modern Irrawaddy River provenance, by entrenchment of the nascent drainage through Plio-Pleistocene inversion structures, and in the transfer of significant sediment volumes to the Andaman Sea

    Rift structure and sediment infill of hyperextended continental crust: insights from 3D seismic and well data (Xisha Trough, South China Sea)

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    Three‐dimensional seismic and well data from the deepwater Xisha Trough are used to investigate the rift structure and sediment infill of a region formed adjacently to the initial oceanic ridge of the South China Sea (SCS). The high‐quality data permitted a detailed analysis of features such as: (1) detachment faults soling out at the Moho, (2) rotated and thinned continental blocks covered by thick sediment, and (3) changes in the location of basin depocenters resulting from detachment faulting. During the continental rifting phase (Eocene to earliest Oligocene), faulting was broadly distributed in Xisha Trough and resulted in the generation of isolated grabens/half‐grabens filled by proximal sediment sources. During continental breakup in the Northwest Ocean Sector of SCS (Oligocene), extension became restricted to a narrow region where highly tilted continental blocks and thin crust were formed. Sediment was, at that time, fed to distal depocenters, which are presently bounded by listric faults rooted in a basal detachment. Later in a second stage (early Miocene), synchronously with continental breakup in the Southwest Ocean Sector of the SCS, the study area was blanketed by thick sediment. During the two continental breakup events, the hyperextended Xisha Trough was affected by closely spaced, small‐scale faults rather than large basement‐related structures. Our study highlights the effect of continental breakup as a way to broaden sediment influx from multiple sources into deepwater basins. As a corollary, this work recognizes two distinct breakup sequences in the Xisha Trough, and concludes on their geodynamic significance to the SCS

    Integrase inhibitors in late pregnancy and rapid HIV viral load reduction

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    Minimizing time to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) viral suppression is critical in pregnancy. Integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs), like raltegravir, are known to rapidly suppress plasma HIV ribonucleic acid (RNA) in nonpregnant adults. There is limited data in pregnant women

    Pills, PrEP, and Pals: Adherence, Stigma, Resilience, Faith and the Need to Connect Among Minority Women With HIV/AIDS in a US HIV Epicenter

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    Background: Ending HIV/AIDS in the United States requires tailored interventions. This study is part of a larger investigation to design mCARES, a mobile technology-based, adherence intervention for ethnic minority women with HIV (MWH).Objective: To understand barriers and facilitators of care adherence (treatment and appointment) for ethnic MWH; examine the relationship between these factors across three ethnic groups; and, explore the role of mobile technologies in care adherence.Methods: Cross-sectional, mixed-methods data were collected from a cohort of African-American, Hispanic-American and Haitian-American participants. Qualitative data were collected through a focus group (n = 8) to assess barriers and facilitators to care adherence. Quantitative data (n = 48) surveyed women on depressive symptomology (PHQ-9), HIV-related stigma (HSS) and resiliency (CD-RISC25). We examined the relationships between these factors and adherence to treatment and care and across groups.Findings: Qualitative analyses revealed that barriers to treatment and appointment adherence were caregiver-related stressors (25%) and structural issues (25%); routinization (30%) and religion/spirituality (30%) promoted adherence to treatment and care. Caregiver role was both a hindrance (25%) and promoter (20%) of adherence to treatment and appointments. Quantitatively, HIV-related stigma differed by ethnic group; Haitian-Americans endorsed the highest levels while African-Americans endorsed the lowest. Depression correlated to stigma (R = 0.534; p < 0.001) and resiliency (R = −0.486; p < 0.001). Across ethnic groups, higher depressive symptomology and stigma were related to viral non-suppression (p < 0.05)—a treatment adherence marker; higher resiliency was related to viral suppression. Among Hispanic-Americans, viral non-suppression was related to depression (p < 0.05), and among African-Americans, viral suppression was related to increased resiliency (p < 0.04).Conclusion: Multiple interrelated barriers to adherence were identified. These findings on ethnic group-specific differences underscore the importance of implementing culturally-competent interventions. While privacy and confidentiality were of concern, participants suggested additional intervention features and endorsed the use of mCARES as a strategy to improve adherence to treatment and appointments

    Assessment of a Program for SARS-CoV-2 Screening and Environmental Monitoring in an Urban Public School District

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    Importance: Scalable programs for school-based SARS-CoV-2 testing and surveillance are needed to guide in-person learning practices and inform risk assessments in kindergarten through 12th grade settings. Objectives: To characterize SARS-CoV-2 infections in staff and students in an urban public school setting and evaluate test-based strategies to support ongoing risk assessment and mitigation for kindergarten through 12th grade in-person learning. Design, Setting, and Participants: This pilot quality improvement program engaged 3 schools in Omaha, Nebraska, for weekly saliva polymerase chain reaction testing of staff and students participating in in-person learning over a 5-week period from November 9 to December 11, 2020. Wastewater, air, and surface samples were collected weekly and tested for SARS-CoV-2 RNA to evaluate surrogacy for case detection and interrogate transmission risk of in-building activities. Main Outcomes and Measures: SARS-CoV-2 detection in saliva and environmental samples and risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Results: A total of 2885 supervised, self-collected saliva samples were tested from 458 asymptomatic staff members (mean [SD] age, 42.9 [12.4] years; 303 women [66.2%]; 25 Black or African American [5.5%], 83 Hispanic [18.1%], 312 White [68.1%], and 35 other or not provided [7.6%]) and 315 students (mean age, 14.2 [0.7] years; 151 female students [48%]; 20 Black or African American [6.3%], 201 Hispanic [63.8%], 75 White [23.8%], and 19 other race or not provided [6.0%]). A total of 46 cases of SARS-CoV-2 (22 students and 24 staff members) were detected, representing an increase in cumulative case detection rates from 1.2% (12 of 1000) to 7.0% (70 of 1000) among students and from 2.1% (21 of 1000) to 5.3% (53 of 1000) among staff compared with conventional reporting mechanisms during the pilot period. SARS-CoV-2 RNA was detected in wastewater samples from all pilot schools as well as in air samples collected from 2 choir rooms. Sequencing of 21 viral genomes in saliva specimens demonstrated minimal clustering associated with 1 school. Geographical analysis of SARS-CoV-2 cases reported district-wide demonstrated higher community risk in zip codes proximal to the pilot schools. Conclusions and Relevance: In this study of staff and students in 3 urban public schools in Omaha, Nebraska, weekly screening of asymptomatic staff and students by saliva polymerase chain reaction testing was associated with increased SARS-CoV-2 case detection, exceeding infection rates reported at the county level. Experiences differed among schools, and virus sequencing and geographical analyses suggested a dynamic interplay of school-based and community-derived transmission risk. Collectively, these findings provide insight into the performance and community value of test-based SARS-CoV-2 screening and surveillance strategies in the kindergarten through 12th grade educational setting
