47 research outputs found

    Toisen luokan haltioita:haltian henkilöhahmon alisteinen asema Andrzej Sapkowskin Viimeisessä toivomuksessa

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    Tiivistelmä. Kirjallisuuden sivuaineen tutkielmani käsittelee haltian henkilöhahmon alisteista asemaa Andrzej Sapkowskin teoksessa Viimeinen toivomus -teoksessa. Fantasiakirjallisuutta lukiessani olin tottunut siihen, että haltiat esitetään tavallisesti muita henkilöhahmoja ylevämpinä ja parempina olentoina, mutta Sapkowskin teoksessa he olivatkin marginaaliin työnnettyjä, ihmisten halveksimia olentoja. Lähdin selvittämään haltioiden asemaa Sapkowskin fiktiivisen maailman modaliteeteista, teemoista ja moodista käsin, hyödyntäen tässä työssä viitekehyksenäni Lubomír Doleželin teoriaa mahdollisista maailmoista, jonka hän esittelee vuonna 1998 ilmestyneessä teoksessaan Heterocosmica. Fiction and Possible Worlds. Päädyin analyysissäni siihen johtopäätökseen, että Sapkowski on heikentänyt teoksessaan fantasiakirjallisuudessa esiintyvää haltian tyyppiä muun muassa riisumalla heiltä pois muissa genren teoksissa esiintyviä yli-inhimillisiä kykyjä ja tuomalla heidät pitkäikäisyyttä lukuunottamatta ihmisten tasolle. Tämä näkyy muun muassa siinä, että haltiat voivat sairastua puutostauteihin ihmisten tavoin. Lisäksi fantasiamaailmassa rajoitetaan haltioiden oikeuksia ihmisten asuttamissa kaupungeissa ja heitä on ajettu pois omilta mailtaan, jotta ihmiset ovat saaneet nämä viljavat alueet käyttöönsä. Haltioiden henkilöhahmoihin liittyy myös demonisointia ja virheellistä tietoa. Haltian henkilöhahmon heikentäminen ja alisteiseen asemaan asettaminen selittyy teoksen teemojen kautta. Eräs läpäisevistä teemoista on toiseus ja ihmiskunnan ulkopuolisten olentojen joutuminen ihmisten pyrkimysten uhreiksi. Nämä teemat ilmenevät toistuvina motiiveina, joissa ”toiset”, hirviöt ja haltiat joutuvat ihmisten ahneuden ja vallanhimon uhreiksi. Haltioiden kohtalo on eräs näiden teemojen motiiveista. Jotta haltiat voisivat joutua tällaiseen tilanteeseen, on ollut loogista karsia heidän kykyjään, jotta alisteiseen asemaan joutuminen olisi ylipäätänsä mahdollista. Haltioiden alempaan statukseen vaikuttaa myös teoksen moodi, jota voisi lähinnä luonnehtia groteskiksi. Groteski moodi tukee myös teoksen teemoja, sillä eräs groteskin ominaisuus on normaaliuden ja inhimillisyyden määritelmien kyseenalaistaminen. Myös tämä kysymys nousee yhdeksi teoksen teemoista

    Anomalous CO2 Ice Toward HOPS-68: A Tracer of Protostellar Feedback

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    We report the detection of a unique CO2 ice band toward the deeply embedded, low-mass protostar HOPS-68. Our spectrum, obtained with the Infrared Spectrograph onboard the Spitzer Space Telescope, reveals a 15.2 micron CO2 ice bending mode profile that cannot modeled with the same ice structure typically found toward other protostars. We develop a modified CO2 ice profile decomposition, including the addition of new high-quality laboratory spectra of pure, crystalline CO2 ice. Using this model, we find that 87-92% of the CO2 is sequestered as spherical, CO2-rich mantles, while typical interstellar ices show evidence of irregularly-shaped, hydrogen-rich mantles. We propose that (1) the nearly complete absence of unprocessed ices along the line-of-sight is due to the flattened envelope structure of HOPS-68, which lacks cold absorbing material in its outer envelope, and possesses an extreme concentration of material within its inner (10 AU) envelope region and (2) an energetic event led to the evaporation of inner envelope ices, followed by cooling and re-condensation, explaining the sequestration of spherical, CO2 ice mantles in a hydrogen-poor mixture. The mechanism responsible for the sublimation could be either a transient accretion event or shocks in the interaction region between the protostellar outflow and envelope. The proposed scenario is consistent with the rarity of the observed CO2 ice profile, the formation of nearly pure CO2 ice, and the production of spherical ice mantles. HOPS-68 may therefore provide a unique window into the protostellar feedback process, as outflows and heating shape the physical and chemical structure of protostellar envelopes and molecular clouds.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal, 2013 February 15: 14 pages, 9 figures, 3 table

    Porosity measurements of interstellar ice mixtures using optical laser interference and extended effective medium approximations

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    Aims. This article aims to provide an alternative method of measuring the porosity of multi-phase composite ices from their refractive indices and of characterising how the abundance of a premixed contaminant (e.g., CO2) affects the porosity of water-rich ice mixtures during omni-directional deposition. Methods. We combine optical laser interference and extended effective medium approximations (EMAs) to measure the porosity of three astrophysically relevant ice mixtures: H2O:CO2=10:1, 4:1, and 2:1. Infrared spectroscopy is used as a benchmarking test of this new laboratory-based method. Results. By independently monitoring the O-H dangling modes of the different water-rich ice mixtures, we confirm the porosities predicted by the extended EMAs. We also demonstrate that CO2 premixed with water in the gas phase does not significantly affect the ice morphology during omni-directional deposition, as long as the physical conditions favourable to segregation are not reached. We propose a mechanism in which CO2 molecules diffuse on the surface of the growing ice sample prior to being incorporated into the bulk and then fill the pores partly or completely, depending on the relative abundance and the growth temperature.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in A&

    Experience-Dependent Effects to Situational Awareness in Police Officers : An Eye Tracking Study

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    Police work requires making suitable observations which form the basis of situational awareness (SA) of the encounter in progress. Incomplete early-stage SA (i.e., perception) can lead to errors in subsequent judgement and decision-making that can have severe consequences for performance, learning, and occupational health. SA in police contexts is still relatively understudied and requires closer examination using objective measures. The current preliminary study aimed to measure the gaze and fixation patterns among novice and expert police officers to understand early-stage SA at different levels of professional experience. Participants included 23 novices (10 early, 13 intermediate) and 11 experienced officers and instructors in tactics and use of force. Visit duration and fixation order were measured while participants viewed various static images of staged encounters. Results showed that all participants fixated longer on targets compared to the periphery, and fixated earlier on suspects’ faces compared to hands, bodies, or the environment. Further, experts fixated earlier on hands and spent less time scanning the environment than early novices. The current findings reveal eye movement patterns while officers engaged in typical police encounters. Future research can inform evidence-based police training to achieve optimal SA and minimize negative outcomes in training and operational field settings.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    SuperVision:Playing with Gaze Aversion and Peripheral Vision

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    In this work, we challenge the Gaze interaction paradigm" What you see is what you get" to introduce" playing with peripheral vision". We developed the conceptual framework to introduce this novel gaze-aware game dynamic. We illustrated the concept with SuperVision, a collection of three games that play with peripheral vision. We propose perceptual and interaction challenges that require players not to look and rely on their periphery. To validate the game dynamic and experience, we conducted a user study with twenty-four participants. Results show how the game concept created an engaging and playful experience playing with peripheral vision. Participants showed proficiency in overcoming the game challenges, developing clear strategies to succeed. Moreover, we found evidence that playing the game can affect our visual skills, with greater peripheral awareness

    Laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry of ultraviolet photo-processed ices

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    A new ultra-high vacuum experiment is described that allows studying photo-induced chemical processes in interstellar ice analogues. MATRI2CES - a Mass Analytical Tool to study Reactions in Interstellar ICES applies a new concept by combining laser desorption and time-of-flight mass spectrometry with the ultimate goal to characterize in situ and in real time the solid state evolution of organic compounds upon UV photolysis for astronomically relevant ice mixtures and temperatures. The performance of the experimental setup is demonstrated by the kinetic analysis of the different photoproducts of pure methane (CH4) ice at 20 K. A quantitative approach provides formation yields of several new species with up to four carbon atoms. Convincing evidence is found for the formation of even larger species. Typical mass resolutions obtained range from M/M ∼320 to ∼400 for CH4 and argon, respectively. Additional tests show that the typical detection limit (in monolayers) is ≤0.02 ML, substantially more sensitive than the regular techniques used to investigate chemical processes in interstellar ices.Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)Laboratory astrophysics and astrochemistr

    Grain Surface Models and Data for Astrochemistry

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    AbstractThe cross-disciplinary field of astrochemistry exists to understand the formation, destruction, and survival of molecules in astrophysical environments. Molecules in space are synthesized via a large variety of gas-phase reactions, and reactions on dust-grain surfaces, where the surface acts as a catalyst. A broad consensus has been reached in the astrochemistry community on how to suitably treat gas-phase processes in models, and also on how to present the necessary reaction data in databases; however, no such consensus has yet been reached for grain-surface processes. A team of ∼25 experts covering observational, laboratory and theoretical (astro)chemistry met in summer of 2014 at the Lorentz Center in Leiden with the aim to provide solutions for this problem and to review the current state-of-the-art of grain surface models, both in terms of technical implementation into models as well as the most up-to-date information available from experiments and chemical computations. This review builds on the results of this workshop and gives an outlook for future directions