756 research outputs found

    Interpersonal Antecedents to Selective Disclosure of Lesbian and Gay Identities at Work

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    Lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) employees' sexual identitymay be considered a concealable stigmatised identity. Disclosing it to others at work could potentially lead to discrimination and rejection, hence threatening their inclusion. Therefore, they may hide their sexual identity instead, which may then come at the cost of, e.g., guilt for not living authentically. However, disclosure is a continuum - rather than a dichotomy - meaning that LGB workers may decide to disclose selectively, i.e., telling some, but not all co‐workers. Most literature on disclosure focuses on the interplay between intrapersonal (e.g., psychological) and contextual (e.g., organisational) characteristics, thereby somewhat overlooking the role of interpersonal (e.g., relational) characteristics. In this article, we present findings from semi‐structured, in‐depth interviews with nine Dutch lesbian and gay employees, conducted in early 2020, to gain a better understanding of interpersonal antecedents to disclosure decisions at work. Through our thematic analysis, we find that LGB workers may adopt a proactive or reactive approach to disclosure, which relates to the salience of their sexual identity at work (high/low) and their concern for anticipated acceptance. Other themes facilitating disclosure include an affective dimension, being in a relationship, and associating with the employee resource group. We demonstrate the importance of studying disclosure at the interpersonal level and reflect on how our findings relate to literature on disclosure, authenticity, belonging, and social inclusion of LGB individuals at work

    Die soziale Lage von Film- und Fernsehschauspieler/innen in Deutschland

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt die soziale Lage der Film- und Fernsehschauspieler/innen in Deutschland. Anhand der Daten einer quantitativen Befragung von Mitgliedern des Berufsverbands der Film- und Fernsehschauspieler/innen (BFFS) werden die Beschäftigungs- und Einkommenssituation, die Lebenszufriedenheit und die Einbindung in die Arbeitslosenversicherung analysiert. Vor dem Hintergrund der sich in den Ergebnissen der Analyse abzeichnenden problematischen Einbindung in die Arbeitslosenversicherung wird abschließend die allgemeine Integration der Wissens- und Kreativarbeitenden in das System der gesetzlichen Sozialversicherungen diskutiert.This article describes the social situation of movie and TV actors and actresses. Using data of a survey on members of the German association of film and TV actors and actresses (BFFS) we are analyzing their employment and income situation, their life satisfaction and their integration into the unemployment insurance. The results of the analysis concerning the integration into the unemployment insurance are discussed as an example for the general mismatch between the structure of the German social security system and the employment patterns of knowledge workers and creative professionals

    RNAi Trigger Delivery into Anopheles gambiae Pupae

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    Citation: Regna, K., Harrison, R. M., Heyse, S. A., Chiles, T. C., Michel, K., & Muskavitch, M. A. T. (2016). RNAi Trigger Delivery into Anopheles gambiae Pupae. Jove-Journal of Visualized Experiments(109), 9. doi:10.3791/53738RNA interference (RNAi), a naturally occurring phenomenon in eukaryotic organisms, is an extremely valuable tool that can be utilized in the laboratory for functional genomic studies. The ability to knockdown individual genes selectively via this reverse genetic technique has allowed many researchers to rapidly uncover the biological roles of numerous genes within many organisms, by evaluation of loss-of-function phenotypes. In the major human malaria vector Anopheles gambiae, the predominant method used to reduce the function of targeted genes involves injection of double-stranded (dsRNA) into the hemocoel of the adult mosquito. While this method has been successful, gene knockdown in adults excludes the functional assessment of genes that are expressed and potentially play roles during pre-adult stages, as well as genes that are expressed in limited numbers of cells in adult mosquitoes. We describe a method for the injection of Serine Protease Inhibitor 2 (SRPN2) dsRNA during the early pupal stage and validate SRPN2 protein knockdown by observing decreased target protein levels and the formation of melanotic pseudo-tumors in SRPN2 knockdown adult mosquitoes. This evident phenotype has been described previously for adult stage knockdown of SRPN2 function, and we have recapitulated this adult phenotype by SRPN2 knockdown initiated during pupal development. When used in conjunction with a dye-labeled dsRNA solution, this technique enables easy visualization by simple light microscopy of injection quality and distribution of dsRNA in the hemocoel

    Effect of the unpolarized spin state in spin-correlation measurement of two protons produced in the 12C(d,2He) reaction

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    In this note we discuss the effect of the unpolarized state in the spin-correlation measurement of the 1S0^1S_0 two-proton state produced in 12C(d,2He) reaction at the KVI, Groningen. We show that in the presence of the unpolarized state the maximal violation of the CHSH-Bell inequality is lower than the classical limit if the purity of the state is less than 70% \sim \verb+70%+. In particular, for the KVI experiment the violation of the CHSH-Bell inequality should be corrected by a factor 10%\sim\verb+10%+ from the pure 1S0^1S_0 state.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in J. Phys.

    Substrate type as a selective tool against colonization by non-native sessile invertebrates

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    Substratos de diferentes materiais, cores, texturas e orientação podem influenciar seletivamente no recrutamento de invertebrados sésseis e, assim, influenciar a comunidade resultante. Deste modo, o substrato pode funcionar como barreira contra o estabelecimento de espécies não nativas (NIS, na sigla em inglês). No sul do Brasil, o granito é a principal rocha formadora de costões rochosos naturais disponíveis para organismos incrustantes. Nesta investigação, nós testamos se o granito seleciona o recrutamento de espécies e se poderia, assim, impedir a colonização de espécies introduzidas ou criptogênicas já estabelecidas em substratos artificiais na região. Placas não polidas de granito e de polietileno foram submersas a cada mês em um píer de um iate clube na Baía de Paranaguá. Há uma comunidade já estabelecida sobre colunas de concreto e sobre flutuadores de fibra de vidro presentes no iate clube. Depois de um, dois e doze meses, as espécies presentes nas placas de diferentes materiais foram comparadas entre si e também com outros substratos. O granito foi colonizado por todas as sete espécies introduzidas encontradas na região, e por 18 das 26 espécies criptogênicas, sendo então ineficaz como barreira contra a colonização de NIS.Different substrates of varying composition, color, texture and orientation may selectively influence recruitment of sessile invertebrates and thereby influence the resultant community. Thus substrates may act as a barrier to the establishment of non-indigenous species (NIS). In southern Brazil, granite is the main rock forming natural rocky walls that are available for encrusting organisms. In this study we tested whether granite selectively influences recruitment and impedes colonization by introduced and cryptogenic species that are already established on artificial substrates within the region. Plates of rough cut granite and of polyethylene were made available each month under a pier at a yacht club in Paranaguá Bay. A community is already established on concrete columns and fiber glass floats on the piers. After one, two and twelve months, the faunal composition of the plates was compared between the two treatments and other artificial substrates. Granite was recruited by all the seven introduced species found in the Bay and by 18 of 26 cryptogenic species and therefore is ineffective as a barrier to NIS colonization

    Classic McEliece Implementation with Low Memory Footprint

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    The Classic McEliece cryptosystem is one of the most trusted quantum-resistant cryptographic schemes. Deploying it in practical applications, however, is challenging due to the size of its public key. In this work, we bridge this gap. We present an implementation of Classic McEliece on an ARM Cortex-M4 processor, optimized to overcome memory constraints. To this end, we present an algorithm to retrieve the public key ad-hoc. This reduces memory and storage requirements and enables the generation of larger key pairs on the device. To further improve the implementation, we perform the public key operation by streaming the key to avoid storing it as a whole. This additionally reduces the risk of denial of service attacks. Finally, we use these results to implement and run TLS on the embedded device