1,438 research outputs found

    Unconditionally converging polynomials on Banach spaces

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    We prove that weakly unconditionally Cauchy (w.u.C.) series and unconditionally converging (u.c.) series are preserved under the action of polynomials or holomorphic functions on Banach spaces, with natural restrictions in the latter case. Thus it is natural to introduce the unconditionally converging polynomials, defined as polynomials taking w.u.C. series into u.c.\ series, and analogously, the unconditionally converging holomorphic functions. We show that most of the classes of polynomials which have been considered in the literature consist of unconditionally converging polynomials. Then we study several ``polynomial properties'' of Banach spaces, defined in terms of relations of inclusion between classes of polynomials, and also some ``holomorphic properties''. We find remarkable differences with the corresponding ``linear properties''. For example, we show that a Banach space EE has the polynomial property (V) if and only if the spaces of homogeneous scalar polynomials P(k ⁣E){\cal P}(^k\!E), kNk\in{\bf N}, or the space of scalar holomorphic mappings of bounded type Hb(E),{\cal H}_b(E), are reflexive. In this case the dual space EE^*, like the dual of Tsirelson's space, is reflexive and contains no copies of p\ell_p

    La exposici?n como t?cnica did?ctica para el fortalecimiento de la competencia oral, de los estudiantes del ciclo dos del Liceo Rozford jornada ?nica localidad octava de Kennedy

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    84 P?ginasEl presente informe de investigaci?n: ?la exposici?n como t?cnica did?ctica para el fortalecimiento de la competencia oral, de los estudiantes de ciclo dos del Liceo Rozford jornada ?nica localidad octava de Kennedy,? ha optado por proponer el desarrollo de una estrategia para mejorar en ellos su competencia oral, fundamentada en la t?cnica did?ctica de la exposici?n: falta de vocabulario, sintaxis, fluidez verbal, comprensi?n y pragm?tica, enfocada principalmente en su espontaneidad al responder una pregunta. Se pretende que con la exposici?n como t?cnica did?ctica, se logre fortalecer la competencia oral en estos ni?os. Este proceso se inici? a partir de las observaciones de clases, diarios de campo, proyectos institucionales, entrevista con docentes y directivas de la instituci?n, que contribuyeron a detectar y a plantear problem?ticas en ?rea de lengua castellana, se realiz? a partir de talleres l?dicos, impulsados seg?n su competencia oral. Para lo cual, se plasmaron siete fases: De sensibilizaci?n, diagn?stico, an?lisis, dise?o, desarrollo, evaluaci?n y divulgaci?n. Por esta raz?n, el objetivo del proyecto es: mejorar la competencia oral de los estudiantes descritos anteriormente, por medio de actividades expositivas tales como: el juego de roles, el panel, el sociodrama, el interrogatorio, la mesa redonda y el torbellino de ideas. Para concluir, la propuesta de intervenci?n pedag?gica, evidencia los resultados desde la investigaci?n formativa y la l?nea Investigaci?n- Acci?n- Participaci?n (I.A.P.).ABSTRACT. This research report: " the exhibition as a teaching technique for strengthening the oral competition, of the students of second cycle of Liceo Rozford eight Locality of Kennedy, " has chosen to propose the development of a strategy to improve their oral competence, based on the teaching technique of exposure: lack of vocabulary, syntax, verbal fluency, comprehension and pragmatic, focused mainly on spontaneity to answer a question. It is intended that exposure as a teaching technique, strengthening oral expression in these children. This process will start from classroom observations, field notes, institutional projects, interviews to teachers and school administrative that contributed to detection and expose problems in the Spanish language area. This educational intervention was conducted from recreational workshops, driven by oral competition. From awareness, diagnosis, analysis, design, development, evaluation and dissemination: For which, seven phases were reflected. Therefore, the objective of the project is to improve the oral proficiency of students described above, by means of exhibition activities such as role play, panel, the skit, the interrogation, the round table and brainstorming. In conclusion, the proposed pedagogical intervention evidences results from the formative Participation - Action - Research (PAR).ADVERTENCIA. El Instituto de Educaci?n a Distancia, Programa de Licenciatura en Educaci?n B?sica con ?nfasis en Lengua Castellana La Universidad del Tolima, el director de trabajo y el jurado calificador, no son responsables de lo concepto ni de las ideas expuestas por el autor del presente trabajo Art?culo 16, Acuerdo 032 de 1976 y Articulo 29, Acuerdo 064 de 1991, Consejo Acad?mico de la Universidad del Tolima.Las autoras GISELLE OSORIO GONZ?LEZ Y M?NICA ALEJANDRA ROZO RINC?N autorizan a la UNIVERSIDAD DEL TOLIMA la reproducci?n total o parcial de este documento, con la debida cita de recomendaci?n de la autor?a y cede a la misma Universidad los derechos patrimoniales, con fines de investigaci?n, docencia e institucionales, consagrado en el art?culo 72 de la Ley 23 de 1.982 y la norma que lo incluyan o modifiquen. (Acuerdo 0066 de 2003 ?Por el cual adoptan norma relacionada con la presentaci?n de tesis y trabajo de grado? CONSEJO ACAD?MICO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL TOLIMA).INTRODUCCI?N 11 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 12 1.1 DESCRIPCI?N Y FORMULACI?N DEL PROBLEMA 12 2. JUSTIFICACI?N 14 3. OBJETIVOS 15 3.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 15 3.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 15 4. MARCO TE?RICO 16 4.1 ANTECEDENTES 16 4.2 MARCO LEGAL 17 4.3 MARCO EPISTEMOL?GICO 18 4.4 MARCO PSICOL?GICO 19 4.5 MARCO PEDAG?GICO 20 4.6 MARCO CONCEPTUAL 22 5. DISE?O METODOL?GICO 24 5.1 TIPO DE INVESTIGACI?N 24 5.2 ENFOQUE DE LA INVESTIGACI?N 24 5.3 PAR?METROS DE LA INVESTIGACI?N 25 5.3.1 Poblaci?n 25 5.4 FICHA T?CNICA DE LA INSTITUCI?N 26 5.4.1 Contextualizaci?n del Liceo 26 5.4.2 Muestra 27 5.5 RECOLECCI?N DE DATOS DE LA INFORMACI?N 27 5.5.1 Observaci?n etnogr?fica 27 5.5.2 Diario de campo 28 5.5.3 Estudio de casos 28 5.5.4 Entrevista 28 5.5.5 Los grupos focales 29 5.6 ETAPAS DE LA INVESTIGACI?N 29 5.6.1 Fase 1 29 5.6.2 Fase 2 29 5.6.3 Fase 3 29 6. AN?LISIS DE RESULTADOS 30 6.1 PERFIL DE LOS ESTUDIANTES PARTICIPANTES EN EL PROYECTO 30 6.2 DESARROLLO DE LAS ACTIVIDADES PROPUESTAS EN EL PROYECTO 31 7. CONCLUSIONES 58 RECOMENDACIONES 60 REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGR?FICAS 61 ANEXOS 6

    El SIE, letra muerta en la instituci?n educativa

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    139 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEn Colombia, la evaluaci?n de los aprendizajes de los estudiantes, se rige por el Decreto 1290 del a?o 2009, el cual brinda autonom?a a las instituciones educativas para crear su propio Sistema Institucional de Evaluaci?n. El objetivo de la presente investigaci?n es describir el papel del SIE en el desarrollo de las pr?cticas evaluativas de los docentes de la Instituci?n Educativa T?cnica Pedro Pab?n Parga, en su proceso de ense?anza aprendizaje, para hacer de la evaluaci?n un elemento motivador y generador de aprendizaje, debido a que en la realidad, los prop?sitos que este documento contempla, no se reflejan de manera planeada y contundente en las pr?cticas evaluativas desarrolladas por los profesores en las aulas de clase. Para el desarrollo de este estudio, se emple? una investigaci?n de enfoque cualitativo, con dise?o descriptivo y se emple? una muestra representativa, compuesta por 16 docentes integrantes del consejo acad?mico y 38 alumnos del consejo estudiantil. En el dise?o metodol?gico se elabor? una tabla de cotejo que permiti? realizar una revisi?n documental del SIE, de acuerdo con los criterios establecidos en el art?culo 4? del Decreto 1290 de 2009; Igualmente, se administraron encuestas a docentes y estudiantes, adem?s se dise?? un grupo focal, con el fin de determinar el conocimiento y apropiaci?n del SIE, develar la definici?n de evaluaci?n que el SIE proclama como documento institucional y la que le asignan los docentes, las t?cnicas e instrumentos utilizados y el uso que le dan a los resultados de la evaluaci?n. Con los resultados obtenidos, se realiz? un an?lisis que permiti? sugerir estrategias para darle funcionalidad al Sistema de Evaluaci?n de la Instituci?n Educativa T?cnica Pedro Pab?n Parga, dentro del proceso educativo y de esta manera fortalecer las pr?cticas evaluativas, en beneficio de toda la comunidad educativa. Palabras claves: Evaluaci?n educativa, Sistema Institucional de Evaluaci?n de Estudiantes (SIE), pr?cticas evaluativas y Decreto 1290 del 16 de abril de 2009.In Colombia, the evaluation of students learning is oriented by Decree 1290 of 2009, which gives educational institutions the autonomy to create their own Institutional Evaluation System. The objective of this research is to describe the role of the SIE in the development of the evaluation practices of the teachers of the Pedro Pab?n Parga Technical Educational Institution, in their process of teaching and learning, in order to make the evaluation an element that motivates and generates learning, due to the fact that in reality, the purposes that this document contemplates are not reflected in a planned and forceful way in the evaluation practices developed by the teachers in the classrooms. For the development of this study, qualitative approach was used, with a descriptive design, and are presentative sample of 16 faculty members from the academic council and 38 students from the student council was used. In the methodological design, a checklist was prepared that allowed for a documentary review of the SIE in accordance with the criteria established in article 4 of Decree 1290 of 2009; Likewise, surveys were administered to teachers and students, in addition to a focal group, to determine the knowledge and appropriation of the SIE, to reveal the definition of evaluation that the SIE proclaims as an institutional document and that which the teachers assign to it, the techniques and instruments used and the use they make of the results of the evaluation. With the results obtained, an analysis was made that allowed to suggest strategies to give functionality to the Evaluation System of the Pedro Pab?n Parga Technical Educational Institution, within the educational process and in this way strengthen the evaluation practices, for the benefit of the entire educational community. Keywords: Educational evaluation, Institutional Evaluation System (SIE), evaluation practices, Decree 1290 of April 16 of 2009

    Systemic Effects Induced by Hyperoxia in a Preclinical Model of Intra-abdominal Sepsis

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    Supplemental oxygen is a supportive treatment in patients with sepsis to balance tissue oxygen delivery and demand in the tissues. However, hyperoxia may induce some pathological effects. We sought to assess organ damage associated with hyperoxia and its correlation with the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in a preclinical model of intra-abdominal sepsis. For this purpose, sepsis was induced in male, Sprague-Dawley rats by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). We randomly assigned experimental animals to three groups: control (healthy animals), septic (CLP), and sham-septic (surgical intervention without CLP). At 18 h after CLP, septic (n = 39), sham-septic (n = 16), and healthy (n = 24) animals were placed within a sealed Plexiglas cage and randomly distributed into four groups for continuous treatment with 21%, 40%, 60%, or 100% oxygen for 24 h. At the end of the experimental period, we evaluated serum levels of cytokines, organ damage biomarkers, histological examination of brain and lung tissue, and ROS production in each surviving animal. We found that high oxygen concentrations increased IL-6 and biomarkers of organ damage levels in septic animals, although no relevant histopathological lung or brain damage was observed. Healthy rats had an increase in IL-6 and aspartate aminotransferase at high oxygen concentration. IL-6 levels, but not ROS levels, are correlated with markers of organ damage. In our study, the use of high oxygen concentrations in a clinically relevant model of intra-abdominal sepsis was associated with enhanced inflammation and organ damage. These findings were unrelated to ROS release into circulation. Hyperoxia could exacerbate sepsis-induced inflammation, and it could be by itself detrimental. Our study highlights the need of developing safer thresholds for oxygen therapy

    Information Feedback and Mass Media Effects in Cultural Dynamics

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    We study the effects of different forms of information feedback associated with mass media on an agent-agent based model of the dynamics of cultural dissemination. In addition to some processes previously considered, we also examine a model of local mass media influence in cultural dynamics. Two mechanisms of information feedback are investigated: (i) direct mass media influence, where local or global mass media act as an additional element in the network of interactions of each agent, and (ii) indirect mass media influence, where global media acts as a filter of the influence of the existing network of interactions of each agent. Our results generalize substantiate previous findings showing that cultural diversity builds-up by increasing the strength of the mass media influence. We find that this occurs independently of the mechanisms of action (direct or indirect) of the mass media message. However, through an analysis of the full range of parameters measuring cultural diversity, we establish that the enhancement of cultural diversity produced by interaction with mass media only occurs for strong enough mass media messages. In comparison with previous studies a main different result is that weak mass media messages, in combination with agent-agent interaction, are efficient in producing cultural homogeneity. Moreover, the homogenizing effect of weak mass media messages are more efficient for direct local mass media messages than for global mass media messages or indirect global mass media influences.Agent Based Model, Culture, Dissemination, Mass Media

    Quasi-Exact Solvability and the direct approach to invariant subspaces

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    We propose a more direct approach to constructing differential operators that preserve polynomial subspaces than the one based on considering elements of the enveloping algebra of sl(2). This approach is used here to construct new exactly solvable and quasi-exactly solvable quantum Hamiltonians on the line which are not Lie-algebraic. It is also applied to generate potentials with multiple algebraic sectors. We discuss two illustrative examples of these two applications: an interesting generalization of the Lam\'e potential which posses four algebraic sectors, and a quasi-exactly solvable deformation of the Morse potential which is not Lie-algebraic.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Dislocations in Si-Doped LEC GaAs Revisited: a Spectrum Image Cathodoluminescence Study

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    The understanding of the role of impurities is crucial to semiconductor device technology, since all the devices are engineered by the selective incorporation of impurities. However, the incorporation of these impurities to the lattice and the resulting free charge concentration depend on the interaction with native defects. Dislocations in Si-doped substrates were studied in the nineties using highly sensitive DSL (Diluted Sirtl-Like) etching, SEM-EBIC (Electron Beam Induced Current) and microPL techniques. Both grown-in (G) dislocations, and grown-in dislocations glided (GS) by thermal stresses during post growth cooling were investigated aiming to understand the interaction between the dislocations and the doped GaAs matrix. CL spectrum imaging allows revisiting this problem supplying information about the defects forming the Cottrell atmospheres, and how they are distributed. By using a CCD multichannel detector it is possible to obtain the full spectral information over a selected area with submicrometric spatial resolution. The local spectra corresponding to the different regions of the dislocation atmosphere are available, allowing the identification of the different defects responsible for the luminescence emission. On the other hand, the use of fitting routines allows mapping the distribution of the different defects and impurities, providing a full scenario of the Cottrell atmosphere. The CL images are complemented with etching depth (using DSL) images obtained by Phase Stepping Microscopy

    Fortaleciendo los h?bitos lectores implementando la literatura infantil como estrategia l?dico pedag?gica para enriquecer las habilidades comunicativas de los ni?os y ni?as del grado preescolar

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    116 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente proyecto de investigaci?n centra su acci?n en estimular desde edades tempranas, la lectura y el acercamiento a los libros, como v?a para desarrollar h?bitos lectores y enriquecer las habilidades comunicativas. Tiene como objetivo fijar en el ni?o el h?bito de la lectura donde el principal factor es determinar aquellas posibles causas que propician o desmotivan a los ni?os el deseo de leer dentro de su mundo, aprender a tener un h?bito lector a temprana edad se ve como una necesidad en el desarrollo personal y social de cada uno de los ni?os, por eso vemos necesidad o alternativa de desarrollar estrategias l?dico pedag?gicas como la literatura infantil, por medio de un proyecto pedag?gico de aula para fortalecer h?bitos lectores, que le permitan transformar su inteligencia creadora, mejorar sus competencias comunicativas entre las que aparecen, leer, escribir, hablar y escuchar adem?s permite acercarlos de manera agradable a los textos. Conforme con esto, se tiene como referencia la investigaci?n formativa, de igual manera un modelo de investigaci?n cualitativo con enfoque etnogr?fico, con ?nfasis participativo y cooperativo, utilizando instrumentos como entrevistas, cuestionarios entre otros dentro del desarrollo del proyecto. El cual se llev? mediante dos fases, la primera se hizo mediante la observaci?n de la cual se detect? una problem?tica y la segunda en la cual se hizo una intervenci?n mediante el proyecto pedag?gico de aula, que dio paso a la participaci?n activa de toda una comunidad educativa. Palabras clave: literatura ? lectura ? h?bitos ? cuentos ? habilidades comunicativasThe present research project focuses on stimulating reading and the approaching to books from early ages, as a way to develop reading habits and enriching communicative skills. Its aim is to establish the habit of reading in children, where the main factor is to determine those possible causes that encourage or discourage children the desire to read within their world; learning to acquire a reading habit at an early age is seen as a necessity in the personal and social development of each child, thus, it is seen the necessity or alternative to implement dynamic-pedagogical strategies such as children's literature, through a pedagogical classroom project to strengthen reading habits, that allows him to transform his creative intelligence and to improve his communicative competences such as, reading, writing, speaking and listening; it also allows to connect them in a pleasant way to texts. Accordingly, the research is based on formative research, as well as a qualitative research model with an ethnographic approach, with a participative and cooperative emphasis, using instruments such as interviews, questionnaires and others within the project development. This was carried out in two phases: the first one was done through the observation in which a problematic was detected and the second one, where an intervention was made through the classroom pedagogical project, which gave way to the active participation of an entire educational community. Keywords: Literature - reading - habits - stories - communicative skill

    Innovation, R&D and Productivity in the Costa Rican ICT Sector: A Case Study

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    This paper addresses the relationships between innovation, research and development (R&D) and productivity in domestic ICT firms in Costa Rica. Factors considered were the types of innovation outputs produced by domestic ICT firms, the relative importance of innovation inputs, the impacts of innovation on firm productivity, the protection of innovations, and impediments to innovation. While most firms engaged in all types of output and input innovations, they appear to be driven by retaining or increasing market share rather than increasing productivity. Half of firms do not formally protect the intellectual property created by their innovations, are not familiar with methods for protecting innovation or the availability of government grants for such purposes, and face barriers associated with the Costa Rican Patent Office. Other impediments include lack of knowledge about financial resources available and scarcity of human resources. There is also evidence of knowledge spillovers through worker mobility from multinationals operating in Costa Rica to domestic ICT firms